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Preschool diet linked to adult breast cancer risk
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i think it's nice to share this with other parent though some of you have read it.i think same goes to exposing our children to ciggarates smoke and other unhealthy sources.few weeks ago i've attend a course on chemical handling.and a doc revealed a story in uk(i guess?) about a man who got lung cancer at about was found out that the man had been exposed to asbestos during his childhood.and the blame goes to his father clothes coz at the time he was working in construction.any comment?
WEDNESDAY, Aug. 17 (HealthDay News) |
kalau x silap otto, there was a similar cancer scare in australia relating to fish & chips. ozzies ni suka mkn fish n chips. bila buat research, diorang conclude yg kalau selalu mkn fish & chips boleh sbbkan cancer (tak ingat cancer apa).
similar to the articlel above, ikan & kentang tu ok cuma cara memasak yg sbbkan cancer - guna minyak high saturated fat & guna berulang kali sampai berkeladak minyak!
btw, kan ke toddlers n preschools tak digalakkan mkn goreng2 nih? so maybe kita boleh kurangkan bagi fries, goreng pisang, goreng keledek, goreng donut, goreng kerepok, goreng.. goreng.. goreng... |
makanan mesia nih pun skit punyer byk goreng dan lemaknyer..nasi lemak..lemak dan berminyak..kuih2 pun byk yg gorengggg...kalo ikut yg dia ckp lemak yg digoreng dlm lemak yg panas..fuh byk le contoh2 kat sini.... |
| the article have is not the food yang menyebabkan cancer..tapi...cara makanan nie kita steam...lagi baik...berbanding ngan deep frying... that is high in fat contents are one of the causative factors for lots of cancer...not only breast cancer alone...women who are obese...are more at risk of getting uterine cancer...
...theres one more thing u guys need to noe...cut down on salty food telur asin...sawi asin...chaipoh nie semua...these food stuffs are associated with cancer of the nasopharynx...(NPC) eat in moderation... |
ikut stat kat mesia nih....dgr iklan kat tv3 tuh breast cancer occurance dlm 4 org wanita ader sorang i salah dgr ni?:hmm: |
| boy sekarang ni abah dia selalu sumbat ngan french fries!! tapi susah la nak bagi makan kat my son ni.bukan dia taknak makan...tapi I dot really know what to cook!! rasa mcm terrible mom jer! |
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