Szasza posted on 26-9-2012 12:38 PM 
susahnya nak cari islamic school english medium kat area klang n shah alam...ada sesapa tau x kat ma ...
ada...kalau dkt shah alam.....Greenview Islamic School.
islamic english base with UK syllibus. all subjects were thaught in english except bahasa arab and bm.
academic syllibus - follow UK/international syllibus.
islamic syllibus- follow IPE(islamic primary education) curriculum - sama mcm other JAIS school. cuma, belajar agama pon in english.
Nie subject agama yg derang ajar utk primary school:-
Ilmu Tauhid – Critical Thinking Ilmu Fiqh – Critical Thinking Ilmu Ihsaan (Tasawwuf) – Character devt / Communication Skills Tafseer Tah-feezh (surah-surah tertentu) Qur-aan Recitation Taj-weed Hadeeth Seerah
Students will complete reciting the Qur-aan at the end of Year 4. - At the end of Year 7, students will finish studying all of Arabic Grammar which would enable them to understand at least 50-60% of the Qur-aan.
Islamic Studies will be taught within school hours.
(source: school website)