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Author: ipes2

PCOS - POLYCYSTIC OVARIAN SYNDROME: saya akan cuba bagi jawapan yang ringkas je

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Post time 18-5-2016 12:28 PM | Show all posts
Aye2 doc. Sekarang tgh mulakan balik counting calories secara serius and intensify exercise regime *sambil google how intense can a pregnant woman exercise in the first trimester*..


Good luck :).. jangan over-do exercise tu  Post time 19-5-2016 08:38 PM

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Post time 19-5-2016 03:30 PM | Show all posts
Edited by snowater at 19-5-2016 03:52 PM

thanks doc ipes, hmm rasanya mcm takmau tangguh lg utk buat rawatan kesuburan, dah menunggu terlmpau lama, more than 6 years ..anyway, my doc diagnosed me only based on my irregular period, 2x miscarriage, and obesity, and he didn't do transvaginal scan to confirm presence of polycystic ovaries, nor did he confirm based on hormonal test coz result hormon masih belum tau when he told me i had pcos. tanda2 male pattern pun saya takde actually, i have no acne, no male bald pattern, no excess hair. anyway, i guess mayb dia dh ada experience yg bnyk dalam bidang ni, and must be an expert on this. i put my trust in him.

anyway, nak tny doc ipes, if obese boleh sbbkn masalah kesuburan (mayb because of imbalance hormone), why ramai je yg obese bleh mengandung dan menghasilkan telur? i've met some yang lebih obese from me but have 5 kids, siap kena ikat rahim lagi. bukan apa, i've met many doctor before yg suruh turunkan berat before pregnant, but trust me, susahnye nak turunkan badan. in fact, i mkn sikit je, tp kg taknk turun. cuma lps i makan metformin, i dpt turunkan 5 kg up till today (2 months on metformin).

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 Author| Post time 19-5-2016 08:37 PM | Show all posts
snowater replied at 19-5-2016 03:30 PM
thanks doc ipes, hmm rasanya mcm takmau tangguh lg utk buat rawatan kesuburan, dah menunggu terlmpau ...

By this time, hormone results to dah kuar dah.. and it is pertaining to your health. I suggest that you make enquiries about them. Really important for us doctors to know what they are. You doctor knows the results by now, so he/she has enough information now to diagnose you once and for all.

Well done regading weight loss. I am happy for you. Now, keep that loss and do not re-gain.

Yes, we have enough research and information now to inform the public that obesity has an adverse effects on fertility, the pregnancy if the individual does get pregnant, the foetus, the outcome of the pregnancy and the parturition (beranak).


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Post time 19-5-2016 11:32 PM | Show all posts
doc ipes, from ur experience, is it true that another condition called poor ovarian reserve has similar traits with PCOS? irregular period, miscarriage?

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 Author| Post time 20-5-2016 07:56 PM | Show all posts
snowater replied at 19-5-2016 11:32 PM
doc ipes, from ur experience, is it true that another condition called poor ovarian reserve has simi ...

i bukan gynaecologist but i know the term; thats not a disease per se, but a status of sort.
yes i believe it shared one or two traits, eg subfertility, menstrual issues etc.

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Post time 25-8-2016 01:52 PM | Show all posts
Edited by zuliana29 at 25-8-2016 01:54 PM


masih dgn kisah PCOS saya...
Dari Putrajaya, saya dpt transfer blk kpg halaman.. sepanjang treatment di hospital putrajaya, dari 2012 - 2016, 8 kali diberi clomid, clomid + puregon.. tahun 2015 saya xda wat treatment @ makan apa2 ubat hormon..

sepanjang tempoh tu, x berjaya preggy, iui jgk xsempat buat sbb 3 kali dpt OHSS. Doc kt putrajaya suggest utk wat ovarian drilling.

arini appoinment ngan doc kt hospital kt tmpt sy bertukar, dowg suggest utk ovarian drilling jgk.. huhuu.. asek multiple follicles je nih.. huhuu.. rasa mcm x ready lg nk wat OD ni.. apakah chances & kesan OD nanti..

sy ada tanye, boleh ke kalau nk continue dgn clomid je.. dia ckp sbb sy dh 8 cycle dh ambik clomid, dowg taknak bagi clomid.. max dowg bagi 5x cycle je..

mohon nasihat & pendapat... doc also mention dowg tak wat IUI kt hospital ni.. huhuu sedihnya..

doc dh bg date utk check in hospital 4 Okt ni... 5 Okt akan wat OD..


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 Author| Post time 25-8-2016 07:36 PM | Show all posts
zuliana29 replied at 25-8-2016 01:52 PM

masih dgn kisah PCOS saya...

dah bertuka tempat kerja ya? semoga segalanye lancar dan mudah.
jika clomiphene dah banyak kali, tak lah perlu buat lagi.
clomiphene ni kita guna jika masalah infertility tu is due to anovulation ie u tak ovulate or oligovulation ie u jarang ovulate.
jadi, jika dah byk kali pakai tak jadi gak, betulkah your problem ini ialah anovulation or oligovulation from PCOS? dah confirm kah that this i the case?

OD is done laparoscopically; ada vids kat youtube on how OD is done actually.
it is invasive lah; tapi jika cara lain dah tak jalan..

also, u dah check that hubby you sperm ok, sperm count ok, takde anti-sperm antibodies etc?
the last resort of course, is adopting..

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Post time 26-8-2016 09:26 AM | Show all posts
ipes2 replied at 25-8-2016 07:36 PM
dah bertuka tempat kerja ya? semoga segalanye lancar dan mudah.
jika clomiphene dah banyak kali,  ...

setelah berjumpa ramai doc which setiap kali appoinment berlainan doctor, mmg diorg kata saya PCOS. multiple small follicles.. bila terlebih dos, folliclenya meletop2 besarnye.. huhuu..

Hsbd pernah wat HSA in 2012, doc just mention normal je..

rasa mcm x ready lagi nk wat OD. & doc smlm tu pon ada mention, cara terakhir adalah mengambil anak angkat..

ada cara lain yg sy boleh buat x utk regularkan menses.. kene diet je la kn.. jaga mkn minum & kesihatan.
btw, smlm ade ckp ngan doc saya ada mkn metformin 500mg per day.. dia kata x perlu mkn metformin.. mcm x byk membantu la doc smlm tu..

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Post time 26-8-2016 11:36 AM | Show all posts
ipes...ada nasihat tak utk org yg baru buat IUI. doc bgtau buat mcm biasa...ada yg ckp kena bedrest selama 2 minggu.
confuse ni

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Post time 29-8-2016 11:05 AM | Show all posts
ipes2 replied at 25-8-2016 07:36 PM
dah bertuka tempat kerja ya? semoga segalanye lancar dan mudah.
jika clomiphene dah banyak kali,  ...

Btw, Dr. @ipes2 , apakah kesan2 @ keburukan OD ni ek? huhuu..


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 Author| Post time 31-8-2016 07:47 PM | Show all posts
zuliana29 replied at 26-8-2016 09:26 AM
setelah berjumpa ramai doc which setiap kali appoinment berlainan doctor, mmg diorg kata saya PCOS ...

hmmm izzah.. i dah tak jumpa lagi dah specialist dalam reproductive tu kat OPD i; terer dia, tapi dah pindah dah kut.
pasal IUI tu, takde la pulak i dgr big advice pasal rest etc?
i takleh nak comment.
of relevent issues is sexual intercourse, but again i am not sure at all dalam subspeciality gynae sebegini.
if u ada dapat reliable info maner maner, tag i bleh?

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 Author| Post time 31-8-2016 07:51 PM | Show all posts
izzah_mia replied at 26-8-2016 11:36 AM
ipes...ada nasihat tak utk org yg baru buat IUI. doc bgtau buat mcm biasa...ada yg ckp kena bedrest  ...

Zuliana, metformin adalah antara rawatan yg terbaik utk PCOS; boleh delay dan reduce diabetes.
Malah kami disini beri 1000mg twice a day kepada PCOS nye pts because it can help also with isu berat badan.
If hubby ok, dan u tak de antibodies against his sperm, maka maybe masaalah nye ialah PCOS u je lah.
OD je lah ye yg u tak penah buat.
Hmm terpulanglah.
I takleh bagi professional recommendation pasal OD ni sebab i am not a Fertility SPecialist.
Tetapi sebagai kawan, i rasa u patut consider jugak this option

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 Author| Post time 31-8-2016 07:55 PM | Show all posts
zuliana29 replied at 29-8-2016 11:05 AM
Btw, Dr. @ipes2 , apakah kesan2 @ keburukan OD ni ek? huhuu..

maksud awak complications of OD ke?
Ada a few:
failure of procedure ie nak buat tapi problem sbb cysts melambak etc
failure of treatment ie OD berjalan lancar tetapi  tak jugak pregnant
adhesion ie melekat lekat ovary tu kat tempat lain
haemorrhage ie pendarahan
komplikasi dari prosedur ie pain, infection etc


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Post time 1-9-2016 12:56 PM | Show all posts

Need some opinions kalau boleh

Saya ada jumpa gynea last month and I was diagnosed with PCOS. Then doc suggest amik metformin and yasmin 3x (saya mmg nk postpone dlu treatment) then baru proceed dgn IUI/IVF. Tapi bila sy ambil metformin (approx 2 weeks), berat mcm susah plk nk turun (BMI sy 22, hoping utk turun skit), persoalannya, is it ok utk tak ambil metformin as prescribed by doc, sbb saya mmg nak lose weight sikit sbelum further treatment.


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 Author| Post time 5-9-2016 02:19 AM | Show all posts
141085 replied at 1-9-2016 12:56 PM

Need some opinions kalau boleh

PCOS common aje, tetapi boleh menyusahkan.
Untuk diagnose gynae, kena ada criteria nye, termasuklah levels of Testosterone, LH dan FSH.
Bagi saya levels ni please?
BMI awak 22 je? Betul ke awak ada PCOS ni?
Jarang sgt PCOS ni pesakitnya kurus.

Yes metformin ialah tretament untuk halang pesakit PCOS dari developing diabetes.
Orang yang ada PCOS memang high risk utk dapat diabetes.

I recommend you follow advice gynae u tu.
Kenapa terus nak consider buat IVF/IUI. Byk lagi urusan sebelum tu, byk lagu usaha lain.


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Post time 1-1-2017 12:53 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Salam..saya juga penghidap pcos.. gugel2 jumpa forum ni...dah 9 tahun kahwin belum ada cahaya mata.... sy redha kalu xde rezeki.. tapi setakat ni sy hanya cuba ubat2 sj..masih nak cuba secara natural... tapi rasa nak bincang dengan doktor untuk buat proces apa ntah tak igt nama utk cek ada blockage ke tak...

Mmg segala simptom sy ada terutama mood swing dan mudah stress...kecuali bulu2 di muka or badan tu..

Setahu sy dan dari bacaan sy pcos ni adalah punca gemuk bukannya sebab kegemukan boleh dapat pcos...dan setahu sy punca pcos ni dari keturunan... mmg badan sy agak berisi berbanding adik beradik sy yg kurus2 semuanya... dari dulu sy selalu pelik kenapa sy lain dari mereka..lepas dah tahu pasal sy ada pcos so sy xpelikla kenapa badan sy lebih besar berbanding yg lain.
Banyak penghidap pcos pon cuba turunkan berat badan dan tetap tak dapat mengandung walau dah turun banyak kg... so pada sy kalu nak kata pcos ni puncanya dari gemuk salah tu... yang sy faham pcos ni menyebabkan penghidapnya gemuk...

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Post time 1-1-2017 01:03 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ipes2 replied at 5-9-2016 02:19 AM
PCOS common aje, tetapi boleh menyusahkan.
Untuk diagnose gynae, kena ada crit ...

Salam doktor macam mana dari segi pekerjaan ye doktor kalau nak minta kelonggaran dari bos..maksudnya nak minta lack duty skitla dari keje2 yang banyak kena fikir yg boleh sebabkan stress..  mood swing dan lain2... ke pcos ni dikira normal je..

Boleh ke...

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Post time 1-1-2017 01:09 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Saya cuba kawal emosi..tapi kadang2 saya lose control jugak.. saya boleh naik angin and cool down sekelip mata..kadang2 macam bipolar pon ada... tapi sy banyak baca memang penghidap pcos akan ada mood swing..

Keadaan bertambah teruk kalu saya makan ubat medroxyprogesterone... saya jadi murung tanpa sebab.. saya jadi depress..anxious..berdebar2 macam nak penjenayah tunggu hukuman mati pon ada.. saya tak boleh tidur malam...saya ada baca memang itu antara kesan sampingan ubat tu..dan memang orang sekeliling pon perasan perubahan saya...terutama suami..dia banyak bersabar... kalau saya tak makan ubat tu kurang sikit gila saya ni... susahnya kan jadi perempuan.
Sabar jelah...

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Post time 1-1-2017 02:27 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ipes2 replied at 1-6-2015 07:48 PM
Saya ada experience dalam treating penyakit ni. Bukak thread ni sebab ramia gak o ...


Sy nak tny ..doc ade kasi sy mkn ubat diane ..3cycle...Utk 1st cycle period sy delay supposed on time kan...kenapa ek...

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Post time 2-1-2017 12:07 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

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