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DzulQarnain & Khidr A.S. menjejak Fountain of Youth/Ainun Hayat/Aqua De Vida

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Post time 8-1-2015 05:09 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Edited by capiloton at 8-1-2015 07:28 PM


Kisah Raja DzulQarnain & Nabi Khidir menjejak Telaga Kehidupan Abadi - Ainun Hayat (Aqua De Vida) dihujung Dunia

Malaikat Rofa’il (Arab:رافائيل) disebutkan namanya dalam kisah Islam. Ia dikisahkan pernah bertemu dengan Dzul Qarnain. Malaikat itu menceritakan tentang Air Kehidupan (Ayn al-Hayat) kepada Dzul Qarnain. Mendengar ada sebuah mata air seperti itu, maka Dzul Qarnain ingin sekali meminum Air Kehidupan itu, akan tetapi yang telah berhasil meminumnya hanyalah sepupunya yang bernama Nabi Khidir.

Kisah Nabi Khidir Alaihissalam

Pada saat Raja Iskandar Dzul Qarnain pada tahun 322 S. M. berjalan di atas bumi menuju ke tepi bumi, Allah SWT mewakilkan seorang malaikat yang bernama Rofa’il untuk mendampingi Raja Iskandar Dzul Qarnain. Di tengah perjalanan mereka berbincang-bincang, Raja Iskandar Dzul Qarnain berkata kepada malaikat Rofa’il: “Wahai malaikat Rofa’il ceritakan kepadaku tentang ibadah para malaikat di langit ”,

malaikat Rofa’il berkata, “Ibadah para mailaikat di langit di antaranya ada yang berdiri tidak mengangkat kepalanya selama-lamanya, dan ada pula yang rukuk tidak mengangkat kepala selama-lamanya ”.

Kemudian raja berkata, “Alangkah senangnya seandainya aku hidup bertahun-tahun dalam beribadah kepada Allah ”.

Lalu malaikat Rofa’il berkata, “Sesungguhnya Allah telah menciptakan sumber air bumi, namanya ‘Ainul Hayat’ yang berarti, sumber air hidup. Maka barang siapa yang meminumnya seteguk, maka tidak akan mati sampai hari kiamat atau sehingga ia mohon kepada Allah agar supaya dimatikan ”.

Kemudianya raja bertanya kepada malaikat Rofa’il, “Apakah kau tahu tempat “Ainun Hayat itu?”.

mailaikat Rofa’il menjawab, “Bahwa sesungguhnya Ainun Hayat itu berada di bumi yang gelap ”.

Setelah raja mendengar keterangan dari malaikat Rofa’il tentang Ainul hayat, maka raja segera mengumpulkan ‘Alim Ulama’ pada zaman itu, dan raja bertanya kepada mereka tentang Ainul Hayat itu, tetapi mereka menjawab, “Kita tidak tahu khabarnya, namun seoarng yang alim di antara mereka menjawab, “ Sesungguhnya aku pernah membaca di dalam wasiat nabi Adam AS, beliau berkata bahwa sesungguhnya Allah meletakkan Ainul Hayat di bumi yang gelap ”.

“Di manakah tempat bumi gelap itu?” tanya raja.

Seorang yang alim menjawab, “Di tempat keluarnya matahari”.


Kemudian raja bersiap-siap untuk mendatangi tempat itu, lalu raja bertanya kepada sahabatnya. “Kuda apa yang sangat tajam penglihatannya di waktu gelap ?”.

Para sahabat menjawab, “Kuda betina yang perawan”.

Kemudian raja mengumpulkan 1000 ekor kuda betina yang perawan-perawan, lalu raja memilih-milih di antara tentaranya, sebanyak 6000 orang dipilih yang cendikiawan dan yang ahli mencambuk.

Di antara mereka adalah Nabi Khidir AS, bahkan beliau menjabat sebagai Perdana Menteri. Kemudian berjalanlah mereka dan Nabi Khidir AS berjalan di depan pasukannya dan mereka jumpai dalam perjalanan, bahwa tempat keluarnya matahari itu tepat pada arah kiblat.

Kemudian mereka tidak berhenti-henti menempuh perjalanan dalam waktu 12 tahun, sehingga sampai ditepi bumi yang gelap itu, ternyata gelapnya itu memancar seperti asap, bukan seperti gelapnya waktu malam. Kemudian seorang yang sangat cendikiawan mencegah Raja masuk ke tempat gelap itu dan tentara-tentaranya, berkata ia kepada raja. ”Wahai Raja, sesungguhnya raja-raja yang terdahulu tidak ada yang masuk tempat yang gelap ini karena tempat yang gelap ini berbahaya. ”

Lalu Raja berkata: ” Kita harus memasukinya, tidak boleh tidak.”

Kemudian ketika Raja hendak masuk, maka meraka semua membiarkannya. Kemudian Raja berkata kepada pasukannya: ”Diamlah, tunggulah kalian ditempat ini selama 12 tahun, jika aku bisa datang pada kalian dalam masa 12 tahun itu, maka kedatanganku dan menunggu kalian termasuk baik, dan jika aku tidak datang sampai 12 tahun, maka pulanglah kembali ke negeri kalian”.

Kemudian raja bertanya kepada Malaikat Rofa’il: ” Apabila kita melewati tempat yang gelap ini, apakah kita dapat melihat kawan-kawan kita ?”.

“Tidak bisa kelihatan”,jawab malaikat Rofa’il,” akan tetapi aku memberimu sebuah merjan atau mutiara, jika merjan itu ke atas bumi, maka mutiara tersebut dapat menjerit dengan suara yang keras, dengan demikian maka kawan- kawan kalian yang tersesat jalan dapat kembali kepada kalian.”

Kemudian Raja Iskandar Dzul Qurnain masuk ke tempat yang gelap itu bersama sekelompok pasukannya, mereka berjalan di tempat yang gelap itu selama 18 hari tidak pernah melihat matahari dan bulan, tidak pernah melihat malam dan siang, tidak pernah melihat burung dan binatang liar, sedangkan raja berjalan dengan didampingi oleh Nabi Khidlir AS.

Di saat mereka berjalan, maka Allah SWT memberi wahyu keapda Nabi Khidlir AS, ”Bahwa sesungguhnya Ainul Hayat itu berada di sebelah kanan jurang dan Ainul Hayat ini Aku khususkan untuk kamu ”.

Setelah Nabi Khidlir menerima wahyu tersebut, kemudian beliau berkata kepada sahabat-sahabatnya: “ Berhentilah kalian di tempat kalian masing-masing dan janganlah kalian meninggalkan tempat kalian sehingga aku datang kepada kalian. ”

Kemudian beliau berjalan menuju ke sebelah kanan jurang, maka didapatilah oleh beliau sebuah Ainul Hayat yang dicarinya itu. Kemudian Nabi Khidlir AS turun dari kudanya dan beliau langsung melepas pakaiannya dan turun ke “Ainul Hayat” (sumber air kehidupan) tersebut, dan beliau terus mandi dan minum sumber air kehidupan tersebut, maka dirasakan oleh beliau airnya lebih manis daripada madu. Setelah beliau mandi dan minum Ainul hayat tersebut, kemudian beliau keluar dari tempat Ainul Hayat itu terus menemui Raja Iskandar Dzulkarnain, sedangkan raja tidak tahu apa yang sedang terjadi pada Nabi Khidlir AS, tentang melihat Ainul Hayat dan mandi.

(Menurut riwayat yang diceritakan oleh Wahab bin Munabbah), dia berkata, bahwa Nabi Khidlir AS adalah anak dari bibi Raja Iskandar Dzul Qarnain. Dan raja Iskandar Dzulkarnain keliling di dalam tempat yang gelap itu selama 40 hari, tiba-tiba tampak oleh Raja sinar seperti kilat, maka terlihat oleh Raja, bumi yang berpasir merah dan terdengar oleh raja suara gemercik di bawah kaki kuda, kemudian Raja bertanya kepada Malaikat Rofa’il: “Gemercik ini adalah suara benda apabila seseorang mengambilnya, niscaya ia akan menyesal dan apabila tidak mengambilnya, niscaya ia akan menyesal juga. ”

Kemudian di antara pasukan ada yang membawanya namun sedikit, setelah mereka keluar dari tempat yang gelap itu, ternyata bahwa benda tersebut adalah yakut yang berwarna merah dan jambrut yang berwarna hijau, maka menyesallah pasukan yang mengambil itu karena mengambilnya hanya sedikit, demikianlah pula pasukan yang tidak mengambilnya, bahkan lebih menyesal. Diriwayatkan oleh Ats-tsa’Labi dari: Iman Ali Rodliayllohu ‘ anhu.

Selepas berita mengenai kewujudan Ainun Hayat tersebar, begitu ramai berusaha menjejaki lokasinya sejak zaman berzaman diserata dunia.Antaranya, Julius Caesar dari Rom, Pharaoh-Pharaoh Mesir, Maharaja Shih Huang,King Sargon,Napoleon Bonaparte dan Pihak Nazi. Namun semua menemui jalan buntu

Hanya Nabi Khidir, diberi rezeki untuk dipertemukan dengan Ainun Hayat, dan hidup abadi hingga ke hari ini untuk berzikir pada Allah SWT.

1. Cerita ini dikutib dari kitab “ Baidai’iz karangan Syeikh Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Iyas halaman 166 – 168. Penerbit: Usaha Keluarga s Semarang

link : http://arkibdirajalangkasuka.blo ... 2/aqua-de-vida.html


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 Author| Post time 8-1-2015 05:14 PM | Show all posts
ceramah dari syeikh Imran Hosein..
kisah Nabi Musa berguru dengan Khidr A.S..
dan kaitan Surah Al-Kahfi dengan umat akhir zaman..


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 Author| Post time 8-1-2015 05:26 PM | Show all posts
Edited by capiloton at 8-1-2015 05:31 PM

ada sebab kenapa Nabi Khidr di takdirkan dapat minum dari Ainun Hayat..
beliau ada peranan besar dan akan muncul di akhir zaman..
inilah orang nya yang mula² pecah kan tembelang si makhluk yang bernama Dajjal..
selepas hampir kesemua manusia berjaya di syirikkannya..

Clash of the Immortals.. Dark (Dajjal) vs Light (Khidr)..

Khidr dalam bahasa melayu bermaksud HIJAU @ the Green Man..
boleh google "the green man" kalau nak tahu kisah lagenda sepanjang zaman..

beliau adalah guru kepada wali² Allah..
antara anak muridnya - Salahuddin Al-Ayubbi (Mesir), Sunan Kalijaga (wali Songo Indonesia), Imam Shamil (Chechnya).. dan lain²..

kalau berminat nak baca tentang salasilah Khidr A.S..
aku recommend cari buku ni..
sangat menarik..


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 Author| Post time 8-1-2015 05:29 PM | Show all posts
antara artikel menarik dalam english..

Monday, October 3, 2011



Greetings to all my readers and my friends the Malaysian watchers.

There's a guy who sent me an email condemning my last article about Khidir. In case you haven't got a clue of who Khidir was, then kindly peruse me previous article 'the Immortals'. But if you are too lazy to read it, then I shall accommodate your laziness by briefly telling you that Khidir is an immortal who was born during the day of Alexander the Great and is prophesied to be killed by Dajjal (Anti Christ) in the future.

So this guy who dare to condemn me actually said he had never heard of Khidir before. Therefore he accused me of being full of shits. His reasons? Well, he said that it's impossible for any immortal to have live under the radar for thousands of years, avoiding detection by the rest of mortal beings.

Initially, I was quite surprised to hear that. But then again I shouldn't be surprised with the Y generation of today. I mean, most of them might have heard of Nameewee and his film Nasi Lemak 2.0, and yet they haven't even heard about 'As-Sufyani' and 'The Black Banners'.

Ehem.. Clearly some Malays in this country doesn't read books that much.

I would understand how someone would think it is impossible for immortals to have walk on the face of the earth. Logically speaking, if such immortal do exist, then there ought to be slips and mistakes here and there revealing his presence in the course of human's history. Take Lucifer for example, this immortal condemned creature had been know to try his hardest to conceal his existence (ever heard "Devil's greatest lie is that he didn't exist"?) up to the point of concealing his existence from some of the elite members of the Illuminati. But still Lucifer made a slips now and then, didn't he?

Being human and all, I think Khidir did made a few slips throughout centuries. Legends about mysterious men wearing green outfit are abundant all over Europe and the rest of the world even though it rather odd that these legends has never made it into the silver screen.

In continent where Muslims is dominant, this man is quickly rumoured to be Khidir and therefore there's no real mystery there of where he got his supernatural power from. However, in most region in Europe where non-Muslims were not familiar with his history, his exploits there inadvertently caused certain myths such as him being a spirit, a ghost, a saint and even a green spirit of the forest.

Through a brief period of time my group have compiled stories from various sources. In conclusion we believe Khidir is still the same old Khidir who once joined Alexander the Great (Iskandar Zulkarnain). Khidr I believe, is still the same old warrior who wanted to die in battle as Jihadist. This attitude doesn't seems to abate by time. Yes, he does have a bit sense of humour which I think only a Klingon warrior could find funny. And yes, his sense of fashion also haven't change that much because he still prefers green over any other color (even though he also occasionally appears in white).

Now, there are actually several immortals who walked the earth as we speak. There Dajjal (Anti-Christ), Khidir and Ilyas. Then there are immortals who didn't go anywhere such as Harut and Marut whom I recently I learned from an article in Insan-Insan Pendakwah. The immortals who walked the earth probably caused a legend to be born here and there.

Because "legend" by definition is a literary genre that is somewhere between a myth, a tall tale and history, then the story about these immortals had suffered larger-than-life exaggeration and even tailored to fit the situation in the place where it happened. Therefore in order to identify the legend which hinted the presence of Khidir or other immortals, one must not take the entire story as the truth. Instead, we just note the necessary "elements" in order to consider that "Khidir was probably there even though he might not be doing what the legend said he did.

A good example is about the legend of the invincible green warrior St-George. From the onset, a lot of Muslims wouldn't like to like the idea that St.George might be Khidir. This is because St.George is a character in Christian legend. In what best known as the ‘Golden Legend’, a princess was about to be sacrificed to the dragon when St George, who was conveniently passing by, came to her rescue by killing the dragon with a single blow from his lance. The legend goes on about him then delivered a powerful sermon and converted the locals to Christianity.

Now, reading legend like this would certainly make you uneasy because we know Khidir would never choose Chritianity over Islam. However, people often failed to realize that the story about St-George as portrayed by the Christians actually refers to the period before Islam. The Golden Legend itself is a story of which allegedly occured 300 years before the birth of Prophet Muhammad. Therefore it would be unfair to prejudice all those who embraced Christians before the coming of Islam. Furthermore, we all have learn that there's Christians prior to the coming of Islam who are truly "Ahl al-Kitāb" (أهل الكتاب) for example Waraqah Bin Naufal and King Najasyi. As in the case of Najasyi for example, as a true Ahl al-Kitāb he had 'upgraded' his faith from Christian to Islam in a blink of an eye immediately upon learning about Muhammad.

There has been a few stories which suggested Khidir's presence during the Soviet war in Afghanistan (1979–1989). These stories were once distributed through email when Internet in Malaysia was still dial-up at 56.6 kbps. However, these stories are no longer searchable via Google today. Apparently the Illuminati had made sure it's wiped out from the world wide web. There's a story about 25 Mujahideen ambushing 200 Russian armies in Syahturi. After only four hours of battle 70 Russian were dead, 26 were captured alive and the rest of Russian advancement stopped and withdrawn. The Mujahideen actually were puzzled why the Russian fled so soon. It was during interrogation that the Russian prisoners were surprised to learn that they were surrendering to such a small group of Mujahideen. They've swore they have been ambushed from four different directions by what they thought thousands of Mujahideen. They're clearly telling the truth because the injured and dead Russians were suffering gun shoot wounds at different angle of their bodies too. When asked whether any of them have seen these other 'groups' of Mujahideen, they replied they did not but two soldiers did recalled briefly seeing a green clothed man up hill pointing his AK-47 shooting towards the Russian. No Mujahideen had seen the mysterious green man.

Coincidentally enough, that the place where this story took place actually was quite near to a place in Afghanistan named "Khawaja Khidr" (Khawaja Khidr is Khidir's other name in India). How this remote places came to be named "Khawaja Khidr" is beyond me and it doesn't make sense considering that from satellite it can be seen that there's generally nothing there except for hills and forest. This place also one of many few places which had never been attacked by the Russian forces.

(Note: In fact, there's quite a numbers of this place in this world named after him.. I wonder why..)

It is worthy to note that the appearance of mysterious guy in white is quite abundant during the Afghan War. His presence is even reported in Chechen War. Most people said that he's an angel. That's possible, and it is also possible that he's either Ilyas or Khidir. When Moses met Khidir (as told in Al-Quran) Khidir actually was wearing a white robes. Therefore it's apparent that his wardrobe (if he has any) isn't not consist only with green design. In fact, the association of 'green' with Khidir actually is more about the legend that his presence can cause grass to grow. However in most legend he did appeared in green, for example the story about him appearing before Syeikh Abdul Kadir Jailani.

There's a good example of possible hint in the British legend about him. In the 14th-century Arthurian poem Sir Gawain, a mysterious Green Knight appears before King Arthur during a feast being completely green: skin, hair, dress, and all.

It is saif that the green knight holds a bough of holly in one hand, and an enormously menacing battle axe in the other. He appeared before King Arthur and issued a challenge: he will allow one man to strike him one time with his axe, under the condition that he be allowed to return the blow the following year by New Years.

At first, King Arthur stood up to the challenge but other Knight by the name Sir Gawain pulls Arthur aside and accepts the challenge himself. In one swoop, Sir Gawain beheaded the Green Knight only to have the strange Knight calmly stand, retrieve his head, and tell Gawain to meet him at the Green Chapel at the stipulated time (this is one reason why the watcher's think this knight is Khidr because there's a clear indication of immortality here).

A year later Sir Gawain departs to the Green Chapel where Gawain saw the Knight sharpening his axe. Gawain honorably bends to have his head cut off, only to have the Green Knight fake two blows, then barely nick him on the third. The Green Knight then reveals that he merely wanted to test Arthur's court. He and Gawain then part on good terms.

It is possible that Khidir inspire almost a similar legend in Ireland in the 8th century. This time he was a warrior King in Munster located in the south of Ireland with superhuman abilities and a master of disguise possessed of magical powers. When three Irish warrior came before him to be judged of whom amongst them is the true warrior, he devised a brilliant way to test these warriors. He disguised himself as a green giant who offered to have his head beheaded by these warriors. But there's a condition, if he didn't die then he will have his turn to cut their head off the next night.

Each of the three warrior beheaded the giant's head but to their horror saw the giant simply pick up is head and put it back to where it was once. The night after, only a warrior by the name of Cúchulainn came to honour the agreement while the other two cowards had ran away fearing death. Similar to what happened to Sir Gawain, the Giant revealed his true face and declared Cúchulainn as the true warrior for his honorable conduct.

In S.E Asia, the appearance of Khidir can be traced during the Java War. According to an article presented by an Indonesian friend in the Group, during the war the Dutch had killed almost 6000 ulama. Now, the situation in Indonesia with the Dutch East India Company (VOC) has one stark contrast with Tanah melayu and the British. Unlike the British, the VOC is somewhat similar to the Portuguese who came to Malays Archipelago not only because of greed, but also because they're spreading Christian. During the war, the stories about how several religious figures were visited and guided by Khidir is quite common.

There are quite a lot of people in this world who had taken interest on profiling Khidir. Of all these people, the one who had spent the most money (billions) and years (hundreds) tracking down Khidir is the Illuminati themselves. Nowadays, one of the task of NSA supercomputers is gathering intels on possible location of Khidir. The computers roamed the world wide web and telecommuniation network trying to pick up bits and pieces which may led to his where about. Naturally, words like "khidir", "green men", "men in green", "green ghost", "green wizard" etc etc had become part of triggering keywords which led the NSA to point their satellite on that exact location.

This "leave-no-stone-unturn" searches sometimes even went overboard. For example when report first emerged about vegetation blooming in the arctic due to global warming, the NSA sent their military over the place to check things out ahead of the scientists. Even today whenever there were report about vegetation appears in places where it shouldn't be, the Illuminati will check these places out. The reason? Well, because it is widely believed that whenever Khidir hang around in one places for a while, grass and other vegetation started to bloom.

There were probably some truth in this legend because that would explain why sightings of the legendary "green man" mostly happens in the woods. I mean, what's better way to hide a leaf if not in the forest, right? If he inadvertently caused grass to grow wherever he went, then it's good strategy to journey in the forest where there's already plenty of bushes around to camouflage the trace.

In Europe, the legend has been around about a mysterious green man who walks alone in the forest. Because of his mystical power, The Green Man was thought as spirit the vegetative realm. The legend goes back many centuries. Usually mistaken as a pagan deity, the "Green Man" artwork can be found carved on buildings and even churches dating from the 11th century through to the 20th century. However there are no examples of the Green Man on any buildings or in any artwork pre-dating the 11th Century, supporting the idea that it was actually an imported motif, most likely from India brought over via Silk Route traders in the 11th century.

In India, he is known as Khwaja Khizr, or Pir Badar, or Raja Kidar, and is the object of a still surviving popular cult common to Muslims and Hindus. Iconographically from the Indian legends, Khwaja Khizr is represented as an aged man, having the aspect of a faqir, clothed entirely in green and moving in the waters with a ‘fish’ as his vehicle. In Indian legend, Khwaja Khizr is said to be the the guardian of the Water of Life (amrta) and Master of all jungle creatures. Therefore when the princess of Indian serpents went to get the water, Khwaja Khizr ordered her to reveal her human form first before allowing her to get some.

You might be wondering by now what's the point of trying to collect stories about Khidir around the world. What's the need of trying to learn about this immortal man?

Actually, I'm not sure why myself. I can speculate why the Illuminati is looking for him though. I bet they're thinking that if they locate where he is, than that could hinted to the location of Al-Mahdi too. It makes sense, from our profiling we began to see some patterns in all his previous appearances. This man who have mastered the knowledge on how to see the future, had developed a habit of visiting some of the most prominent figures who later cause a ripple in the fabric of time. Whether this appearance were caused by his curiosity or simply an urge to approach and guide the people he perceived as historical figures, that I don't know. From Salehuddin Al-Ayubi to Sunan Kalijaga (Indonesia) to Imam Shamil (Chechnya).

I would like to share a few stories about what I believe the involvement of Khidir in Chechnya. These are stories told to me by a Chechen friend. Now, for those who have watched 'Jejak Rasul 2011' in TV3 this year, they would no doubt familiar with Imam Shamil whom untill today is hailed as the ultimate freedom fighters from Chechnya. According to legend, the said Imam was


link : http://afterdarkwrites.blogspot. ... nd-of-immortal.html

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Post time 9-1-2015 12:56 PM | Show all posts
ya keinginan dzulkarnain hidup kekal selamanyer tidak dimakbulkan ALLAH
keinginan khidir utk mati syahid di jalan ALLAH pon belom ALLAH makbulkan (tgu akhir zaman)
their fate twisted,,,,

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Post time 9-1-2015 02:54 PM | Show all posts
cter pirates of the caribean yg last punye sebijik amik dr cter nih...depa cr fontain of youth

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Post time 20-1-2015 05:15 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kenapa baru skrg aku tau cite psl Khidr A.S? Aku ingat dajjal saja yg immortal.

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Post time 20-1-2015 07:57 AM | Show all posts
Takde mananya dajjal immortal...last2 mati kena bunuh Nabi Isa jugak...

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Post time 20-1-2015 11:16 AM | Show all posts
Edited by k_a_a at 20-1-2015 11:21 AM

Ni cerita org kristian ni.. fountain of youth la semua... merepek betul la.. malaikat cakap kat dzulkarnain lah... sepupu dia nabi khidir la... ceduk cerita merepek kristian, kemudian tukar karektor bubuh nama dzulkarnain & nabi khidir.. takdak dalil hadis atau al-quran... cerita rekaan yg menyesatkan. Tak dak sapa pun di dunia ini yg immortal.. nabi Isa (yg diangkat ke langit) nanti lepas dah bunuh dajjal pun akan berkahwin (sebab dia ikut sunnah Nabi Muhammad) dan akan tua dan mati... Semua akan mati nanti termasuk alam cakerawala ini semua... Nabi Idris yg duk dlm syurga pun sebab dia dah merasai kematian...

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Post time 20-1-2015 11:48 AM | Show all posts
k_a_a replied at 20-1-2015 11:16 AM
Ni cerita org kristian ni.. fountain of youth la semua... merepek betul la.. malaikat cakap kat dzul ...

betul tu.....dlm quran pun tak byk cerita tentang Nabi Khidr dan Dzulkarnaian. Semua orang akan mati ...tak de hidup lama sbb minum dari fountain of youth.

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 Author| Post time 20-1-2015 11:59 AM | Show all posts
worang melayu ni kalo bab kritik memang pawer..
takdak ilmu.. tapi nak jugak bercakap..

pegi carik buku yg aku rekemen tu dan baca..
baca apa pendapat ulama2 dari dulu sampai sekarang dalam isu Khidr A.S..
boleh tahu dari sumber/kitab mana kisah Khidr ni di tulis..
dapat jugak ilmu baru..

sifat bodo sombong hanya merugikan diri sendiri..
rentikan guna ayat cliche.. "takde tulis pun dalam Quran"..

nampak bodo ok..
aku purcaya yg spesis poyo ni tak katam pun baca tafsir Quran..
tapi ayat ompama ostad/ostazah yg baru turun dari sorgawi..

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Post time 20-1-2015 12:48 PM | Show all posts
Edited by k_a_a at 20-1-2015 01:04 PM

Apabila berkaitan agama, reference yg jelas ialah dari al-quran & hadis nabi.. pendapat2 yg lain kalau tak bersandarkan al-quran & hadis/sunnah , itulah merepek namanya..  bukan bersandarkan kisah israiliyat.. atau dongeng mana tah yg diceduk dari blog mana2...
org berilmu kalau benar, di jelaskan dgn dalil berdasarkan al-quran & hadis/sunnah.. bukan meroyan marah org sana sini..

dari gaya bahasa yg digunakan .. mcm geng2 yg suka posting/komen pasal islam tapi sebenarnya nak memperlekeh atau menyesatkan (dan mungkin bukan org islam pun tapi komen pasal islam).. wallahualam...


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Post time 20-1-2015 01:34 PM | Show all posts
ala biasa le
jenis cerita2 ISLARIYAH ni
tak boleh le diimani sangat
leh dengar n santai2 je kannnnn

tempat yg paling gelap
tanpa matahari n bulan
...................kubur je le tu

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Post time 20-1-2015 03:11 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
If x mati bole jd reference kt org yg kaji sejarah

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Post time 21-1-2015 01:42 PM | Show all posts
capiloton replied at 20-1-2015 11:59 AM
worang melayu ni kalo bab kritik memang pawer..
takdak ilmu.. tapi nak jugak bercakap..

aku suka dgr cerita nabi khidir , nabi sulaiman punya mukjizat..masa aku SRA  ( sek. rendah . agama) uztaz aku rajin cerita..


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Post time 21-1-2015 05:21 PM | Show all posts
capiloton replied at 8-1-2015 05:29 PM
antara artikel menarik dalam english..

sejak umo 13thn mmg rajin g camping. arwah abah pesan, kalo buang air kat semak2 ke, jgn mintak izin tok nenek mcm org sll buat tu.. bagi salam je kat nabi khidir...

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Post time 21-1-2015 06:31 PM | Show all posts
mati jugak la rasanya, tapi maybe lambat la. umor panjang. bukan tak mati dari lahir sampai masuk syurga.

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Post time 22-1-2015 02:45 PM | Show all posts
mollipop replied at 21-1-2015 05:21 PM
sejak umo 13thn mmg rajin g camping. arwah abah pesan, kalo buang air kat semak2 ke, jgn mintak iz ...

errrrr bukan guna yang salam ke atas nabi sulaiman ke? sebab nabi sulaiman ni dulu jin2 takut kat dia kan. ayat tu tak silap angah, "salaamun ala sulaiman fiil alaamin".

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Post time 22-1-2015 11:34 PM | Show all posts
ini cedok dari kisah dongeng org2 israel nih....

tak der hadis yg mengatakan bahawa nabi Khidr A.S tu hidup lagi....
salah satu pendapat2 Ulama tentang permasalahan in ialah semasa perang badar...
tentera islam yg seramai 313 orng itu...kesemua nama mereka dan bin mereka diketauhi...
dan tidak ada satu pun nama khidr....
jika benar nabi khidr masih hidup pasti dia akan turut sama berperang dgn Penghulu segala Nabi iaitu Nabi Muhammad S.A.W....

dan masa muncul nyer dajjal....
hadis nabi hanya menyebut....
nabi ISA a.s yg membunuh dajjal...
dan tak pulak hadis ckp Nabi Isa dibantu oleh Nabi Khidr.....


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Post time 26-1-2015 02:53 AM | Show all posts
Pernah baca buku pasal Nabi Khidir a.s. Tak silap tajuknya Nabi Khidir: Menyingkap Tabir Laduni. Penulis nak bawak kita menilai ilmu laduni, ahli sufi dan ilmu makrifat. Tak silap (ingat2 lupa sebab dah lama baca buku ni) nama Nabi Khidir tak disebut dalam al-Quran. Khidir hanya diberi nama oleh golongan sufi. Mohon betulkan kalau salah.

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