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Author: jajadanial02

Cari Agensi Maid Indon Yang Murah

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Post time 19-12-2006 03:35 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mrs_halia at 18-12-2006 10:45 AM

lst mth saya survey 7 org tekong..majoriti charge 3500 nak ambik maid indon..tanyer dia kata government dah reduce ke 2400...they all kata tak leh ikut...rugi n tak balik modallllllll...

laa...ingatkan sekrg semua dah reduce ke rm2400 jer.. rupanya tak le, depends kat agent jugak le.  Agent yg harga lagi tinggi ni x kena tindakan apa2 ke?  Ada sesape yg tahu mana2 agensi maid yg bole dipercayai such as on time delivery, maid ok & mudah berurusan?

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Post time 19-12-2006 03:48 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Acun at 28-11-2006 10:02 AM
info terbaru dr kawan i...last week dia pi kedutaan indonesia minta nasihat camana nak dptkan maid...apa hak dia sebagai majikan ..apa hak pembantu org di kedutaan tu citerlah secara ter ...

acun, camna dgn senarai agensi yg u ckp dulu, dah dpt lum?

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Post time 21-12-2006 11:26 AM | Show all posts
zue terima email pasal citer nie. btul ker?

Subject: FW: Maid Alert!

This happens to me just a few weeks ago (nov 2006). I had taken a maid from one tekong in sg buloh few months back. She was screened. Her name was uyun. She is from madura. Age late 30.

I was very satisfied with her services. Everytime I come home, the house is spick and span. Floors mopped, windows wiped, dishes cleaned, laundry folded. No complaints. But I noticed that she never had any sprinkle of water over her, she was never wet or look tired after a day of hard work. And we live in a huge penthouse.

One night we were having a family dinner. The phone rang and she picked up. But the moment she said hello the line went dead. This happens a few times. So i suggested that next time it rings, i will pick it up. So the phone rang. It was a guy on the other line. He said that if the maid is next to me just answered everyting as "yes". So I did. The guy pictured the maid to us and identified our house correctly. He told me that my family and I is in great DANGER and asked me to take the family out immediately and meet him somehwere.

I put down the phone and told the maid that my mother-in-law has fallen ill and that we have to go back to Kelantan right that minute.  She insisted to come along but I instructed her to stay.

We dumped our children and my parents at the mall. My husband and I went to see the guy that night. The guy said that the maid used to work for her. I asked him how he got our number. He said that the maid has been calling
their teenage son everyday as she had fallen in love with him. But that is just part of the problem.

Later they discovered that the finger tips of their 5 year old son were damaged. They got smaller and thinner. The doctor said that something or someone has been sucking blood out of the fingers. So they immediately sacked the maid.

I didn't believe the guy, but later told my father who is paralysed and lived with us on the ground floor. He said that he noticed something was wrong with the maid. Everytime he wakes up to go to the toilet at 2 or 3 in the morning, the maid was not in her room and the door was wide open. She could not have been outside the house as she doesn't have the key to the front door.

I sensed something wrong. I told my husband to send her back. When we got home, we told her that we have to be in Kelantan for a few months and that she has to go back to the tekong.  She refused to go and refused to pack. But I insisted to send her that very same night and said that I will send her things later.  By then my husband managed to get help from a pak haji neighbour to follow us to the tekong. She was very angry of course but did not say a word.

We went back to pack her things. I found a menu in her bag that says she has to eat 10 eggs on monday night, some blood on tuesday night, chicken  blood on wednesday and so forth.

My husband and I together with the pak haji went back to send her stuff the next night. As soon as the tekong opens the door, pak haji felt that someone has lifted him up and threw him over to the wall. I saw with my own eyes. He literally flew from one end to the other end of the room. He got up and we quickly ran to our car. By then the tekong had came out and shouted something to us. Since we had already left he called us on the phone. He was shouting at us "Apa benda kamu hantar ini?? Benda berhantu?? Dia sudah marah sekarang sedang terbang keliling rumah!!!". My husband just
shut the phone off and we went home.

Guys, please be careful. I live in Ampang and the tekong house is in Sg Buloh. This incident happened just a few weeks ago. This "maid" or whatever creature she may be is still flying around somewhere.  This is not a ghost story. I don't get a single cent out of this. Please be careful.

Ampang, Selangor.

p/s: Seram plak baca citer...

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Post time 21-12-2006 12:07 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by zue_af at 21-12-2006 11:26 AM
zue terima email pasal citer nie. btul ker?

Subject: FW: Maid Alert!

This happens to me just a few weeks ago (nov 2006). I had taken a maid from one tekong in sg buloh few months ba ...

i pun terima gak... x tau le betul ke tak, but seram le..

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Post time 21-12-2006 03:02 PM | Show all posts
Semalam my maid bagi tahu dia dapat call dari kampung bagi tahu  anak buah dia yang keje di kl dah lari balik indon. I tanya kenapa dia lari dan macam mana boleh lari sedangkan pasport masih dengan majikan dan mana dia dapat duit.
So maid i bagi tahu, anak buah dia bengang dengan majikan dia sebab majikan tu kedekut janji nak naik gaji tapi tak naik gaji dan janji nak bagi cuti tapi tak bagi. Pah tu pula rumah memang tak leh keluar dia kunci pagar. Kalau nak apa-apa kena potong gaji.
Walaupun pagar berkunci maid ni masih tetap berhubungan dengan indon jantan yang dok lalu dekat area rumah dia.
So dia dah plan, dia tipu majikan dia konon nak kirim duit ke kampung menerusi maid i le dan majikan ni dah bagi duit cash kat dia rasanya dalam 2k kot.
Perancangan berikutnya dia dah janji dengan jantan tu bila majikan dia keluar dan nak dijadikan cerita, majikan dia satu family keluar dan dia tak nak ikut.
Masa tu mula lah dia buat modus operandi dia dan terus call jantan berkenaan untuk ambil dia dengan moto.
Sebab kunci pagar tak de so dia lompat ikut pagar.
Sebab dia tak der pasport dia balik indon naik tongkang. Begitulah ceritanya.
Jadi aku dapat buat kesimpulan, kalau kita terlalu berkira maid akan buat perancangan untuk menyusahkan kita dan jangan sekali-sekali bagi cash dekat diaorang. Aku pun juga perlu berhati-hati dengan maid aku ye la mana tahu dia pun nak ikut jejak anak buah aku.

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Post time 21-12-2006 03:23 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ayamkatik at 21-12-2006 03:02 PM
Semalam my maid bagi tahu dia dapat call dari kampung bagi tahu  anak buah dia yang keje di kl dah lari balik indon. I tanya kenapa dia lari dan macam mana boleh lari sedangkan pasport masih dengan ...

gitulah kita kalau ado maid ni..camcam perkara boleh jadi...

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Post time 22-12-2006 09:24 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mrs_halia at 18-12-2006 10:21 AM

:setuju: pasi harga kat se'wak..
tapi semenjung dahrm350-rm400.....
normal rm400 lah...tak taulah kot dapat murah lagi

area mana ada 350 ni
kalau area Bangi, Kajang, Semenyih or KL sume 400 ke atas
500 pun ada

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Post time 22-12-2006 09:40 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by zue_af at 21-12-2006 11:26 AM
zue terima email pasal citer nie. btul ker?

Subject: FW: Maid Alert!

This happens to me just a few weeks ago (nov 2006). I had taken a maid from one tekong in sg buloh few months ba ...

ishk...takut nyer...meremang bulu roma....mintak jauh ler dpt maid mcm gini

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Post time 22-12-2006 10:32 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mawarbduri at 22-12-2006 09:24 AM

area mana ada 350 ni
kalau area Bangi, Kajang, Semenyih or KL sume 400 ke atas
500 pun ada

my sis di perak..maybe di kl lebih mahal kot sb permintaan lebih tinggi..
bagus betul buat business maid nie ek..nie rasa nak jadi agent maid  pulak..

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Post time 9-3-2007 05:33 PM | Show all posts
ada sapa2 nak carik maid urgently tak. my friend ada maid terlebih sorang nih. sapa nak, tolong la contact i cepat2 ye. end of this month boleh amik maid tu. 0173288581. bayaran 2500.

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Post time 13-3-2007 09:53 AM | Show all posts
atie pon sekrg nih tgh nak cari maid utk bln 9 nnt

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Post time 13-3-2007 11:16 AM | Show all posts

Reply #310 cadburylady's post

terlebih...boleh cite sikit mcm mana kisahnya...

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Post time 15-3-2007 03:35 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by cadburylady at 9-3-2007 05:33 PM
ada sapa2 nak carik maid urgently tak. my friend ada maid terlebih sorang nih. sapa nak, tolong la contact i cepat2 ye. end of this month boleh amik maid tu. 0173288581. bayaran 2500.

i ada pm u psl maid terlebih ni.
interested nak tau juga.


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Post time 29-3-2007 10:23 PM | Show all posts
Assalamualaikum semua.....

Mama skang nie mmg tgh bebetul desperate nak cari maid. tapi semua contact more than RM2.4k ada yg sampai 5k. Mintak tolong sesape yg ader contact agent yg murah boleh tlg bg kat i. TQ

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Post time 30-3-2007 12:06 AM | Show all posts
sapa2 ada maid around miri, kuching norsha..
maid norsha habis contract end of august..


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idaim This user has been deleted
Post time 8-4-2007 10:20 AM | Show all posts
i tgh cari maid....pas tu ada lak.....jiran nie...cerita ada maid yg nak lari dr majikan...sebab majikan bagi makan sehari i nak ambik tapi dekatlah sgt...takut majikan jumpa jadi lak kes naya....

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Post time 9-4-2007 12:06 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by idaim at 8-4-2007 10:20 AM
i tgh cari maid....pas tu ada lak.....jiran nie...cerita ada maid yg nak lari dr majikan...sebab majikan bagi makan sehari i nak ambik tapi dekatlah sgt...takut majikan jumpa jadi  ...

idaim.. ko berani ke nak ambik maid camni.. nanti dia buat alasan lain pulak nak lari dr rumah ko..

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Post time 9-4-2007 11:17 AM | Show all posts
baru2 ni my fren lepak umah....
dia kata dia baru amik maid...
agency tu bt mcm nih....
amik maid rm2400 kot...
dia bagi trial for 1 week....
if okay blh continue...
otherwise blh tukarlah....
tp rm2400 to takde permit....
kalau kita nak bt or tak nak bt terpulang pd kita.....

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Post time 9-4-2007 05:32 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mamasayang at 29-3-2007 10:23 PM
Assalamualaikum semua.....

Mama skang nie mmg tgh bebetul desperate nak cari maid. tapi semua contact more than RM2.4k ada yg sampai 5k. Mintak tolong sesape yg ader contact agent yg murah bo ...

same here

the agent yg i contact tu kata maid yg dia ade available only in november! makkk

kalau u dpt any good contact.....leh share info dgn i?

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Post time 10-4-2007 03:40 PM | Show all posts
skrg ni rasanya mmg susah nak dpt maid indon.  diorg pun dah pandai memilih.....  they prefer to work in Taiwan/HongKong/Singapore/MidEast dari keje kat mesia ni.  gaji kat sana lagi besar compare dgn kat sini.  lagipun sana mostly rumah kecik anak tak ramai, so keje pun tak byk tapi gaji still better than here....  this is what my friend yg ada contact dgn agent kat sana kata...  agent sana pun dah pandai memilih jugak sbb they earn more if they send their maid to these countries.

saya pun kira desperate jugak ni tapi apa nak buat, kalau nak jugak maid indon dgn cepat, cari je lah agensi yg berdaftar dgn imigresen dan bayar je lah fees yg ditetapkan w/pun ada yg mencecah smpi rm5k

actually, those yg charge fees smpi rm4 ~ 5k tu, dia akan potong gaji dekat 5 ~ 6 bulan jugak.  so kalau kita calculate balik, kos sebenar kita cuma dlm rm 2k++ je...
tapi tu lah, nak keluar sekali rm4k tu yg sakit tu....

[ Last edited by  as188 at 10-4-2007 03:42 PM ]

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