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Antara Zahid, FBI dan Phua Chu Kang
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Edited by Acong at 3-1-2015 11:42 PM
Zahid told to explain letter to FBI
FMT Reporters | January 3, 2015
He is said to have tried to get an alleged gambling kingpin and triad member off the hook.

PETALING JAYA: Home Affairs Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi has been asked to verify news reports that he tried to intercede for alleged gambling kingpin and triad member Paul Phua Wei Seng, who is facing trial in Las Vegas.
In a press statement released today, PKR Communications Director Fahmi Fadzil referred to a letter Zahid allegedly wrote to the US Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) saying Malaysia was “eager” to see Phua return to the country because he had, “on numerous occasions”, helped the government in “projects affecting our national security”.
The letter added that the government would still call upon Phua “from time to time”.
Fahmi demanded that Zahid explain what the projects were and why Phua was involved.
Phua, a Sarawakian, is accused of running an illegal gambling operation in Las Vegas during the football World Cup last year.
In addition, an FBI internal document submitted to the Las Vegas court alleges that he is a member of the 14K Triads.
“The RMP (Royal Malaysian Police) has identified the 14K Triads as a local organised crime syndicate involved in illegal drugs, illegal gambling and money laundering activities in Malaysia,” says the FBI document. “The RMP has also identified Malaysian Phua Wei Seng as a 14K Triad member.”
Last June, Macau police arrested Phua in a crackdown on an online betting ring that allegedly collected HK$5 billion in wagers. He was deported from the territory.
According to the South China Morning Post, the raid “remains the largest strike on illegal bookmaking in the gambling hub’s history”. ... lain-letter-to-fbi/
HK$5 billion 
aku suspek apek tu undercover 
Because If Not
He'll bocorkan sgale2nye yang tak sanggop kita dengar.. 
Phil Ivey and Daniel Cates Post $2 Million More in Bail
Businessman and high stakes poker player “Richard” Yong is among the latest suspects released on bail.
By Jocelyn Wood
AUGUST 01, 2014

Neil Stoddart - PokerStars, All Rights Reserved
Three more defendants in an alleged World Cup sports betting operation have been released on bail with the support of famous poker players.
Phil Ivey posted $500k bail for Wai Kin Yong and put up another $500k towards the $1.5 million bail to release his father, high stakes poker player Seng Chen “Richard” Yong.
“I have the utmost respect and trust for them,” said Ivey, who was in court for the bail hearing according to Jeff German of the Las Vegas Review-Journal.
Daniel “Jungleman12” Cates paid the remaining $1 million of Richard Yong’s bail.
Yong was one of 48 players to put up the $1 million buy-in to compete in the first Big One for One Drop charity poker tournament in 2012. Yong also plays in some of the highest buy-in tournaments across the world and in the highest stakes cash games in Macau.
Hui Tang was also released, and will be staying at Tom “ durrrr” Dwan’s home in Las Vegas as one of his bail conditions. Gabe Patgorski will be hosting the Yongs while they are out on bail.
Ivey has now put up $2 million in bail this week, having paid $1 million towards the bail needed to release Paul Phua and his son Darren Phua. Andrew “good2cu” Robl paid the remaining $1.5 million the Phuas needed for their release.
Illegal Sports Betting
According to the press release from the Nevada District Attorney’s office, each of the defendants is charged with “one count of unlawful transmission of wagering information and one count of operating an illegal gambling business.”
The potential penalties include a fine of up to $250k for each count, and two and five years in prison respectively.
The authorities were alerted to the possibility of illegal activity after they asked for an “unusual amount of electronics” and eight DSL lines to be installed in three villas which the defendants were occupying.
Caesars Palace Raised the Alarm
The villas were provided as a courtesy by Caesars Palace, whose technical staff reported their suspicions, after seeing screens displaying similar information to those used by the casino’s own sports betting operation.
In total the Nevada District attorney has charged eight people with being involved in the alleged crimes. Four of the men are from Malaysia, three from Hong Kong and one from China. ... -million-more-bail/
VERSI BAHASA Sumber >> ... untuk-ds-zahid.html
03 Januari 2015
Kongsi Gelap: Tiga Soalan Untuk DS Zahid Hamidi

PKR desak Zahid perjelas peranan ketua judi dalam ‘keselamatan negara’

Menteri Dalam Negeri Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi didesak beri penjelasan mengenai peranan ahli judi profesional dalam membantu Putrajaya berkaitan projek keselamatan negara. – Gambar fail The Malaysian Insider, 3 Januari, 2015.
Kementerian Dalam Negeri mesti menjelaskan peranan yang dimainkan ahli judi profesional Paul Phua Wei Seng dalam membantu Putrajaya berhubung projek berkait keselamatan negara, kata seorang pemimpin PKR hari ini.
Pengarah Komunikasi PKR Fahmi Fadzil berkata Menteri Dalam Negeri Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi harus berterus-terang mengenai perkara itu dan memberi penjelasan bagaimana dan mengapa Phua terlibat dalam projek seperti itu.
Beliau juga bertanya sama ada surat yang dikatakan ditulis Zahid, mempertahankan Phua, kepada Biro Siasatan Persekutuan (FBI), sahih dan benar.
Phua sedang dibicarakan di mahkamah Amerika Syarikat atas dakwaan menjalankan operasi perjudian di Caesar’s Palace Hotel, Las Vegas sewaktu perlawanan bola sepak Piala Dunia pada pertengahan 2014.
Beliau sebelum ini pernah ditahan dan kemudiannya diusir dari Macau kerana menjalankan operasi perjudian atas talian.
Pada 31 Disember 2014, South China Morning Post (SCMP) mendedahkan, Zahid secara rahsia menulis sepucuk surat kepada FBI menafikan Phua ialah ahli kongsi gelap 14K dan memohon agar dia dibenarkan pulang ke Malaysia.
Dalam surat yang ditujukan kepada Timbalan Pengarah FBI Mark F Giuliano, Zahid berkata Phua “beberapa kali membantu kerajaan Malaysia dalam projek berkaitan keselamatan negara”.
"Seperti ramai di luar sana, saya terkejut membaca laporan berita itu," kata Zahid dalam satu kenyatan hari ini.
Fahmi juga bertanya mengapa Zahid sanggup mempertahan seseorang seperti Phua yang jelas terlibat dengan aktiviti perjudian, tetapi diam seribu bahasa apabila Interpol mengeluarkan waran tangkap ke atas tokoh ulama Dr Yusuf Al-Qaradawi.
"Sedangkan Al-Qaradawi seorang ulama muktabar yang disanjung tinggi, presiden Persatuan Ulama Sedunia malah Tokoh Maal Hijrah yang diiktiraf kerajaan Malaysia,” katanya.
Pasukan pembela Phua dilaporkan sudah menyerahkan surat Zahid, yang dilabel “sulit dan rahsia”, kepada Mahkamah Daerah Las Vegas di Amerika Syarikat baru-baru ini.
Peguam Phua, sejak penahanannya pada Julai, dengan konsisten menafikan tuduhan yang anak guam mereka ada kaitan dengan kongsi gelap Hong Kong.
Dalam surat itu, Zahid dikatakan tidak menjelaskan bentuk keselamatan negara yang dibantu Phua dan pejabatnya juga tidak dapat dihubungi bagi mendapat sebarang komen, lapor SCMP.
Phua, 50, dan anaknya, dituduh menjalankan operasi perjudian haram dari Hotel Caesar’s Palace di Las Vegas ketika Piala Dunia di Brazil, Julai tahun lepas.
aku suspek paul chua nie cam cerita god og gambler..... under cover utk tangkap org jahat...... boleh tak? 
| ... gpin-paul-phua-bail
Macau gambling kingpin facing charges in the US was an envoy for San Marino
Paul Phua, who faces charges in the US, never completed procedures to become ambassador to Montenegro; had status revoked after arrest
PUBLISHED : Tuesday, 29 July, 2014, 12:53pm
UPDATED : Wednesday, 30 July, 2014, 3:20pm
Patrick Boehler, Bryan Harris and Raquel Carvalho

Asian gambling kingpin and alleged triad member Paul Phua Wei-seng was San Marino's ambassador to Montenegro for more than three years until the tiny city state revoked his diplomatic status shortly after his arrest in Las Vegas earlier this month on illegal betting charges.
The 50-year-old Macau junket operator was nominated to be the European microstate's ambassador in 2011 and has held a diplomatic passport since then, according to the San Marino Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The tiny country is located in central Italy.
Phua had, however, never submitted his credentials to the Montenegrin authorities, a step which would formalise his ambassadorship, the foreign ministry of the former Yugoslav republic said.
The development adds another twist to the evolving saga of the Malaysian businessman, who rose to be one of Macau's top junket operators. He later became a leading figure in global online gambling, a grey industry worth trillions of Hong Kong dollars every year, industry sources told the South China Morning Post.
A native of the Sarawak beach town of Miri, Phua is understood to hold shares in IBCBet, one of the world's largest online betting platforms based in the Philippines.

Court documents seen by the Post show that US prosecutors also believe that he is a "high-ranking" member of the 14K, one of Hong Kong's oldest and most notorious triads. He is currently under house arrest in Las Vegas awaiting a pre-trial hearing on charges of running an illegal gambling operation.
Phua adamantly denies the allegations. His lawyers said: "Mr Phua will defend himself vigorously in court."

A view of the Wynn in Macau. Phua holds shares in a VIP junket that operates at the casino. Photo: AP
San Marino's government nominated Phua as a non-resident ambassador to Montenegro on February 1, 2011, according to archival documents. The parliament's foreign affairs committee approved his nomination.
In his bail application, his lawyers stated that he was San Marino's ambassador to Montenegro and held a diplomatic passport from San Marino.
The Montenegro and San Marino foreign ministries, however, told the Post that Phua was never formally recognised as the republic's envoy.
Phua "did not present [his] letter of credence to the President of the State Mr Filip Vujanovic, which is why he didn't start his diplomatic mandate," a spokesperson for Montenegro's foreign ministry wrote in an email.
Earlier this month, San Marino rescinded Phua's nomination and asked him to return his diplomatic passport, a San Marino foreign ministry spokesperson told the Post.

Phua's private jet, now grounded in Las Vegas. Photo: Flight Aware
Phua's appointment did not come without controversy. In June 2011, two members of the city-state's parliament filed written questions to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs asking it to explain the appointment.
Later in the year, local news website Libertas reported that the city-state's then foreign minister Antonella Mularoni called Phua "a man of the chips", who could build on his ties in the entertainment sector to bring a luxury hotel project to San Marino. The hotel has not been built.
In a similar case in 2007, San Marino had to recall its ambassador to the Bahamas during the fourth year of his diplomatic stint after discovering that the two countries did not have diplomatic ties.
This article appeared in the South China Morning Post print edition as Macau gambling kingpin was San Marino envoy
| ... ys-malaysia-cabinet
Accused gambling kingpin Paul Phua 'assisting Malaysia on matters of national security'
Malaysian citizen who used to be Macau's top junket operator is not a triad member, Kuala Lumpur's Minister of Home Affairs tells FBI
PUBLISHED : Tuesday, 30 December, 2014, 12:26pm UPDATED : Wednesday, 31 December, 2014, 8:53am
Patrick Boehler [email protected]

Malaysian Minister of Home Affairs Ahmad Zahid Hamidi (R) with Alan Bersin (L), Assistant Secretary of International Affairs and Chief Diplomatic Officer for the US Department of Homeland Security, Malaysia earlier in December 2014. Photo: EPA
Paul Phua Wei-seng, the former Macau junket operator facing illegal bookmaking charges in Las Vegas, is assisting the Malaysian government in matters of national security and is not a member of Hong Kong’s 14k triad society, a Malaysian cabinet minister has told US authorities.
“Mr Phua is neither a member nor is he associated with the ‘14k Triad’, Malaysia’s Minister of Home Affairs Ahmad Zahid Hamidi wrote in a letter to Mark Giuliano, deputy director of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation.
“Mr Phua has, on numerous occassions [sic], assisted the Government of Malaysia on projects affecting our national security and accordingly we continue to call upon him to assist us from time to time and as such we are eager for him to return to Malaysia,” Hamidi wrote in the letter dated December 18.
The letter, marked “private & confidential”, was submitted to the United States District Court in Las Vegas on Monday by Phua’s defence team. Phua’s lawyers have consistently refuted the allegation that Phua has ties with Hong Kong’s organised crime groups since his arrest in July.
In his letter, the minister did not elaborate on what matters of national security Phua assisted the Southeast Asian nation. His office could not be reached for immediate comment on Tuesday.
Phua, 50, and his son stand accused of running an illegal gambling operation from suites at the Caesar’s Palace Hotel in Las Vegas during the soccer world cup earlier this year.
An online message found on his computer during a police raid suggested that bets of the alleged operation reached a "grand total" of HK$2.7 billion, according to court documents. US federal prosecutors alleged the group made a profit of US$13 million in June and July on soccer bets.
Phua’s lawyers are challenging the admissibility of evidence including the online message in court.
The allegation that Phua is a triad member is based on an FBI internal document previously submitted to the court, according to which Royal Malaysian Police (RMP) informed the FBI’s representative in Kuala Lumpur, the capital, of his ties to the criminal organisation.
“The RMP has identified the 14K Triads as a local organised crime syndicate involved in illegal drugs, illegal gambling and money laundering activities in Malaysia,” the internal FBI document dated July 17, 2008, read. “The RMP has also identified Malaysian Phua Wei Seng as a 14K Triad member.”
The Malaysian citizen with roots in Sarawak was Macau’s top earning junket operator a decade ago, before becoming a prominent high-stakes poker player. In 2011, he was granted a diplomatic passport by the European microstate of San Marino as its ambassador to Montenegro.
In June, Phua was arrested in Macau in a crackdown on an online betting ring that, according to Macau police, took HK$5 billion in wavers. He was deported from the territory.
The raid remains the largest strike on illegal bookmaking in the gambling hub’s history.
The Las Vegas trial’s other defendants - who include three Hongkongers and Malaysian junket operator Richard Yong Seng-chen - this week pleaded guilty to misdemeanours and were sentenced to unsupervised probation and fines.
Among the documents US prosecutors submitted to the court in Las Vegas is a passport scan of another key casino junket operator Cheung Chi-tai, labelled under the file name "HK Boss".
Cheung is wanted for questioning by Hong Kong police. The Hong Kong resident has been called a leading triad member in the money-laundering trial of Carson Yeung Ka-sing, the former owner of soccer club Birmingham City.
In response to a question about Phua’s ties to Cheung, defence co-counsel David Chesnoff and Tom Goldstein said he had none. “The only link to the case at all comes from documents found in the Caesars Palace villa of another defendant who is unrelated to Mr. Phua and has pleaded guilty in the same case. It is a false connection.”
SURAT ZAHID >> ... /malaysialetter.pdf
aku percaya mr phua nie undercover cam cerita god of gambler membantu polis menangkap penjenayah dlm negara..... jom tgk god of gambler 
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Ni alasan Zahid
Peguam: Surat Zahid kerana kesilapan PDRM
Peguam, Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah berkata surat oleh Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi kepada menulis surat kepada Biro Siasatan Persekutuan (FBI) Amerika Syarikat bagi membetulkan satu kesilapan dalam laporan Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM).
Shafee berkata, surat menteri dalam negeri bertarikh 18 Disember lalu bagi menjelaskan bahawa raja judi, Paul Phua bukan anggota kongsi gelap 14K Triad.
FBI sebelum ini menyerahkan satu dokumen kepada mahkamah US yang menyatakan makluman daripada PDRM bahawa Phua menganggotai organisasi jenayah antarabangsa tersebut
"Saya rasa kesilapan ini sangat besar dan ia menjejaskan kebebasan individu.
"Maka menteri merasakan situasi ini perlu dibetulkan," kata Shafee dalam sidang media khas untuk menjelaskan perkara itu.
Shafee mendakwa mengetahui tentang maklumat tersebut daripada sumber dalaman polis sendiri.
Atas permintaan peguam Phua
Peguam ternama yang pernah mewakili kerajaan dan beberapa ahli politik Umno itu bercakap selaku peguam kepada Paul Phua.
Ditanya jika laporan polis Malaysia pada tahun 2008 itu silap, Shafee menjawab, "Silap".
Menurutnya, beliau mendapatkan penjelasan perkara itu daripada sumber dalaman polis namun enggan menyebut sebarang nama.
Tegasnya, penjelasan itu datang daripada seorang pegawai kanan polis.
Mengulas lanjut, Shafee memberitahu yang Zahid menulis surat itu atas permintaan beliau sendiri untuk memenuhi keperluan perundangan.
Jelasnya, firma guaman US Messrs Chesnoff & Schonfeld, yang mewakili Phua memohon bantuannya untuk menjelaskan latar belakang Phua.
Phua sedang menunggu perbicaraan di US atas dakwaan menjalankan operasi perjudian haram di Las Vegas.
Menurut Shafee lagi, firma guaman US itu memohon bantuannya sebelum ini untuk menasihati mereka berkenaan hal ekstradisi - yang juga berkaitan dengan kes Phua.
Menteri faham
"Saya menulis (kepada Zahid) sekitar bulan Ogos untuk memberikan nama penuh subjek (Phua) dan saya juga cakap, bolehkah tolong jelaskan sama ada Phua adalah anggota kongsi gelap 14K," katanya.
"Menariknya, menteri hanya jawab dua bulan kemudian - beliau tidak terus membalas surat itu kerana beliau perlu dapat maklumat dari polis – beliau menjelaskan yang Phua bukan ahli kongsi gelap 14k," katanya.
Menurutnya, Zahid diminta menulis terus kepada FBI dan bukan membalas surat firma guamannya untuk mengelakkan sebarang keraguan.
Jelasnya, keaslian jawapan Zahid akan diragui jika jawapan Zahid diajukan kepada firma guamannya terlebih dahulu sebelum dikemukakan kepada FBI.
Katanya lagi, Zahid terikat dengan tanggungjawab perundangan untuk memberikan maklumat itu apabila diminta, selagi ia tidak menjejaskan keselamatan negara.
"Jika beliau tidak menjawab soalan itu, saya boleh memaksa beliau (menteri) menjawab melalui perintah mahkamah.
"Menteri sangat faham akan haknya daripada segi keselamatan negara," katanya.
*Kiranya Zahid ni lagi terror dari PDRM dan FBI dan tahu yg Phua ni bukan ahli kongsi gelap |
PDRM silap? tengak apa kata KPN nnt... |
Macamana boleh tersilap tu? tak faham lah....
Hidup Melayu..Hidup Umngok... Penjilat juboq apek no.1  |
Nih bukan dikira penjilat cina kan...? |
musti Phua ni bukan apek DAPig....
jadi kira OK lah kalau nak jilat .... |
Cina dan judi berpisah tiada |
Apa lagi cina mau?
Tapi yang menjadi masalahnya melayu juga ramai yang join....
UMNO dah tauke judi berpisah tiada.
Ni Menteri UMNO cuba nak selamatakn bukan saja ketua judi, malah ketua kongsi gelap 
bit replied at 4-1-2015 06:42 PM
UMNO dah tauke judi berpisah tiada.
Ni Menteri UMNO cuba nak selamatakn bukan saja ketua judi, ...
Mana ko tau dekkk...cer jgn tabur fitnah...kesian phua chu kang |
Akak ni reti membaca ker tak? Celah mana fitnahnya?
sah -sah berita kat atas ni cerita Zahid Jawa pembesar UMNO itu telah menulis surat untuk menyelamatkan Tauke Judi yg kena cekup di las vegas menjalankan kegiatan judi haram besar -besaran. X cukup judi dia juga ahli kongsi gelap terbesar. Tapi wak zahid kata dia tolong kerajaan dan bukan ahli kongsi gelap, malah laporan PDRM dibawah dia tu pun salah sama sekali. FBI juga x boleh dipercayai...
Datuk si Najib dan Hishamuddin pulak tukang gadai tanah bukit bagi cina buat kasino.
UMNO dan tauke judi memang berpisah tiada.
Sekali post dekat forum dpt berapa ringgit kak? sebab kebanyakkan post akak jenis bebal baca tajuk tak baca berita.
bit replied at 4-1-2015 08:24 PM
Akak ni reti membaca ker tak? Celah mana fitnahnya?
sah -sah berita kat atas ni cerita Zahid Jawa ...
Mana ko tau itu semua bukan fitnah...setiap org tidak bersalah selagi tidak dihukumkan bersalah |
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