Reply #240 izzati's post
nape rab ne xde dlm best film??  |
Balas #242 AyieBoyZ\ catat
ha'ahhh... tu la pasal... even aditya chopra as director pon x tercalon  |
International Film Star Shahrukh Khan Bullied by Angry Homeless Man
Hollywood, California, January 2009
International film star Shah Rukh Khan was roughly shoved and attackedwhile standing in line on January 5, 2009. The Indian star was notinjured and even turned to his attacker, smiled, and said, "Pushharder."
It was on the set of the film, "My Name is Khan," that the eventoccurred and it was part of a scene. I know all the details because Iwas the homeless man who pushed him. As a background actor who livesand works in Hollywood, it was my good fortune to get a part as ahomeless man in the film. Don't get me wrong, I am not notable in thefilm except for the dubious honor of roughly pushing the star of thefilm. I am strictly background.
The star of the film, however, is well known to movie goers around theworld. While Shahrukh Khan may not be a household name in the UnitedStates, he is an international film star who is respected for hisacting ability. Time magazine named him one of the top 40 Asian stars.While he usually works in Bollywood, and has an impressive list ofcredits, he was in Hollywood, California for the filming of thispicture by director and writer, Karan Johar, another Bollywood notable.
Shahrukh Khan is known for being a great actor and watching him inaction was very impressive. In fact the whole crew were impressive, myonly experience to date having been with American film crews, this wasmy first opportunity to see how an Indian crew would handle filming.Always the professional artist, Shah Rukh was a good sport and didn'tseem to mind being pushed. He turned to me and smiled and said, "Getangry, push harder." So I did, roughly shoving him on the next take. Weshot several takes so that the director could get just the right look.
I hope the audience and his many fans all over the world won't hate mefor being so rude and attacking Shah Rukh. I can assure you he wassmiling after the scene and seemed no worse for the wear. He is aprofessional and I am sure he would tell you, "Anything for my art." Ialso apologize for not divulging any of the plot. First of all, I don'tknow the plot, but if I did I still would not be permitted to speakabout it, you'll just have to go and see the movie. You can learn moreabout the film at "My Name is Khan," at IMDB.com
I also hope the film will be well received and get the credit itdeserves. After watching Shah Ruhk Khan in action, I can tell you thathe is doing a wonderful job and you won't be disappointed.
There is always the possibility that my contribution in the scene willbe taken out during the editing, but if not, you will see this scruffyold actor and writer, Wil Langord, as a homeless man. Background actingin Hollywood is always an adventure, one day I was a hippie screamingat a famous actor trying to get him out of his limo and then anotherday I was pushing a well loved star around. That's Hollywood.
"My Name is Khan," at IMDB.com
Wil Langford's Official Website, WilLangford.com
Balas #242 AyieBoyZ\ catat
apa khabar semua?
lama abg tak masuk sini....harap sahabat sahabat semua sihat sihat belaka....
dah masuk tahun baru dah... dah banyak filem hindi baru u all dah tgk...
nanti abg bagi review filem -filem yg hebat sesuai utk tontonan anda semua..
p/s ayie ko aper kabar.....buat aper skrg |
boollywood 2008
GAHJINI telah mencipta sejarah mencapai angka 200 crore dlm masa 2 minggu tayangan di 25 negara mengatasi Rab Ne Bana de jodi = 120 crore dlm 2 minggu. Tahniah buat Amir Khan dan pasukan Ghajini.
Ghajini dan RNBDJ telah berjaya memberi senyuman semula kpd warga bollywood selepas kegagalan beberapa filem bajet besar sepanjang 2008
Ghajini akan menemui peminat Malaysia pd 9 JANUARI 2009. tayangan di Malaysia di pawagam2 pilihan
RAB NE BANA DE JODI telah memasuki minggu kelima tayangan di Malaysia. Dengan hanya lima salinan, RNBDJ telah mengumpul hampir USD 100 000 dr pasaran Malaysia. RNBDJ memasuki minggu kelima tayangan di TGV CINEMAS-CAPSQUARE,KUALA LUMPUR dan memulakan tayangan pusingan kedua pd minggu kelima di empat pawagam baru:
Originally posted by just_masa at 9-1-2009 02:41 PM 
apa khabar semua?
lama abg tak masuk sini....harap sahabat sahabat semua sihat sihat belaka....
dah masuk tahun baru dah... dah banyak filem hindi baru u all dah tgk...
nanti abg bagi review ...
lame x masuk cni ek?? 
ayie chat jep.. huhu.. skunk kt malaysia ke?? |
td kebetulan tgk rncgn kat zee.tv ada tunjuk SRK trima anugerah datuk....ensemla pulak pk bju melayu lengkap ngn songkok n sampin . . .i loikeee 
[ Last edited by eunnisa at 12-1-2009 09:30 PM ] |
Reply #209 airiny's post
hmm .. asin dah masuk bollywood ekkk
ske tgk asin klu ada filem dia kat chanel 202 misti tgk  |
kajol tak dpt invitation gi golden globe ker |
kat mana boleh daatkan filem hindi yang terbaru secara online....kat tempat saya tak ader la....semua kedai vedio dah tutup....kalo ada pun tak jual cite hindi....hampeh tul...... |
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