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Does love come from the heart or the brain
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Edited by Innrukia at 6-2-2015 11:28 AM
love is blind
How does love really happen?
How many times you have seen your friends describing how their future love partners should be like only to find them later with totally different people?
Why do people end up with one's they never thought about being with?
Here is the simple answer: because most people aren't aware of what they truly want when it comes to relationships except for very few fortunate ones. Most people fall in love without understanding why or how it happens and this is why they always wonder whether love comes from the heart or the mind.
Your subconscious mind knows much more facts that your conscious mind does. Remember the last time you felt really anxious during a public speech? Did you know why it happened?
Because your subconscious mind saw some signals that triggered anxiety even though you weren't consciously aware of them. In other words your subconscious mind has access to more data than your conscious mind and this is why it sometimes changes your emotions without you understanding what's going on.
Does love come from the heart or the brain
Most people aren't aware of their unmet needs, psychological wounds or unconscious desires. For example a showy person won't tell you that he loves Instagram because it gives him an ego boost and allows him to show off but he might just think that he likes it because it has nice photo filers! Because the subconscious mind has access to all of the information you aren't consciously aware of it can easily determine the kind of person who is suitable for you.
In other words when you see someone and like him it means that your subconscious mind have seen enough signs to make sure that this person is good for you. You might wonder why would you love someone as soon as you meet them? The answer is simple your subconscious mind builds a list of all of the things that should be present in a potential partner based on your needs, beliefs and personality.
Now because the subconscious mind collects information through subtle cues that might not always be clear to your conscious mind it can quickly see things in a person and know that he is a good match for you even if you consciously didn't know the reason you liked him.
Can love be manipulated?
Can you manipulate someone and make him love you? The quick answer is yes. It's quite possible. If you managed to send the same signals a person's subconscious mind is looking for then his subconscious mind will believe that you are the one no matter how you look like or what your resources are.
This is exactly what Patrick, a below average guy did to win the heart of Jane, the hottest woman in his town. Patrick spent sometime studying Jane's behavior and figured out the items in her love map. Then he kept sending those signals indirectly to her subconscious mind until she fell in love with him.
Sekarang byk kes, gadis jatuh cinta dgn lelaki2 yang tak berapa boleh pakai. Adakala kita tertanya apa yang buat si gadis ni jatuh cinta pd seorg lelaki yg haukkk tu... tak guna akal kah mereka2 ini? Mari kita bincangkan
Cinta yand datang sendiri memang bagus... tetapi jika ia tidak datang, kita boleh membuat sesuatu supaya ia datang. Seperti yang dilakukan Patrick |
example lain xde ke? susah nk fhm
apa yg susahnya? bgtau part mana tak paham
bukan perangai dek non.... minda bawah sedar...
apa saja traits selalunya tersimpan dlm minda bawah sedar....cuma percentage yg kecik dlm pemikiran sedar.
cth yg deknon bagi tu dah betul.... vice versa juga berpotensi berlaku, sbb ada unmet needs....
apa contoh unmeet needs..tu yg x fhm
cinta adalah nafsu yg boleh disalurkan ke arah baik atau buruk huhu |
Cth seorg gadis sejak kecik tak merasa kasih sayang seorg bapa...
so potensi subconcious mind dia dah store info utk carik seseorg bersifat kebapaan
owhh..sorang kawan akak ni..bapa mninggal masa dia kecik
sebelum dia kawin , dia xberapa nak sgt kat hubby dia
akak tnya kenapa sbb M tu baik je orngya..bla2 bla2
dia ckp mmg baik tapi dia xdapat rasa M tu syg dia mcm bapa yg sygkan anknya..
dia rasa x selamat sbb syg lelaki kat pmpuan ni lain..
tapi dia kawin juga M tu..sbb xnk jd andartu..
yup tu cth kes yg betul...
selain dr tu, katakan seseorg tu dibesarkan dlm fmily abusive cth mak slalu didera bapak. Slowly subconcious mind dia store & accept perlakuan abusive tu adalah sesuatu yg normal. Makanya tak heran kalo bila dewasa & pasangannya adalah seorg yg abusive jugak....
maksud nya.. kalau seseorang tu dapat tau tentang kesukaan/apa yang diperlukan oleh si dia, n berusaha cuba jadi macam yg si dia tu nak so dapatlah orang tu memikat hati si dia tu ? tu ke yg dimaksudkan dgn boleh manipulated love ?
read about insula region and LOVE
well , love comes from Allah. |
ooo..ok dh fhm bila ada contoh abusive..sama jgk mcm yg anak laki dh di treat x yah tolong keje bila kawin dia assume bende tu normal dan bini kena wat keje umah..tu kira unmeet needs la kan? so bila pasangan dia termasuk dlm org yg x kisah wat keje umah, boleh la match dgn laki tu..betul x
yes... konsep itu la... |
kna la tgk pompuan tu punya background etc....
dr situ bleh trigger sbb per dia masih pegang laki tu
atau mungkin terdesak / desperate?..
ntah ler...comes from brain or heart does not matter to me..... |
ramainya andartu dlm ni... |
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Category: Cinta & Perhubungan