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Two-Legged Horse (Iran)

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Post time 26-9-2011 09:41 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Post Last Edit by takeshi_anwar at 26-9-2011 09:49

bagi sesapa yg minat filem Iran, Two-legged Horse kat GSC terpilih sekarang.

In order to get the job, the boy has to participate in a contest with other poor children. Any one of the boys who can carry on his back a lame boy-who lost his legs in war-and take him to school and run like a horse will become the winner. A tough contest takes place and finally, the boy wins.
The boy in exchange for one dollar a day as wages has to carry the lame boy like a horse on his back and take him to and bring him back from school every day. When he carries the lame boy on his back he races with donkeys and horses in the street. The boy bathes the lame boy and washes him and puts him on the swing and instead. But the lame boy is not happy with the boy because he has not turned into a horse as the lame boy wished.

Director’s note (Samira Makhmalbaf) :
I want to know how far a relationship between two people can go. On one hand, two people go all the way to the ultimate love and friendship and sacrifice for each other and on the other hand, one exploits the other like an animal. Meanwhile, through this film I attempt to discover the edge of human tolerance and how much can a human bear to meet his needs and become transformed. Let’s ask ourselves how many times has each of us become somebody else’s horse? Or used someone as our horse?

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Post time 26-9-2011 10:22 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 26-9-2011 06:49 PM | Show all posts
interesting.. citer ni menang special prize of juri @san sebastian international film festival

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 Author| Post time 27-9-2011 10:06 AM | Show all posts
ada lagi anugerah juri.. pegi ke website Samira Makhmalbaf... lupa aku mana link. pls google :-)

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Post time 27-9-2011 01:25 PM | Show all posts
Sayang sangat terlepas filem Captain Abu Raed sblm ni...alih2 gsc international screen dah ganti dgn citer ni.

(posted by mobile)

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Post time 28-9-2011 01:24 PM | Show all posts
dok belek2 website GSC nak usha filem apa yg bleh ditengok arini...ternampak Two Legged Horse & cam berminat nak sblm tu masuk sini dulu tp takde ada yg bleh review yek..?

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Post time 28-9-2011 01:38 PM | Show all posts
aku tgk Guiah nih nak macam rupa joseph gordon levitt pon ader


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Post time 28-9-2011 01:39 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 28-9-2011 07:53 PM | Show all posts
macam menarik..........

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 Author| Post time 29-9-2011 08:07 AM | Show all posts
dok belek2 website GSC nak usha filem apa yg bleh ditengok arini...ternampak Two Legged Horse & cam  ...
forselab Post at 28-9-2011 13:24

bila aku google jumpa ulasan pasal citer ni....

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Post time 29-9-2011 12:00 PM | Show all posts
dah tgk dah...
mmg meruntun jiwa betul tgk filem ni...& quite disturbing gak...huhu...
si 'kuda' sanggup berbuat ape saje asalkan dia 'master' plak tak padan dgn kudung melayan 'kuda' cam hamba abdi...
si 'kuda' ni lembam, tp ada gak perkara2 yg si 'master' ni buat sampai dia melawan gak la...hehehe...

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 Author| Post time 29-9-2011 12:51 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by takeshi_anwar at 29-9-2011 12:52

Guiah/ horse ni kat luar orang normal ke? sian aku tgk dlm citer ni... terencat dan dipermain-mainkan.

Kesian 'horse' makan rumput, kesian sgt.... :-( nak2 yang pakai kepala kuda.. adoi... mcm tak berperi kemanusiaan.

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Post time 29-9-2011 01:17 PM | Show all posts
filem ni shoot kat Afghanistan...patutla muka pelakon2 tak cam arab...mata sepet cam Mongolia...
scene paling sebak bg saya masa si 'master' menangis & merintih kat kubur...yg kelakar masa dorang berdua dok bertaki mulut bila si 'master' nak pecat si 'kuda'...hehehe...kesian kat 'kuda' tp kelakar....
takeshi, awak rase sape pempuan yg kaki ber'cutex' pakai high heels tu..? pelacur ke?

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 Author| Post time 29-9-2011 02:19 PM | Show all posts
mmg kelakar masa horse tinggalkan master kat buaian yg master 'tergantung' tu sbb master nak kan si budak perempuan tu.. si horse jeles hehe. kelakor sgt time ni....
perempuan tu aku xtau la sapa erk?

master mmg punyai sifat conquer sampai horse boleh ikut cakap master pilih batu besar utk di baling...

babak sedih? masa master nangis2 kat lorong yg horse tinggalkan dia tu

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Post time 29-9-2011 03:05 PM | Show all posts
saya rase pempuan yg ikut pakcik Mirvais masuk rumah tu 'pelacur' the end budak pempuan pemgemis tu pun ikut si 'master' masuk rumah gak kan..? dia cam dah dibeli harga diri...huhu...

ye 'kuda' dah dikongkong...dia play along je bila 'master' suh dia kutip batu...w'pun dia tau batu2 tu akhirnya akan direjam ke arah last2 'master' dah kesian campak batu dlm sungai...hehe...

ooh babak yg kena tinggal kat lorong tu sedih gak....mmg sungguh2 punye nangis...sambil nangis sambil maki...hahaha...sedih tgk part dia kejar si 'kuda' dlm keadaan dia yg kudung tu...

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 Author| Post time 29-9-2011 03:45 PM | Show all posts
masa yg horse balik 'rumah' dia nyanyi2, dua kali di tunjukkan.
aku rasa hidup dia pilu sgt. sebatang kara... :-(

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Post time 29-9-2011 05:18 PM | Show all posts
ye la...sebatang kara...rumah pun dlm batang paip besar je...

ni saya dpt info pasal real life 'master' & 'kuda'...

How did you cast your actors?

Samira: It was very hard. I searched the streets of about 10 cities in Afghanistan. I needed two actors whose appearance and personalities had to be different from others. About the little boy with no legs I was looking for someone weak and feeble to the extent that he couldn’t move without help from others and on one hand he had to have the capacity to even go up a tree when in power. And finding someone with both weakness and power was almost impossible. All the children who had stepped on mines had died of hemorrhage because of their small stature and the remaining were only weak and disabled. I finally located him in north Afghanistan. He was a beggar in the street. Experience has taught me that beggars are good actors because they can raise the sympathy of passers bye. About the second actor who was supposed to become a horse in the film, before anything, I was after someone whose behavior could convince me that he could become a horse. Finally, in central Afghanistan I found a boy washing a car in the street. In the film he had to carry a 25 kilogram boy on his shoulder and run for the two months of shooting the film. But because of the deformity in his body resulting from an explosion he could neither run nor carry anyone on the shoulder. We practiced with him for 40 days. In two weeks practice he managed to run well. Then we gave him a backpack filled with one kilogram of salt and he ran with it. Then every day we added another kilogram of salt to the bag until on the fortieth day he was able to run a few kilometers with a 25 kilogram bag of salt. This was a kind of therapy for him. His deformity was corrected a little. Afterwards, for a whole month he carried a boy on location on his shoulder and ran in the streets to get used to each other. Then we would spend many hours with horses so he could learn their behavior. I would ask him to imagine that if he had been born a horse how would he eat or sleep. All these rehearsals and practices took place gradually like a game with joy so he could internalize the behavior.

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 Author| Post time 30-9-2011 08:07 AM | Show all posts
thanks for the info.... kiranya normal la si horse tu yerk...

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Post time 30-9-2011 12:01 PM | Show all posts
tak...Ziya 'the horse' in real life mmg sedikit cacat kesan letupan bom akibat perang....ckp pun mmg camtu tak brp betul & terencat...ada masalah pertuturan...saya ada google terbaca artikel tentang dia tp cari2 tak jumpe plak...dia keje tukang cuci kete & the only man yg berkerja utk menyara keluarga...

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 Author| Post time 30-9-2011 05:12 PM | Show all posts
tak...Ziya 'the horse' in real life mmg sedikit cacat kesan letupan bom akibat perang....ckp pun mmg ...
forselab Post at 30-9-2011 12:01

kesiannya dgr.. tp berbakat berlakon.. tq for the info

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