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Tattoo, Piercing & Questions
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just a little curious.
1) saya terbaca bahawa tattoo adalah haram dalam Islam. Adakah ini benar? Jika ya, di mana saya boleh rujuk dalam Quran?
2) adakah piercing haram dalam islam? saya bertanya kerana baru-baru ini kawan saya telah menindik telinga, dan saya juga telah encourage kawan saya untuk melakukannya. Saya tidak tahu sama ada tindakan saya ini betul atau tidak.
3) Bagaimana pula kalau buat rebonding atau perm pada rambut? adakah ini haram? |
Apa2 perbuatan terhadap tubuh badan sendiri yg berNIAT/bersangka ciptaan Allah tidak sempurna(kurang cantik contohnya) dan mengubahnya hukumnya HARAM secara umum melainkan kerana darurah.
Perhiasan( menambah) untuk wanita HARUS selagi hanya dapat dilihat oleh muhrim/suaminya. HARAM jika auratnya yg dikenakan perhiasan itu dilihat oleh org bukan muhrimnye. piercing bukanlah bersifat kekal terhadap tubuh. |
TT tanya hukum utk lelaki ke, pempuan...?
setahu aku... tatto tu menghalang air utk sampai dan rata ke kulit, sekaligus menghalang kita bersuci (wudhuk dan mandi junub), lebih2 lagi kalau tatoo tu ditempat anggota badan yg terlibat dgn wudhuk.
tu je yg aku leh jawab. lelain tu serahkan pada yg lebih alim (mengetahui). |
What number of piercings would you be able to get without a moment's delay in your ear? At present, the pattern of having puncturing is turning into the primary all the rage among the two people. Be that as it may, this craft of ping has been additionally classified into various kinds, How Many Piercings Can You Get at Once In which you can get a twofold penetrating, triple just as fourfold piercings. As the penetrating has gotten so much popular so most likely there is no particular breaking point about considering what number of piercings you need for yourself! |
Body penetrating is a wonderful and exceptional approach to communicate your own style and distinction. It's been around for more than 5,000 years and your alternatives are numerous.[1] Whether you're puncturing your ears, nose, eyebrow, tongue, midsection catch, or lip, it's in every case best to visit an expert. Be that as it may, in case you're focused on doing the puncturing yourself, there are a few different ways to make it as sterile, torment free, and protected as could reasonably be expected. Disinfect your hands and the zone to be penetrated. Scour your hands well with an antibacterial cleanser, and dry them with a spotless towel. After your hands are perfect, you should clean the zone you are puncturing. Pour some scouring liquor onto sterile cloth and clean the skin altogether. Liquor wipes additionally work for this.[2] To abstain from debasing the penetrating site, after you've cleaned the territory, don't contact it once more. What Does a Nose Ring Mean on a Woman |
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