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2182# samax
coz u r not die hard fan Batman... This is the real Marvel Batman.... |
2182# samax
coz u r not die hard fan Batman... This is the real Marvel Batman....
din_atos Post at 29-6-2009 12:08 
maybe..tapi Batman Begins aku suka.
mungkin aku kureng sket citer2 slow, dull, & boring camni..
aku lebih gemarkan citer2 yang moving, suspen, dan meningkatkan adrenalin...yang bleh buat mata mengantuk jadi segar semula...(tak termasuk citer porn) |
smlm tgok Angels n Demons |
2184# din_atos
aku stuju....bg aku dark knight ni syok...lg pun joker adlh lwn terkuat......kerana adanya batman maka wujudnya joker....
heheeh...pdhal wujudnya batman sbb nk hapuskan penjenayah...tp joker ni terbalik......tp ni versi The Dark Knight ler. |
2184# din_atos
Batman bukan Marvel daaa......DC Comics...seyh. |
baru jer tgk 'Slumdog Millionaire' ..memang ketinggalan ketapi betul..
citer tu best sgt pada aku.. |
baru tgk angels and demons n my bloody valentine..okla..xlah aku tetido tgk tu... |
2188# itik_magic
eh.. hehe... itu ada nama... apa itu... hmm.. masterpiece ek? aku dgr dr kwn aku cite tu btul2 ori... bkn yg mcm sebelumnya... |
baru tengok watchmen....jenuh gakla nak habiskan..citer slow giler...nasib xtetido je |
Post Last Edit by pavlova at 6-7-2009 17:23
wiken aritu baru tgk DVD He's Not Into You (ni best!) & The Day The Earth Stood Still (ni ngantuk aa tgk)
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was a glitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight

If OnLy I CoULd Get WhAtEveR I Wish |
2183# gjoy_chester
aku tak jumpa ler Shawshank Redemption itu ari.....puas aku kuar masuk kedai jual DVD tapi suma cam mahal2 aje... |
semalam tgk Angel and Demons..best siot haku suka ending dia ada klise sket 5/5 haku bg..hoho. (citer neh ttg agama kristian dan vatican..so bebudak jgn terpengaruh) |
semalam tgk Public Enemies 2009..best gak ler bg aku yg tak berapa gemar genre citer macam ni.....tapi Depp punya pasal..ku redah jua... 
* http://barudanlama.blogspot.com/ |
baru pas tgk matrix trilogy |
Post Last Edit by ChildrenOfBodom at 8-7-2009 15:42
gua baru tgk The Last House on the left dan filem lama The House on the edge of the park |
Dan tak lupa... Ice Age 3 - Crap~! |
2194# mimiekiut
kedai tu sebelah FOC (x ingat level berapa)..try la gi tengok.. |
baru tengok knowing..boring jer citer ni..ingatkan bes.... |
Br tgk sekali lagi versi HD Twilight..x sgka plak best..haha..msa tgk wayang thn lepas ponya lah aku merepek kat member..bring giler citer neh...but tgk sorg2 br2 neh..syok plak..very romantic..kikiki |
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