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Post time 23-9-2012 04:42 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Sempena Majlis Pembukaan Rasmi LEGOLAND Malaysia, kini aku persembahkan pula filem LEGO : The Movie ... hehehe...


The original 3D computer animated story follows Emmet, an ordinary, rules-following, perfectly average LEGO minifigure who is mistakenly identified as the most extraordinary person and the key to saving the world. He is drafted into a fellowship of strangers on an epic quest to stop an evil tyrant, a journey for which Emmet is hopelessly and hilariously underprepared.

Chris Pratt stars as the voice of Emmet. Will Ferrell stars as the voice of his primary adversary, President Business, an erudite, anal-retentive CEO who has a hard time balancing world domination with micro-managing his own life; while Liam Neeson voices the president’s powerful henchman, known as Bad Cop, who will stop at nothing to catch Emmet.

Starring as Emmet’s fellow travelers are Morgan Freeman, as Vitruvius, an old mystic; Elizabeth Banks, as tough-as-nails Lucy, who mistakes Emmet for the savior of the world and guides him on his quest; Will Arnett, as the mysterious Batman, a LEGO minifigure with whom Lucy shares a history; Nick Offerman as a craggy, swaggering pirate obsessed with revenge on President Business; and Alison Brie as a sweet, loveable member of the team, with a powerful secret.




Directed by:
Phil Lord, Chris Miller


Dijangka akan diumumkan pada akhir tahun 2012 ...

Director Phil Lord, who's co-directing the Lego movie with Chris Miller talked to Collider and revealed a few plot details:

"The vast majority of the film takes place in an immersive all-Lego environment. So it's going to star mini-figs and we've created these really cool characters and a really nice character story between these mini-figs. And it's going to take place in a universe that's made entirely out of Lego to the point where if there's water or [color=rgb(95, 130, 159) !important][backcolor=transparent !important]clouds or like a big explosion, that will be made out of animated Legos. And our goal was to make it look like a super charged stop-motion."
Director Phil Lord

He also added that the film will build on the various worlds of Lego:

"We found a way to [color=rgb(95, 130, 159) !important][backcolor=transparent !important]incorporate all of those worlds into having one uber world basically so that we can include all those kind of classic set pieces that you’re used to seeing."
Director Phil Lord

They even said that the Star [color=rgb(95, 130, 159) !important][backcolor=transparent !important]Wars and [color=rgb(95, 130, 159) !important][backcolor=transparent !important]Harry Potter Lego sets could be used!

Posted by Lego Movie at 3:11 AM 0 comments

TUESDAY, JUNE 29, 2010Lego Movie
There's a LEGO movie ahead of us! yep, Warner Bros intend indeed to bring the popular game and its famous colorful interlocking plastic bricks to the big screen. From what I heard the Lego movie will be an adventure in the Lego world mixing live action and animation. Phil Lord and Chris Miller, who directed Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, are in final negotiations to write and direct this Lego movie.

I remember playing with Legos when I was a kid. So I'm glad to hear about Lego the movie. And knowing Phil Lord and Chris Miller are on board, I get kind of excited about the film: Cloudy was awesome so I hope they will bring their funny touch to the Lego movie.

Any idea what could be the story of the Lego movie? Is it going to be like Disney Pixar's Toy Story, or are they going to come up with something more creative and original?

Last edited by matabelalang on 24-6-2013 02:35 PM



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Post time 23-9-2012 08:52 PM | Show all posts
cam tak berjaye nak tarik perhatian aku je... it just sounds so.... LEGO.....

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Post time 24-9-2012 01:05 AM | Show all posts
w/pun jenama lego nih terkenal, tpkan..........perlukah ada film gak??

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Post time 24-9-2012 03:23 PM | Show all posts
legoland tuh pon aku tak berminat nak pergi inikan pulak movie lego

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 Author| Post time 25-11-2012 03:32 PM | Show all posts
siaran 'cartoon network' di astro dah siar siri karton yang guna anime LEGO ... tajuk Ninjago ...
cer tengok dia adalah karton lega yang dibuat animasi ...

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 Author| Post time 25-11-2012 03:34 PM | Show all posts

[size=0.875em]What began with children putting plastic bricks together has led to scores of successful movie spin offs and videogames, and now, LEGO shall head to the big screen in
LEGO: The Piece Of Resistance[size=0.875em].

This live-action and animation cross comedy will see an ordinary LEGO mini-figure, mistakenly thought to be the extraordinary MasterBuilder, is recruited to join a quest to stop an evil Lego tyrant from gluing the universe together.

With a cast stretching from the heroic talents of Superman (Channing Tatum) and Batman (Will Arnett) to the everyday folk of Pirate (Nick Offerman) and Bad Cop (Liam Neeson), this films looks set to be a nostalgic and hilarious treat. The film will also see Morgan Freeman, Alison Brie and Elizabeth Banks co-star.

Directed by 21 Jump Street directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller, andRobot Chicken veteran Chris McKay, expect laughs aplenty.

How well LEGO transfers onto the big screen is still up in the air, but the strong A-list cast suggests an improvement upon the last LEGO's last adventure on the big screen, LEGO: The Adventures Of Clutch Powers.
[size=0.875em]LEGO: The Piece Of Resistance is set for a release date in the US of 7 February 2014, with a UK release date not confirmed yet.
[size=0.875em]So tell us your thoughts on the latest LEGO spin-off in the comments section below, and keep your eyes pinned to this page for all future updates.

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 Author| Post time 24-6-2013 02:39 PM | Show all posts
Official Poster dan Publicity :

Chris Pratt . . . Emmet (voice)
Will Arnett . . . Batman (voice)
Morgan Freeman . . . Vitruvius (voice)
Elizabeth Banks . . . Lucy (voice)
Liam Neeson . . . Bad Cop (voice)
Alison Brie . . . (voice)
Warner Bros. Pictures & 5 more


The original 3D computer animated story follows Emmet, an ordinary, rules-following, perfectly average LEGO minifigure who is mistakenly identified as the most extraordinary person and the key to saving the world. He is drafted into a fellowship of strangers on an epic quest to stop an evil tyrant, a journey for which Emmet is hopelessly and hilariously underprepared.

Chris Pratt stars as the voice of Emmet. Will Ferrell stars as the voice of his primary adversary, President Business, an erudite, anal-retentive CEO who has a hard time balancing world domination with micro-managing his own life; while Liam Neeson voices the president’s powerful henchman, known as Bad Cop, who will stop at nothing to catch Emmet.

Starring as Emmet’s fellow travelers are Morgan Freeman, as Vitruvius, an old mystic; Elizabeth Banks, as tough-as-nails Lucy, who mistakes Emmet for the savior of the world and guides him on his quest; Will Arnett, as the mysterious Batman, a LEGO minifigure with whom Lucy shares a history; Nick Offerman as a craggy, swaggering pirate obsessed with revenge on President Business; and Alison Brie as a sweet, loveable member of the team, with a powerful secr



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Post time 25-6-2013 09:16 AM | Show all posts
Psp/PS2 ada banyak games lego+movie mcm star wars, harry potter, indiana jones, batman. Budak2 suke le


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Post time 25-6-2013 09:50 AM | Show all posts
ahaks... fake la.. kalau diorang buat dgn actual LEGO pieces and stop motion technique instead of 100% CGI mungkin aku akan lebih teruja kut.. without all that what's the point? :lol anyway, maybe aku akan tengok la, nak rasa nostalgic and all..

Use magic Report

Post time 20-1-2014 10:41 PM | Show all posts

Use magic Report

Post time 8-2-2014 12:11 AM | Show all posts
Dah kua kan
So ade sape2 dah tgk?

Use magic Report

Post time 8-2-2014 05:19 PM | Show all posts
dah ade yg tgk ke filem ni?

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Post time 10-2-2014 11:54 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
annehuda posted on 8-2-2014 05:19 PM
dah ade yg tgk ke filem ni?

Dah tengok dah ... Bagi uols bohsan la ... Kira2 mcm cite fantasi ... Maksudnya.  Lego tu dikawal oleh manusia ..kira semua pergerakan lego tu digerakan oleh manusia ... Kira manusia yg main la lego tu .. Bg iols bohsan la ... Tak nampak real mcm lego bawa diorang punya karektor sendiri... Mision lego2 ne nak cari penutup gam !!!  ... Hahahaha.



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Post time 10-2-2014 11:56 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Cite ne berkisar pasal set set lego yg dikeluarkan .. Kan ada mcm2 set dan nama ... So sapa masa kecik2 dulu main lego faham la cite ne.

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Post time 10-2-2014 12:16 PM | Show all posts
kat IMDB rating citer ni tinggi..
dah gi tgk semalam..
anak aku punye suka.. so mmg betul2 sesuai utk kanak2 la..
bagi aku biasa2 je



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Post time 10-2-2014 04:29 PM | Show all posts
Everything Is Awesome


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Post time 10-2-2014 05:08 PM | Show all posts
dlm jom ke panggung kt tv2 semlm ade review psl filem ni

mcm best je

filem hollywood mn yg xguna cgi skrg ni?
habaq mai tgk

Use magic Report

Post time 11-2-2014 10:17 PM | Show all posts
Message citer ni - Lego - harus dimainkan .. Create the scene with UR imagination....
Tp kan ramai org dewasa , buat Lego simpan elok elok Dlm almari etc... Langsung xnk bg anak anak main... ( jgn Ada x ngaku plak hehehehe)  ....



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Post time 11-2-2014 11:17 PM | Show all posts
Sebab rasa nyer mcm based true story je.... Berlambak disekeliling kita...even Ada satu scene tu anak dia ckp - Lego tu for age .... Masa tu sape yg terasa Mmg Akan gelak punya la.... So just true scenario ....

Bg I budak bdk Mmg suka sgt la movie ni..kecuali bg budak budak yg x pernah main Lego hehehhe

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Post time 12-2-2014 02:47 AM | Show all posts
Bagi aku, sesiapa yg dewasa, mmg bosan or whateva..

Tapi bagi bebudak, depa seronok tak terkata...

Macam aku dibesarkan dgn Transformers or A-Team.. Mmg bagi kita best..
Bagi bebudak tak best.

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