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All About Tokyo, Japan

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Post time 30-11-2011 11:25 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Post Last Edit by bdk2 at 10-1-2012 21:47

ni thread jepun yg dulu..boleh sambung kat sini ye..

Selamat Berforum!!!
saya dah separatekan Osaka dan Tokyo..utk tempat2 lain nanti kite cite lain..sementara tu yg ni dulu ye..



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Post time 30-11-2011 12:18 PM | Show all posts
salam..aku plan nak ke tokyo oct nx year.return tiket rm500...kita backpacking je.sape2 nak join bole pm aku..

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Post time 30-11-2011 12:39 PM | Show all posts

Sha bawak beras dari sini. Tumis cili dr sini untuk masak sambal sardin & nasi goreng. Minyak masak, telur beli kat sana. Tempat yg sha duduk tu ada a few halal store so dptlah masak kari ayam cowboy (tumis serbuk kari ngan masukkan santan tin aje, bukan tak de bawang tapi mahal giler, sebijik bwg regenya nak dekat RM5) tp sedap gak bila time2 darurat tu.

1st day sampai, we all jln2 depan NHK Studio, lepak kat Yoyogi Park, masuk Meiji Shrine dan balik hotel sbb semuanya mcm zombie.

2nd day- pegi Akihabara tapi sbb terawal sampai kul 9.30am byk kedai tak bukak lagi. Kat sana kedai bukak pukul 11am ke atas. So jln2 ajelah kat depan kedai2 electronic tu. Masuk satu duty free shop, one of the salesman suggested pegi okachimachi market. Best jugak. Dpt tgk mcm2 ikan, siput yg pelik2. Lama jugaklah kitaorg merayau2. Klr through Ueno station singgah kat Hard Rock store. Tghari join tour ke Imperial Palace.

3rd day- we all join one day tour ke Mount Fuji & Hakone. Pegi by coach & return by Shikansen. Ada cruise ride & naik cable car.

4th day- Public holiday kat sana. We all pegi Asakusa. Ada pesta Thanks Giving & mcm2 food stall ada. Seronok tgk pompuan & anak2 kecil pakai kimono. Malam we all pegi Shibuya, join the crowd crossed 8 junction. Kat sini happening, byk high end stores, pub & restaurant, small boutique yg jual mcm2. Sekarang ni whinter clothing byk on sales. Stoking, pyjamas cute2. Uniqlo berlambak2 kat tokyo even kat big station pun you boleh jumpa.

5th day- Disneysea

6th day- Sbb ada lagi souvenir yg tak cukup, we all repeat Asakusa. Sini harga quite reasonable. Beli japanese crackers yg freshly made. Tghari pegi Disneyland sampai habis parade baru balik. Rides kat sini & Disneysea tak thrill sangatlah compare kat USS. Waiting time about 50min so masa byk habis menunggu. Masuk 1-2 show tp sbb semuanya in Japanese anak2 mcm tk interested nk tengok.

Sha ambik airport transfer htr ke hotel & pick up to airport. Both way Sha kena byr Yen42000 untuk 8 seater van. Ari2 lain commute pakai train & subway & sha gunakan suica card. To save, anak yg kecik (5yrs), kitaorg dukung masa pass through the ticket gate.



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Post time 30-11-2011 01:04 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Anakpencen at 11-12-2011 17:40


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Post time 30-11-2011 02:35 PM | Show all posts

Sha bawak beras dari sini. Tumis cili dr sini untuk masak sambal sardin & nasi goreng. Miny ...
ashazie Post at 30-11-2011 12:39

Sha.. nak tanya...
1.sesat tak masa kat Tokyo?
2. dari ikebukuru ke disneysea sha naik train apa?...blik dari disneasea naik train pkl brapa?
3. boleh share nama kedai halal tu ?..jadi sha beli ayam kat sana la ek...
4. semua tempat yang sha pergi tu guna suica je kan ?.. kalau kita dah beli suica card.kalau nak ke mana2 kena beli tiket lagi tak?..confuse lak..
5. leh  share link tour ke imperial palace tu tak?
6. Antara hakone , imperial palace n ueno park.. kat mana paling lawa autumn colours ?

Sorry banyak tanya...tengah kecut perut neh... and cend adaPM sha..

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Post time 30-11-2011 02:48 PM | Show all posts
Takde ke org nak buat compilation of places of interest, where to stay, what to do, what not to do pasal jepun ni  and letak kat first page ni yer? info dlm thread yg lepas2 sangat2 serabut... aku baru abis khatam thread yg lepas2, copy paste jer semua dlm ms word dulu.. then baru nak digest balik... kalau la otai2 jepun bleh letak semua info2 penting kat depan thread nih, senang la sket....

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Post time 30-11-2011 03:20 PM | Show all posts
Takde ke org nak buat compilation of places of interest, where to stay, what to do, what not to do p ...
azradiza Post at 30-11-2011 15:48

Topik Jepun ni tak macam Korea ramai peminat Wanita.... Jepun tak macam Korea sebab Jepun semua tempat menarik
Tokyo tu besar malah yang dok Tokyo 5 tahun pun masih banyak tempat menaarik nak lawati.. Hampir seluruh Jepun
sangat menarik sebab natural dan bukan buat2 macam Korea tempat pengembaraan drama/filem jadi tarikan... Tokyo terlalu Besar Greater Tokyo....

Hotel terlalu banyak... yang banyak bagi Info macam Mieciput dia pernah blaja dan dok lama sangat so agak tak sama macam berjalan2 dan travel.. Travel dan dok satu tempat tak sama ....

setiap tempat menarik berdasarkan minat.. macam Aku minat Museum dan  aku tak minat shopping.. Bab ni terlalu subjektif..

macam gi UENO aku tak suka lihat Sakura kat Ueno Park tapi Museum dia banyak..
Hiroshima aku suka Museum kapal dan Tentera dia..
Museum Ninja kat Iga Ueno

kalau sesape dah pergi Jepun dan dok lama Faham apa yang aku nak cakap...sebab Kos Mahal kut

lagi satu kena Pompuan/Wanita/Kakak yang monitor Thread Jepun ni sebab Lelaki macam aku malas nak update heheheheee

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Post time 30-11-2011 03:35 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by azradiza at 12-7-2012 15:00

List of forumers travelling to Tokyo/ Japan

aishahahmah : 22/8/12 - 27/8/12

Miyoma : 27/8/12 - 5/9/12 - turun kat Osaka
bluezircon79 : 29/8/12 - 10/9/12 - turun/naik kat Osaka
honey_madu2 : 2/10/12 - 9/10/12

Darkbaron : 29/11/12 - 12/12/12
ajak78 : 29/11/12 - 4/12/12
shaffareffa : 7/12/12 - 19/12/12


Last edited by azradiza on 31-7-2012 10:17 AM \n\n

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Post time 30-11-2011 03:55 PM | Show all posts

bila agaknye boleh dapat nengok cenggini osaka/tokyo ?

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Post time 30-11-2011 04:11 PM | Show all posts
saya baru nak blajar..tapi tak tau mana nak mula..takda hujung pangkal..hehe

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Post time 30-11-2011 04:19 PM | Show all posts
bila agaknye boleh dapat nengok cenggini osaka/tokyo ?
aishahahmad Post at 30-11-2011 03:55 PM

   musim luruh kot? november? now?

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Post time 30-11-2011 04:28 PM | Show all posts
Reply 8# azradiza

aku agree ngan ko sbb bab travel nih, nak carik tempat yg nak dituju especially ditempat baru, boleh menjadi satu tugas yang sangat mencabar .. dan membaca pengalaman di nih adalah satu tempat yang wajib aku khatam tiap kali nak travel.. aku perasan mmg very helpful, cuma like you said, info mmg merata2 .. jadi mmg tugas kita laaa nak compilekan sendiri ikut cita rasa masing2 .. takkan ada orang mampu buat untuk kita sbb lain orang lain tempat dia pegi.. dan lain citarasanya..

btw, aku belum sempat nak khatam thread sebelum nih .. huuhuuu and i'm going this Friday .. OMG ..

nanti aku share apa yg aku mampu bila aku balik nanti

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Post time 30-11-2011 04:36 PM | Show all posts
i couldn't agree more with you.. walaupun tak penah sampai Jepun except for transit kat Narita f ...
azradiza Post at 30-11-2011 03:35 PM

   setuju dgn one thread jepun ni patut mulakan dgn summary of information yg terkumpul dari forumner yg ambik bahagian selama ni...senang buat mcm format wikitravel, modify skit2 lah mcm page 1 thread South Korea tu.....kalau ada org baru nak pancing info senang je nak cari dgn baca page one instead of cuba khatam berpuluh2 page. Page satu jugak boleh taruk index link-kan pada post2 specific yg mengandungi gambar2 travel para forumner cari.

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Post time 30-11-2011 04:46 PM | Show all posts
Reply 13# cmf_GAIA

cmf .. apa kata ko tolong compilekan .. can be helpful to everyone, including myself ..

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Post time 30-11-2011 05:01 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by azradiza at 12-7-2012 14:01

Okie la disebabkan aku yg start bising2 ni kan, so aku mulakan la ehh... aku reserve few postings utk aku update later on.. info banyak dlm lappy kat umah...

-reserved - to update with compiled info

Japan - Overview

Overall Guide :
Japan National Tourism :

Visa Requirements

Embassy of Japan in Malaysia :

Fees : FOC
Duration : 3 workings days for approval

Documents required:
1) Bank statements
- need at least 6k or more ( some say need to have at least RM10k)
- kene ade cop approval from the bank
- savings account, ASB, Tabung Haji, fixed deposits semua boleh
- utk ASB account, sila update buku and mintak org bank tu letak cop as verification.. the same goes for Tabung Haji account

2) Ticket flights - ade yg kate yg ni optional

3) Travel itineraries - – Boleh buat sendiri berdasarkan tmpt2 yg kita nak lawati… masa saya buat dulu, saya masukkan jugak Hotel penginapan sebab saya dah buat booking (online) dan juga flight ticket information

4) Supporting letter for employer

5) Invitation letter from those residing in Japan - yg ni ramai kate dah tak payah buat

Validity : 3 months from approved date

Malaysian Embassy

Address: 20-16, Nanpeidai-Cho
Telephone: +(81-3) 3476-3840

Fax: +(81-3) 3476-4971
[email protected]

Temperature / Weather

- Calendar sekolah & kerja Jepun start dari April (Spring) until March next year

Seasons in Japan:
Apr, May, June : Musim bunga ( spring)
- ade musim hukan dlm bulan June, just before masuk musim panas
- sakura kembang seminggu dua je, awal april is the best time to view sakura

- Sakura kat jepun start mac hingga may... Tp biasanya area tokyo, osaka tu early april

Jul, Aug, Sep : Musim panas

Oct, Nov, Dec : Musim luruh
- kalau nak tengok daun merah, temperature kene around 10C

Jan, Feb, March : Musim sejuk

Kalau selatan Jepun, macam Okinawa tu sub tropika, kalau Kyushu tu cepat seminggu timing dia, Kalau Hokaido tu lambat 2 minggu pada kebiasaannya...

Jepun ni akhir January dan February yang paling sejuk... December masih boleh pakai setakat baju sejuk biasa..

Monthly average temperature for Tokyo & other cities :

Sakura forecast 2012

Location         Opening         Estimated Best Viewing  
Tokyo            March 30         April 5 to 14
Kyoto            March 29         April 5 to 14
Kagoshima     March 28         April 5 to 14
Kumamoto     March 26         April 3 to 12
Fukuoka         March 27         April 4 to 13
Hiroshima       March 29         April 5 to 13
Osaka            March 30         April 6 to 14
Nara              March 31         April 6 to 14
Nagoya          March 29         April 6 to 13
Yokohama      March 31         April 6 to 13
Kanazawa       April 7            April 12 to 19
Nagano          April 13          April 18 to 25
Sendai           April 13          April 18 to 25
Aomori          April 26           May 1 to 8
Hakodate        May 2             May 6 to 13
Sapporo         May 4             May 7 to 14


Golden week
The Golden Week is a collection of four national holidays within seven days. In combination with well placed weekends, the Golden Week becomes one of Japan's three busiest holiday seasons, besides New Year and the Obon week.

Power Voltage :
rice cooker @ any electrical appliances dr msia takley pakai kat jepun kec yg dual volt/ multivolt.. tak silap jepun pkai 100v, kita nyer appliance lam 220-240v..



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Post time 30-11-2011 05:03 PM | Show all posts
Reply 6# azradiza

good idea...hari tu pernah kumpul info2 kat cari ni sbelom pegi jepon..tpi dah hilang..

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Post time 30-11-2011 05:03 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by azradiza at 12-7-2012 13:48


All about Tokyo Metro :

Tokyo Subway map :

Tokyo Metro transfer planner & fare calculation :

Tokyo Metro 1-day open ticket : Good for one day of unlimited rides on all Tokyo Metro lines. It can be purchased on the day of use or in advance.
Price : Adult = 710 yen , Child = 360 yen


kalau beli kat Narita Airport, boleh dpt 600yen/1days or 960yen/2days...

Common One-day ticket for Tokyo Metro & Toei Subway : Good for one day of unlimited rides on all Tokyo Metro and Toei Subway lines.

Price : Adult = 1,000 yen, Child = 500 yen

Tokyo Combination ticket
A ticket allowing unlimited rides on all lines of Tokyo Metro, Toei Subway, Toden, Tokyo metropolitan buses (except for buses with fixed seats, etc.), all sections of Nippori / Toneri Liners, as well as all lines of JR within Tokyo ward for one day stated in valid period
Price : Adult = 1,580 yen, Child = 790 yen

JR line : kalau nak jalan2 tokyo in 1 day... Bleh amik daily pass... Dlm 760yen je... Leh g mane2... Sgt jimat!

Tokyo Monorail from Haneda Airport :

Japan Rail Pass :
-Kalau ada buat trip tokyo-osaka-tokyo, better amik JR Pass

To buy JR pass in Malaysia :

Seishun 18 :
-nak murah travel Tokyo-Osaka ke mana ke... naik local & rapid train.. ada tiket khas ni nama dia "Seishun 18 Kippu". Tak silap setahun jual 3 kali time spring, summer & winter break. Harga 11,500yen for 5 tickets. Boleh guna 24hrs per ticket & ada masa2 je boleh guna.
biasanya kalau tolak awal pagi (after 0000hrs) dari Tokyo, rasanya leh sampai Hiroshima (before 2400hrs) pada hari tu

- ketapi slow, bleh tengok sceneries
- murah - target utk students & budget travellers

- ketapi ni slow & banyak stop - tak sesuai utk tight schedule travellers
- possibility utk tukar2 train tu tinggi
- can be confusing utk tourist yg tak reti cakap jepun
- tak sesuai utk traveller with anak kecik

Highway buses :

Willer Express bus

The Japan Bus Pass by Willer Express has the potential to revolutionize
budget travel in Japan. The pass can be used on overnight and daytime long distance buses on the nationwide network of Willer Express on 3, 4 or 5 days of your choice within two months from purchase. The pass can be used by both foreign tourists and residents of Japan, however, it has to be purchased outside of Japan.

Train route finder :

iPhone Apps:
1) - boleh install application ni (rasa this application tak perlu internet connection. tapi application ni kurang accurate sebab kalau ternaik train rapid, few station akan skip.)

2) halal japan apps :

Suica Card - mcm Touch n Go card :
- boleh naik semua train.. and senang... pastu bila ko nak balik boleh return balik duit yg lebih dlm kad tu .. bole guna sampai osaka dll. tapi kalu ko nak topup or nak return n amik deposit kat tokyo je boleh
- first kena beli 2000 yen , deposit kad tu 500 yen

- kalau beli dgn Narita Express, Yen 3500,dpt 1500 credit dan 500 deposit
- boleh gune kat vending machines

Hakone Free Pass :
- dari Shinjuku station, rega 5,000 yen sahaje
- pegi balik Hakone naik train biase saje
- kalau u beli kat Shinjuku station akan cover pergi balik from Tokyo to Hakone + all mode of transportation kat Hakone. Valid untuk 2 hari, so kalau nak bermalam kat Hakone memang worth it beli pass ni.

- Bila dah beli Hakone Pass, harga Romance car , kita cuma tambah 870 yen je , so total Hakone Pass dan harga tiket Rmance Car , 5870 yen = RM 234 .Kalau beli Romance car je tanpa Hakone Pass , harga tiket akan jadi lain. Ni harga untuk one way je
- Hakone pass boleh beli kat kat Stesen Shinjuku, cari Odakyu Platform..., nak naik Romance car pun boleh beli kat situ..., pening sikit nak cari Odakyu ni, kat tingkat satu, kena naik tangga...
kalau beli kat stesen odawara lagi murah Hakone pass ni dalam 3900 yen kot..

- Kalau nak naik Romance car better beli Hakone pass ni kat shinjuku , so harga Hakone pass + Romance car 5000+ 870 yen je.. ni harga untuk sehala
- beli dulu kat Shinjuku gak , kalau kita naik Romance car , memang akan terus  sampai Hakoneyamato
Tapi kalau dari Shinjuku naik train biasa kan, akan stop di stesyen Odawara ..masa tu bolehlah beli Hakone pass,sebab tulah murah , sebab dah dekat dah

Romance car :
- one way ticket from Shinjuku to Hakone , rega 2,020 yen



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Post time 30-11-2011 05:04 PM | Show all posts
Reply  cmf_GAIA

cmf .. apa kata ko tolong compilekan .. can be helpful to everyone, including my ...
SisKebab Post at 30-11-2011 04:46 PM

   insya allah kalau ada masa aku cuba buat sikit2..

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Post time 30-11-2011 05:05 PM | Show all posts
Reply 15# azradiza

nanti sy akan tolong akak gak...jadi asistance

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Post time 30-11-2011 05:07 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by azradiza at 13-7-2012 15:54

Where to go

- Tokyo Boat Tour (harga 1520Yen) ke Odaiba .. sampai Odaiba, ada Statue of Liberty dan Rainbow Bridge

- hakone sejuk sikit sbb dia highland , biasanya kurang 5 degree dari tokyo

- famous for their 'Shibuya crossing'
- kat sini jugak ade Hachiko statue - naik train ke Shibuya, cari Hachiko Exit
- ade station 109 - shopping mall utk pompuan sahaje - turun dekat Shibuya station

- Ambik train (Asakusa Line), turun di Asakusa .. leh nampak SkyTree (tower) dan taik emas tu.. hehehehe .. nih kat jambatan dia.. dari jambatan ini juga, leh ambik tokyo tour.. --> post#203

- Kalo dah sampai Asakusa... kuar je dr subway leh naik river cruise ke Odaiba . Kat situ ada  Fuji TV  punya bangunan ..
Man Made island...  kat sana  leh jalan  sampai malam .. lh tgk  Shinjuku municipal building, Tokyo tower,  rainbow bridge
dia ada shuttle bus.. nk round2 sana

Sensoji (Asakusa Kannon Temple)
Buddhist temple located in Asakusa. It is one of Tokyo's most colorful and popular temples. The legend says that in the year 628, two brothers fished a statue of Kannon, the goddess of mercy, out of the Sumida River, and even though they put the statue back into the river, it always returned to them. Consequently, Sensoji was built nearby for the goddess of Kannon. The temple was completed in 645, making it Tokyo's oldest temple. (Sumber: Tokyo Travel)

Direction :
Naik train ke Asakusa .. then jalan about 5mins untuk sampai ke sini
Kat sini boleh beli souvenir .. weekend mmg ramai orang .. kedai tutup 6.30pm ye.. kalau lambat, pegi ambik gambar jek laa.. --> post#204

Tokyo Tour Boat
Dari Asakusa bridge, ada tempat kita boleh ambik Tokyo Tour Boat .. but frankly speaking, dok dalam boat tu tak de la best sangat pun.. sbbnya tak de benda pun nak dilihat di Tokyo.. jambatan2nya pun biasa2 jek .. x mcm Paris tour .. but at the end of the road, akan sampai ke Odaiba .. di Odaiba, ada Rainbow Bridge dan Statue of Liberty (keciknya version) .. malam tempat nih cantik dengan cahaya lampu .. siang x pasti sbb x pernah sampai time siang ..

Cost: 1500Yen --> post#205


- Dari Shinjuku Station, cari signboard yg ke arah Government Office.. sampai ke sana, naik tingkat 46 .. kalau pagi, kadang2 nasib baik nampak Gunung Fuji form this view .. COST: Percuma

-  harajuku, nak tgk org pepelik ni, sabtu n ahad dlm kol 12 ke atas

Imperial Palace
Tour ke imperial palace tu



Mount Fuji

Kawaguchi Lake
- mount fuji spotting

Direction :
Naik train turun kat kawaguchi station , kene pegi awal pagi , kalo lambat, awan dah cover mount fuji tu

Museum Doraemon

Direction :
Naik JR Yamanote line ke Shinjuku Station kemudian Tukar Odakyu Line ke
Noborito Station...

ko boleh naik shuttle bus 200 yen  dari Noborito Station atau jalankaki dari station yang depan lagi satu ... tu guna Suica Card...
kalau jumpa Lawson Mart boleh beli tiket Masuk Museum tu 1000 yen pakai Suica card di Ikebukuro

sila lihat link dibawah ni buat rujukan.. Tersangat Bagusnya Info dia

The Doraemon Museum (Fujiko.F.Fujio Museum) just opened on 3rd of September, 2011. Yes, last month! If you would like to go there, you have to buy the ticket in advance.

For make a reservation, you have to check the time schedule first!
Below is the entrance time:
(1) 10:00 ~ 10:30
(2) 12:00 ~ 12:30
(3) 14:00 ~ 14:30
(4) 16:00 ~ 16:30

Q: Where can BUY the ticket?
A: Convenience store, LAWSON's Loppi machine.
*Note: If you need a help for make a reservation, please ask our staff at our reception.

Q: How much for the admission fee?
A: 1000yen for adults and university students.

Q: How can I get there? yadoya Guesthouse terletak di Nakano
A: From YADOYA Guesthouse, you can take Odakyu Line(小田急線) from Shinjuku Station(新宿駅) to Noborito Station(登戸駅), then take a bus to the museum. (Bus fee is 200yen for one way.)


You can get off the train at Mukougaoka Yuen Station(向ヶ丘遊園駅), then walk to the museum. It's about 15 minutes.
(I chose this one, I'll show you what I saw on the way to the museum!)

I went to the museum with my friend, she stayed in YADOYA Guesthouse as well. We took the train to Shinjuku Station, then transfer to Odakyu Line. When we saw the train of Odakyu Line, we were so excited! Look this photo, it's Doraemon's train! So cute!

We got off the train at Mukougaoka Yuen Station(向ヶ丘遊園駅). Then we saw the small Doraemon standing there, just in front of the station. We check the map, then walk to the museum.

1.) Biasanya ditutup pada setiap hari selasa :

2.) Tiket dijual cuma pada 30 hb setiap bulan :

3.) Tiket cuma dijual di lawson convenience store ( mcm 7-11)

4.) Kena mai setengah jam dari waktu yg ditetapkan : (1)10:00am  (2)12:00pm  (3)14:00pm  (4)16:00pm

Ghibli Museum :

How to buy ticket at Lawson :

Totoro di kaunter tiket!

Ueno Park
- kat tepi ueno tuh ada American Street .. leh cr brg2  american made kat sana .. ada museum natural history , museum  pasal  maharaj derang... mcm2 aaa ....  hahah   
Amerika St  or  Ameyoko  tuh konsidered mcm petaling pun ada..
mcm jalan TAR pun ada.. tp derang ada mcm2 .. dr kedai  convinience store  jual SK2..
mcm2  produk kecantikan ...  pun ada.. jual   baju .. tp crowded aa

dalam ueno ada byk museum ... so kalo nk masuk museum mmg x ckp  setengah hari

Tokyo Skytree :

Diver City Tokyo Plaza :
-boleh tengok Gundam besar Last edited by azradiza on 31-7-2012 10:36 AM \n\n

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