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Sister In Islam (merged: strike_freedom, ct_og, Karisma)
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Sisters In Islam Kata Pakai Tudung Tak Wajib
A BUNCH of brash women who knew very little about Islam - this was how the founding members of Sisters in Islam (SIS) were perceived when they started out in 1988.
The group, however, continues to court controversy because it is unconventional. The members are fluent in English and many of them do not wear the tudung. Challenging male supremacy or paternalistic thinking has also not endeared them to many men in Malaysian society.
"Definitely, there is more interest in our work today," says Zainah Anwar, executive director of SIS.
"Since Sept 11 and the Bali bombings, there has been a greater awareness among Muslims that they have to take responsibility for the kind of Islam that evolves in our society.
"Just look at the number of people coming to our public lectures and study sessions. There is interest in our training programmes and people continue coming to us for legal advice. Even non-Muslims and Muslim men come to us for help."
"Our mission is to push for the development of an Islam that upholds the principles of equality, justice, freedom and dignity. An Islam that protects and upholds women's rights.
"We're not doing this for fun. It's certainly not a fun job; being controversial and being accused of being anti-God, anti-Islam and anti-Quran by our detractors."
Zainah says that wearing the tudung is a relatively new phenomenon.
"If you look at pictures of Malay women in the 1940s, 1950s, 1960s and 1970s, you can count the number of heads in a tudung in an UMNO general assembly.
"My mother, who was a devout Muslim woman, never wore a tudung except at religious occasions. The tudung is a very political statement, it has become a political issue. Are we saying that women who don't wear it are bad Muslims? Since when has wearing a tudung been an article of faith in Islam?
"Surely, being a good Muslim is more than just wearing a tudung over the head. It is up to the individual if she wants to cover up or not. In the end it is up to God to judge who is a good Muslim and who is not; not another human being."
[ Last edited by fleurzsa at 23-4-2006 10:02 AM ] |
Forwarded from an email:
Assalamualaikum and a very good day,
I took the initiative to re forward this article in
case anybody who attended the recent "Leading Minds 2"
forum involving Zainah Anwar and the rest. In it
Zainah kept mentioning about wearing the hijab as not
part of the Islamic teachings and so on and so forth.
May the article below can serve as a second opinion
for all of us to come up with a better grasp on the
subject of hijab or veil.
There has been many debates lately about whether head
cover for women is prescribed by the Quran or not.
Zainah Anwar and Sisters In Islam argues that such
ruling does not concur with the Quran.
The liberals based their argument on verse 24:31.
Since the verse is lengthy, the part related to head
covering ( or not) is as follows:
< ...wal yadrib bi khumur ala juyubihinna...>
Translation: "..and lower your head cover over your
The liberal muslims argues that the verse above orders
women only to cover their bossoms( So a bikini clad
woman is considered as covering her aurah).
The main difference between the liberal's
interpretation and that of the so call traditionalists
lies in two terms as mentioned above: Al Khimar ( or
Al khumur) and Al Jayb ( or Juyubihhina).
Lets divulge ourselve in the arguments of the
'traditionalist" and see if their argument is actually
based upon chauvinist tendecies of islamic scholars or
actually based upon scholarly endeavour.
The meaning of Al Khimar and Al Jayb from a language
perspective are as follows( note most of these books
are in arabic and are not available in english or
malay translations):
1) In Lisanul Arab by Ibnu Manzur ( note: Lisanul Arab
is the most authoritive Arabic dictionary acknowledge
by both Eastern and Western Islamic Scholars):
Al Khimar is a piece of cloth used by women to cover
their head.
Al Jayb is the area above the bossom and just below
the neck.
This particular translation can be found in almost all
Arabic dictionary
2) To support the translation above I quote you an
arabic "syair" or poetry from the book " Al-Isabah
fii Tamyiiz al-Sahabah" by Ibn Hajar Asqalani, Juz 7,
pg 613 as follows
(Note: In the Arabic language, poetries are used to
clarify meanings of a certain word or phrase. The
dedicated discipline of knowledge related to this
field in Arabic is called Al Balaghah):
<Wallahi laa amnihuha syiraraha *
wa hiya allati arkhasu anni aaruhaa*
Wa lau halakat kharaqat KHIMARUHA *
wattakhadzat min syari SIDAARAHA *>
Which simply means in Malay( cause I have problems
translating Arabic poetry into english)
Demi Allah, tidaklah aku beri kepadanya kerana
Dia lah yang terlebih ringan dariku keaibannya
(kerana) sekiranya binasa dia, dan koyaklah KHIMARnya
(masih ada baginya) rambutnya untuk dibuat penutup
The poetry above clearly diffrentiate between a HEAD
COVER: which is KHIMAR and a cover of CHEST or BOSSOM:
which is SIDAR.
This particular poetry is also qouted by Ibnu Manzur
in Lisanul Arab.
The explanation from At Tafseer perspective is given
1)Ref: Ibnu Jarir at-Tabari in Jamii al-Bayan ann
Takwil ay al-Quran (Publisher: Dar el-Fikr, Beirut),
vol 10, p 159 in which he states that Al KHumur is
plural to the
word Khimar over Juyubihinna that is for covering the
hair, neck, ear rings and juyub.
2)Ref:Fakh ar-Razi in Tafsir al-Kabir (Publisher: Dar
Ihya at-Turath al-Arabi, Beirut),vol 8, p 364 and he
" as for khumur, in which it's singular is khimar ia a
type of mask( in short: purdah). Accrording to
mufassir ( interpreters of the Quran): verily the
women in the time of Jahiliyyah ( time of the Prophet)
they would tie their head cover around their neck
without covering their "juyub" ( meaning cleavage)
Verily, Juyubihinna is the part in front, a part of
the chest which is above the bossoms and just below
the neck. And it is ordered ( by 24:31) for that part
to be covered by " Al Khimar"( purdah) or head cover
including the hair, ear rings( or ear) and the neck"
3)Al-Mawardi in an-Nukatu wal-Uyun Tafsir al-Mawardi
(Publiser: Dar al-Kutob al-Ilmiah, Beirut), vol 4, p
92 he says:
Al Khimar is a type of veil, ordered upon (by God) to
be lowered as to cover their bossoms entirely and that
includes the area above th chest. Verily before this(
before the order in 24:31 was given) the khimar was
lowered on the back of the women and thus exposing
the upper part of the chest.(In the footnote, the
"muhaqiq" by the name of Abdul Al Maqud Abdul Rahim
added that Ibnu Hajr Asqalani says that Al Khimar is a
purdah that covers her whole face and ordered upon to
be lowered to cover a women's bossom and cleavage.)
4)Al-Alusiin Ruh al-Maani (publiser ar al-Kutob
al-Ilmiah), vol 9, pg 336-337 says:
" and it is a type of purdah that is being lowered by
women from their heads downwards like a drape. And Al
Juyb: It is the opening on the uppper most part of a
women's dress ( thus cleavage)thus exposing a part of
their chest"
In addition Al Alusi further explained that the common
practice of women during the Jahiliyyah period is that
they would lower their khimar to cover their back
rather then their front. Thus explaining the manner
in the wording in 24:31.
In conclusion, the argument given by liberalist are
mostly flimsy and half baked argument lacking in much
needed facts and supporting evidence.
As opposed to the tradionalist which preceeds their
interpretation of verse 24:31 with careful and
detailed study of the verse. They did not simply come
up with whimsical interpretation of the verse but with
careful and detail consideration.
Thank you. |
Ye ke ? besar pahala Sister In Islam tu kalau ramai orang percaya:stp:
"Berpeganglah pada Al-Quran dab hadis dalam menilai hukum kerana tidak semua hukum itu dapat dinilai oleh akal"
Sebagai seorang perempuan kadang-kadang anis kesian tengok orang perempuan yang terlalu ingin setafaf dengan lelaki dalam segala hal sampai sanggup membelakangkan ugama Islam yang cukup indah ini..hairan :stp:
[ Last edited by Tengku Anis on 12-8-2003 at 09:28 AM ] |
ione2bliv This user has been deleted
dari pandangan pandangan yang berbeza...
[7:26] "O children of Adam, we have provided you with garments to cover your bodies, as well as for luxury. But the best garment is the garment of righteousness. These are some of GOD's signs, that they may take heed."
This is the BASIC rule of DRESS CODE in the Quran. This is the first rule in WOMEN DRESS CODE in Islam (Submission).
The second rule can be found in 24:31. Here God orders the women to cover their bosoms whenever they dress up. But before quoting 24:31 let us review some crucial words that are always mentioned with this topic, namely "Hijab" and "Khimar"
"Hijab" is the term used by many Muslims women to describe their head cover that may or may not include covering their face except their eyes, and sometimes covering also one eye. The Arabic word "Hijab" can be translated into veil or yashmak. Other meanings for the word "Hijab" include, screen, cover(ing), mantle, curtain, drapes, partition, division, divider.
Can we find the word "Hijab" in the Quran??
The word "Hijab" appeared in the Quran 7 times, five of them as "Hijab" and two times as "Hijaban," these are 7:46, 33:53, 38:32, 41:5, 42:51, 17:45 & 19:17.
None of these "Hijab" words are used in the Quran in reference to what the traditional Muslims call today (Hijab) as a dress code for the Muslim woman.
God knows that generations after Muhammed's death the Muslims will use the word "Hijab" to invent a dress code that He never authorized. God used the word "Hijab" ahead of them just as He used the word "Hadith" ahead of them.
Hijab in the Quran has nothing to do with the Muslim Women dress code.
While many Muslims call "Hijab", an Islamic dress code, they completely ignore the fact that, Hijab as a dress code has nothing to do with Islam and nothing to do with QURAN.
In reality "Hijab" is an old Jewish tradition that infiltrated into the hadith books like many innovations that contaminated Islam through alleged Hadith and Sunna. These in reality, came from Jewish origin. Any student of the Jewish traditions or religious books will see that head cover for the Jewish woman is encouraged by the Rabbis and religious leaders. Religious Jewish women still cover their heads most of the time and specially in the synagogues, weddings, and religious festivities.
Christian women cover their heads in many religious occasions while the nuns cover their heads all the time. This religious practice of covering the head was established from traditions thousands of years before the Muslim scholars claimed the Hijab as a Muslim dress code.
The traditional Arabs, of all religions, Jews, Christians and Muslims used to wear "Hijab," not because of Islam, but because of tradition. In Saudi Arabia, up to this minute most of the men cover their head , not because of Islam but because of tradition. Thank God this tradition has not been counted as Islamic dress code yet.
North Africa is known for its Tribe (Tuareg) that have the Muslim men wearing "Hijab" instead of women. Here the tradition has the hijab in reverse. If wearing Hijab is the sign of the pious and righteous Muslim woman, Mother Teresa would have been the first woman to be counted.
In brief, hijab is a traditional dress and has nothing to do with Islam or religion. In certain areas of the world, men are the ones who wear the hijab while in others the women do.
Mixing religion with tradition is a form of idol-worship, because not knowing (or not trying to find out) what God asked you to do in His book, the Quran, is a sign of disregarding God and His message. When tradition supersedes God's commandment, the true religion takes a second place. God never accepts to be second, God has to be always the FIRST and to HIM there is no second..
"Khimar" is an Arabic word that can be found in the Quran in 24:31 While the first basic rule of Dress Code for the Muslim Women can be found in 7:26, the second rule of the DRESS CODE FOR WOMEN can be found in 24:31. Some Muslims quote verse 31 of sura 24 as containing the Hijab, or head cover, by pointing to the word, khomoorehenna, (from Khimar), forgetting that God already used the word Hijab, several times in the Quran.
Those blessed by God can see that the use of the word "Khimar" in this verse is not for "Hijab" or for head cover. Those who quote this verse usually add (Head cover) (veil) after the word Khomoorehenna, and usually between ( ), because it is their addition to the verse not God's.
Here it is 24:31;
"And tell the believing women to subdue their eyes, and maintain their chastity. They shall not reveal any parts of their bodies, except that which is necessary. They shall cover their chests, (with their Khimar) and shall not relax this code in the presence of other than their husbands, their fathers, the fathers of their husbands, their sons, the sons of their husbands, their brothers, the sons of their brothers, the sons of their sisters, other women, the male servants or employees whose sexual drive has been nullified, or the children who have not reached puberty. They shall not strike their feet when they walk in order to shake and reveal certain details of their bodies. All of you shall repent to GOD, O you believers, that you may succeed." 24:31
Here is Yousuf Ali's translation, but the word KHIMAR was put back in place instead of (veils), so the verse would look as it should have been before adding Ali's own interpretation:
"And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments ... that they should draw their KHIMAR over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands.." Y. Ali's translation, with the word khimar put back in place.
"Khimar" is an Arabic word that means, cover, any cover, a curtain is a Khimar, a dress is a Khimar, a table cloth that covers the top of a table is a Khimar, a blanket can be used as a Khimar..etc. The word KHAMRA used for intoxicant in Arabic has the same root with Khimar, because both covers, the Khimar covers (a window, a body, a table . etc.) while KHAMRA covers the state of mind. Most of the translators, obviously influenced by Hadith (fabrications) translate the word as VEIL and thus mislead most people to believe that this verse is advocating the covering of the head.
In 24:31 God is asking the women to use their cover (khimar)( being a dress, a coat, a shawl, a shirt, a blouse, a tie, a scarf . . . etc.) to cover their bosoms, not their heads or their hairs. If God so willed to order the women to cover their heads or their hair, nothing would have prevented Him from doing so. GOD does not run out of words. GOD does not forget.
God did not order the women to cover their heads or their hair. He was not waiting for a Scholar to put the words for Him.
continue... |
ione2bliv This user has been deleted
The Arabic word for CHEST, GAYB is in the verse (24:31), but the Arabic words for HEAD, (RAAS) or HAIR, (SHAAR) are NOT in the verse. The commandment in the verse is clear - COVER YOUR CHEST OR BOSOMS, but also the fabrication of the scholars and most of the translators is clear by claiming- cover your head or hair.
The last part of the verse (24:31) translates as, "They shall not strike their feet when they walk in order to shake and reveal certain details of their bodies." The details of the body can be revealed or not revealed by the dress you wear, not by your head cover.
Notice also the expression in 24:31, "They shall not reveal any parts of their bodies, except that which is necessary." This expression may sound vague to many because they have not understood the mercy of God.
Again God here used this very general term to give us the freedom to decide according to our own circumstances the definition of "Which is necessary". It is not up to a scholar or to any particular person to define this term. God wants to leave it personal for every woman and no one can take it away from her.
Women who follow the basic rule number one i.e. righteousness, will have no problem making the right decision to reveal only which is necessary. The word "zeenatahunna" in this verse refers to the woman's body parts (beauty) and not to ornaments and decorations as some people interpret it or translate it.
At the end of the verse, God told the women not to strike with their feet to show their "zeenatahunna". You do not need to strike your feet to show your ornaments but the way you strike your feet while walking can expose or shake certain parts of the body that do not need to be emphasized.
Accepting orders from anybody but God, means idol-worship. That is how serious the matter of Hijab/ khimar is. Women who wear Hijab because of tradition or because they like it for personal reasons commit no sin, as long as they know that it is not part of this perfect religion. Those who are wearing it because they think God ordered it are committing Idol-worship, as God did not order it, the scholars did. These women have found for themselves another god than the One who revealed the Quran, complete, perfect and FULLY detailed to tell them they have to cover their heads to be Muslims.
Idol-worship is the only unforgivable sin, if maintained till death, 4:48.
The first regulation of DRESS CODE for Muslim women is in 7:26, the second is in 24:31 and the third is in 33:59.
"O prophet, tell your wives, your daughters, and the wives of the believers that they shall LENGTHEN their garments. Thus, they will be recognized and avoid being insulted. God is Forgiver, Most Merciful." 33:59
In 33:59, God sets the other regulation for the dress code for the Muslim women during the prophet's life. Although the verse is talking to the prophet which means this regulation applies to the time of the prophet, just like the order in 49:2, the description fits the spirit of Islam, and can teach us a great deal.
If you reflect on this verse and how God ordered the prophet to tell his wives, his daughters and the wives of the believers to lengthen their garments, you would understand the great wisdom of the MOST WISE, the MOST MERCIFUL. In this verse, God, DELIBERATELY, (and all the TRUE believers know that everything GOD says, does, or did is DELIBERATE) said, tell them, to lengthen their garments, and never said how long is long.
God could have said tell them to lengthen their garments to their ankles or to their mid-calf or to their knees, but HE DID NOT. He did not, OUT OF HIS MERCY, not because HE FORGOT as God does not forget. God knows that we will be living in different communities and have different cultures and insists that the minor details of this dress code will be left for the people of every community to hammer for themselves.
It is clear from the above verses that the DRESS CODE for the Muslim women (Submitters) according to the Quran is righteousness and modesty. God knows that this modesty will be understood differently in different communities and that is why He left it open to us to decide for ourselves.
Decide, after righteousness what is modesty. Modesty for a woman who lives in New York may not be accepted by a woman who lives in Cairo Egypt. Modesty of a woman who lives in Cairo, Egypt may not be accepted by a woman who lives in Saudi Arabia. Modesty of a woman who lives in Jidda in Saudi Arabia may not be accepted by a woman who lives in a desert oasis in the same country.
This difference in the way we perceive modesty is well known to God, he created us, and He put NO hardship on us in this great religion. He left it to us to decide what modesty would be. For any person, knowledgeable or not to draw a line and make conclusion for God about the definition of modesty is to admit that he/she knows better than God. God left it open for us and no-one has the authority to restrict it, it has to stay open.
In the family setting, God put no hardship on the women, and permitted them to relax their dress code. If you reflect on the verses, 33:35 and 24:60, you will see that God did not give details of what this relaxation is, because every situation is different. A woman may relax her dress code in front of the four-year-old son of her brother but not as much in front of the 16 year old son.
[33:55] "The women may relax (their dress code) around their fathers, their sons, their brothers, the sons of their brothers, the sons of their sisters, the other women, and their (female) servants. They shall reverence GOD. GOD witnesses all things."
[24:60] "The elderly women who do not expect to get married commit nothing wrong by relaxing their dress code, provided they do not reveal too much of their bodies. To maintain modesty is better for them. GOD is Hearer, Knower."
[7:31] "O children of Adam, you shall be clean and dress nicely when you go to the masjid. And eat and drink moderately; Surely, He does not love the gluttons."
God, the MOST GRACIOUS, MOST MERCIFUL decided that those who will reject His complete book and go look for other sources for guidance will suffer in this life and in the HEREAFTER by their choice. God never put any hardship on the believers, but the scholars did, they invented their own laws in defiance of God, to regulate everything from the side of bed you sleep on, to which foot should step in the house, to what to do with a fly in your soup, to what to say when having intercourse with your spouse.
Those who believe God and believe that His book is COMPLETE, PERFECT AND FULLY DETAILED, will have everything easy for them as God promised, See 10:62-64, 16:97 while those who could not believe God and have been seeking other sources than the Quran will have all the hardship of this life and the life to come. In the Hereafter they will complain to God, "we were not idol-worshipers," but God knows best, He knows they were See 6:22-24
"On the day when we summon them all, we will ask the idol worshipers, "Where are the idols you set up?" Their disastrous response will be, "By GOD our Lord, we never were idol worshipers." Note how they lied to themselves, and how the idols they had invented have abandoned them." 6:22-24
kena buat conclusion sendiri. |
Islam mewajibkan seluruh kaum wanita agar menutup aurat dan batasan aurat tersebut merangkum rambut, kepala dan lain-lain kecuali wajah dan tapak tangan di dalam sembahyang. Oleh kerana itu, wanita yang tidak bertudung dan mendedahkan bahagian aurat berkenaan adalah berdosa. Ini adalah berasaskan kepada dalil, nas dan ijmak. Wanita yang mempunyai tanggapan sendiri tanpa memahami dalil-dalil Islam dan pendapat ulama adalah mengelirukan orang-orang awam.
WANITA diberikan kelebihan berbeza daripada lelaki. Mereka diberi dua perhiasan - tersembunyi dan nyata. Perhiasan tersembunyi adalah keindahan tubuh badan yang tidak boleh dilihat kecuali oleh orang tertentu seperti suami. Perhiasan nyata adalah muka dan pergelangan tangan.
Perhiasan tersembunyi ini biasa disebut aurat. Di sisi agama, perempuan mukmin wajib menutupnya supaya tidak dilihat sebarangan orang. Perintah menutup aurat ini datang daripada Allah.
Firman-Nya, bermaksud: “Dan katakanlah kepada perempuan mukmin supaya menyekat pandangan mereka daripada melihat yang haram dan memelihara kehormatan mereka dan jangan mereka memperlihatkan perhiasan tubuh badan mereka kecuali yang lahir. Dan hendaklah mereka menutup belahan leher baju mereka.” - (An-Nur: 31).
Menurut al-Qurtubi, sebab turun ayat ini ialah pada masa itu kaum wanita apabila menutup kepala dengan ‘khumur’ (semacam kain tudung) maka mereka tarik ke belakang sehingga leher, dada dan telinga terdedah. Maka Allah memerintahkan mereka menutup bahagian hadapan, termasuk dada, leher, telinga dan rambut. - (Fatwa al-Qardhawi)
Selepas turun ayat itu, wanita mukmin segera mengoyakkan kain untuk menutup apa yang terbuka. Aisyah sendiri pernah menegur tudung Hafsah, anak seorang saudaranya. Hafsah datang dengan bertudung menutup leher tetapi nipis. Kata Aisyah: “Ini amat nipis, tidak dapat menutupnya.”
Dalam ayat al-Quran yang terdahulu, Allah melarang wanita mukmin memperlihatkan perhiasan (tubuhnya) kecuali yang lahir (yang biasa nampak seperti tangan dan muka).
Dr Yusof al-Qardhawi berkata: “Ulama terdahulu hingga kini tidak ada yang mengatakan rambut wanita, termasuk pehiasan yang lahir.”– (Fatawa al-Qardhawi). Mafhumnya, ulama semua peringkat menyatakan rambut wanita adalah aurat.
Ibnu Masud pula mengatakan: “ erhiasan yang lahir ialah pakaian.” Ibnu Jubair menambah: “Termasuk yang lahir itu ialah wajah”. Namun Said bin Juabair menokok lagi dengan mengatakan: “Wajah, kedua tangan dan pakaian,” manakala Ibnu Abbas mempunyai pendapat lain. Katanya: “ erhiasan yang lahir ialah celak, perhiasan dan cincin yang dibolehkan”.
Mengenai hal menutup aurat, Aisyah pernah menceritakan teguran Rasulullah terhadap Asma binti Abu Bakar. Ketika Asma menemui Rasulullah, dia memakai pakaian nipis. Rasulullah lalu menegurnya.
“Wahai Asma, sesungguhnya jika seseorang perempuan sudah sampai masa haid (baligh) maka tidak layak baginya menampakkan kecuali yang ini (baginda mengisyaratkan pada muka dan tangannya). Daripada beberapa keterangan itu nyatalah wanita Islam wajib menutup perhiasan yang tersembunyi
Soal bagaimana kita memenuhi kehendak bertudung adalah hak, yang bukan terletak pada diri wanita tapi pada tuntutan. Sekiranya seorang wanita mempunyai wajah yang terlalu cantik sehingga ianya boleh menimbulkan fitnah astas kecantikannya maka wajib dia menutup seluruh wajahnya...Islam itu indah bagi yang mahu memikirkannya...:bg: |
pembetulan bahasa.
pakai tudung tak wajib.. betullah tu...
yang wajib tu tutup aurat!.. kalau boleh tutup dengan kelumbung ker... dengan kain sarung ker.... tak kiralah.... tutup dengan benda yang munasabah lah...
kalau dengan tudung... boleh juga.. tapi bukan wajib dengan tudung...
tudung ni universal... ada tudung nak ke sawah dibuat dari mengkuang, ada tudung periuk.. ops... sorry.. tersasul pulak... ada tudung yang hanya tutup separuh rambut, ada 'kain' tudung yang bila dipakai masih terserlah rambutnya... tudung juga... kalau setakat pakai tudung, belum tentu tutup aurat lagi...
yang wajib tutup aurat, bukan wajib pakai tudung... pembetulan bahasa. |
Lone_Ranger This user has been deleted
Khimar" is an Arabic word that means, cover, any cover, a curtain is a Khimar, a dress is a Khimar, a table cloth that covers the top of a table is a Khimar, a blanket can be used as a Khimar..etc. The word KHAMRA used for intoxicant in Arabic has the same root with Khimar, because both covers, the Khimar covers (a window, a body, a table . etc.) while KHAMRA covers the state of mind. Most of the translators, obviously influenced by Hadith (fabrications) translate the word as VEIL and thus mislead most people to believe that this verse is advocating the covering of the head.
which Arab dictionary is used for this translation? I think you need to include your reference and let people decide whether the reference is trustworthy or not by themselves. Is Al Khimar the same as khamra? You said alKhimar is a dress/table cloth/blanket. But the author of my post said that Al Khimar is a piece of cloth used by women to cover their head. This definition, he said, is from Lisanul Arab.
Which one is correct? Can somebody help confirm? Let us not mislead people by our ignorance and lack of knowledge.. |
Originally posted by Tengku Anis at 12-8-2003 17:47:
Islam mewajibkan seluruh kaum wanita agar menutup aurat dan batasan aurat tersebut merangkum rambut, kepala dan lain-lain kecuali wajah dan tapak tangan di dalam ...
:2cool: Assalamualaikum Anis
Anis dak kawin,,,,kawin ngan kita nak tak? |
Lone_Ranger This user has been deleted
Purple_Rain This user has been deleted
gogham den ngan Sisters in Islam... sanggup putar belit ayat quran ngan hadis lak tuh |
Lone_Ranger This user has been deleted
ctfiza This user has been deleted
apsal dia guna nama sister in islam yekk....memalukan je....gunala sisters in malaysia ke...  |
ntah..pas tu mengelirukan n menyimpang from Islam... |
Dulu ada keluar adalah kuar sorang member depa citer pasai poligami. Kuar dgn selendangnya. Tub2 2 3 tahun kuar muka minah tu kat paper citer pasai cerai lak ngan suami dier. Tok gelak jer...
Bersepah pelacur dier tak bising pun. NAK CAKAP AGAMA CAM HEBAT SANGAT. |
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