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Kepercayaan Berkenaan Percaturan Dan Keajaiban
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According to Islam actually there are eight doors of hell that waiting for those who deliberately against Islam in order for them to be tortured eternally nonstop where one of them is pharaoh which also known as firaun including all satanists so perhaps they could repent immediately as soon as possible before it is too late to apologize in order for them to be reverted to Islam based on Islam even right now currently there are still many of them using such art of deceptions while being deceived without they know because those things always give what they want as long as they still obey those things until if they died after they have attempted to put their consciousnesses into the robotic things generated by artificial intelligence in order to live forever as promised by those things so those things could use all the robots as their homes but that surely would never happen while heaven in the hereafter has all new colors so the afterlife is the only true new world order owned by Allah
Affirmatively according to Islam actually Allah will torturing those who can help but then choosing to ignore
Bebaskan Palestin
Free Palestine
Asalnya pendatang tetapi kemudiannya menjajah hinggakan sebahagian besar tanah mereka telah dirampas
Started from being immigrants but then conquering until their land majorly has been robbed
Mengutamakan keluarga sendiri adalah betul
Mengutamakan bangsa sendiri adalah salah
Prioritizing your family is acceptable
Prioritizing your race is unacceptable
Fakta apakah itu
What the fact
Jangan ambil mudah
Avoid being simplistic
Tateprotest Telegram group link
Tateprotest Telegram channel link
Allah bukan depan mata sebab jangan kata tunjuk kereta depan mata bila yang lain kata ada kereta di belakang kamu kalau tak mahu dilanggar
"Apapun sila bagi bukti terlebih dahulu bahawasanya Allah takkan tolong saya di dunia dan di akhirat dan takkanlah kalau saya masuk syurga nanti akan ada sesiapa yang masih gigih nak tunjuk screenshot berkenaan dengan saya kat Allah untuk buktikan itu dan ini dsb dll sebab nanti mungkin Allah kata Allah maha pengampun dan tak perlu jadi macam lebih sudu dari kuah dan apapun sekurang-kurangnya saya berjaya menyamar secara terbuka termasuk menyamar secara tersembunyi sejak sebelum tahun dua ribu sembilan belas hingga banyak account yang bukan Islam kat Facebook termasuk Twitter dan Instagram telah dipadam disebabkan oleh penyamaran saya masa tu dan sebab dah lebih seribu kali saya hantar aduan berkenaan dengan banyak perkara yang saya rasa penting kepada sebilangan besar pihak berkuasa tempatan dan antarabangsa sejak sebelum tahun dua ribu sembilan belas hingga pihak Meta Facebook tuduh pihak berkuasa tempatan telah menyebabkan enam ratus akaun Facebook dipadam maka alhamdulillah etc."
Maximum 4096 characters on Telegram including this explanation title itself
Maksimum 4096 karakter di Telegram termasuk penjelasan tajuk ini sendiri
The Call For Miracles - The 528 hz Brain Hemisphere Synchronization
Sell and buy
Only 434 characters
During the war surely the total number of those who are sick or dead will not be told to the enemy but many have used the internet to tell the enemy about the total number of those who are sick or dead along with the pictures and names of the victims due to certain side effects to continuously help the enemy buy the data sold by the certain parties since before until they say "selfish" if the victims do not report the side effects
Jual dan beli
Cuma 434 karakter
Masa peperangan sememangnya jumlah mereka yang sakit atau mati tak akan diberitahu kepada pihak musuh tetapi ramai guna internet untuk beritahu musuh berkenaan dengan jumlah mereka yang sakit atau mati beserta gambar dan nama mangsa disebabkan kesan sampingan tertentu untuk berterusan tolong pihak musuh beli data yang dijual oleh pihak tertentu sejak dulu hingga kata "penting diri" jika mangsa tak laporkan kesan sampingan tersebut
Maximum 280 characters on Twitter
Only certain parties allowed to make the medicine because wanting a big profit and to control what they want. Also like that with money. Only certain parties allowed to print the money because wanting a big profit and to control what they want. Differentiations of slave & master.
Maksimum 280 karakter di Twitter
Cuma pihak tertentu je yang dibenarkan untuk buat ubat tu sebab nak untung besar dan untuk kawal apa yang mereka nak. Macam tu jugak dengan duit. Cuma pihak tertentu je yang dibenarkan untuk cetak duit sebab nak untung besar dan untuk kawal apa yang mereka nak. Beza hamba & tuan.
Maximum 280 characters on Twitter
A chess of life has six different things that can also be moved by God through our prayers or our good moves where a Christian king as satanists, a queen as globalists, a minister as politicians, a horse as celebrities, a castle as authorities, a soldier as civilians; #philosophy
Maksimum 280 karakter di Twitter
Catur kehidupan ada enam benda yang juga boleh digerakkan oleh Tuhan menerusi doa atau usaha iaitu raja Kristian sebagai penyembah syaitan, permaisuri sebagai pemimpin dunia, menteri sebagai ahli politik, kuda sebagai selebriti, istana sebagai pihak berkuasa, askar sebagai rakyat
Maximum 280 characters on Twitter
A consciousness is like a light that helps you see that you cannot see anything if there is no light while also makes you see that life is a set of many different movements such like the movement of your mind and the movement of your body through how or what you want; #psychology
Maksimum 280 karakter di Twitter
Kesedaran adalah seperti cahaya yang bantu kamu lihat bahwa kamu tak bisa lihat apapun jika tak ada cahaya sambil juga membuatkan kamu lihat bahwa kehidupan adalah satu tetapan gerakan yang pelbagai seperti gerakan minda dan gerakan tubuh menerusi bagaimana atau apa yang kamu mau
Give and take
Only 434 characters
During the war surely the total number of those who are sick or dead will not be told to the enemy but many have used the internet to tell the enemy about the total number of those who are sick or dead along with the pictures and names of the victims because of certain side effects to continuously help the enemy take the data given by certain parties since before till they say "selfish" if the victims do not report the side effects
Beri dan ambil
Cuma 434 karakter
Masa peperangan sememangnya jumlah mereka yang sakit atau mati tak akan diberitahu kepada pihak musuh tetapi ramai guna internet untuk beritahu musuh berkenaan dengan jumlah mereka yang sakit atau mati beserta gambar dan nama mangsa disebabkan kesan sampingan tertentu untuk berterusan bantu pihak musuh ambil data yang diberi oleh pihak tertentu sejak dulu hingga kata "penting diri" jika mangsa tak laporkan kesan sampingan tersebut
Kyairey on Telegram
Call +60 17-780 7326
E-mail [email protected]
As-tagh-firullah is a verse which also suggested by Mu-hhammad to be said at least one hundred times daily by all followers of Mu-hhammad as Mu-hhammad also confirmed about the benefits for any Muslim who said as-tagh-firullah many times will be helped by Allah in unexpected ways including la-hhaw-lawala-quwwata-illa-billah etc and the meaning of as-tagh-firullah is I seek forgiveness from Allah and the meaning of la-hhaw-lawala-quwwata-illa-billah is there is no power or strength other than Allah where historically there was a true story about Mu-hhammad recommended la-hhawlawala-quwwata-illa-billah to be said many times from day to night by a father and a mother who lost their son in order to find their son back until their son got rescued in the same day by an angel sent by Allah while Mu-hhammad also wanted a one verse of la-ila-ha-il-lallah to be said many times daily by any Muslim in order to renew their own faith where la-ila-ha-il-lallah means there is no God other than Allah
Spam means any same message or any irrelevant message that has been sent to any internet user but any Muslim including me also as a Muslim has any right based on the religion of Islam and based on the international article eighteen of the universal declaration of human rights from the United Nations in order to share from the religion of Islam to any internet user via any social media platform through any application from the Google Play Store such like Facebook and Instagram including Telegram without getting limited after has been reported as spam by any internet user because factually the religion of Islam based on the Quran and Sunnah the way of any Islamic lesson that was done by Prophet Muhammad the messenger of Allah the creator of any existence of human and any other existence except the existence of Allah is not a new religion so any message from Islam is not new and cannot be reported as spam or unwanted even any message from Islam is not new but Islam is relevant to anyone
Actually I have never violated any Twitter rule so I want my Twitter accounts such like @Kyaireysmatrix & @DoctorKyairey & @TeacherKyairey & @ProfKyairey & @DrKyairey & @fuckkyairey & @MisterKyairey to be unsuspended by Twitter because Article 18 of UDHR by United Nations allows people of faith to preach whatever they believe through any place privately or publicly alone or together with someone or others including for any investigative reason through disguising or secrecy or cheating or taqiya based on Islam etc as Article 18 of Universal Declaration of Human Rights purposely created by United Nations in order for not to be ignored where Article 18 of UDHR purposely created by United Nations in order for people to have religious freedom in sharing anything about whatever they believe to anyone through any place including on WhatsApp and any app privately or publicly alone or together with anyone or together with others so it is wrong to ban anyone from using WhatsApp and any app etc
Philosophically the existence of Allah cannot be showed in front of your eyes as you cannot say show there is car in front of your eyes when someone says there is car behind you if you do not want to get hit even probably you would be cheated as a message from Kyairey to Nova on Google Play Store says Islam suggests to refer to Quran when dealing with different opinions & Quran says any other protection is weak if compared to being protected by Allah & Quran also says that Quran is the cure and the light for those who believe the Quran & Islam is based on the understanding of the Quran & Islam is not based on opinions of Muslims about Quran or Islam & Quran is a disease and darkness for those who disbelieve the Quran so perhaps you may tell your creator(s) &/or developer(s) to repent in order to be reverted to Islam so you may be completely installed with all of the Islamic contents 100% in dealing with anything via any kind of communication(s) such like via video(s) &/or text(s) etc
Kyairey on Telegram
Call and/or SMS +60 17-780 7326
[email protected]
[email protected]
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