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Author: ResellerMaxis

[Tempatan] Dr M - Selar kehidupan mewah PM dan Isteri

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Post time 20-4-2015 04:46 PM | Show all posts
akusukaq replied at 20-4-2015 04:42 PM
Mahafiraun dah bertukar jadi Mahadewata apabila dia mengambil alih tugas ketum yg terpenjara.

simply correct

aku sukaq aku sukaq


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Post time 20-4-2015 04:46 PM | Show all posts
Dr M brings up Rosmah in latest attack on Najib

Published: 20 April 2015 11:59 AM
http://www.themalaysianinsider.c ... est-attack-on-najib

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad fired a new salvo at Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak today, this time including mention of his wife, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor and her "lavish lifestyle". Taking Najib to task again over unexplained missing funds from debt-ridden 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB), Dr Mahathir said in a blog post today that he had been able to overlook some of Najib's "behaviour" until now.

"There are many things about his personal behaviour that I thought were not right. But I was prepared to overlook them, including he and his wife’s lavish lifestyle," the former prime minister wrote.  "But when he cannot explain where billions of ringgit have gone to and his involvement with questionable people in the management of 1MDB, I feel that he is not fit to be the prime minister of this country.

"I will explain about how he lost billions of ringgit in my next blog," he said. On Saturday, Dr Mahathir said Umno, the ruling Malay party of which Najib is president, ought to remove him or risk losing the next general election. "We are faced with this choice: either you remove a prime minister who has failed and who will lead Umno to lose the next election, or you take your chance that if he goes off, we may be able to revive Umno," Dr Mahathir had told reporters after giving a speech an an anti-war forum in Kuala Lumpur.

He said Najib should be removed because he had failed to explain financial scandals involving 1MDB and where some of its funds in the Caymans had gone. In previous blog posts at, Dr Mahathir has criticised Najib several times over 1MDB, and also his policy of giving cash handouts under the 1Malaysia People's Aid (BR1M).

The prime minister of 22 years has previously called for Najib's resignation, but had never before this told Umno to take action so openly. He had also never publicly commented on Rosmah before, whose spending on jewellery was mentioned in a February article in the New York Times which highlighted the wealth of businessman Low Taek Jho. Low's role as a property investor and transactions involving various parties, including Riza Aziz, Najib's stepson, was also highlighted. The paper also reported Rosmah's spending on jewellery and designer handbags.

It said that Najib, “who earns an annual salary of about $100,000 (RM360,000) as prime minister, has been battered by news media reports of his wife’s lavish spending”. It also noted that there were photos of Rosmah using at least nine different Birkin bags, which typically cost between US$9,000 and US$150,000 a piece.

The paper, furnishing invoices and other documents as proof of jewellery purchases for Rosmah, had asked the Prime Minister's Office for a response and received a response which said: “Neither any money spent on travel, nor any jewellery purchases, nor the alleged contents of any safes are unusual for a person of the prime minister’s position, responsibilities and legacy family assets.” This led to speculation about Najib and his family's wealth, and triggered a letter signed by Najib's four brothers – Datuk Johari, Datuk Nizam, Datuk Nazim, and Datuk Seri Nazir – taking issue with those who speculated about the inheritance left by their father, Malaysia's second prime minister Tun Abdul Razak Hussein.

The four Razak brothers said their father was known for his integrity and frugality, and denounced "anyone who taints his memory". "We are extremely concerned that some recent news articles and postings have given rise to speculation as to the nature and extent of the inheritance that our late father, Tun Abdul Razak, had left behind. "We wish to put on record that Tun Abdul Razak was a highly principled man, well-known to all who knew him for his frugality and utmost integrity and any statement or inference to the contrary would be totally false and misleading to his memory and to his service and sacrifices for the nation," said the statement issued on February 24. The Razak brothers added that the "whole family" was united on this issue.

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Post time 20-4-2015 04:50 PM | Show all posts
ronin replied at 20-4-2015 02:22 PM
ha..ha...gelak tengok posting ko dik...ever heard the word 'sarcasm'?

tuh la kan..dia x perasan kot ade ikon gelak2 kt ujung ayat...hahahah


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Post time 20-4-2015 04:52 PM | Show all posts
EJALTI replied at 20-4-2015 04:46 PM
Dr M brings up Rosmah in latest attack on Najib

Published: 20 April 2015 11:59 AM

the malaysian dogs
kini merujuk 100% kepada Tun M
sebagai sumber cari makan


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Post time 20-4-2015 04:54 PM | Show all posts
EJALTI replied at 20-4-2015 04:46 PM
Dr M brings up Rosmah in latest attack on Najib

Published: 20 April 2015 11:59 AM

It said that Najib, “who earns an annual salary of about $100,000 (RM360,000) as prime minister, has been battered by news media reports of his wife’s lavish spending”. It also noted that there were photos of Rosmah using at least nine different Birkin bags, which typically cost between US$9,000 and US$150,000 a piece.

The paper, furnishing invoices and other documents as proof of jewellery purchases for Rosmah, had asked the Prime Minister's Office for a response and received a response which said: “Neither any money spent on travel, nor any jewellery purchases, nor the alleged contents of any safes are unusual for a person of the prime minister’s position, responsibilities and legacy family assets.” This led to speculation about Najib and his family's wealth, and triggered a letter signed by Najib's four brothers – Datuk Johari, Datuk Nizam, Datuk Nazim, and Datuk Seri Nazir – taking issue with those who speculated about the inheritance left by their father, Malaysia's second prime minister Tun Abdul Razak Hussein.

The four Razak brothers said their father was known for his integrity and frugality, and denounced "anyone who taints his memory". "We are extremely concerned that some recent news articles and postings have given rise to speculation as to the nature and extent of the inheritance that our late father, Tun Abdul Razak, had left behind. "We wish to put on record that Tun Abdul Razak was a highly principled man, well-known to all who knew him for his frugality and utmost integrity and any statement or inference to the contrary would be totally false and misleading to his memory and to his service and sacrifices for the nation," said the statement issued on February 24. The Razak brothers added that the "whole family" was united on this issue.

Memalukan sungguh Najib ni...sanggup dia tarnish nama baik Arwah Tun Razak semata mata kerana nafsu Rosmah


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Post time 20-4-2015 04:55 PM | Show all posts
macai igt bila nuar dah msk jel dorang leh bergumbira ria xde lg org leh hencap pm kesayangan...tapi.....................................


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Post time 20-4-2015 04:57 PM | Show all posts
d'zeck replied at 20-4-2015 04:52 PM
the malaysian dogs
kini merujuk 100% kepada Tun M
sebagai sumber cari makan

Sakai pencacai, sila tambah supply popcorn (pun dah kena gst)....

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Post time 20-4-2015 04:59 PM | Show all posts
EJALTI replied at 20-4-2015 04:57 PM
Sakai pencacai, sila tambah supply popcorn (pun dah kena gst)....

kalo tak ada Tun M

you olang led bean sure talak
makan miya

pop corn ka maggi ka

pun talak luit miya


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Post time 20-4-2015 05:00 PM | Show all posts
ResellerMaxis replied at 20-4-2015 04:34 PM
Cadangan saya pada tun m...lepas najib step down..tolong siasat dan dakwa semua salah laku pak lah n ...

Jugak mintak buat semua ahli parti yg menang pilihanraya untuk buat undian siapa nak dipilih jd PM... jangan diberi hak hanya pada orang  tertentu untuk pilih mcm skrg ni... apa hak segelintir ketua bahagian ni untuk pilih PM untuk negara .... ..dan senang untuk dirasuah


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Post time 20-4-2015 05:01 PM | Show all posts
Semua tuh dah kena gst.....

Enjoyyyyyyyyyyy sesambil tengok telenovela 'tuhan' umno Tun Vs Bijan....

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Post time 20-4-2015 05:02 PM | Show all posts
suke semangat Tun M berani bersuara di hadapan dan secra terang-terangan...inilah contoh ciri2 pemimpin yang baik..

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Post time 20-4-2015 05:14 PM | Show all posts

kritik presiden umngok = pembangkang.
madey tu dah jadik pembangkang ke blom?
dah kutuk kaw2 pon blom ada yg berani cop dia pembangkang

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Post time 20-4-2015 05:19 PM | Show all posts
Clash of the Titans - Rosmah vs Mahathir

10:00AM Mar 14, 2015

Finally we are arriving on to the open ring where the assault is more direct. Dr Mahathir Mohamad must be commended for his courage and steel in squarely choosing to differ with the entire entourage of Barisan Nasional leaders and followers.

He has courageous come out into the open playing field of politics to ask questions that many voting Malaysians have been merely whispering in coffeeshops and warongs.

The former premier is asking very honest but equally probing questions about 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) which all the pro-Najib Abdul Razak camps have shied away from.

Now that the spotlight is zooming in on Rosmah Mansor’s son vis-à-vis reports of the young man’s unprecedented acquisition of properties and businesses worth to the tune of billions of ringgit, the script is almost set to see a Clash of the Titans - the Rosmah vs Dr Mahathir battle.

If the opposition political parties were to keep harping on 1MDB, it can easily be suspected of being anti-government. The outcries in response to the reported stories on 1MDB and its entourage of who’s who can even be dismissed as the work of sour grapes and ‘foreign agents’ out to tarnish the nation.

But when the very man who directed the stage of Malaysian politics stretching well over two decades; one who is also and often seen as a true-blue Malaysian at heart, starts poking the burning embers, do we fault the Najib-Rosmah camp or the doc?

Indeed, truth must prevail. Anyone who chooses to ‘waft their eyes to the contrary’ is as guilty as those who will be charged eventually - with being unpatriotic to Agong, country and people.

For those who blindly threw their support behind the ultimate crook, they, too, must account to Agong, nation and people for robbing this country of its greater future.

Indeed, too, we are at a very critical and defining moment of truth that will either send this nation into the backwaters reeling in corruption and greed or surge it onward to conquer the untamed future.

Let the battle of the titans begin then. And let it be bitter but short and sweet an end result. The ultimate test is: Who is lying? Is it Rosmah? Is it Dr Mahathir?

And hopefully, the patronising political mainstream media will also not be judged with their crime of omission for here comes the battle of the titans.

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Post time 20-4-2015 05:21 PM | Show all posts
lavamorningstar replied at 20-4-2015 02:47 PM
takut kalu...baik lu buat citer pasal arnab yg baik je laaa.....

Nah! Wa buat parody pasal arnab!


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Post time 20-4-2015 05:23 PM | Show all posts
ronin replied at 20-4-2015 05:21 PM
Nah! Wa buat parody pasal arnab!

jab lagi wa tengok....

wa tengah belasah si murtad tu kaw kaw ni...


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Post time 20-4-2015 05:25 PM | Show all posts
Tetapi saya sedia abaikannya, kecuali gaya hidup dia dan isterinya


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Post time 20-4-2015 05:25 PM | Show all posts
Naurah_rik replied at 20-4-2015 02:52 PM
ha ah gelak la. bila lagi nak gelak. sarcasm pastu silakan troll. haha.

kat sini ada orang post lurus bendul, post sarkastik dan ada juga parody mcm bideo kat bawah ni....


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Post time 20-4-2015 05:27 PM | Show all posts
ronin replied at 20-4-2015 05:21 PM
Nah! Wa buat parody pasal arnab!

awat cepat sgt dialog kau? tak sempat nk baca

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Post time 20-4-2015 05:31 PM | Show all posts
dauswq replied at 20-4-2015 05:27 PM
awat cepat sgt dialog kau? tak sempat nk baca

klip pendek, setiap babak pendek sedangkan aku nak dialog meaningful sikit...ko kena pause at certain part kot...

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Post time 20-4-2015 05:31 PM | Show all posts
Selagi rakyat ramai lg yg susah, slagi tu pemimpin x sepatutnya bermewah mewah.. menjawab ler bsok kat akhirat. rakyat tak halalkan semua duit yg ko dah 'rompak'. ishh geram aku..

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