
Synopsis -
Set in the Bronx in 1964, Doubt explores the shifting, elusive nature of truth as
reflected in a crime that may or may not have occurred. The stoic, hidebound Sister
Aloysius (Streep), principal of a Catholic parochial school, is certain that one of her more
popular teachers, Father Flynn (Hoffman), has been molesting a young male student.
A novice, Sister James (Adams), unwillingly caught up in the intrigue, does not remain
entirely convinced of Flynn’s guilty actions. Determined to arrive at the truth, Sister Aloysius
decides she must confront the boy’s mother (Davis).
Starring -
* Meryl Streep
* Philip Seymour Hoffman
* Viola Davis
* Amy Adams
* Alice Drummond
4 things kenapa kena tengok cerita ni -
first sebab ada philip seymour
second sebab ada meryl streep
third - nominee for gg award -
(probably for academy juga)
and fourth...the plot is great -
saya suka film yang ada cerita mengenai students macam ni -
teringat sleepers (bacon/de niro/brad pitt - dulu..) -
rasa sesuai la sangat philip seymour punya watak tu -
dia ni pelakon hebat kat hollywood sekarang ni -
dah setaraf de niro al pacino -- sebab lakonan yang
berkesan -
not sure bila film ni main kat malaysia -
dan mesti kena tengok film ni ---
dah released - limited 12th dec ---
tapi world wide release christmas ni -
Doubt akan ditayangkan di wayang Malaysia pada 19 Februari 2009*..
*tertakluk kpd perubahan.. |
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