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25 Fact About A Women That Guys Must Know...
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Wahai kaum lelaki silalah lihat perkara2 yg perlu ada kaji sebelum anda suke kat seseorg wanita k....
betul x kaum wanita sume???
1. Walau sebagus manapun anda (wahai lelaki..), janganlah sesekali bercakap besar,berlagak dan apa-apa yang sewaktu dengannya!Ia hanya boleh buat patah mood.Dan kami (perempuan) tidak mengukur kelelakian berdasarkan cakap besar itu..bluek!
2. Please mark our anniversaries on calendar!and also my birhtday on it!Jangan lupa pulak untok wish on dat exact date..boleh buat tersinggung 7 keturunan (dun blame us,its our habit,guyz!)
3. We think, we care about you!Always!(Its not really 'think' to be exact,we do it purposely)
4. Don't call = Don't care..Ini kesimpulan if u said,u wont call us,dun discourage us to NOT to call u..dun let us be like u!
5. Hmm..walaupun kami berdiam diri, take a hint..
6. We like you to be a little jealous, but please not to over..
7. We're allowed to be late!but not you..
8. Jangan bersiap melebihi pompuan..
9. Please laugh to our joke..(walaupon tak kelakar)
10. Remind 3 words dalam kepala tu..honesty!honesty!honesty!
11. Jangan cari pasal dengan kami..
12. If u act like an angel, so do we, in fact much more than that, BUT if its the other way round,lu pikirla sendiri..
13. We will never have enough shoes and clothes, so, janganlah bising jika kami hanya fikir pasal shopping jek..
14. We love, tak reti-reti lagi ke?asyik kami jek nak kene pikir ape yang nak disurprisekan..
15. NO means NO..
16. Sensutive guys are great..BUT please..not more than us..geli..
17. Fat chicks have feeling too..dun insult us..
18. Kalau terkena silent war, maknanya YOU DID SOMETHING WRONG!
19. Dun say you love me if u dont..
20. Dun even answer our question with one word..WE HATE IT!!
21. Dun lie to us!We will be able to catch you..ini serrrius..
22. Give us some comment while's compulsory.
23. Dun try tocontrol our life..
24. Kalaupon ada another hot gurl,please dun tell us..keep it just in ur head!
25. Bila kami bersama kawan-kawan, kami akan bercerita tentang apa saja dan ini termasuk tentang diri kamu..maksudnya,YA, kawan karib saya memang tahu semua cerita tentang kamu..
[ Last edited by sweetz_manggo at 30-1-2009 11:22 AM ] |
Not all are true
1. Walau sebagus manapun anda (wahai lelaki..), janganlah sesekalibercakap besar,berlagak dan apa-apa yang sewaktu dengannya!Ia hanyaboleh buat patah mood.Dan kami (perempuan) tidak mengukur kelelakianberdasarkan cakap besar itu..bluek!
- Betul2. Ni saye sokong. No need to exaggerate on what you say. Kekadang, buat nyampah je tau. Benci I..! 
2. Please mark our anniversaries on calendar!and also my birhtday on it!Jangan lupa pulak untok wish on dat exact date..boleh buat tersinggung 7 keturunan (dun blame us,its our habit,guyz!)
- Ni pun saye sokong gak. Memang bleh tersinggung sesangat kalau die lupe b'day or anni. 
3. We think, we care about you!Always!(Its not really 'think' to be exact,we do it purposely)
4. Don't call = Don't care..Ini kesimpulan if u said,u wont call us,dun discourage us to NOT to call u..dun let us be like u!
5. Hmm..walaupun kami berdiam diri, take a hint..
6. We like you to be a little jealous, but please not to over..
7. We're allowed to be late!but not you..
- Erkk. I don't support this statement. Kalau kite tak nak orang tu datang lambat, so kite pun jangan la datang lambat. What you give, you'll get it back. I think mane2 manusia pun tak suke kalau bile dah janji, tapi datang lambat, right? 
8. Jangan bersiap melebihi pompuan..
9. Please laugh to our joke..(walaupon tak kelakar)
- Kalau dah tak kelakar, buat ape gelak? Memang la terasa, tapi sape suruh buat lawak yang tak lawak? 
10. Remind 3 words dalam kepala tu..honesty!honesty!honesty!
11. Jangan cari pasal dengan kami..
- What if you (the woman) who started cari pasal first? 
12. If u act like an angel, so do we, in fact much more than that, BUT if its the other way round,lu pikirla sendiri..
13. We will never have enough shoes and clothes, so, janganlah bising jika kami hanya fikir pasal shopping jek..
- somewhat true, cause I don't do shopping sangat. 
14. We love, tak reti-reti lagi ke?asyik kami jek nak kene pikir ape yang nak disurprisekan..
- Somewhat true jugak, but sometimes tak jugak 
15. NO means NO..
16. Sensutive guys are great..BUT please..not more than us..geli..
17. Fat chicks have feeling too..dun insult us..
- So true. Even tho I'm not, but .. perempuan yang berisi pun ada perasaan okay. Jangan la lebih2 nak tease or kutuk2 diorang. Korang yang ngutuk tu pun, badan lebih kurang same je kekadang. Just tak sedar diri la kot 
18. Kalau terkena silent war, maknanya YOU DID SOMETHING WRONG!
19. Dun say you love me if u dont..
- Yes, so true. Just spill, and be honest. We don't want to be in a relationship full of lies and pretence.
20. Dun even answer our question with one word..WE HATE IT!!
- Wah, hate ..? Strong betul perkataan tu. I don't hate it tho, just sometimes it'll get to my last nerve 
21. Dun lie to us!We will be able to catch you..ini serrrius..
- Errr, what about woman who lies then? 
22. Give us some comment while's compulsory.
- Not compulsory for me. Nak bagi comment, bagi la. If tak nak, tak kisah pun 
23. Dun try tocontrol our life..
- This one is so true .. unless you're my husband. Kalau setakat boyfriend, jangan harap la.
24. Kalaupon ada another hot gurl,please dun tell us..keep it just in ur head!
25. Bila kami bersama kawan-kawan, kami akan bercerita tentang apa sajadan ini termasuk tentang diri kamu..maksudnya,YA, kawan karib sayamemang tahu semua cerita tentang kamu..
- Tell me about it! Heheee. Memang gerenti la, my close (I repeat, close je) friends will know almost everything about you. But for me, kalau yang memang sensetive or a secret between him and me, tak payah kot gitau.  
Saye tak agree ngan semua facts kat atas tu, sebab ... not all women are like that. Some seems demanding to me, sorry to say. Papepun ... er, ape2 je la. Tak tau nak cakap pe skarang ni. |
Balas #1 sweetz_manggo\ catat
setuju ngan sume kat atas..  |
ade sesetengah fact sy setuju..ade sesetengah tu saya x bape setuju la..
ape2 pn lelaki ni makro bukan mcm kita yg mikro
hal sekecil zarah pn kita nak amik kira...
yg penting give n take...
buat lelaki cuba2 la memahami wanita...tak sepenuhnya pn x ape
asalkan anda tau ape kehendak kami...n terima kami seadanya |
Reply #4 i.sara.exia's post
mmg ptt tahu eh???  |
Reply #5 lili_haryani's post
ye ke lili????  |
Reply #6 eden_disha's post
betul 2 eden...
but ni just for information jek...
mungkin ape yg dikaji ni ade betul dan salahnye kan...  |
wow another must know
1. Walau sebagus manapun anda (wahai lelaki..), janganlah sesekali bercakap besar,berlagak dan apa-apa yang sewaktu dengannya!Ia hanya boleh buat patah mood.Dan kami (perempuan) tidak mengukur kelelakian berdasarkan cakap besar itu..bluek!
>> True but then depends jugak ler pada perception tapi kalau tin kosong then pretentious mmmg a jerk lah.
2. Please mark our anniversaries on calendar!and also my birhtday on it!Jangan lupa pulak untok wish on dat exact date..boleh buat tersinggung 7 keturunan (dun blame us,its our habit,guyz!)
>>> err .. i am forgetful too so excused lah kalau dia lupa jugak...wakkkkaaaaa 
3. We think, we care about you!Always!(Its not really 'think' to be exact,we do it purposely)
>>> hmm yes i care , i mean it.
4. Don't call = Don't care..Ini kesimpulan if u said,u wont call us,dun discourage us to NOT to call u..dun let us be like u!
>>> this is totally annoying but that 's fine.
5. Hmm..walaupun kami berdiam diri, take a hint..
>>> yes yes yes the non verbal thingy ....
6. We like you to be a little jealous, but please not to over..
>>> i do not care much lantak dialah
7. We're allowed to be late!but not you..
>>> well just inform kalau lambat i could tolerate
8. Jangan bersiap melebihi pompuan..
>> hmm? tak faham ..kalau mengader sangat i campak jer
9. Please laugh to our joke..(walaupon tak kelakar)
>>> u allowed to ask question kalau tak faham joke
10. Remind 3 words dalam kepala tu..honesty!honesty!honesty!
11. Jangan cari pasal dengan kami..
>> hmm? tak faham ..kalau tak kena well COMMUNICATE
12. If u act like an angel, so do we, in fact much more than that, BUT if its the other way round,lu pikirla sendiri..
>>> hmm? tak berapa faham but yeah so so ....
13. We will never have enough shoes and clothes, so, janganlah bising jika kami hanya fikir pasal shopping jek..
>>> love shoes and Kinokuniya  
14. We love, tak reti-reti lagi ke?asyik kami jek nak kene pikir ape yang nak disurprisekan..
>>> oh yaaaa love it !!!!
15. NO means NO..
>>> yes yes ..of course! depends jugak on circumstances
16. Sensitive guys are great..BUT please..not more than us..geli..
>>> u cannot be with me for i am too vocal of a person i have no filter so hehehhe terasa terasalah    
17. Fat chicks have feeling too..dun insult us..
>>> well i tend to think a fact is still a fact so fat or not based on BMI lah kan so tak pa as long as it is logical and factual
18. Kalau terkena silent war, maknanya YOU DID SOMETHING WRONG!
>>> definitely
19. Dun say you love me if u dont..
>>>> yes yes be honest ....
20. Dun even answer our question with one word..WE HATE IT!!
>>> heheheh alaaa, tapi kalau tersoal dgn leading yes no question well logik jugaklah walaupun annoying .CUTE
21. Dun lie to us!We will be able to catch you..ini serrrius..
>> oh yes yes yes yessss
22. Give us some comment while's compulsory.
>> hmm? well tak peduli sangat tang ni
23. Dun try to control our life..
>> control tak nak lah ..tapi feedback is greatly appreaciated ......
24. Kalaupon ada another hot gurl,please dun tell us..keep it just in ur head!
>>> could tell, lagi senang i campak ....
25. Bila kami bersama kawan-kawan, kami akan bercerita tentang apa saja dan ini termasuk tentang diri kamu..maksudnya,YA, kawan karib saya memang tahu semua cerita tentang kamu..
>>>> oh yes yes yes...tapi kat my profs wakakaakakk  |
Tang ni no 13 tu mmg btol sgt2! Marka aku mmg suka shopping kasut, handbag, baju2 even tho dia dah bole bukak satu kedai nak jual barang2 tu!  |
Reply #14 lili_haryani's post
ye ke lili.....
sabo je k....
maybe bf u ingt u dari segi yg lain kot... |
Balas #16 sweetz_manggo\ catat
ye la..
bile aku romantik dia cakap aku jiwang karat plak..
neway,kite bukan nak hadiah pon..juz ingatan jer..
kadang2 benda cam tu la boleh buat kite tawar ati.. |
Originally posted by lili_haryani at 2-2-2009 11:23 AM 
ye la..
bile aku romantik dia cakap aku jiwang karat plak..
neway,kite bukan nak hadiah pon..juz ingatan jer..
kadang2 benda cam tu la boleh buat kite tawar ati..
2la i penah alami ape yg u alami 2..
pade i mmg sume pompuan akan rase x dihargai apabile tarikh2 tersebut bf or suami die x ingt kn.... |
Originally posted by eden_disha at 31-1-2009 10:08 AM [url= pn lelaki ni makro bukan mcm kita yg mikro 
benda yang serius pada pempuan kekadang remeh pada lelaki....
lelaki dia tengok masala secara keseluruhan, tp pmpuan ni tengok terperinci sangat dan terlalu banyak pikir....
macam terlupe bithday tu.... ada lelaki anggap tu hal kecik je...
diorang byk lagi hal2 besar yang lain yang nak kena ingat.... |
Reply #19 PrintChez's post
tapi setakat besday takkan la bleh lupe... |
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Category: Cinta & Perhubungan