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A Short English Novel - by Me

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Post time 22-11-2006 12:12 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
I see everyone here writing in BM.  But my BM isn't really good, so I made this story in English.  I'm not exactly a good writer, but I hope everyone likes it.


        It was not the first time that I had done this kind of business. Never would I think of doing this as a living but here I am, standing in front of the harbor at 2:25am in the morning, waiting for the next batch of shipments to arrive at the port. Sure enough, the ship had successfully passed the heavily marine patrolled area. It was an old dilapidated but reliable small cargo ship.
        As it reached the port, a ladder slowly lowered down for me. Captain Mark greeted me with a weary smile and showed me the way to the cargo room. As he opened the door to the room, I saw many boxes piled up on one another. Captain Mark took out a crowbar and unlatched one of the boxes. Inside the boxes were packs of smuggled drugs from Mexico.  揥ell done, captain!



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 Author| Post time 22-11-2006 12:13 AM | Show all posts

        Seventeen minutes later, I was still in the emergency room as I watched helplessly the doctors attending the operation. I just couldn抰 do anything to help. I looked through the glass panes on the door. The policeman wasn抰 here anymore. All the patients were gone too. Now, I believed there were only Florence, the doctors and the staffs performing the operation, and me, left in the hospital.
        Suddenly, loud police car sirens pierced through the night. I looked out of the window, and to my horror, I saw police cars all over the place. 揥e know you抮e still in their, Jesse Anderson. You are now surrounded. Come out with your hands in the air!

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Post time 22-11-2006 08:59 AM | Show all posts
good job man....interesting story...well done!:tq:

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Post time 22-11-2006 09:00 AM | Show all posts
wow.. i cant help but amazed with you eunice. that is one good story and i hope i can read more stories in english from you in here. great work!! waiting for the next story...

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 Author| Post time 22-11-2006 09:57 AM | Show all posts
Hahaha...  Thanks guys!  When I was in secondary school, my teachers kept saying that they enjoyed reading my essays a lot because they were all very interesting or I had great imaginations. However, they also mentioned that my grammar can be horrible sometimes.  :D

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 Author| Post time 22-11-2006 10:59 AM | Show all posts

Young Inventor Victor: The Amazing Dog Control Leash

Next short story is supposedly written for a children's magazine.  But I thought it would be funny to share this story here.  Correct me if you spot any bad writing.  Thanks in advance!


       In the crowded Kuching city, there lived a young genius named Victor.  Victor was a very bright and humble young man who loved to invent new things to help people.  Even though he was very smart, not everything he invented was always perfect.  And here is the story of what had happened to one of his inventions.
       A few weeks ago, Victor抯 friend, Thomas, came to his house and called him,

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Post time 23-11-2006 08:43 AM | Show all posts
adess....kesian that dog...!

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 Author| Post time 23-11-2006 10:57 PM | Show all posts

A Fairy Tale

Hehehe... Memanglah kesian dog tu. Kan dia tak behave betul-betul.

:dia: Next story is written by a friend.  His writing is a bit unusual or you could say this story is more suited for children's story.  But he sure has great imagination.


        Mr. & Ms. Romb were camping in the woods when they heard a little baby's voice.  They followed the sound of the joyous child, and what they found was a little boy infant under a tree, an angelic fairy dancing upon him.

20 years later:

        The Romb's eldest son Josh was very good looking. However, he was very smart too, and was even accepted into the best University in the country! He never gave his parents any trouble or disappointment, unlike the twins who had just both scored their second F in fourth grade mathematics!

                 The twins Jimmy and Jenny had such big imaginations. They were always role-playing the fantasy stories they had read at the school library, and always wanted their big brother Josh to have some fun and play with them, but Josh wasn't interested in fantasies like his siblings and didn't find role-playing enjoyable.

Josh: Fairies and monsters don't exist! Stop pretending that they do! You're just wasting your time!

Jimmy: They DO!  They DO! You're just too scared of them that you won't admit it!

Jenny looked at her big brother with teary puppy-dog eyes: They really do~

Josh looked at his sister, and almost gave in to the innocent face, but shook his head:  Oh no you don't!  I'm not falling for that act again!

Josh took a pencil in his hand, and pointed at his siblings with it: Now stop it before I write the word "idiot" on your foreheads!

And they both ran away.

Jimmy and Jenny always argued with Josh over whether or not fairies were real, and although they had never actually seen a real fairy, they were more than positive about their existence. This all changed, however, one afternoon while the twins were playing in the backyard. Jenny had looked up at Josh's window, spotting a little glowing creature flying near it.

Jenny: Jimmy! Jimmy! Look! Look! Isn't that a-

Jimmy cut his sister off as he looked up: IT'S A FAIRY!

They both rushed into the house and up the stairs, barging into their brother's room without even knocking!

The twins pointed at the window and shouted: JOSH, LOOK! IT'S A FAIRY! THERE'S A FAIRY OUT YOUR WINDOW!

Josh was startled: H- HEY!  Aren't you supposed to knock on the door first?!

        Josh noticed that they were not giving him any attention, however. They were simply staring at his window, but when he took a glance, he saw nothing out of the ordinary.

Jimmy: It was right out your window!  Isn't that right, Jenny?

Jenny reiterated her twin brother's statement: Yeah! We just saw it from the backyard!

Josh was really angry this time: OK!  This has gone far enough!

Jimmy: But-

Josh: No buts!  It's not fun anymore to pretend with you guys!  I don't want to hear anymore about fairies!  And if you-

Jimmy turned to his sister: Maybe it went to the flower bush!

Jenny gasped: You might be right!  Let's GO!

They both rushed out of their brother's room, leaving him frozen.

Josh: I didn't finish...

               Unfortunately, they didn't find the fairy, but that night, after everyone had gone to sleep, Josh had a little visitor.  A fairy came into his room through the open window.  She flew around his room a bit, then tried to wake him up.

She whispered into his ear: Hey...wake up...I need to tell you something.

        Josh opened his eyes and the fairy flew up to his face, which scared him.  He jumped out of bed, grabbed a broom, and started swinging it, trying to hit the fairy, for he had mistaken her for a bug.  His brother and sister heard the noise he was making and quickly hurried to his room.  

Jenny: NOOOO!  He's going to kill the fairy!

Jimmy jumped on his elder brother and grabbed his clothes: Stop it! Don't hurt the fairy!

The fairy took the chance, and flew out the window.

Josh tried to catch his breath: *pant* W-what are you talking about?!  That was a bug!  It tried to bite me!

Jimmy:  But it was glowing!!!

Josh quickly replied to his brother while he was cuddling him:  It was just a firefly. Jimmy.  I'm sure of it...

Jimmy didn't completely believe his brother, but he didn't want to argue either.

That night, Josh went to sleep with doubt on his mind. "Was it just a firefly?"

        A few months later it was Josh's twentieth birthday. Josh wasn't feeling very well that day, and he decided to sleep away the afternoon. After sunset the angelic fairy came to visit Josh again, and this time she came with another female fairy.  The younger fairy flew to Josh's nose, and stared at him for a while, before kicking his nose "Wake up! You jerk!"  Fairy dust sparkled out of her foot and landed on Josh's face, which made him wake up with a big sneeze that blew the fairy to the other side of the room.

Josh:  *sniff* Oh man I must be catching a cold.

He had just gotten up to close the window, when the older fairy jumped in front of his face: Hey wait!

Josh blinked a couple of times as he was staring at the fairy.

Fairy: Josh, my dear, we need to talk.

Josh rubbed his eyes a bit:  ... Oh!  Just dreaming...

The other poor fairy that Josh had sneezed on flew back up to the side of Josh's face, and kicked his ear: This is for sneezing on me you jerk!

Josh's eyes twitched:  Ouch!  ... Man...  I'm so sick even my dreams hurt!

The younger fairy shouted into his ear: THIS IS NOT A DREAM YOU DOPE!

Josh hair stood up: AAAAA! Don't shout in my ear!!!

        Josh stood there for a minute as he stared at the two fairies that looked so serious!

Before he got a chance to realize it was for real, his twin brother and sister came into his room wondering what all the shouting was for.  Their eyes popped out when they saw their brother talking with the fairies.

Jimmy said to his sister:  Do you see what I'm seeing?
Jenny replied with joy:  We're twins aren't we?        

Right at that moment their parents came into the room to see what's going on.  The older fairy immediately flew to Mr. & Ms. Romb & started thanking them.

The fairy:  Thank you ever so much for taking care of my child for all these long years.  I am going to take him back with me to the fairy world now that he's old enough to face our harsh world.  I thank you again.

Tears fell from Ms. Romb's eyes as Mr. Romb held her and comforted her.  He thanked the fairy for letting them have such a magnificent boy as their own.  All of this happened as Josh watched with shocked eyes, and confusion.

The twins were in their own world.  They were so happy to see real fairies, and they just couldn't hold it in themselves.

Jimmy jumped around hand in hand with his twin sister:  I can't believe it!!!  My brother is a fairy!!! He's a FAIRY!!!

Jenny:  F~A~I~R~I~E~S~

Josh struggled to speak: ... B- B- but... but!  BUT!  I...  I-  I'M A HUMAN BEING!!!  How could I be a fairy's child!!!

The younger fairy explained to him:  You were born a fairy but your mother was so afraid of losing you to the evil fairies that she turned you into a human, so you'd have a chance of surviving!

Jenny stopped jumping:  There are evil fairies TOO???

Jimmy got even more exited:  So unbelievably COOL!!!

Josh couldn't take it, and was trembling in shock:  LIES!  ...This is just a dream!!!  Nothing but a dream!!!

        His body started glowing, and shrinking as he started to faint.  He disappeared underneath his clothing but his body was glowing very brightly.
        Mr. Romb asked Josh's real mom to let him rest for the night and pick him up on a later date, and to that she agreed.  The fairies left the house, and Josh was comfortably tucked into his bed.  The twins begged their parents to watch Josh all night long but it was out of the question.

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 Author| Post time 23-11-2006 10:59 PM | Show all posts
        In the morning, Josh woke up to find himself dressed up like a doll, sitting on a tea table with some other dolls.  He heard his sister's voice: Oh! Ms. Fairy!  You're awake!

He looked up and saw his sister's face, but it was so big that he jumped out of his seat screaming.  He ran out the huge doorway but was surrounded by Transformer robots.

He then heard his brother's voice: Surrender, evil fairy! Or face our laser cannons!

Josh was freaking out: MOMMY!!!!!

Jimmy appeared before his brother standing so big, with a HUGE grin on his face:  So, how does it feel to be a fairy?

Josh, while still in shock, recalled what happened to him last night:  That's... right... I'm a fairy...

He looked at his back, and noticed the sparkly wings.

Jimmy & Jenny surrounded their brother with the biggest grins on their faces.

Josh thought it was the end for him:  A...  What are you guys thinking?

The twins had extremely happy faces:  Do you believe in fairies now, Josh?

Josh took a second to think about it:  Hmmmmmmmm...

Jimmy's grin started to change a bit:  Well?

Josh was looking serious:  This could all still be just a dream!

Jenny was so disappointed her smiley face arced downwards:  We're just dreaming?

Josh answered his sister:  Yes.  Yes.  We could all be having group hallucination due to your great fascination about fairies, and my recent lack of health, and-

A girl's voice cut him off:  You still don't believe it!  Even when your body is glowing?  Even when your wings hurt when I do this?

The young fairy came down from a table & grabbed Josh by the wings, flying off with him.

The young fairy:  I'm going to take your brother, and teach him some stuff.  Bye!

The twins waved to the fairy as she flew out the window: Bye Trish!

She landed in the backyard & let go of Josh, who was hurting a lot from the ride.

Josh: Ouch! Ouch! Owww!

Trish put her hands on her waist:  OK!  Let's get started!

Josh wasn't paying much attention however:  Start what?

Trish:  Your mom asked me to teach you some stuff about fairies so you could do something other than look pretty!

She pointed at his dress, and giggled.

        For the first few days, Trish tried to teach Josh how to sparkle.  All he needed to do was focus a bit and he'd sparkle.

Josh: But I don't want to sparkle! I don't want this glowing body!

Trish: Look! You have no choice! Now, start sparkling!  

He tried & tried again but nothing came out of him, not even a little star.  

After that, Trish gave it a rest & tried to teach him a healing spell.

Trish: O.K.!  Maybe you just don't see the need for sparkling.  Fairies need fairy dust so they can cast spells.  I'm going to teach you the simplest one ok!  Now listen carefully.  "Fairy dust o fairy dust, mighty magic in my rust, cure my boo boo before it busts!"

        Trish cast the spell on Josh's head and immediately he began to feel a bit better, losing the headaches, stomachaches & all the other side effects he'd had from turning into a fairy.

Trish smiled at him: Feels better now, doesn't it?  Now you try.

        She closed her eyes, spread her arms & wings & smiled, waiting for Josh to cast the spell on her...  but he didn't do anything...

Her eyes remained closed but she was no longer smiling: COME ON JOSH! I'm waiting!

Josh muttered: But I don't believe in magic...

Immediately, she knocked him on the head: You don't have to believe in it!  Just do it!

Poor Josh rubbing his head: AW AW!  Ok ok! ... "Ummm...  Fairy dirt o fairy dirt, ummmm... got some magic in my boot, ummm... cure my boo boo? Ummmm... before it roots?"

        He waved his hands around while Trish stood there, tapping with her foot on the ground.  She knocked his head again only harder this time.

        A few days later, Trish got tired of Josh's depression & ignorance.

Trish:  Look!  You won't sparkle, and you won't cast spells, but all fairies can fly!  All you have to do is move your wings!

        Josh began to move his wings, and although his feet lifted off the ground he didn't notice.  He was so depressed from the whole fairy thing that he didn't care if he was flying or not.

Trish:  See! You're not that stupid after all!  Now why don't you try and fly around a bit.  I need to take a break.

        She rolled herself inside a leaf, and yawned to sleep while Josh hovered around the backyard in complete depression.  Suddenly he heard a soft voice whispering to him.  He followed it, and found another fairy hiding in a bush.  She looked very innocent, and shy.

Josh tried to greet her:  Hello?

The shy fairy blushed out as she tried to talk:  Um.  Hi! ... Um...  Could you give me a lift?  I sort of... hurt my wings.

Josh noticed that she didn't have any wings:  But where are your wings?

She blushed:  I- I hid them inside my body!

Josh completely forgot about his depression as he carried her in his arms.

The shy fairy was very embarrassed:  Hey... Weren't you the human who used to live in this house?

Josh replied with a big sigh:  ...  Yeah...  I used to be a human.

She asked him with a smile:  So, do you like being a fairy?

Josh's eyes started to water:  No, I don't.  All of what I've built in my life is gone.  My studying, my friends, my car... My whole life.  I can't believe that I lost it all for something I don't even believe in.

The shy fairy was saddened, and tried to show compassion:  Y-you could always start a new life as a fairy!

Josh's tears flied out of his eyes as he landed on the ground:  But I don't want this life!  I don't want this body!

The shy fairy calmed him:  Hey... D- Don't cry!...  Awwwww... umh...  I-..Awww... ok... I know it's none of my business but I think I can help you!  If you want, I could teach you a spell that will turn you into human again!

It was as if all the hope in the world poured into Josh's heart. He turned to her and gasped:  YOU CAN REALLY DO THAT?!!!

        She nodded, and they quickly took off to somewhere where she ccould cast the spell uninterrupted.

        Meanwhile, Josh's real mother came to see how well was he doing in his training, but she only could find the sleeping Trish.  She woke her up, and asked about her son.

Trish was a bit worried:  Aaaaa... I told him to fly around a bit I guess he got tired, and went into the house.

        They both searched for him all around the house, but couldn't find him, so they went to search for him in the neighborhood.  At that same time, Josh was tied to the ground by the shy fairy as she was getting ready to cast the spell.  She began humming and chanting, waving her hands around before revealing her wings, which were black, and her innocent face changed into that of a devil.

Josh was surprised:  W-what's going on?!  H-hey! Your wings aren't like mine!  They're black!  W-hat!?!-

The evil fairy started to laugh out loud: Hee hee HAAA HAA HAH!  I see your little fairy friend didn't teach you anything!  I'm an evil fairy, sweet Josh! And I'm going to EAT YOU! HAA HAA HAAHAHA!!!
Josh was scared out of his mind as he struggled to untie himself.

She jumped on him, and started to lick his face:  Hee hee heeee! Ooooh, sweet Josh, you taste so good!  I haven't eaten a male fairy in such a long time!

Josh was struggling all he could: NOOOO, DON'T EAT ME!!! I'M NOT A FAIRY!!!

He started crying, and began thinking to himself, "What's happening! Am I going to die now?!  I didn't want to be a fairy!  Why isn't anybody listening to me?" And just before she took her first bite - Trish found them, and yelled at the evil fairy:  HEY YOU!  LEAVE HIM ALONE!

The evil fairy turned slowly to her, and with an evil smirk she replied:  Heh... Two for the price of one!

        The two fairies started to fight; both trying to break each other's wings while Josh took the chance to free himself. He was nearly too late, however - the evil fairy had overpowered his friend and even bitten her arm!  Josh quickly rammed into the evil fairy, and pushed her away, standing over Trish.  The evil fairy cursed at them, and flew away.

Trish:  Ah.. Thanks... Um... Could you help me up?

        Josh carried Trish to a near tree, and laid her down.  She asked him if he could cast a healing spell on her arm because she was feeling weak from the evil fairy's bite, and couldn't do it herself.  Josh tried and tried again, but he couldn't do it, and while he was desperately trying to heal her, the evil fairy came back with a gang of other evil fairies accompanying her.


Josh stood in front of them with all the bravery in the world:  LEAVE US ALONE!!!

Trish called to Josh:  Josh! I think I can move my wings!  Let's run!!!

        But before they could flee, the evil fairies had surrounded them both, and there was no escape.  Brave Josh tried all he could to protect Trish, but he was no match for the gang of evil fairies. He was about to fall helpless when suddenly his siblings came rushing in, brandishing water pistols, branches, and bug spray!!! "LEAVE OUR BROTHER ALONE!!!" the twins shouted. They attacked the evil fairies, and drove them away!

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 Author| Post time 23-11-2006 11:00 PM | Show all posts

After they got back to the house and Trish got her treatment, Josh's real mother, the fairy, asked her son: Will you come back with me...?

Josh looked at the ground: ...  I understand that you want me back, as I am your son... but I have been living my life as a human all these years...  I don't want to be a fairy...  Why can't I stay as a human & be your son at the same time?

Trish commented: Yeah!... That's ok, isn't it?! ...  I mean, he really doesn't want to be a fairy...  He can't even sparkle!

Josh's mom looked at everybody: Well... If that's what you really feel like...  Then I guess it would be bad for all of us to force you...

Trish flew over to Josh's mom and whispered something to her.  They both smiled.  Then, Trish flew over to Josh and held his hand.

Josh's eyes were worried: W- why are you holding my hand?

Trish hushed him and started to sparkle a lot: Come on Josh!  If you really want to turn back to human then start sparkling with me.

Josh closed his eyes hard, and began grinding his teeth as he started to really sparkle!

Josh's mom started to chant a spell: "...  Born a fairy in this world, Brave hearted and sweet smiles, use this dust and fairy magic, turn to human and leave my world!"

Their bodies shone and sparkled as both of them - Trish and  Josh - turned to humans!

        Josh was so happy tears flew out of his eyes as he thanked his mom so much for letting him live the rest of his life as a human.  He promised her he'd be a good son to her.  Trish held his arm and smiled to him.

Josh: Aaaaa... um... You don't like being a fairy too?

Trish giggled: Tee hee hee, Josh, you silly boy! ... I just want to be with my hero!

Josh turned a bright shade of red, but he was happy because Trish was so beautiful in human form!

        His mom decided that she could visit from time to time and Josh and Trish would make a great couple.  The twins weren't disappointed either because Trish would tell them all about real fairies and fairy magic.  So, in the end, everyone was happy.  The foster parents of Josh didn't have to lose their son.  Josh got to stay as a human, and have the best girl-fairy in town.  They all lived happily ever after.

The End

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Post time 24-11-2006 08:27 AM | Show all posts imaginative...but it's good!

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Post time 29-11-2006 08:45 AM | Show all posts
great stories!!!

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