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How To Use Numbers To Receive Messages From Your Angels

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Post time 31-10-2014 07:14 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts |Read mode
by: Melanie Beckler| October 29, 2014| 12 Comments
angel messages numbers
Do you ever find that you keep seeing the same numbers or sequences of numbers over and over again?
angel numbersSay for example you wake up in the middle of the night and look at your clock right at 8:35. Then later in the day you buy something and receive exactly $8.35 back in change. Maybe you notice you’re following a car with the license plate numbers 835 and as you keep driving you notice that you’ve just passed mile marker 835. And on the way home you might glance over and see a house with the address 835 and then you receive a call from a phone number containing 835. Maybe it happens just a couple times in one day or a handful of times over weeks.
If you’ve ever experienced anything like the scenario I just described, know that it’s not random or coincidental! Numbers are a common and practical way for your angels to get your attention, and communicate guidance from beyond the physical.
Why Are Your Angels Talking To You?
angel numbersWhen I first started to experience the phenomenon of noticing certain angel numbers around me, I wanted to know why.
Why would the angels who are powerful, non-physical messengers of the Divine, offer their guidance through signs, symbols, and numerical sequences instead of just talking to you directly?
There is actually a really good reason for this, and it all comes down to resonance and frequency.
Angels are spiritual beings who are made up of high vibrational light. Their energy is actually so fine, light, and pure, that it is difficult for most people to see them and receive their guidance directly. There is a level of effort required to first release the layers of density, let go of limiting beliefs, and raise your own vibration before achieving a direct connection with your angels.
Because of that, numbers are a clever way for the angels to communicate their messages to you, no matter where you currently are in your life or on your spiritual path.
What Are Your Angels Trying To Say To You?
angel numbersThe general message when you see recurring numbers is always the same. It means that your angels are with you and offering their love and guidance from beyond the physical.
Angels use recurring numbers to get your attention in a way which won’t be blocked out by your subconscious or ego mind, and in a way that won’t scare you.
When angel numbers appear, know that your angels are near!
When you see an angel number, pay attention. With a quiet mind and an open heart you can begin to receive additional angelic guidance and insight available for you in the moment. By paying attention to the number signs appearing in your life and then decoding the messages within the numbers, you can begin receiving guidance from your angels.
Here is a quick look at the vibrational meanings of numbers when it comes to receiving guidance from the angels.
What Each Angel Number Means:
1. Focus on what you want and desire NOT on what you don’t.
2. Have faith, trust in the process and stay the course, you’re on the right track!
3. The ascended masters are with you, guiding you and helping you on your path.
4. Your angels are all around! Become aware of the presence of your angels and ask for assistance.
5. Positive change and transformation is in the air and your angels are here to help.
6. Find a healthy balance between your focus on the physical and spiritual realms.
7. You’re doing great and aligned with good luck and Divine magic.
8. Prosperity and abundance are manifesting for you, now.
9. Serve and love others. This may also indicate endings of cycles and new beginnings.
angel numberseWhen you receive a combination or sequence of numbers like 123, the meaning is derived from all three numbers. In the case of seeing 123, the message is most likely a combination of 1, 2, and 3: Focus on what you want, have faith in the process or the path you’re on, and know that you’re guided and supported by angels beyond the physical.
When your angels really want you to pay attention, you’ll likely see number sequences like 333, 222, or 444. When this happens the meaning will be similar to what is written above for 3, 2, and 4, with an added emphasis, urgency, or heightened focus.
For example 444 not only means your angels are around, but that they’re everywhere! 444 is a huge validation that infinite support, love and guidance from the angels is available when you ask for help, and tune in.
What To Do When You Receive A Message
guidance angel numbersWhen you do notice numbers and number sequences of any kind, pay attention to what you were just thinking about and what is currently happening around you, in addition to noting the meanings of the numbers above. Angels offer you pertinent guidance, which is always related to what is happening in your life or as a response to your questions.
The more you increase your awareness, pay attention to the signs you’re receiving, and seek to connect with the guidance from your angels, the more you will begin to notice that there is so much love, support, and insight available for you from the angelic realm in every moment.
The next time you find yourself seeing the same numbers or number sequences popping up around you, know that it’s not simply a coincidence. These very numbers contain messages for you from your angels. Quiet your mind, be aware of your thoughts, open your heart, and listen to your intuition to tune into the messages from your angels.
Author: Melanie Beckler (1 Posts)
Melanie Beckler is an internationally acclaimed and best selling author, channel, and founder of Her books, MP3 Angel Messages, Angel Courses and CD's provide a direct link to the love, frequency and wisdom from the Angelic and Spiritual Realms for people all around the world.
Head here to get a free Angel Message from Melanie

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Post time 4-11-2014 08:33 PM | Show all posts
Mambo jumbo

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Post time 5-11-2014 07:54 AM | Show all posts
Awat angel tu tak WhatsApp je?

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Post time 5-11-2014 03:20 PM | Show all posts
alphawolf posted on 5-11-2014 07:54 AM
Awat angel tu tak WhatsApp je?

takdak coverage, maybe?

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Post time 5-11-2014 03:36 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Theori ni dah revoles lame dah, dipanggil wake up call, still up for debate..

Happen to me once, aku asyik tengok jam pukul 11.11am or pm without planning. Then, 12.34pm or am.. buat aku obsess dgn number quite sometime..

Betul ke tidak? Wa allahu alam..

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Post time 5-11-2014 04:57 PM | Show all posts
aku pon ada kena camni jugak. tapi tak tau la petunjuk ape maksudnya. sebelum anak sulung aku lahir bulan september lepas, kalau aku naik kete dengan bini masa tu, mesti aku akan terserempak kereta yang nombor platnya 777, xpon 7767. kiranya ada banyak nombor 7.

lahir pulak anak aku masa 27hb september. huhu.

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Post time 6-11-2014 12:01 PM | Show all posts
rasanya not only numbers...
it could be something else...
like nama...warna...
mcm contoh kentang...secara tiba2 hidup asyik berkait dgn kentang je
tadi borak2 derang duk citer pasal nak masak kentang
then tetiba mak call plak suh beli kentang
pastu time kat kedai pun tgk ramai tgh pilih kentang
sampai rumah tgk tv pun ada sebut2 kentang...
esok pi opis ada plak org bg mash potato!

could it be that???

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Post time 6-11-2014 03:05 PM | Show all posts
mungkin jugak...


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Post time 6-11-2014 03:07 PM | Show all posts
beldandy posted on 6-11-2014 12:01 PM
rasanya not only numbers...
it could be something else...
like nama...warna...

p/s :-Signature uolss takut iolss baca.. dendam sangat tu..

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Post time 6-11-2014 03:15 PM | Show all posts
MellyNad posted on 6-11-2014 03:07 PM
p/s :-Signature uolss takut iolss baca.. dendam sangat tu..

itu dendam eh?
dah 2 org tegur...

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Post time 6-11-2014 03:28 PM | Show all posts
beldandy posted on 6-11-2014 03:15 PM
itu dendam eh?
dah 2 org tegur...

kalau bukan dendam ape kah itu.. hihihihi

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Post time 6-11-2014 03:39 PM | Show all posts
MellyNad posted on 6-11-2014 03:28 PM
kalau bukan dendam ape kah itu.. hihihihi

hati yg terlalu sakit

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