Nari ada ceta pasal Dentist kat paper.
Ada nyonya ni, komplen2 sakit gigi...
pes time dia gi dentist, cabut satu gigi.
then sakit lagi, so dia gi dentist seken time, cabut lagi satu gigi.
Then sakit lagi, so dentist tu baru refer kat specialist lain.
Specialist lain cuma kasi mouthwash je, rupanya sakit tu datang bukan dari gigi, tapi dari gums. Lepas kena washing tu, terus tak sakit.
So soalan dia, gigi nyonya tu kena cabut dua batang , apa story sey.
So korang gi dentist, baik nengok betul2 |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 21-8-2006 10:39 PM
Nari ada ceta pasal Dentist kat paper.
Ada nyonya ni, komplen2 sakit gigi...
pes time dia gi dentist, cabut satu gigi.
then sakit lagi, so dia gi dentist seken time, cabut lagi satu gigi.
T ...
aya...kena cabut for nothing.... |
Originally posted by matz_rockz at 22-8-2006 09:19 AM
aya...kena cabut for nothing....
ha ah masuk paper skarang gavemen dorang nak control dentist2 lagi ketat..
pada aku la, dentist pun kadang2 cam buat duit la, mahal semacam la private nye.
Those yang keja, ada dental benefit ok la, tapi kat sapa takde ni benefit, pegi dentist mahal tau...
aku pernah gi yang still road last few mths pasal gigi aku dia nye tampal pecah so sakit, then ada this young lady cam very shocked bila kena charge after her treatment, aku agak dia mungkin budak Universiti ke apa ke, then dia cam tanya2 cost, tapi kalo aku pun, kalo gigi sakit, nak tak nak terpaksa bayar la...
Abis tu nak gi yang polyklinik tu semua Q panjang, dah tu like rushing job.. Ni pun kena tegur dalam paper..
Aku nak gi yang kat SGH tu la lain kali, National Dental Board ke apa ke, tapi aku takut semua budak2 sekolah yang kat sana, ntah apa nanti dorang godey2 gigi aku :bgrin: |
nari mind your body ada pasal minah melayu ni 19year old
boipren dia subutex nye trafficker...last2 boipren dia mati.
skarang dia lak kat wheelchair kat spital, nak operate hip baru...
nanti aku scan tampal sini |
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 23-8-2006 05:38 PM
nari mind your body ada pasal minah melayu ni 19year old
boipren dia subutex nye trafficker...last2 boipren dia mati.
skarang dia lak kat wheelchair kat spital, nak operate hip baru...
nanti a ...
Dep.. okie set.. |
apa set? :jeling: k ni masuk sokkabar smalam...
![](http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/2169/img118ny8.jpg) |
![](http://img176.imageshack.us/img176/9965/img120lq4.jpg) |
ni last...
![](http://img244.imageshack.us/img244/5002/img120agm4.jpg) |
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 24-8-2006 03:47 PM
ni last...
parah sey.. budak pompan ni muda2 lagi dah kena buat hip operation.. so sayang she wasted her youth ..
kat kawasan West.. dekat dgn rumah MIL aku.. ada satu clinic ni.. kalo dulu aku selalu balik dari keje.. aku selalu perasan ramai budak2 "sakit" kat clinic ni.. rupa-rupanyer.. clinic ni ada jual pil subutex.aku dah lama tak ke rumah MIL.. jadi tak taku apa kisah setelah government dah take action pasal pil subutex ni. |
Originally posted by SweetCandy at 25-8-2006 07:28 AM
parah sey.. budak pompan ni muda2 lagi dah kena buat hip operation.. so sayang she wasted her youth ..
kat kawasan West.. dekat dgn rumah MIL aku.. ada satu clinic ni.. kalo dulu aku selalu ba ...
tu hari sapa ceta aku eh?
ada satu klinik tu kan...ekekekeek...
pesakit dia masuk , belum sempat pintu bilik doktor tu tertutup, pesakit tu dah keluar ngan muka happy ekekekekeeke...
cepat betul doktor cek ekekekeke |
Originally posted by SweetCandy at 25-8-2006 07:28 AM
parah sey.. budak pompan ni muda2 lagi dah kena buat hip operation.. so sayang she wasted her youth ..
kat kawasan West.. dekat dgn rumah MIL aku.. ada satu clinic ni.. kalo dulu aku selalu ba ...
tapi kan gavemen ngah investigate a few clinics salah jual subutex sebarangan tak salah..
Padan, nak cepat kaya ..
Dorang takde conscience, doktor mesti lagi pandai tengok orang apa...
satu pill $10 untung, kalo satu hari jual 50 bijik... dah $500.
satu bulan 24 hari bukak....$12k |
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 25-8-2006 07:32 AM
tu hari sapa ceta aku eh?
ada satu klinik tu kan...ekekekeek...
pesakit dia masuk , belum sempat pintu bilik doktor tu tertutup, pesakit tu dah keluar ngan muka happy ekekekekeeke...
klinik yg aku ckp ni.. memang famous dgn pesakit2 gini..kekekeke.. |
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 25-8-2006 07:34 AM
tapi kan gavemen ngah investigate a few clinics salah jual subutex sebarangan tak salah..
Padan, nak cepat kaya ..
Dorang takde conscience, doktor mesti lagi pandai tengok orang apa...
btw.. dat time waktu klinik dekat rumah MIL aku baru2 bukak.. penah kena ambush dgn CNB.. pasal aku rasakan dorang dah tengok klinik ni ramai dgn pesakit2.. tapi dorang tak bleh buat apa2.. cos ada lesen from govement. |
Secret to perfect skin is in vitamin A
By Judith Tan - May 28, 2007
The Straits Times
What do Nicole Kidman, Halle Berry, Charlize Theron and closer to home - Fann Wong - have in common?
Apart from being well-known actresses, they have absolutely gorgeous skin which seems to glow from within.
The secret to such perfect skin lies in vitamin A, says South African plastic surgeon, Dr Des Fernandes.
'Vitamin A is responsible for regulating the health of thousands of genes in cells. The antioxidant properties neutralise harmful elements in our skin, helping to prevent wrinkles, resist infection and keep skin youthful,' he said.
Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that can be obtained from either animal or vegetable sources.
They include eggs, meat, and coloured fruit and vegetables.
'If there is insufficient vitamin A in the skin, it will not renew itself as fast, resulting in pigmentation, wrinkles and worst - skin cancer,' said Dr Fernandes, who has treated stars such as Gwyneth Paltrow and Madonna.
The problem is vitamin A is destroyed by exposure to light, particularly sunlight.
'Spend 20 minutes in the sun and your level of vitamin A will drop 80 to 90 per cent,' DrFernandes said.
His advice is to make vitamin A part of the daily skin-care routine for everyone who is exposed to sunlight - from sun-babies to construction workers. And wear a good sunblock.
The answer is not to avoid the sun altogether, said Dr Fernandes. That creates its own problems.
'Sunlight is needed to make vitamin D, which is necessary for bone health, to prevent osteoporosis,' he explained.
Vitamin D is produced by the skin when exposed to ultraviolet radiation from sunlight.
Addressing vitamin A losses
Replacing vitamin A lost every time we go out into sunlight can be done through the diet or a topical cream.
'We need to replenish that vitamin A every day but we can't rely solely on diet,' he said.
He said it would take weeks to restore the level of vitamin A lost to sunlight in 20 minutes, through the diet.
'But applying a topical cream fortified with vitamin A can restore it in just three hours,' he added.
Dr Cheong Lai Leng, a dermatologist in private practice, agrees that it is true 'you can never eat enough vitamin A to get the same effect as topical cream', but a good balanced diet should replace the amount of vitamin A lost to sunlight.
'That is, if you don't subject yourself to strong sunlight over long periods,' she said.
Doctors say the use of vitamin A creams can have side effects and signs to watch out for include redness, a stinging sensation, peeling and increased sunburn potential.
Plastic surgeon Ivor Lim said it makes the skin fairly sensitive and dry.
'Those sold off the counter are usually weak formulations. If consumers want higher strength creams, then they should get a prescription from the doctor and be monitored so that there would not be any adverse effects,' he advised. |
Provided by Health Promotion Board
We know that smoking is bad for us. But how bad is it? Here are some lesser-known facts about the harmful effects of smoking.
- About 7 Singaporeans die prematurely from smoking-related diseases each day.
90 per cent of lung cancer deaths in Singapore occur among smokers; 40 per cent of deaths among those younger than 65 years of age are due to heart disease are related to smoking.
40 per cent of heavy smokers die before reaching 65 years while only 15 per cent of non-smokers do so.
- Secondhand smoke is more toxic than inhaled cigarette smoke
The smoke breathed in by the passive smoker may contain up to:
# 3 times more tar
# 3 times more nicotine
# 5 times more carbon monoxide
# 50 times more cancer-causing chemicals than the smoke inhaled by the smoker through the cigarette filter tip
- Female smokers are 60 per cent more likely than their non-smoking counterparts to be infertile, while smokers who undergo in vitro fertilization are one-third less likely to become pregnant.
Women smokers are up to four times more at risk of cervical cancer and have earlier menopause than non-smokers.
- Menthol and light cigarettes are equally as damaging as normal cigarettes.
'Light' or 'menthol' cigarettes do not make smoking safer because they contain the same damaging toxins as normal cigarettes.
- Smoking makes you more stressed.
A smoker experiences fluctuating nicotine levels in between cigarettes and this in turn causes feelings of stress and irritability.
When the smoker starts smoking to satisfy the body's craving for nicotine, the body gives a perceived feeling of 'stress relief'. This feeling of relief is often mistaken as a feeling of relaxation offered by cigarettes.
- Four hours a day in a smoke-filled environment can add almost 7 years to your age
Studies show that smoking produces free radicals, affecting the gene that causes the breakdown of elastin and collagen. Without sufficient collagen for renewal, the skin gradually loses its elasticity, and becomes dry and wrinkly.
Smokers tend to have wrinkles that extend beyond the area they would normally occur in the normal ageing process.
- Smoking impedes healing
The more and longer one smokes, the greater the likelihood of impaired wound healing. Even resuming smoking during recovery could lead to adverse effects.
- Women are 2 times more likely than men to contract bladder cancer
Women who smoked 40 or more cigarettes a day for 40 years or more faced more than twice the risk of contracting bladder cancer than men with the same smoking habit. They also incurred more than 11 times the risk of bladder cancer than a non-smoker. Men incurred approximately five times the risk of a non-smoker.
- The health benefits of quitting smoking are immediate, even if you have been smoking for many years.
The moment you give up cigarettes, your blood pressure and pulse rate will gradually drop to normal.
After 20 minutes, the risk of a heart attack is reduced.
Within 8 hours, your body will be free of nicotine and after a week, most side-effects from smoking will disappear.
- You can increase your chances of quitting successfully by four times with a quit smoking consultant
Studies have shown that smokers who seek consultants' advice are four times more likely to quit smoking successfully compared to those who quit on their own. Continuing support from pharmacists, family and friends can also increase the chances of quitting successfully.
APABILA anda diserang denggi, anda akan mengalami demam panas yang tinggi secara tiba-tiba.
Demam ini akan berlarutan, biasanya selama lima hingga tujuh hari.
Anda akan juga mengalami
- ruam atau gatat-gatal,
- sakit kepala teruk,
- sakit di belakang mata,
- sakit otot dan sendi,
- rasa mual,
- muntah,
- hilang selera makan,
- letih dan cirit-birit.
Ruam panas biasanya mula timbul tiga hingga empat hari selepas demam. Terdapat tiga jenis ruam:
- Pertama, ruam petechial. Ia paling lazim dialami dan biasanya terdapat di lengan dan berpunca daripada pendarahan di bawah kulit.
- Kedua, ruam erythematous. Ia menyebabkan seluruh kulit badan menjadi kemerah-merahan dan hanya beberapa tompok merupakan warna kulit biasa.
- Ketiga, ruam maculopapular. Ia kelihatan merah dan tebal dan ada kalanya pesakit berasa gatal.
Virus denggi mempunyai empat jenis dan diberi nama serotype 1, 2, 3 dan 4.
Serangan daripada satu serotype tidak akan melindungi anda daripada serangan serotype yang lain.
Malah, jangkitan kedua boleh memberikan kesan lebih buruk seperti demam denggi berdarah dan sindrom kejutan denggi yang boleh membawa maut.
Kesan demam denggi berdarah ialah berdarah daripada hidung, mulut dan gusi.
Ada tanda-tanda luka di badan akibat pendarahan dalam badan selain titik-titik merah di kulit. Air kencing pun boleh mengandungi darah.
Tanpa rawatan awal, pesakit boleh mengalami kejutan yang disebut sindrom kejutan denggi.
Demam denggi berdarah membawa maut di kalangan 5 peratus kes, kebanyakannya di kalangan kanak-kanak dan orang dewasa muda.
Ketika ini, tiada ubat antivirus untuk merawat denggi atau vaksin bagi mencegahnya.
Berehat dan minum banyak air untuk mengelakkan badan kekurangan air boleh membantu.
Pening kepala boleh dilegakan dengan memakan ubat pelega sakit seperti acetaminophen.
Penyakit ini boleh berlarutan sehingga 10 hari tetapi pemulihan penuh boleh mengambil masa sehingga sebulan.
Kos perubatan di hospital bagi demam denggi purata ialah antara $1,500 dengan $3,000 bergantung kepada kelas wad.
Sumber: Lembaga Penggalak Kesihatan.
Reply #257 missymissy's post
woo.. kalau v pon mau tentulah panik ![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif)
ekekeke... even dok kat kampung kena bintat |
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Category: Negeri & Negara