
Cast Angelina Jolie, John Malkovich, Jeffrey Donovan, Colm Feore, Amy Ryan, Michael Kelly (more)
Director(s) Clint Eastwood
Writer(s) J. Michael Straczynski
Status Upcoming (wide)
Genre(s) Drama
Release Date October 2008
Keywords Drama, Thriller, Theatrical Release, Based On A True Story
In 1928, Christine Collins (Angelina Jolie) comes home from work one day to find her son Walter is missing. After a months-long search, police say they have found the boy and bring him home. Except, the child they "found" isn't Walter at all. Desperate to find her actual son, Christine battles a corrupt police department with the only person in the world who believes her, an activist named Reverend Briegleb (John Malkovich).
the changeling ni aka the exchange.. aku suka jalan citer ni.. lagi pun true story yg berlaku dlm 1920an..
posters movie ni tarak lagi.. tapi aku dah baca ttg movie ni dari last year lagik... mmg wajib tgk ni.. aku rasa movie ni calon utk best picture 2008.. aku mmg minat eastwood.. dapat poster nanti aku paste la balik... tak silap aku angelina jolie nominated best actress utk movie ni...kat cannes hari tu..
yg aku paste tu, gambar dari scene tu ajer.. tak lama dah ni bulan 10 ni main!! :victory: |
pesal lembap sgt msia nie???? |
aku pun pernah dengar review tentang filem ni...memang filem ni filem yang di tunggu2 aku...sebab aku peminat angelina jolie...review filem ni pun ok.....kat IMDb dapat 7.9/10
harap harap angelina tercalon dalam best actress untuk oscar dan golden globe.... |
Ni yg rasa nak 'torrent' je cite ni, time cite ni kuar kat Msia mesti dah ada DVD Screener, trust me
Selalunya sume movies yg nominated utk OSCAR mmg akan diproducekan di dalam bentuk DVD screener for oscar judges utk judge, contoh, filem American Gangster kuar masa time dekat2 OSCAR, x sampai seminggu tyg dah boleh download yg clear, DVD Screener quality. So cite ni (utk torrent yg clear) dalam Dec/Jan 2009 mcm tu lah, harap2 lagi awal from Msia release. |
Trailer dah keluar. Persembahan lakonan yang nampak mantap. Ada scene Angelina Jolie kena masuk penjara sebab tekanan perasaan anak dier hilang...
Looking forward to watch this movie.  |
jawapnye men torrent lah aku nanti..ape ke lambat benau sampai mesia..
naik tongkang ke  |
Originally posted by amazed at 14-6-2008 09:55 AM 
n 1928, Christine Collins (Angelina Jolie) comes home from work one dayto find her son Walter is missing. After a months-long search, policesay they have found the boy and bring him home. Except, the child they"found" isn't Walter at all. Desperate to find her actual son,Christine battles a corrupt police department with the only person inthe world who believes her, an activist named Reverend Briegleb (JohnMalkovich).
tahun 1928... penggunaan keretapi dgn arang batu... latar belakang yg best dgn koleksi baju dan suasana zaman tersebut..
tertarik seri nk menontonnya... apa lg jolie yg berlakon... |
yeahhhh me love angie too...
hopefully she'll nominated in oscar |
john malkovich is a great actor --
saya rasa this year picture ni akan masuk
nomination untuk best picture --
director clint eastwood boleh menang lagi
macam one million baby few years ago - |
Kat IMDB ramai kata filem ni best. Ada harapan untuk menjadi calon Best Picture untuk Oscar tahun depan. Lakonan A. Jolie pun best tapi sekadar pencalonan je kot sebab saingan dia untuk Best Actress tahun ni sgt sengit..Kate Winslet calon utama untuk menang...  |
tengok dah gazette movie ni --
no doubt memang masuk LIST jadi best picture ni
kurus la pulak sangat angelina jolie in this movie
but i reckon she performed outstanding under
eastwood directing - memang satu movie
yang kita tak sabar nak tengok ni ---
saya suka tengok movie yang tunjuk zaman2
kemelesetan in 20's and 30s tu.. macam the untouchables juga -
(suasana/persekitaran america ketika tu...changeling kat LA,
untouchables kat chicago - ) -
tapi main kat cinema after new year rasanya -
kat UK nov 28th -
kat usa dah released pun -- masa halloween night hari tu -
great review -- |
x sabar sabar tunggu filem ni.....sebab aku peminat angelina jolie......harap angelina akan dapat OSCAR untuk filem ini...untuk kategori BEST ACTRESS |
Originally posted by mat_arof at 9-11-2008 08:35 PM 
x sabar sabar tunggu filem ni.....sebab aku peminat angelina jolie......harap angelina akan dapat OSCAR untuk filem ini...untuk kategori BEST ACTRESS
saya vouch for kate winslet in revolutionary road or meryl streep in Doubt -
even kidman is great in australia i reckon -
bukannya apa - tak berapa minat angelina jolile -
mungkin jolie bagus dalam changeling -- tapi would be
a stiff competition ni --
Takde ke sesapa dh tgk filem ni? mcm best aja.. |
angie berlakon kan??
tgk trailer mcm best jer... |
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