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USS George Washington makes first visit to Malaysia
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Published: Sunday October 7, 2012 MYT 5:49:00 PM
Updated: Sunday October 7, 2012 MYT 7:49:36 PMUSS George Washington makes first visit to Malaysia
PORT KLANG: The United States Navy's full-time forward-deployed aircraft carrier, the USS George Washington, made its maiden port call here Sunday aimed, among others, to promote cooperation and bolstering strong relations between the republic and Malaysia.
The ship's Commanding Officer, Captain Greg Fenton (pic), said the five-day port visit would provide an opportunity for the sailors to broaden their horizon and inculcate a deep understanding of the Malaysian maritime environment.
"The big part of the port visit is to listen to the Malaysian armed forces on the way they conduct business and see how we could learn from them as well. "Our sailors have volunteered to support six community service projects while in port here in order to increase the engagement with the local population," he told reporters who were taken on a tour on board the carrier, which is docked at the Port Klang Cruise Centre here.
He said the six community service projects included volunteer services at a school for children of Myanmar refugees and the Juara-Glad Tidings Home for Children.
Fenton said the sailors would also have the opportunity to socialise with American families through the Kuala Lumpur American Sailor Socials (KLASS) programme developed for American families living in Kuala Lumpur to show appreciation to fellow American servicemen and women who are serving on ships.
USS George Washington
He said more than 500 Malaysian dignitaries including military personnel would be hosted to a welcoming reception on board the ship tomorrow.
The USS George Washington, which was commissioned on July 4, 1992 with 5,000 sailors on board, is scheduled to conduct 11 ship tours namely for Malaysian business and military officials and host a safety and medical exchange programme with the Malaysian military. - Bernama
Supercarrier USS George Washington arrives in Malaysia
Published on Oct 08, 2012
KLANG: America's nuclear-powered supercarrier USS George Washington has sailed to Malaysia for a five-day goodwill visit.
The ships, with more than 5,500 sailors and 67 fighter jets on board, made a scheduled port call at the Port Klang Cruise Centre on Sunday, the Star newspaper reported.
The USS George Washington, also known as the CVN-73, and its two destroyers will welcome on board more than 500 Malaysian dignitaries, US embassy and military personnel on Monday.
CVN-73 commanding officer Captain Gregory Fenton said the call would provide an opportunity for his sailors to meet and develop ties with Malaysia. "We hope to learn a lot from the Malaysian enforcement," he said on Sunday

Kalau mereka datang nak mengintip. Siapa tahu. |
Nak ngintip dah takyah nak datang2 negeri orang lagi dah..... |
alphawolf posted on 14-10-2012 02:28 PM 
Nak ngintip dah takyah nak datang2 negeri orang lagi dah.....
kita pon mengintip orang gak kan Pha  |
kat PP ada forumer lawat kapal tu... wa nak post kat sini perlu dapat kebenaran lak.. |
Boleh je nanti kaka kasi kredit sbb tambahkan info  |
dengar kata nak menjual..... |
Ala, selain tu musti lobi baekkkkk punya pakej F-18F SuperHornet. Musti pegawai2 TUDM terliur nengok pesawat2 Superbug milik USN Navy. Perghhhhh |
audreyhepburn posted on 14-10-2012 10:13 PM 
lawak gile ko ni..nak mengintip ape lak.. kalau msia cam Iran mungkin lah.
ingat Malaysia cikai sangat ke beb... setiap negara ada value ye |
takde makna us nak ngintip kita sebab takde yang spesial pun..semua senjata dibeli drai luar la... |
tempur posted on 16-10-2012 07:20 AM 
takde makna us nak ngintip kita sebab takde yang spesial pun..semua senjata dibeli drai luar la...
banyak lagi mende yg boleh negara luar nak intip setakat mende militari je? lagi satu singkat nya pemahaman |
audreyhepburn posted on 14-10-2012 10:13 PM 
lawak gile ko ni..nak mengintip ape lak.. kalau msia cam Iran mungkin lah.
Sekarang ni memanglah kelihatan lawak. Tapi tak salah jika kita menaruh curiga. Amerika kan terkenal dengan pelbagai muslihat dan agenda tersembunyi mereka. |
paranoid ye? Takpe tak salah nak paranoid...tapi cuba renung, kalau kapal perang luar berlabuh mesti kat pelabuhan awam, bukan Lumut? |
Itu lah pasal. Kalau intip mengintip ni, tak payah hantar aircraft carrier pun. Cukup sekadar sedut maklumat top secret dari mana2 hab sambil dok minum kopi panas makan donat di CIA HQ, Langley USA. |
robotech posted on 17-10-2012 09:43 AM 
Itu lah pasal. Kalau intip mengintip ni, tak payah hantar aircraft carrier pun. Cukup sekadar sedut ...
kan? mana2 negara walau miskin camne atau hazab camne pon ada sumber untuk risikan negara lain samada dari segi ekonomi dan militari... |
diaorang datang bukan untuk intip tu.....depa datang dan turn on kan alat "mind control' depa...dan control minda kita untuk beli Super Hornet...tu yang terus nak beli Rhino tu...tapau 24 biji....huhuh.. |
kalau SH dapat 18 buah ok gak tu..tapi jgn la dgn syarat2 yang mengarut |
malaysia bile lak nak ade kapal cam nie  |
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