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Author: andria

Ada tak sesiapa yg merasakan perasaan ini? {Part 2}

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Post time 8-5-2012 12:06 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by contactlens at 8-5-2012 12:14

Dalam wawancaranya dengan Al Jazeera, Harun Yahya juga meragukan ketepatan bahawa nama Al Mahdi sebenarnya adalah Ahmad atau Muhammad. [bukti disini] Harun Yahya juga menekankan bahawa nama asli Al Mahdi adalah Adnan. [buktidisini] Kita ketahui bersama Harun Yahya selama ini hanyalah nama penanya. Sedangkan nama asli beliau adalah Adnan Oktar. Inilah yang dikecam oleh Syeikh Imran, beliau mengatakan bahawa Islam tidak menegnal nama pena atau samaran. Hal itu haruslah dihindari setiap sarjana Islam agar apa yang dikatakannya sesuai dengan apa yang ditulis mereka.

Maka marilah kita merujuk kepada Hadis Nabi SAW tentang nama Al Mahdi. Rasulullah SAW, Nabi Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam menyebut: “Namanya sesuai dengan namaku, dan nama ayahnya sesuai dengan nama ayahku.
Dia dari keturunan Nabi Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, di mana disebutkan dalam riwayat: “Dari ahli baitku.” (HR. Abu Dawud, no. 4282 dan 4283). Dalam riwayat lain: “Dari keluarga terdekatku (‘itrah-ku).” (HR. Abu Dawud, no. 4284). Dalam riwayat lain: “Dariku.” (HR. Abu Dawud no. 4285) dari jalur perkahwinan ‘Ali bin Abu Thalib dan Fathimah binti Rasulullah. Sebagaimana dalam hadits yang lalu dikatakan: “Seseorang dari keluargaku” dan “dari anak keturunan Fathimah.” (HR. Abu Dawud no. 4284)

Oleh sebab itu, Ibnu Katsir rahimahullahu mengatakan: “Dia adalah Muhammad bin Abdillah Al-‘Alawi (keturunan Ali) Al-Fathimi (keturunan Fathimah) Al-Hasani (keturunan Al-Hasan). Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala memperbaikinya dalam satu malam yakni memberinya taubat, taufik, memberinya pemahaman serta bimbingan padahal sebelumnya tidak seperti itu.” (An-Nihayah fil Malahim wal Fitan, 1/17, Program Maktabah Syamilah)

Sebelumnya Harun Yahya, dengan segala kelebihannya juga tidak lepas dari kritik. Harun Yahya hingga kini tidak menganggap Syiah keluar dari Islam. Hal ini ditegas olehnya, ketika diwawancara oleh wartawan Al Jazeera di Istanbul pada tanggal 6/08/2007. Harun Yahya mengatakan :

“I love all Muslims in Turkey and worldwide, and I make no distinction on the basis of school or sect. I respect them all.There is no difference between Sunni and Shia. The same applies to the Ihvan-i Muslim. They are also my brothers. I regard them as totally sincere. We all pray in the same direction. We share the same Book. These elements all make us one.” [buktidisini]
Maka tidak hairanlah dalam menjelaskan ciri-ciri Al Mahdi, beliau banyak menukil dari riwayat Imam Jafar As Sadiq yang banyak diselewengkan oleh Syiah. Salah satunya ialah penjelasan bahawa umat Islam nanti akan mendengarkan perkataan Al Mahdi lewat sebuah terjemahan.
“Jaffar Sadik said that people all over the world would be able to listen to Hazrat Mahdi's (as) words instantaneously through simultaneous translations” [bukti disini]
Padahal sudah terang lagi bersuluh, Syiah sudah berbeza akidah dengan agama Islam. Kita tidak boleh menngatakan mereka sebagai salah satu aliran dalam Islam. Allah jelas sekali menjaga akidah dan perkataan Al Mahdi yang selaras dengan akidah Islam. Bukan Al Mahdi yang masih mengganggap orang yang menghina Sahabat Nabi dan menganggap Al Quran itu palsu sebagai sebahagian dari Islam.

Nabi shollallahu ’alaih wa sallam bersabda:
“Aku khabarkan berita gembira mengenai Al-Mahdi yang diutus Allah ke tengah ummatku ketika banyak terjadi perselisihan antara manusia dan gempa-gempa. Ia akan memenuhi bumi dengan keadilan dan kejujuran sebagaimana sebelumnya dunia dipenuhi dengan kesewenang-wenangan dan kezaliman.” (HR Ahmad 10898).
Jadi, kalaulah memang Harun Yahya menafikan dirinya sebagai Al Mahdi, mengapakah penjelasan sesat tentang Al Mahdi masih saja terpampang di lama sesawang miliknya dan belum juga dihapuska meski beberapa ulama seperti Bilal Philips dan Syeikh Imran Hossein sudah mengkritiknya berkali-kali.

Masih banyak sebenarnya data-data keliru yang dijadikan indikasi atau penjelasan Al Mahdi dalam laman sesawang tersebut. Seperti pernyataannya yang mengatakan Al Mahdi berasal dari Kaukasus. "Hazrat Mahdi (as) will come from the Caucasus". [bukti disini] Kita ketahui bersama Harun Yahya atau Adnan Oktar adalah seorang keturunan sayyid atau habib yang bermigrasi ke Kaukasus selama pencerobohan Hulagu. Asal-usul Beslen Arslan Kasayev, datuk Omer Bey, datuk Mr. Oktar, kembali ke dinasti Nogay. Keluarga ini juga dikenali sebagai Arslanogullari (anak-anak Arslan) dan merupakan salah satu dari dua puluh satu (21) buah keluarga sayyid yang namanya muncul dalam dokumen yang disiapkan untuk gabenor Kaukasus pada tahun 1827. [bukti disini]

Terakhir dari saya, lihatlah sebuah video bertajuk Harun Yahya and his Israel Connection.

Semoga Harun Yahya benar-benar sedar atas kekeliruan yang sengaja ditimbulkannya ini. Memang benar, sesungguhnya fitnah akhir zaman itu benar-benar dahsyat. Wallahualam bissawab .

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Post time 8-5-2012 02:10 PM | Show all posts
Reply 201# contactlens

cam ni la, baru brutal kannnn

rupa2nya ramai species yg penakut kannnnn
takut kat bayang2 sendiri atau
kat qorin sendiri

keep on my bro!!!

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Post time 8-5-2012 02:41 PM | Show all posts ker...ada 2 3 dah buku harun yahya kat umah....tak tau mana harus dipercayai lagi...huhuhu

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Post time 8-5-2012 02:55 PM | Show all posts
Dalam wawancaranya dengan Al Jazeera, Harun Yahya juga meragukan ketepatan bahawa nama Al Mahdi sebe ...
contactlens Post at 8-5-2012 12:06

alhamdullillah.... pencarian tuan ini insyaallah sangat berguna untuk mengelakkan lebih ramai orang tertipu. Sebab itu, sekiranya kita mendapat sesuatu berita, periksa dulu sumbernya dari mana. Bacalah ayat 1-10 dari Surah Al Kahfi sentiasa. Insyaallah Allah membuka mata hati kita untuk mendapatkan kebenaran.

( Peringatan untuk diri sendiri juga yang selalu alpa dengan keduniaan)

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 Author| Post time 8-5-2012 11:07 PM | Show all posts
BREAKING NEWS - France Is Diving, Italy Is Diving, US Futures Are Heading Down
Joe Weisenthal | May 8, 2012, 4:13 AM

Yesterday the markets shocked everyone by rallying in the wake of this past weekend's European elections tumult.

Today: Things are going sharply lower.

Italy is down 1.5%.

France is down 1.4%.

Germany is down 0.3%.

US futures are off about 0.4%.

Yields are a tad higher across the board in Europe, as well.

In Asia, markets didn't do much special, with Japan rallying 0.7%, and Shanghai ending just down a hair.


When the 2nd round of the Greece government collapses, you have a little time to prepare...  Wallahua'lam...

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 Author| Post time 8-5-2012 11:17 PM | Show all posts
Man sues city over seizure of house with underground shelter
By Patrick Beach
Updated: 10:23 p.m. Monday, May 7, 2012
Published: 10:09 p.m. Monday, May 7, 2012

Joe Del Rio says the underground space started as a Cold War-era shelter. A structural engineer found the house safe in 2009.

Deborah Cannon/American-Statesman Joe Del Rio stands near the entrance to a multilevel shelter underneath his home Monday on Canterbury Street. The house had been visited by city inspectors in 2008 and 2009. The city seized the house in May 2010.

Two years ago today, Joe Del Rio was awakened to find city officials at the door of his lifelong home in East Austin, demanding entry. Before it was over, the Police Department's SWAT team and the Fire Department had been deployed, and Del Rio said he was detained and questioned for about 10 hours because of what officials called a multilevel bunker-like space under the house with suspicious and unusual materials.

After the city billed Del Rio in April for about $90,000 in repairs it said were critical to make the home on Canterbury Street safe, Del Rio sued the City of Austin last week for what his lawyers say was a heavy-handed and unconstitutional seizure of his property without compensation.


Moral of the story - if you have a BUNKER, keep it SECRET. Don't ever tell anyone, especially the government...

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 Author| Post time 8-5-2012 11:29 PM | Show all posts
BREAKING NEWS - One of the largest sunspot groups in years heading towards Earth!

INCOMING CME: Sunspot AR1471 erupted on May 7th, producing an M1-class solar flare and an Earth-directed coronal mass ejection (CME). According to a forecast track prepared by analysts at the Goddard Space Weather lab, the cloud will reach Earth on May 9th at 13:40 UT (+/- 7 hours). Magnetic storm alerts: text, phone.

BIG SUNSPOT: One of the largest sunspot groups in years rotated over the sun's northeastern limb this weekend. With a least four dark cores larger than Earth, AR1476 sprawls more than 100,000 km from end to end, and makes an easy target for backyard solar telescopes. Amateur astronomer Alan Friedman sends this picture of the behemoth from his backyard in Buffalo, NY:

"AR1476 is firecrackler," says Friedman.

Indeed, the active region is crackling with impulsive M-class solar flares. Based on the sunspot's complex 'beta-gamma' magnetic field, NOAA forecasters estimate a 75% chance of more M-flares during the next 24 hours. There is also a 10% chance of powerful X-flares.

"This one is going to be fun as it turns to face us!" predicts Friedman. He might be right

Let's just hope it's not the Solar Storm Max...

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 Author| Post time 8-5-2012 11:42 PM | Show all posts
Space weather expert has ominous forecast                                      
Mike Hapgood, who studies solar events, says the world isn't prepared for a truly damaging storm. And one could happen soon.

A massive explosion on the sun's surface has triggered the largest solar radiation storm since 2005, hurling charged particles at Earth. (NASA / May 4, 2012)

By Amina Khan, Los Angeles Time
May 4, 2012, 7:26 p.m.

A stream of highly charged particles from the sun is headed straight toward Earth, threatening to plunge cities around the world into darkness and bring the global economy screeching to a halt.

This isn't the premise of the latest doomsday thriller. Massive solar storms have happened before — and another one is likely to occur soon, according to Mike Hapgood, a space weather scientist at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory near Oxford, England.

Yes, the world's population won't be ready...

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 Author| Post time 8-5-2012 11:47 PM | Show all posts
Top Obama Aide Warns Russia “End Of World” Near
Posted by EU Times on May 8th, 2012

A new report prepared by the Foreign Intelligence Service circulating in the Kremlin today says that the United States top National Security Advisor to President Obama, Thomas Donilon, was granted a “rushed meeting” with President Putin this past Friday wherein he warned the Russian leader that the world as we know it may be about to end.

According to this report, the Obama regime became alarmed last week after Russia’s top military official, Chief of the General Staff Nikolai Makarov, threatened to carry out a pre-emptive strike if Washington goes ahead with its plan to build a missile defense shield in Eastern Europe, after which Donilon was dispatched to Moscow by a frightened Obama.

Hoax? Genuine? Wallahua'lam...

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 Author| Post time 8-5-2012 11:59 PM | Show all posts
Hundreds of Dead Dolphins and Pelicans Force Massive Beach Closings
Published May 07, 2012
Fox News Latino

In this April 6, 2012 photo, officials stand next to dolphin carcasses on the shore of Pimentel Beach in Chiclayo, Peru. Scientists and Peruvian officials are investigating a mass die-off of hundreds of dolphins along the South American country's coast. (AP Photo/Nestor Salvatierra) (AP2012)

In an unprecedented ordinance which has generated both speculation and alarm, Peru has closed all ocean beaches north of Lima to the public.

Health officials are taking the extraordinary step of closing the beaches after hundreds of dolphin carcasses washed up on the shores of Peru – and the reason why continues to be a mystery. Peru’s Health Ministry and oceanographic institute say 877 dolphins and 1,200 pelicans have been found dead on the beaches since February, but their deaths don’t appear to be related.

The warning did not indicate why it might be dangerous to visit beaches. Peru's agricultural safety service ruled out Friday that the pelicans could have died of avian flu, which could be contagious to humans.

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 Author| Post time 9-5-2012 01:06 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by andria at 9-5-2012 01:09

Video-video di bawah khas untuk anda yg pernah membaca tentang Projek BlueBeam. Enjoy...

Holographic Moon Takes a Number Two with "Jupiter"  

Hologram Moon Disappears Again - SEP 11 2011 (Finally Someone Else Catches The Same Thing).avi

Sky Watch: Blue Beam Moon Hologram


Best video. It shows the 'blue light source', similar to The Norway Spiral...

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Post time 9-5-2012 10:35 AM | Show all posts
BREAKING NEWS - France Is Diving, Italy Is Diving, US Futures Are Heading Down
Joe Weisenthal | May ...
andria Post at 8-5-2012 23:07

    What can I say is that, if ya' see any weird/odd which contradict any economic principal that ya' learned in ya' university.........for example economic growth of many countries sinking, more countries join the PIIGS Club, more countries undergo property bubble BUT...

Gold price suddenly went down ...may be below USD1,000/oz until it causes panic this time please do not sell your gold and silver. Cause, before XXXXXX the price of these 2 comodities would go skyrocket. If it goes sky rocket up to USD10,00-USD12,500 per oz, the most probably we are definitely heading towards Global economic Meltdown.Allahualambissawab..

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Post time 9-5-2012 02:03 PM | Show all posts
Reply 203# dina_alea

   semua tak leh percaya dgn yg kat sini sekali
termasuk aku
maka selamatlah
walau esok adalah hari kiamat
atau lusa hari ajal mu
atau tulat hari malapetaka


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Post time 9-5-2012 02:28 PM | Show all posts
Reply 213# orangbesi

Mudah-mudahan sentiasa mendapat petunjukNYA....Amin...

Agaknya ni pun satu hidayah jugak sebab selama ni tak pernah terfikir nak argue kebenaran mana2 writer...baca n selalu percaya jer...Bila ada sebut nama Harun Yahya kat sini, barulah terbongkar kisah disebaliknya....


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Post time 9-5-2012 02:33 PM | Show all posts
Reply 214# dina_alea

   cantikkkkkkk kalau muak cantik
budi bahasa mencantikkan lagi
dan menggunakan akal.............lagi CANTIKKKKKK

perkenankanlah DOA hambamu ini

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Post time 9-5-2012 03:45 PM | Show all posts
Dalam wawancaranya dengan Al Jazeera, Harun Yahya juga meragukan ketepatan bahawa nama Al Mahdi sebe ...
contactlens Post at 8-5-2012 12:06

    baru aku tau pasal harum yahya ni...
    aku tengok muka die pon mcm ada yg tak kena je..

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Post time 9-5-2012 03:50 PM | Show all posts
Reply 211# andria

Wow, ingatkan gempa bumi, tsunami, hujan etc je boleh dicipta oleh manusia. Bulan pun sama. Sis Andria, tadi ada tengok video moon hologram yang muncul pada waktu pagi. Selama ni, bulan yg muncul kadang kala selepas pukul 7 pagi pun ciptaan manusia ke? Semalam ke kelmarin nampak bulan penuh jam 6.23 pagi. Cantik sangat!

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Post time 9-5-2012 03:50 PM | Show all posts
Video-video di bawah khas untuk anda yg pernah membaca tentang Projek BlueBeam. Enjoy...

Hologr ...
andria Post at 9-5-2012 01:06

    saya nak tanye la cik andria,cik andria perasan x kalau malam2 antara bintang2 kt langit tu ada satu yg paling terang sekali...
    memang terang dan xberkelip-kelip die punya cahaya statik..rase2 cik andria ape tu ye?takkan satellite terang camtu sekali?

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 Author| Post time 10-5-2012 12:08 AM | Show all posts
Reply  andria

Wow, ingatkan gempa bumi, tsunami, hujan etc je boleh dicipta oleh manusia. Bula ...
arrowtotheknee Post at 9-5-2012 15:50

    Tak juga. Dia ada lunar eclipse. It accompanies the sun. Masalahnya, kita sukar nak tahu dgn pasti, melainkan kita ada teleskop canggih yg boleh mengeluarkan infra red (boleh nampak kesan cahaya biru). Atau video bulan 'pooping' tu. Atau klu bernasib baik, kita mungkin boleh nampak bulan ori dan bulan hologram bersinar bersilih ganti.

"Dajjal itu datang ke tempat orang-orang yang percaya kepadanya dan penduduk kampung itu mengakunya sebagai Tuhan. Disebabkan yang demikian hujan turun di tempat mereka dan tanam-tanaman mereka pun menjadi..."

Sesuatu utk difikirkan...

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 Author| Post time 10-5-2012 12:14 AM | Show all posts
saya nak tanye la cik andria,cik andria perasan x kalau malam2 antara bintang2 kt langit t ...
jjx597 Post at 9-5-2012 15:50

    Ya. Ramai yg dah perasan tentang benda itu. Mereka kata Venus. But kata yg lain, ia terlalu bright utk menjadi Venus, dan lokasi pun tak tepat (sekiranya ia Venus). Dan kalau ia Venus sekalipun, ada teori mengatakan, Venus menjadi semakin bright kerana ia semakin dekat dgn bumi. Kenapa ia semakin dgn bumi, adalah kerana suatu tarikan graviti di angkasa lepas, yg mungkin datang dari sebuah objek di belakang matahari (mungkin Planet X/Nibiru?). Dan ada juga yg kata, the bright thing is Nibiru itself.


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