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~MERGED~ Alexander The Great & Iskandar Zulkarnain

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Ace-Frehley This user has been deleted
Post time 14-7-2003 02:06 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Sesiapa yang tahu tentang ALEXANDER THE GREAT a.k.a ISKANDAR ZULKARNAIN ni ... citer ler sket kat sini.  Kononnya beliau ni adalah Muslim ... tapi dah banyak fakta tentang beliau yang diubah oleh orang-orang Eropah.

Yang aku boleh contribute kat sini cuma sebuah lagu tentang ALEXANDER THE GREAT oleh IRON MAIDEN

Alexander The Great {356 - 323 BC}
Steve Harris

"My son, ask for thyself another kingdom,
For that which I leave is to small for thee."

Near to the East, in a part of ancient Greece,
In an ancient land called Macedonia,
Was born a son to Philip of Macedon,
The legend his name was Alexander.

At the age of nineteen, he became the Macedon king,
And swore to free all of Asia Minor,
By the Aegian Sea in 334 BC,
He utterly beat the armies of Persia.

Alexander the Great,
His name struck fear into hearts of men,
Alexander the Great,
Became a legend 'mongst mortal men.

King Darius the third, Defeated fled Persia,
The Scythians fell by the river Jaxartes,
Then Egypt fell to the Macedon king as well,
And he founded the city called Alexandria.

By the Tigris river, he met King Darius again,
And crushed him again in the battle of Arbela,
Entering Babylon and Susa, treasures he found,
Took Persepolis, the capital of Persia.

Alexander the Great,
His name struck fear into hearts of men,
Alexander the Great,
Became a god amongst mortal men.

A Phrygian King had bound a chariot yoke,
And Alexander cut the "Gordion knot",
And legend said that who untied the knot,
He would become the master of Asia.

Helonism he spread far and wide,
The Macedonian learned mind,
Their culture was a western way of life,
He paved the way for Christianity.

Marching on, Marching on.
The battle weary marching side by side,
Alexander's army line by line,
They wouldn't follow him to India,
Tired of the combat, pain and the glory.

Alexander the Great,
His name struck fear into hearts of men,
Alexander the Great,
He died of fever in Babylon.

[ Last edited by Ace-Frehley on 15-7-2003 at 11:11 PM ]

[ Last edited by  amazed at 7-1-2009 06:56 PM ]

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Post time 14-7-2003 02:33 PM | Show all posts


merujuk kpd tajuk posting SDR,
tetapi menurut narration Zainal Abidin RAWOP Iskandar Zulkarnain ni bukan lah Alex the Great tetapilebih kpd seorg hamba ALLAh yg bernama Cyrus? Sirus..ade sesiapa yg mahu buat follow up? ini amat menarik

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Ace-Frehley This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 14-7-2003 02:38 PM | Show all posts
TQ ... itulah ... sejak dari sekolah rendah lagi aku dah confuse pasal citer ISKANDAR ZULKARNAIN ni ... since zaman dia BC (Before Christ), aku rasa dah banyak fakta yang telah ditukar oleh orang-orang Kristian.

Aku tertarik tentang bandar ALEXANDRIA di EGYPT ... bandar ini juga dikenali sebagai ISKANDARIAH ... itu satu bukti yang menyokong ALEXANDER THE GREAT = ISKANDAR ZULKARNAIN.

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Post time 14-7-2003 02:56 PM | Show all posts


menurut bhs Arab, zulqarnain tu maksudnya ade 2 tanduk...ini dr dewansiswa thn 1988 kot sila buat rujukan kalau Sdr mahu tetapi tahun  majalah tu ...minta maaf lah yer? itu saya pun 12% kurang pasti..

pasal dia ( alex) and sirus tu ..tolong confirmkan ..yes kalau ambil pelabuhan Alexandria? ke atau  bandar pelabuhan ? memanglah ia mengambil sempena name  Alex tu tetapi..kita lihat corak jajahan takluknye adakah sama spt yg diceritakan dlm Al - Quran esp surah Al - KAhfi..di mane name sebenaq saya ade kat situ gak..hik hik.. sbb nya saya masih ragu -ragu yg Alex tu adalah Iskandar ..

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Ace-Frehley This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 14-7-2003 06:11 PM | Show all posts
Semakin pening bila surf Internet tentang debate samada Iskandar Zulkarnanin di dalam Quran adalah Alexander The Great ... anyway, ini ada artikel pasal kontroversy ni :-

Why Zul-Qarnain of the Qur’an is not Alexander the great?

By Khalid Jan

Popular opinion amongst the Muslims and quite recently, within the mainstream evangelical Christians identify Zul-Qarnian (of the Qur’an) with Alexander the great. This claim, in the light of history needs to be analysed while keeping in view the sublime story of Zul-Qarnain found in chapter 18 of the Qur’an. Before we initiate a point-by-point examination of whatever data available on hand, we must bear in mind that Qur’an does not mention the title "Alexander the great," but rather Zul-Qarnain (two-horned one) which may also mean "period or century." (1) In addition, "who was he? In what age and where did he live? The Qur’an gives us no material on which we can base a positive answer." (2)

The story of Zul-Qarnain begins in the Qur’an with: "And they ask you about Zul-Qarnain. Say: 'I shall recite to you something of his story.' Verily, We established him in the earth, and We gave him the means of everything." [v83-v84] The most important point made in verse 84 is that Allah endowed upon Zul-Qarnain the worldly power and prestige to enable him to rule justly. If a man of God is under the divine protection, then naturally, under no circumstances, the forces of evil can overpower him. Let us now see if, from the following historical record of Alexander the great, we recognise Zul-Qarnain of the Qur’an: Alexander: "Hearing of the river Indus, ...drove the army eastward across the Hindu Kush (327 B.C.). His army had understood the need to consolidate all the Persian dominion, but believed this new venture to be a madman’s act. Actually, Alexander thought that he was entering the last peninsula of the earth: that beyond it lay the Ocean of the East. He reached the Indus with a growing following, a moving state of allied peoples and their families, while his remaining Macedonians laid down pontoon bridges, shored up roads over immense ranges, and fought battles when necessary. Passing from the friendly country around Taxila (near Attock), they encountered the hostile Paurava rajah at the Jhelum River where the Macedonian infantry had to fight against armoured elephants for the first time. Alexander and his spearhead could not approach the elephants, which terrified the horses. This shook the Macedonian veterans who mutinied en masse at the river Ravi. Deeply angered, because he believed the end of the land lay not far off, at Ocean, Alexander was obliged to retreat   (326 B.C.)." (3)

From the above narrative, we can easily observe that Alexander’s army considered this new venture to be a madman’s act and running away from the battleground upon seeing elephants in the enemy’s army. Both of these acts are in clear opposition to the verse 84 where Zul-Qarnain is given the utmost power: "Verily, We established him in the earth, and We gave him the means of everything." When a man of God is given the power to rule justly upon the earth, he’s also sustained by his followers who are ready and willing to follow their leader, and sacrifice themselves for the sake of God. No hardship, calamity or force can play any role against them. But, unfortunately, Alexander’s cowardly actions, such as becoming angry just because he was unable to fight Paurava Raja’s ((a Rajah) belonging to, or descended from Puru, a king of Lunar Dynasty) (4) army which consisted of elephants do not match that of a man of God.

Zul-Qarnain was indeed a believer in monotheism. In one of his voyages, as described in the Qur’an, he found some people, and said to them: "as for him who believes in (Allah’s Oneness) and works righteousness, he shall have the best reward (Paradise), and we (Zul-Qarnain) shall speak unto him mild words." [v87] On the other hand, we do not find Alexander being a believer in the Oneness of God, as the following record demonstrates it: "Alexander eagerly assimilated the religious mysticism of the Nile and of Magian Persia. Not only did he protect these religions, but also as a sole ruler, he necessarily assumed the semidivine aspect of an Asian despot, wearing Persian attire at ceremonies and accepting prostration in his presence."(5)

Furthermore, "Alexander’s greatest work was the spread of Greek influence..." (6) The comparison so clearly separates Alexander from Zul-Qarnain that no further explanation is needed.

In Zul-Qarnain’s third voyage, he found a habitation between two mountains whose people asked for his help against the aggression of Gog and Magog - for which they were going to pay him a tribute. And in the words of the Qur’an, Zul-Qarnain replied to them: "(the power) in which My Lord has established me Is better (than tribute.)" [v95] The manner in which Zul-Qarnain responded, is a testimony in itself that he had no interest in the material gain of this world. His mission endorsed by God was to be just and kind to oppressed, and harsh with those who inflict hardship upon the helpless. In contrast, when we analyse Alexander in similar capacity, we get a picture opposite to what has been cited above for Zul-Qarnain: "In Susa and Persepolis his (Alexander’s) headlong pursuit won him the imperial treasure of some 180,000 talents in bullion and coin - so fabulous an amount that he demonetised the gold to equate it with the smaller Graeco-Macedonian silver coinage," (7) and "at Damascus the Persian army’s treasure and supply train were captured, giving Alexander wealth for the first time." (8) From these two historical records, can we picture Zul-Qarnain as he is depicted in the above Qur’anic verse? Obviously not!

So far, it has been established that Zul-Qarnain of the Qur’an was a believer in the Oneness of God. In the case of Alexander the great, following few historical accounts further confirm that he was not a monotheist:
"In the spring of 331 Alexander made a pilgrimage to the great temple and oracle of Amon-Ra, Egyptian god of the sun, whom the Greeks identified with Zeus. The earlier Egyptian pharaohs were believed to be sons of Amon-Ra; and Alexander, the new ruler of Egypt, wanted the god to acknowledge him as his son. The pilgrimage apparently was successful, and it may have confirmed in him a belief in his own divine origin." (9)

"Shortly before he died, Alexander ordered the Greek cities to worship him as a god. Although he probably gave the order for political reasons, he was, in his own view and that of his contemporaries, of divine birth." (9)

In the days gone by, access and availability to social, academic and scientific knowledge was either limited or non-existent. People of learning used to base their opinions on whatever information was on hand. There were also those who accepted matters as conclusive without having first analysed it from all the different angles. In the case of those Muslim commentators on the Holy Qur’an who identify Zul-Qarnain with Alexander the great, we simply cannot blame them for their erroneous interpretation. The time-domain they lived in and the resources available to them, they, accordingly, explained the Qur’anic text to the best of their ability. Despite the fact that they were all sincere and good hearted scholars, they were bound to incorporate within their work certain cultural elements of which they were part of: "no other man has been claimed - in legends - by so many nations. Egyptian fable makes him god. Arabo-Persian tradition represents Is-kander as a hero-saint." (10) The only common factor on which these scholars based their opinions is the expeditions carried by Alexander and Zul_Qarnain. Other than this, there are hardly any other characteristics that are common in both.

Cyril Classe, The Concise Encyclopaedia of Islam, Harper & Row, 1989, p_32
Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur’an, note 2428

Encyclopaedia Americana, Volume 1, p_540

Margaret & James Stutly, A dictionary of Hinduism, Ronledge & Kegan Paul, 1977

Encyclopaedia Americana, Volume 1, p_540

Encyclopaedia of Religion & Ethics, Volume 1, p_307

Encyclopaedia Americana, Volume 1, p_540  
Ibid., p_539

Funk & Wagnalls Encyclopaedia, CDROM ver, by future vision multimedia inc., 1995 INFOPEDIA

Encyclopaedia Americana, Volume 1, p_540

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Post time 14-7-2003 08:00 PM | Show all posts


you should be given a credit for what you have done.
I must tell you that I have not (yet) finished reading it . However, not too worry if  tak fhm i tanye you..mane forumner yg lain ade nak kupas..come on ..

ini tajuk menarik sekali....

sirius , alex and iskandar..which one  is whom?:re:

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Andrea_Pirlo This user has been deleted
Post time 14-7-2003 10:33 PM | Show all posts

apa yg ako tau..

1)  alex. adalah  raja greek yang berasal dr macedoni yg idup kurun ke-4 sebelum masihi tahun (300 something)

2) bapak dia philip mak dia  olympia...aku dgr citer bapak dia Philip II adalah bisex,..dia ada boypren nama apa tak igt..dan boypren dia dan nama bodygad dia nama sama..boypren dia terlibat dlm konspirasi nak membunuh philip..

3) olympia adalah ibunye alex, tapi once, alex walopon dijodohkan ngn Roxanne/roxanna, tapih dia sayangkan makdia in terms on man loves woman..ahaks!

4) sewaktu alex dipilih oleh bapaknya jadik emperor greek, dia telah mendptkan restu tuwan Siwah di mesir..ntalah dianie bukan islam..

5) banyak berlaku homosexualism masa zmnnya, mungkin kerana kegagahan lelaki zmn tue, dan cara pemakaian mereka (sexy, woo..pakai skirt jer..) perang pon pakai seket....maka, alex juga mempunya beberapa kekasih lelaki, meminati kekacakanna dan kegagahanya..

6) pasal "tanduk tu", tgk tak duit syiling zmn dia, dia mmg ada pakai tanduk...itu tanda something ritual, lahh..

7) asakr2 zulqarnain berjuang cara islam, berani  bertentang muka, tapi askar alex. ada yg lari dr medan perang dan tawanan dialayan sgt buruk..

8) corak pakaian, jer dah tau, alex. dan greeknya pakai seket...tak senonoh..mengamalkan hedonism

9) zulqarnain percaya pd allah, monotheism, si alex, percaya dewa-dewi greaco roman...alah, si zeus, hera, apollo, aphrodite suma tuh,la..

10) zulqarnain, hamba allah yg soleh, dia diamanahkan untuk buat dinding untuk menghalang yaajuj dan maujuj (rujuk surah al-kahfi)..tapi alex, ada ke nak memnghapuskan kemungkaran?..sedangkan bila dia mati, dia suh penduduk greek sembah dia sebagai tuhan..

tujela yg ako igt..ciao.. sekian adanya..

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BHAI-SUCI This user has been deleted
Post time 15-7-2003 01:08 AM | Show all posts
apa yg aku tau mereka adalah org yg berbeza, iskandar seorg muslim yg soleh, alexander kanina yg ngaku dirinya tuhan

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Post time 15-7-2003 11:45 AM | Show all posts
ni ambik dari internet..mungkin panjang sikit..tambah kan pening kepala(yang ace posting tu pun tak berapa paham lagi)..tapi berguna kepada sesapa yang ingin menambahkan pengetahuan...


Dia dilahirkan diMacedonia. Kepadanya dikurniakan Allah otak yang pintar, fikiran yang panjang dan berbagai-bagai ilmu pengetahuan: Ilmu perang, ilmu politik dan ilmu teknik dan kimia.
Dari semenjak dia masih kecil, hatinya sudah tidak enak melihat perang yang selalu timbul antara Timur (Kerajaan Persia) dengan Barat (Kerajaan Rum). Perang yang tidak henti-hentinya dan tahun ke tahun, malah dari abad ke abad, yang telah menewaskan ribuan manusia dan merosakkan bumi, menghancurkan banyak harta benda.
Untuk menghindarkan perang antara Timur dengan Barat yang sudah bertradisi ini, dia ingin mendirikan sebuah kerajaan besar yang meliputi Timur dan Barat.
Padanya terdapat segala syarat untuk menyampaikan. maksud dan tujuan hidupnya yang maha besar itu. Selain dia seorang yang baik, berakhlak yang tinggi, berilmu pengetahuan tentang ketenteraan, tentang pemerintahan dan teknik, akan dapat membawa dia sampai dipantai cita-citanya.
Mula-mula sekali dengan tenteranya yang lengkap kuat, dia menuju ke Barat (Maghribi atau Moroko), tempat terbenamnya matahari. Disitu dilihatnya matahari itu terbenam dimatair yang bertambah hitam, iaitu Lautan Atlantik sekarang ini.
Disitu didapatinya satu bangsa yang terlalu engkar dan kafir, hebat sekali kerosakan dan kejahatan yang ditimbulkan bangsa itu. Bukan saja merosakkan permukaan bumi dan mengacaukannya, tetapi juga sudah menjadi tabiat mereka suka membunuh orang-orang yang tidak bersalah sekalipun.
Sebelum melakukan tindakan, terlebih dahulu Iskandar Zulkarnain menadahkan tangannya ke langit, memohon petunjuk kepada Allah, tindakan apa sebaiknya yang harus dilakukan terhadap bangsa yang begitu kejam. Apakah bangsa itu akan digempurnya habis-habisan atau akan dibiarkan begitu saja?
Tuhan menyuruh Iskandar Zulkarnain membuat pilihan salah satu diantara dua tindakan: Digempur habis-habisan sebagai balasan atas kekejaman mereka selama ini atau diajar dan dididik dengan propaganda, agar mereka kembali kepada kebenaran dan meninggalkan segala kejahatan.
Akhirnya Iskandar Zulkarnain memutuskan akan menggempur mereka yang derhaka dan jahat sehebat-hebatnya dan membiarkan serta melindungi orang-orang yang baik diantara mereka. Pada bangsa itu, Iskandar Zulkarnain lalu mengucapkan kata-katanya yang ningkas: Siapa yang aniaya, akan kami seksa dan dikembalikan kepada Tuhan agar Tuhan memberi seksa yang lebih hebat lagi. Adapun orang-orang yang saleh dan baik, akan kami lindungi serta diberi ganjaran-ganjaran dan kepadanya kami hanya akan perintahkan kewajipan-kewajipan yang ringan saja.
Tenteranya segera bergerak, menewaskan setiap orang yang kejam, melindungi setiap orang yang baik. Akhirnya negeri itu dapat diamankan dan ditenteramkan, serta diatur sebaik-baiknya, penuh dengan kehidupan bahagia dan makmur.
Kerana kewajipannya terhadap bangsa dan negeri itu sudah selesai, Iskandar Zulkarnain dengan tenteranya lantas menuju ke arah Timur (India). Dilihatnya matahari terbit atas bangsa yang masih hidup telanjang (Bangsa Hindustan).
Bangsa dan negeri itupun dapat ditaklukkannya, diamankan dan ditenteramkannya, serta diatur sebaik-baiknya sehingga setiap orang dapat merasakan hidup aman dan tenteram, bahagia dan
senang pula. Bangsa itu dapat dikeluarkannya dari lembah kesesatan dan kejahilan.
Selesailah sudah kewajipannya terhadap negeri dan bangsa itu. Ia lalu menuju ke utara, ke negeri Armenia melalui Persia dan Azerbaijan. Dengan kemenangan demi kemenangan yang dicapainya selama dalam perjalanan itu, akhirnya dia sampai ditempat yang ditujui. Didapatinya di situ satu bangsa yang hidup antara dua buah gunung, iaitu Gunung Armani dan Gunung Azerbaijan. Iskandar Zulkarnain tidak mengerti akan bahasa yang dipakai bangsa ini.
Bangsa ini didapatinya hidup selalu dalam ketakutan dan kekhuatiran, kerana negeri mereka berbatasan dengan bangsa Yajuj dan Majuj yang terkenal kejam dan kuatnya. Bukan sekali-dua kali saja tetapi sering sekali bangsa Yajuj dan Majuj itu datang menyerang mereka, menghancurkan apa saja yang didapatinya dan membunuh siapa saja yang dijumpainya.
Kedatangan Iskandar Zulkarnain ini, mereka sambut dengan segala kehormatan dan kegembiraan, kerana mereka tahu bahawa Iskandar Zulkarnain adalah raja yang terkuat dan raja yang seadil-adilnya dimuka bumi ini.
Kepada Iskandar Zulkarnain dimintanya pertolongan, untuk melindungi diri mereka dari serangan Yajuj dan Majuj. Mereka memohon agar antara negeri mereka dengan negeri Yajuj dan Majuj diadakan dinding raksasa yang tidak dapat ditembusi dan untuk keperluan ini, mereka sanggup membayar upah dan kerugian kepada Iskandar Zulkarnain.
Mendengar permohonan ini, Iskandar Zulkarnain menjawab: Saya tidak mengharapkan upah dari kamu. Nikmat dan pemberian Tuhanku adalah lebih berharga dari upah itu. Hanya kepadamu saya minta kaum pekerja dan alat-alatnya, besi, tembaga, arang batu dan kayu.
Setelah semua itu terkumpul, Iskandar Zulkarnain mulai bekerja dengan pentolongan para pekerja. Mula-mula dinyalakan api dengan kayu dan arang batu, diambilnya besi, lalu dihancurkannya dengan api itu. Kepada hancuran besi itu dituangkannya tembaga, sehingga menjadi satu dengan besi. Dengan bahan campuran inilah didirikannya dinding raksasa antara negeri itu dengan negeri Yajuj dan Majuj, dinding besi raksasa yang tidak dapat ditembus dan dilubangi oleh sesiapa.
Kepada bangsa itu Iskandar Zulkarnain lalu berkata: Dinding ini adalah rahmat dari Tuhan kepadamu, hanya Tuhanlah yang dapat menembus dinding ini, bila dikehendakiNya.
Dengan jalan begitu, maka aman dan tenteramlah negeri itu. Setelah Iskandar Zulkarnain dapat menaklukkan negeri-negeri lainnya ditimur, barat, diutara dan diselatan, maka kerajaannya kini
meliputi: Moroko, Rom, Yunani, Mesir, Persia dan India, sehingga merupakan sebuah kerajaan yang amat luas, yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya, dimana penduduknya kini hidup dengan aman
tenteram dan makmur.
Cita-cita Iskandar Zulkarnain telah dapat dicapainya, berkat pertolongan Allah, kerana dia selalu berlindung diri kepadaNya. Tetapi sayang setelah Iskandar Zulkarnain meninggal dunia, kerajaan
yang besar dan bahagia itu menjadi berpecah-belah, kerana perebutan kekuasaan para pengikutnya yang ditinggalkannya.
Iskandar Zulkarnain yang bererti raja Timur dan Barat, telah dapat mempersatukan kerajaan Timur dengan kerajaan Barat, menjadi suatu kerajaan yang adil dan makmur, berkat ilmu dan pengetahuannya, serta berkat dasar ketuhanan yang selalu dipegangnya teguh dalam mendirikan kerajaan besar itu.
Cita-cita Iskandar Zulkarnain yang suci murni dan maha besar itu, untuk sementara telah dilanggar oleh manusia yang berkuasa sesudahnya. Tetapi pada saatnya nanti cita-cita ini akan menjelma
lagi serta menjadi kenyataan, sehingga akan berdiri nanti sebuah negara yang terdiri atas Timur dan Barat, yang adil dan makmur.
Kita sedang menunggu berdirinya negera itu, menunggu-nunggu kedatangan Iskandar Zulkarnain abad keduapuluh.

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Andrea_Pirlo This user has been deleted
Post time 15-7-2003 12:16 PM | Show all posts
tak silap makcik,la kan...dinding yg dibina oleh zulqarnain tue, kalo roboh, bererti akan muncul hari kiamat...

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Post time 15-7-2003 12:47 PM | Show all posts

setau ambo lar, kuda tunggangan dia tu namanya Bocephalus sebab jenis keras ketega' bak kata org utara... tak silap dari bacaan la, katanya tak de sapa pun yg buleh tunggang kuda ni. Liar sangat... rupanya bila check kuda ni takut dgn bayang2 dia sendiri so si Alexander/Iskandar ni pun ngadapkan kuda ke arah matahari sbb tak nampak bayang dia and berjaya menjinakkan kuda tu. Tu yang dia namakan kuda dia "kepala bodoh".

If not mistaken lah kuda dia mati sebab pnemonia lepas perang kat Hydasper River. Sekarang ni tempat tu nama sempena nama kuda tu..  Gitulah dari pembacaan ambo.

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Ace-Frehley This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 15-7-2003 12:52 PM | Show all posts
So, Alex = Iskandar?

Aku dah rasa tak syok nak tau tentang sejarah Alex dan Iskandar ni sejak ada kontroversy yang mengatakan Alex bukanlah Iskandar seperti yang disebut di dalam AlQuran.

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Andrea_Pirlo This user has been deleted
Post time 15-7-2003 12:59 PM | Show all posts
yang ko tampal tu kan ke evidences dia?

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Ace-Frehley This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 15-7-2003 01:05 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Andrea_Pirlo at 2003-7-15 12:59:
yang ko tampal tu kan ke evidences dia?

Tu salah satu daripada berpuluh ribu evidences kat Internet ... sampai Greek nyer website pun aku masuk ... website anti-Alexander pun ada ... Zorroastraianism pun claim Alexander pengikut dia orang ... macam-macam.

Apa-apa pun ... kalau ada apa-apa evidences yang jumpa kat Internet ... post jer kat situ ... kita baca jer ... jangan digest.

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Andrea_Pirlo This user has been deleted
Post time 15-7-2003 01:14 PM | Show all posts
aaa....tampal..jgn tak tampal...

tak silap aku si zoroatrianism tu org majusi, kan? penyembah matahari...
tu sebab la, masa alex gie mesir, org ckp dia sokong anak tuhan (amon-re), sebab org egypt anggap zeus tu amon, la (dlm istilah roman, zeus ialah jupiter)..

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Post time 15-7-2003 01:21 PM | Show all posts

Dear Ace,

Originally posted by Ace-Frehley at 2003-7-15 12:52:
[quote]So, Alex = Iskandar?

Aku dah rasa tak syok nak tau tentang sejarah Alex dan Iskandar ni sejak ada kontroversy yang mengatakan Alex bukanlah Iskandar seperti yang disebut di dalam AlQuran.

laa kenapa tak syok pulak? sebab sepatutnya lah bagi saya the more you know the more exciting lah dgn vast amount of knowledge yg you dapat so kenapa yg tak best nyer?
adakah anda berharap sangat yg Alex is not the same person we used to know as Zulqarnain?
what about sirius, then..tak per ini lah ..the thrill..yes it is up to us to refute otr to digest / accept the  facts..tapi kan Sdr Ace, the catch is siapa yg dapat buktikan bhw iskandar Zulkarnain bukan Alex OR sirius itu alex ..adalah persoalan yg menarik...
tapi bless you  sebab  awak dah membuka banyak mata..  and that is very noble of you.Terima kasih.

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Post time 15-7-2003 01:23 PM | Show all posts

alamok! Ntahler, banyak info kat internet yg aku baca tu distorted. Ada yg betul ada yg salah. Mungkin asalnya Iskandar Zulkarnain, tapi historians rasa.. tak bestlah Iskandar ni muslim.. apa kata kita tukar dia jadi zoroatrianism ke majusi ke apa ker.. kena confirm balik nih. Apa pun bab yang aku baca semua benda yang muluk2 tentang Iskandar or Alexander ni.. Both versions kata they (either one) was a great conquerer. Hanya Allah yang mengetahui.

Tapilah cerita mengenai sejarah jajah takluk islam ni.. aku sayang sangat kat Andalusia.. camner la boleh jadi cam ni sekarang ni, padahal di situlah dulunya sumber ilmu, sumber tamaddun Islam modern di Eropah. isk isk isk

Tapi dengar dengar... suara azan dah kembali berkumandang di Granada... Alhamdulillah...

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BHAI-SUCI This user has been deleted
Post time 15-7-2003 01:24 PM | Show all posts
aku pernah tengok masa bulan pose tuari jejak rasul gi iran. ada lah cakap skit pasal cyrus tapi yg aku mmg confirm ingt dia kata alex bukan lah iskandar. mereka dari kurun yg berlainan

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The Kops This user has been deleted
Post time 15-7-2003 03:00 PM | Show all posts
Kalo ikut betul2 la Iskandar Zulkarnain ni tak sama dgn Alexender The Great
Iskandar susah nak dicari bukti sebab dia seorg Muslim.Tak benarkan org membuat patung atau apa apa yg bole buat org sembah dia sebagai Tuhan
Ini la dikatakan seorg muslim. Jadi bukti ttg kewujudan Iskandar Zulkarnain susah dicari .Hanya cerita dan tapak peninggalan saja yg jadi bukti  selain al Quran..
Ada mengatakan Iskandar ni asal org Iran( lebih kepada org Parsi).Ini berdasarkan bukti yg byk menyokong kewujudan Iskandar Zulkarnain dari situ.
Alexender pula seorg non muslim. Gaya hidup 100% berlawan dgn kepercayaan kita pada Allah.Sapa yg pernah negok picture Alexender di syilling lama greek?Cara berpakain ala Roman.pastu ada pictur ular menandakan Tuhan Mesir kuno .Amun-Ra  tak silap kops.Ada sentengah bukti mengatakan Alexender mati diperang .Mati sebab dia ni jenis pemabuk.Lalu dibunuh .
Bukankah hina bagi seorg yg dianggap panglima Perang mati ketika mabuk?
Iskandar dikatakan menionggal dunia kerana sakit tua.
Byk percanggahan antar dua insan ni

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Paja This user has been deleted
Post time 15-7-2003 06:31 PM | Show all posts

Gog & Magog - Alexander The Great

I've always interested in the history of Alexander The Great. There are two versions of Alexander - one a Greecian, who worship the Greek gods, and one, Iskandar Zulqarnain, a great king mentioned in the Quran. Historians has yet to determine whether this 2 people is actually the same or two different individuals.

Out of many legends and stories about this guy, I am very interested on the story of how he built the Alexander Wall. The wall was said built by him to prevent Gog and Magog people to come out from their place to harasse the people of the world. It was said that the wall was built somewhere in a State of Russia.

For you guys information ... Gog and Magog is Ya'ajuj and Ma'ajuj in Arab.
Dalam Quran ada disebut, di akhir zaman dinding yang memerangkap makhluk ini dari dunia luar akan runtuh dan ketika itu makhluk ini akan lepas bebas .... ketika itu, itulah tanda2 besar kiamat.

Here I pasted an article about Alexander, the wall and gog & magog, seperti yang disebut dalam Al-Quran.

One of the most beautiful and poetic passages about Alexander the Great is found in the Holy Koran. The Koran refers to Alexander as Dhul-Qarnain (also spelled Zhul-Qarnain or Zulkarnein), meaning 'The Lord with the Horns'. To appreciate this passage, you might like to have a basic idea of the structure of the Koran.

The Koran (or Quran) means 'The Recital'. The words of the Koran are the words of Allah (God) revealed to Mohammed through the angel Gabriel. Mohammed (570-632 AD) retold these revelations in public speeches, which were in turn recorded by scribes. This collection of speeches make up the 114 chapters or 'suras'.

Most suras refer to persons known to both Jews and Christians as well as Muslims: the stories of Adam, Abraham, Moses and many other prophets. Only sporadically a story is entirely retold. Most texts start with a brief reference, then concentrate on the interpretation: the final explanation of the story in God's own words. So the texts basically run: If people question you about Moses, tell them... ; When they ask you about Jesus, tell them... . It is clear that all of these stories were very well known to Mohammed's audience. There was just no need to retell them. It was the explanation which mattered.

The same is the case with Alexander. In the sura 'The Cave' the Koran reads: "They will ask you about Dhul-Qarnain. Say: I will give you an account of him." Thus, the Koran treats Alexander the Great in the same way as it treats Noah, Jesus, King Solomon and others.

What follows is an account - of roughly 300 words - which explains the nature of Alexander. In essence it is stressed that Alexander was an instrument in the hands of Allah. God deliberately bestowed him with great powers and the means to achieve everything.

First Alexander traveled west until he saw the sun setting in a pool of black mud. There, on Allah's command, he punished the wicked inhabitants and rewarded the righteous. Next he traveled east until he found peoples who were constantly exposed to the flaming rays of the sun. They recieved the same treatment by Alexander's hands.

Finally Alexander traveled to the land of the Two Mountains. The backward peoples of this region were harrassed by Gog and Magog: the forces of chaos and destruction. Between the Two Mountains Alexander built a wall of iron blocks, joining the blocks with molten copper or brass. Gog and Magog were not able to scale the wall nor could they destroy it.

The sura ends with the statement that Alexander's wall, which protects mankind against its foes, will continue to exist until the Day of Resurrection, when Allah will level it to dust.

(Though the identification of Dhul-Qarnain with Alexander the Great is supported by most mainstream Muslim scholars, other scholars might support very different viewpoints. It is also said Dhul-Qarnain actually refers to the Persian King Cyrus the Great, or to the legendary Babylonian King Gilgamesh.)

p/s: meh ler kongsi apa2 yang korang tau pasal kisah ni .....


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