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[Must Watch]The Social Dilemma
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Edited by Normabaru at 12-10-2020 10:06 AM
Last weekend kaka sempat layan cerita ni
Baru faham kenapa ramai terpercaya adanya teori earth is flat, ramai join jadi anti vaksin parents, ada menteri propose air suam utk lawan covid, teori pizzagate yg ntah dtg dr mana, mcmana rohingya massive killing terjadi etc
Baru faham how RBA use this tech for them to win in wonderla makin chaos msia skrg
Its all about the manipulation of our mind and post effect - mental illness like depression and suicide issues that happened in this digital era and data era nowadays..
Siapa yang free and ada Netflix blhla tonton nnt. Really recommended to watch!!
[youtube]uaaC57tcci0[/youtube] |
I xde netflix. I also x trust netflix. Xpe la u story je ikut yg u phm.
Ape yg i phm cthnya politik demokrasi ke komunis ke ape kejadah semuanya x adil sbb semuanya ciptaan manusia sadis yg hanya m'mentingkan diri sendiri.
Same jgk dgn sistem ekonomi ke kewangan semuanya mmg direka agar bleh dikawal, dimanipulasi atau dimusnahkan oleh golongan ini jgk.
Sbenarnya salah diri sendiri. As muslims kite sendiri copy cat sistem ni x bina sistem yg adil ikut al-Quran so, sendiri yg salah, sendiri yg menderita. The end. |

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Post time 12-10-2020 08:08 PM
From the mobile phone
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Edited by Normabaru at 12-10-2020 08:10 PM
manjalara_01 replied at 12-10-2020 05:51 PM
I xde netflix. I also x trust netflix. Xpe la u story je ikut yg u phm.
Ape yg i phm cthnya polit ...
U demam ke manja? Kaka norm talking about this movie.. About the impact of IT era into human lives before n after it take place...documentary yg menarik. An eye opener.. So i suggested porumer to watch.. Dh alang2 pkpdb kan..
Nak ckp psl islam.. Bkn semua negara umat islam dik..even UAE sendiri pun dh sah2 apply hudud pon teruk until now..
So... Ape cer? |
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