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Minyak 40USD, bila tariff letrik & gas LPG mau turun?
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$40 Oil? That’s How Low Goldman Sachs Says It Needs to Go
By Chou Hui Hong Jan 13, 2015 2:17 AM GMT+0800
Oil prices, which have fallen by more than half since June, need to drop even further and stay there for the first half of the year for the market to find a balance between supply and demand, Goldman Sachs Group Inc. says.
With OPEC resisting a production cut to stem the price slide, output reductions will come from U.S. shale drillers, who are pumping at the fastest pace in three decades, according to an e-mailed report by Goldman analysts including Jeffrey Currie in New York. Excess storage and tanker capacity suggests the market can run a surplus longer than it has in the past, so oil at around $40 for six months will be needed to slow U.S. producers, they said.
The bank reduced its six- and 12-month predictions for West Texas Intermediate, the U.S. benchmark, to $39 a barrel and $65, from $75 and $80, respectively, while its estimates for Brent, the global benchmark, were cut to $43 and $70, from $85 and $90, according to the report. ... -cut-abandoned.html
lahanat, makin jem laa jalan nanti.............. 
kerajaan akan ambik purata sebulan
dan akan buat kajian mendalam dan mendalam
-wakil songkok |
tony monchet bila nak remove fuel surcharge? surcharge pekejadahnya lagik at this level? |
harga minyak jer yg turun...harga tong tuk isi gas tu naik, gaji pekerja naik, insurance premium naik, kos penyelenggaran naik...bla...bla...semua yg berkaitan naik...jadi kesimpulannya aku rasa arr takde nyer nak turun rega tuhhh...  |
bluehedgehog replied at 13-1-2015 09:55 AM
harga minyak awal 2014 - usd90, hargo minyak mesia rm2.30
harga minyak awal 2015 - usd50, hargo min ...
dpt brim 900 byar 3 kali syukurrrrrrrrrr umno bg |
Bodohnya engkau ni.
Harga LPG sedunia tak menjunam macam petroleum la.
Harga gas asli untuk janakuasa pula tak turun langsung
Erk.. turun lg 
Mmg x merasa bonus dgn increment la tahun ni  |
@spiderman80 tolong nasihatkan janda ko supaya makan ubat on time 
spiderman80 mana ada janda.Suami berbangsa jerman dia ada la
kat sydney minggu ni dh aud1 per L.. boleh dpt AUD1-1.2 tgk tempat n jenis stesen minyak (BP, shell, caltex, mobile). minyak sini berubah2 setiap hari |
stesen minyak depa tak bangkrap? 
takde yg bankrap eh.. msia je kata nk bankrap.. kan bankrap betol baru tau..
dah harga minyak dunia murah.. beli murah, jual murah tp still dpt profit..
mana ada org meniaga nk rugi dak? cuma untong tu byk sikit je la. tp ako tak rasa untong sket jual minyak ni..
kalu tak, tak de la.. stesen minyak kiri kanan depan blakang.. merata..
cuma yg ako pelik, mcm mana harga minyak berbeza utk 4 big companies ie shell bp caltex mobile.. itu blom masuk stesen minyak yg nama nya kurang glamer mcm united la, speedway la, manor la, ikot nama tempat la.. tp best utk driving time ni.. lebih2 lagi kalu ada docket pembelian kat supermarket dpt lagi 4sen/L murah.. hoho
Acong replied at 13-1-2015 10:27 AM
@spiderman80 tolong nasihatkan janda ko supaya makan ubat on time
Sekarang zaman kegawatan, Spidey terpaksa berjimat banya benda seperti minyak kereta, tol, makanan, lampin anak-anak, susu, ubat anti datang bulan Puan Botakchinpeng, kad prepaid telefon, internet dll. 
Mau TNB plak declare bangkrap pas ni.
Matematik asas umngok....
Tu pasal wat projek apa pun bungkus... |
Spot on...berapa byk IPP yg oil fired? Majoriiti gas, coal dan hydro. Gas petronas dah bg subsidi byk...kalo tak silap harga gas pn masih rendah dari pasaran
bukan harga gas masak naik ke sbb my mom bgtau ari tuh harga gas masak naik... |
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