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GarDenia Tak Tau Dia Ni BF atau tak
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Gard ade declare ngan sorang lelaki ni sbagai couple..Bile tanya die untuk confirmkan sape gard, Die cakap gard awek die..
Tp gard tak rs gard awek die...sbb
1. Die selalu lupe tarikh2 penting. Smlm gard ckp gard nk blik kg minggu depan lepas smlm die tya biler balik plak,,
2. Time tgh bckp phone ngan gard, selalu letak phone kalau mbr lain ade col.. (( sape yg penting skang??))
3. Selalu tak balas sms gard kalau die ngan mbr2
4. Selalu cakap gopoh2 n laju2 nak letak phone time die lepak ngan mbr2
5. Hanya cari gard ble die sunyi. Tp bile gard perlukan die time gard sunyi, die slalu senyap je tak balas sms@kate die bz.. Time nih la yg mcm rase diri nih tak penting pun...time perlukan die, die tak pernah ade...
6. Selalu bg alasan kete rosak@ kete mbr rosak time nk jupe gard
7. kalau g dating, tak sabar2 nk balik jupe mbr2.. dating ngan awek tp pikirkan mbr2
Tp bile gard tanya kenapa layan gard camtu, die kate die tak pandai layan pompuan..adekah gard terlalu sensitif atau die mmg tak pandai layan pompuan.. Umur die dah 27.. Gard dah 26.. atau die mmg tak sk gard? Gard dah bgtau die, kalau die tak suka gard .. bgtau tak suka.. Dlm die tak sdar tgh menyeksa hidup gard je..
slalu di down kan oleh pakwe sndiri yg tak pasti die nih pakwe gard ke??
KOrang rase die pakwe gard atau die saje2 nk main2kan gard??? |
dump him- get another boyfriend!!  |
Gard dah bgtau die, kalau die tak suka gard .. bgtau tak suka.. Dlm die tak sdar tgh menyeksa hidup gard je..
pastu dia cakap apa? |
he's just not that into you, honey... forget him |
Reply 2# kelalang.kon
u da naik satu pangkat... |
he's just not that into you, honey... forget him
Esperanza Post at 16-11-2010 22:24 
teringat cerita he's juz not that into you..ramai orang cakap the movie is real to life..TT sila tengok cerita tu
a'ah, buku pon ada, lagi best dr movie rasenyer... tp kalo mls baca, TT boleh tgk movie je ...
Esperanza Post at 16-11-2010 22:38 
share la sket info es..sharing is caring  |
Post Last Edit by Esperanza at 16-11-2010 23:12
1. He’s not that into you if he doesn’t make the first move.
2. He’s not that into you if he doesn’t answer your online ad.
3. He’s not that into you if he doesn’t call you or text you or e-mail you for a date.
4. He’s not that into you if he doesn’t ask you out by Wednesday for Saturday night.
5. He’s not that into you if he only wants to see you during the week.
6. He’s not that into you if he ends the date first.
7. He’s not that into you if he asks you to split the check.
8. He’s not that into you if he expects you to meet him half way or travel to him in a long-distance relationship.
9. He’s not that into you if he cancels a date more than once.
10. He’s not that into you if he doesn’t ask you to be exclusive after sex and/or a couple of months.
11. He’s not that into you if he hits on your girlfriend.
12. He’s not that into you if he forgets your birthday.
13. He’s not that into you if he doesn’t give you a romantic gift for Valentine’s Day.
14. He’s not that into you if he skips a week.
15. He’s not that into you if he doesn’t want to meet your parents and friends.
16. He’s not that into you if he doesn’t want to spend New Year’s eve with you.
17. He’s not that into you if he doesn’t take you to his office holiday party.
18. He’s not that into you if he doesn’t write “love” on cards or hold your hand at the movies.
19. He’s not that into you if he breaks up with you.
20. He’s not that into you if he talks about his ex.
21. He’s not that into you if he doesn’t want to have sex.
22. He’s not that into you if he doesn’t propose.
23. He’s not that into you if he proposes but won’t set a wedding date.
24. He’s not that into you if he wants to vacation separately or spend a lot of time apart.
25. He’s not that into you if he’s married to someone else!

1. He’s not
you if he doesn’t make the first move.
2. He’s not
you if ...
Esperanza Post at 16-11-2010 23:06 
hokeyy- boleh simpan dlm photgraphic memory |
Reply 16# worm
mohtip nk meroyan mlm raye-??  |
Reply worm
mohtip nk meroyan mlm raye-??
kelalang.kon Post at 16-11-2010 23:17 
uols tak masak ke??iols da siap..apa harus dibuat malam raya?? |
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Category: Cinta & Perhubungan