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Author: Acong

Rohingya - 1 dunia ditipu

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Post time 21-5-2015 02:57 PM | Show all posts
watie_na replied at 21-5-2015 02:34 PM
tolong org Malaysia dulu. dah banyk duit sangat ke nak tolong org rohingya tu. aku tak tau apa sal,  ...

aku & laki aku pernah kene babe dengan dorang nie..kat Bukit Bintang duk lepak tunggu jam nak masuk wayang midnight..saje la jenjalan kat jalan bukit bintang tue..dorang mintak duit..budak2..laki aku kejam suruh baca al-fatihah...budak2 tue jjawab x tau..lepas tue laki aku buat dunnoe..dorang tarik baju suruh derma..then kitaorang buat x tau jugak..budak2 tue bodohkan kitaorang..sejak tue memang aku menyampah..

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Post time 21-5-2015 04:13 PM | Show all posts
alamak...aku dah confuse sapa betul sapa salah ni...

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Post time 22-5-2015 04:18 PM | Show all posts
kat sana camtu
kat sini plak...camni
sama je pun kannnn


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 Author| Post time 22-5-2015 04:36 PM | Show all posts
watie_na replied at 21-5-2015 02:34 PM
tolong org Malaysia dulu. dah banyk duit sangat ke nak tolong org rohingya tu. aku tak tau apa sal,  ...

ko prejudis sbb depa hitam legam cam bangla  

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 Author| Post time 22-5-2015 05:14 PM | Show all posts
by Rick Heizman

I am disturbed to see that there is so much deception, fraud, and manipulation of the media about the situation in Rakhine State, Burma. So many people - even those who seem to know a lot about Burma - don’t know the history, and the truth and reality of the Buddhist Rakhine people. I am writing this to explain the real reasons, and the truth about what is happening in Rakhine State, in the western part of Burma/Myanmar. This is based on the history of the region, and upon real experience in Rakhine State. I was last there about 8 months ago - November, 2011.

Rakhine, (also spelt Rakhaing), and Arakan basically mean the same thing, and refer to the culture, language, ethnicity, and continuously populated homeland of the Buddhist people of the area. Rohingya is a new name for the more recent Muslim immigrants who were formerly called Bengali Muslims, or Chittagong Muslims (which indicate their roots). Rakhine State of Burma borders Bangladesh. The capital of Rakhine State is Sittwe (old name Akyab).

The largest historical archeological site is Mrauk U, the last great Rakhine capital (1430-1784) at it's time one of the richest cities in Asia. Bangladesh is a new country (1971), originally part of various ancient 'Indian' Hindu or Buddhist kingdoms, later Muslim conquests brought Islam, then it became part of the British Indian Empire, gained independence in 1947 as East Pakistan (as one country linked with West Pakistan 1000 miles away) and became independent as Bangladesh in 1971.


The basic truth (explained below with real history and facts) is that the Buddhist Rakhine people are under a real and brutal campaign to seize their centuries old cultural homeland and turn it into an Islamic State, without other people or religions tolerated. This has already happened in parts of Rakhine State near the Bangladesh border in the area of Maungdaw and Buthidaung. The Rakhine have never taken over or invaded other lands - they have lived in their ancient homeland continuously.

The Buddhist Rakhine people have suffered massive slaughters, and been forced and burned out of hundreds of towns and villages in the last 100 years. They know - from bitter experience that the Muslims have NO respect for the Buddhist people and culture, and will destroy any Buddhist temples, monasteries, and holy places - as has happened already in parts of Rakhine. Below, I will explain why even Bangladesh hates the Rohingya, and will not help them, or let them live in Bangladesh.

The Rakhine people are in engaged in a struggle that is similar to other struggles in the area:

Southern Thailand: about 5000 Thai Buddhist - including Buddhist monks tortured and beheaded - killed in recent years by fanatic muslims trying to drive out and eliminate the Buddhist population, and turn southern Thailand into into an independent Islamic state.

Southern Philippines: constant kidnappings, beheadings, and killing of Christian Filipino's, goal to make an independent Islam-only separate country.
Non-Muslim parts of Indonesia: hundreds of Christian churches burned and destroyed, Christian school girls beheaded walking to school, currently imams and leaders are calling for Indonesians to go wage holy war on the Burmese.

Bangladesh: fifty years ago it was about 28% Hindu, after forcing millions of Hindus to flee the Hindu population is less then 9%, and still becoming smaller. The small Buddhist population is treated terribly, and Buddhist temples and monasteries and homes are looted and burned. All the ancient temples, stupas, and ruins from nearly 2000 years of Buddhist kingdoms have been completely destroyed.


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 Author| Post time 22-5-2015 05:18 PM | Show all posts

The Rakhine area has a history of kings and kingdoms dating back over 2000 years. It has had a deeply Buddhist tradition from the early centuries AD. The second largest ruined city and temple site in Burma - Mrauk U - is in Rakhine State, and is the spiritual center of the Rakhine identity. Now I'll skip up to the British days, and how the British, unknowingly, helped create the present problems.

The British, in Burma, Malaysia, Singapore, and other places, brought in Indian and/or Chinese men to be the plantation or other business managers. The British brought many Muslim Indians from Bengal to Rakhine because Bengal was close and convenient. These managers - instead of hiring local Rakhine people to work - sent for thousands of their fellow muslim Bengalis to come and work.

Most of these Bengalis were influenced by the islamic Faraidi movement in Bengal at that time (late 1800s) which was based on the ideology of the Wahhabis of Arabia (this is before the Saudi tribe took over and named Arabia after themselves). The Bengalis were instructed to build their own - muslim only - villages near the water resources (so that they could later control the water, and deny it to the Buddhist). And, they were told to prepare to wage a holy war (jihad) when their leaders felt they were ready and strong enough.

In the Maungdaw Township alone, around 1910, only 15 muslim managers brought in thousands of Bengali workers - starting a huge population shift - and began the campaign against the Buddhist.

In 1939 The British established a Commission of Inquiry to investigate the rapid increase of Bengali Muslims in Arakan from roughly 30,000 in 1825 to 220,000 in 1930. That Commission concluded that there would be violence in the very near future if the relentless Bengali Muslim movement across the border wasn't stopped or at least restricted.

And the Commission was right.


In early 1942, as the Japanese were advancing towards Arakan, the British formed a battalion of Muslims - called the Bengali V Force - and gave them weapons. The British knew them as better fighters then the Rakhine. As the British suddenly retreated - the Bengali Muslims quickly used the weapons - not against the Japanese - but they used them to slaughter thousands and thousands of Buddhist and burned down all of the Buddhist villages, pagodas, temples and monasteries in the Maungdaw and Buthidaung areas.

About 30,000 Rakhine Buddhist were killed in this absolute genocide, and tens of thousands were ethnically cleansed from their ancestral lands. By late 1942 the whole Maungdaw-Buthidaung region was firmly in the hands of Bengali Muslims - who were now well armed with abandoned Japanese and British weapons.

Since they controlled the border now, the movement of Muslims immigrants greatly increased - and this area, which had been almost entirely Buddhist for centuries was violently emptied of Buddhist in a very short time, and became nearly entirely Muslim - and with plans to take more land, and to make it entirely Muslim.

This is quoted from a British officer, at that time in 1942, who wrote a report:
"I have been told the harrowing tales of cruelly and suffering inflicted on the Arakanese (Buddhist) villages in the Ratheedaung area. Most of the villages on the west bank of the Mayu river have been burnt and destroyed by the (Bengali-Muslim) V Force. The enemy (Japanese) never came near to these villages. Hundreds of villagers are said to be hiding in the hills. It will be the Arakanese who will be ousted from their ancestral land and if they cannot win over (the Muslims) in time, then there can be no hope of their salvation."

After the Japanese were driven out, Bo Yan Aung, one of the 'Thirty Comrades' was sent to Arakan to set up the administration in Sittwe district, and to stop the violence. He sent his two lieutenants, Bo Yan Naung and Bo Myo Nyunt to Maungdaw to negotiate with the radical Muslim leaders. Instead of talking to them the Muslim leaders killed both of them.

They wanted this land to be their own and they wanted to create a Dah-rul-Islam - an Islamic kingdom that will join with others, as Muslims eliminated the non-Muslims everywhere - and eventually create a world of pure Islam.

Now the Buddhist really saw what was happening - that they were going to lose their lives, their culture, their ancestral homeland, and their history if this kept going.

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 Author| Post time 22-5-2015 05:22 PM | Show all posts

Qur’an 33.27 And He made you heirs to their land and their dwellings and their property, and (to) a land which you have not yet trodden, and Allah has power over all things.
Qur’an 21:44 Do they see Us advancing, gradually reducing the land (in their control), curtailing its borders on all sides? It is they who will be overcome.

As World War II ended, the Britishtook control again, but the Muslims would not accept the Buddhist to come back to and live in their native villages (that they were forced out of). They now believed that they had their own area now that was to be a strict Muslim land ruled by Sharia Law, and they would not accept being in a country ruled by infidel British or infidel Burmese (infidel means non-believer, or non-Muslim). Instead they planned to join the soon-to-be Islamic country of Pakistan.

As the British were preparing to give independence to Burma, the Muslim leadership -represented by the Jami-atul Ulema-e Islam party - made connections with the Muslim leaders of soon-tobe Pakistan and formed an insurgency army - which would invade Arakan and attach it to East Pakistan (now known as Bangladesh). In 1946 they formed the Muslim Liberation Organization (MLO) and started their war. In 1948 they changed the name of the party to Mujahid Party, and the insurgency then became known as the Mujahidin Insurgency. (Mujahadin means: Muslim fighters engaged in a Jihad). ( Jihad means: holy war in the name of Islam).

In August of 1947 the Commissioner of Arakan wrote a report after an official was brutally murdered by Muslims in Maungdaw. He wrote: "The assassins were suspected to be employed by the Muslim Police Officer, and have been organizing strong Muslim feelings and dominating the whole area. This is a direct affront and open challenge to the lawful authority of the Burma Government, by the Muslim community of Buthidaung and Maungdaw Townships……Unless this most dastardly flouting of the government is firmly and severely dealt with, this alien community will try to annex this territory, or instigate Pakistan to annex it."


On January 4, 1948, Burma became independent. This meant nothing to the Muslims - they had other plans. On June 9, 1948 the Mujahid Party sent a letter to the new government of The Union of Burma. It was a list of demands, including:

1) The areas between the Kaladan and Naaf rivers must be recognized as the National Home of the Muslims of Burma (and this is the land they had ethnically cleansed of Buddhist in the last 6 years!)

2) The Mujahid Party must be granted legal status as a political organization in the new government of Burma (and this party preaches holy war against the Buddhist who have lived there for centuries!)

3) The Mujahidin fighters who had been captured and jailed (for slaughtering Buddhist, and burning and destroying villages, temples and monasteries) must be unconditionally released.

and those were just three of the demands…..

The new central government, still trying to recover from the assassination of Bogyoke Aung San, refused these outrageous demands, and quickly the Muslims in northern Arakan declared jihad (holy war) on Burma. The Mujahadin launched a vicious campaign and destroyed all the Buddhist villages in northern Maungdaw Township (the southern parts had been destroyed 6 years earlier).

On July 19, 1948 they attacked Ngapruchaung, and villages around it, and used a new tactic - kidnapping Buddhist monks, and holding them as hostages, and killing them if they didn't get the money or conditions that they demanded.

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 Author| Post time 22-5-2015 05:25 PM | Show all posts

During the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s, most of Burma was tangled in rebellions, communist insurgencies, and much strife and confusion. The new government (after Bogyoke Aung San's assassination in 1947, and up to the coup and takeover by Ne Win in 1962) of the 'Union of Burma, was barely in control and was in danger of collapsing entirely. The leader - U Nu - at a critical time, was in danger of the parliament issuing a 'vote of no-confidence' and stripping him of power. To survive, he needed all the help he could get. He could not count on support from the Rakhine parliamentarians, because the Rakhine supported the opposition against U Nu.

There were some Muslims in the parliament, and U Nu was willing to promise them anything if he could get their much needed votes of confidence. In June 1958, U Nu's faction of the government, survived the very close vote, because he got the Muslim and Mon (and some others) to vote for him - because he promised to create states for the Mon people (on the east side of Burma) and for the Muslims (on the west side of Burma), and to grant citizenship to the 'Bengali Muslims' in Burma. (the word 'Rohingya' was still not widely known or used).

On July 31, 1958, U Nu offered an amnesty to all Mujahid insurgents who would surrender. Some Mujahid surrendered. They and other Bengali settlers asked for citizenship, but other events were quickly beginning to unfold. In September, 1958, high ranking officers of the Burma Army went to U Nu's residence and gave him an ultimatum - give up his power and accept the transfer of power to the military or there will be a military coup against him (which could imprison or kill him), and in fact these officers already had their troops take the airport and townships less then 10 miles away.

U Nu had no choice - he was out of power, and his promises of statehood and citizenship were out (and realize that these promises were calculated and made in desperation in order to stay in power). A military care-taker government, led by General Ne Win took over and promised elections in two years, and in 1960 held the promised elections - which actually voted U Nu back into power! He had to give those who helped him quick thanks, and he forced the reluctant Voice-of-Burma radio to broadcast a regular program in Bengali language to partly satisfy the Muslim Parliamentarian members who helped him.

They wanted more. Thousands and thousands of illegal Bengali Muslims demanded and received Burmese Identity Cards. And he established the Maungdaw Special-Border-District which would be controlled by the Muslims - which meant that the Muslims would now control the border! It's like the fox being told to guard the chickens!

Now the Bengali Muslim leaders tried to have their people defined as an 'indigenous ethnic group of Burma' like Kachin, Mon, Pa-O, Chin, Palaung, etc., and therefore be eligible for citizenship. Now, instead of using the terms Bengali-Muslim or Chittagong-Muslim (which indicate that they came from outside Burma) they generally used the term 'Arakan Muslims' to deceive people, and convince the world that they, also, are part of the Arakan identity.

The obvious problem was that all the other ethnicities had deep roots and long history in their homelands, but the 'Arakan Muslims' did not, and were the only ones who came in huge waves of immigrants, fought with and took land and property from the real indigenous people, and had an agenda to have only their own fellow Muslim people in a purely Islamic State that would not be a part of the infidel union of Burma. Their demands for recognition as an 'indigenous ethnic group' was turned down, on the grounds that they were never part of the indigenous people of Arakan, and that they were quite simply - recent, or recent enough (a generation or two) immigrants settling on land they had never been part of. The term 'Arakan Muslim' failed it's sly purpose, and now the term 'Royingya' started to be used.

U Nu was, once again, tangled in power struggles, and in the promises he made but couldn't or wouldn't fulfill. On March 2, 1962, General Ne Win used this situation as reason to stage a military coup and seized power. The constitution was suspended, the Voice-of-Burma radio program in Bengali language (and in Mon language) were quickly stopped, and U Nu was imprisoned.

And, the name 'Rohingya' disappeared for 10 years.

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 Author| Post time 22-5-2015 05:40 PM | Show all posts

During the 1950's, the term 'Rohingya' was invented, and it started to spread around, slowly becoming a replacement word for Bengali-Muslim, or Chittagong-Muslim, but only much later it became the common name. In 1960 the Mujahid insurgency was finally defeated by General Ne Win. Then the Muslim leadership realized that they needed a new story about the Muslims in Arakan - and they embraced a new identity - and they now called themselves 'Rohingya'.

This new word helped to make it much easier to manipulate media and opinion. The terms Bengali-Muslim and Chittagong-Muslim obviously indicate that they came from outside Burma, and that they had roots in, Bengal or Chittagong. The term Rohingya carries no similar meaning, making it much easier to spread the 'new history' which now says that the Rohingya actually have been inhabitants of this land for a long long time.


When India was granted independence in 1948, the two Muslim areas - on the west side and the east side of India- but not joined - were made into the Islamic country of Pakistan. (The Muslims demanded their own country).

Later, tensions and issues between them blew up into a bloody war and the eastern part fought to become independent from the dominant western part. In late 1971 the eastern part became the new country of Bangladesh. The Muslims in Arakan actually - and strangely - supported the far western part (Pakistan), and not the neighboring Bangladesh part, perhaps because they favored the more extreme Islam of Pakistan.

After Bangladesh became independent the Bangladeshis were furious at the Chittagong or Bengali-Muslims living in Burma, and disowned them, and treated them as traitors, and even still, now, Bangladesh will not forgive or forget that, and will not accept them. They ARE the same people - Bengali or Chittagong-Muslims - from the same area, and speak the same language.

There is no tribal or ethnic difference. But if your parents or grandparents supported Pakistan at that time you are not accepted. Many Rohingya manage to sneak into Bangladesh, and are in terrible refugee camps, where recently, Bangladesh has banned foreign aid organizations from helping the refugees! So, the Muslims of Arakan needed an identity of their own - and a new word - the 'Rohingya' was invented.

And, a bit about Bangladesh, and Pakistan… and India - Bangladesh and Pakistan are examples of what the Rakhaing Buddhist do not want to see. In East Pakistan (now Bangladesh), in 1948, the population included 28% Hindu people. Now it is 9%. Why? Because the Hindus have been slaughtered many times, and threatened and pressured to leave.

In Pakistan, in 1948, there were about 20% Hindu, Buddhist, and Sikh. Now they total about only 1%. India has actually built a 1790 mile long fortified steel and barbed wire fence along it's long border with Bangladesh - for the purpose of keeping out Islamic terrorist, migrant workers taking Indian jobs, and uncontrollable waves of Royingya or other muslims. India also has a similar 1000 mile long fence on it's border with Pakistan - primarily to keep muslim terrorist out. Burma has no such border fence on any of it's borders.

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Post time 24-5-2015 09:12 AM | Show all posts
Dan Yahudi pun tumpang sekaki kata Islam ni ganazzzz

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Post time 25-5-2015 12:48 PM | Show all posts
first time dgr kisah org2 rohingyaif diorg org Myanmar, why they looked like Bangladesh and india?

then my mum answer...tu name keturunan diorg....

thanks TT untuk pencerahan...

tapi lagu selamat malam rohingya tu best...

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Post time 25-5-2015 01:55 PM | Show all posts

Adakah Ronghingya mangsa kebodohan genetik yang rosak sendiri?...

Satu pandangan yang unpopular

Kenapa TAK SOKONG Ronghingya ke Malaysia?...

1. Kalau mereka melawan beramai2 takde makne regim Burma nak buli mereka selama ni... tahu membiak saje... tapi basic rules self defence zero... tengoklah jumlah penduduk bangla... 150juta lebih pun tak mampu bantu sedara ronghingya mereka sendiri...

2. Lagi busuk punya bangladesh jd tempat berlepas bot bot angkut ratusan ribu bangla sekali ngan ronghingya konon melarikan diri... yg susah negara2 lain... yg rakyat My tak nampak dan paham kesan negatif jika menerima semua pelarian ni... ada 100juta penduduk miskin bangla sedang berusaha nak masuk My ni...

3. Muka bahasa antara bangla dan ronghinya pun lebih kurang sama aje...

4. Turki?... konon nak bantu... tapi berapa kerat yg depa bawak balik ke Turki nun?... RETORIK games yg melayu buta dan tak nampak permainan coraknya...

5. Jika benar Turki jujur nak bawak balik pelarian Ronghingya ni... bukan kapal tempur yg dihantar tapi sedozen LPD Landing Platform Dock atau kapal bekalan yg dihantar untuk sumbat puluhan ribu pelarian bawak balik ke Turki... ni org melayu tak nampak permainan retorik kelas A dari Turki...

6. Semua kasihan buta buta dgn plight ronghigya yg nampak sengsara ni... bukan tak wujud militia ronghingya ni... bukan tak diberi bantuan senjata dan latihan tentera sebelum ni... rupanya semua dah diberi senyap2... tahu apa yg terjadi?... ronghingya ni jual semula bekalan senjata pada musuh sendiri... tak pasti kemanakah hilangnya bantuan peralatan tentera yg diberikan pada "mujahideen" ronghingya ni... vanished mcm gitu je... perjuangan bersenjata pun gagal...

7. Sudah lah tak berani menyerang balas dan pertahan kaum/negara sendiri... yang melemaskan suka ambik jln mudah ke negara luar dgn kaedah menjadi pelarian dan minta suaka politik dr UNHCR... beratus ribu sudah diberikan kehidupan baru kenegara lain terbukti gagal kerana warga ronghingya ini terbukti tidak berguna dan menghabiskan beras negara kluster mereka selama ini...

8. Sebab itulah UNHCR mengurangkan pemberian taraf suaka politik kerana TIADA NEGARA yang mahu lagi menerima mereka... even negara traditional yg murah hati berbelas kasihan selama ini terhadap pendatang spt Malaysia dan Ostolia pun sudah menghentikan program penerimaan pendatang yg baru...

9. Nampak isu ronghingya ini bukan semata2 krisis muslim tetapi krisis jatidiri bangsa sendiri yg jahanam musnah... bangsa apakah yang ditindas tidak melawan?... hanya ronghingya dan banglas je...

10. Diberi senjata pergi jual pada musuh... diberi wang habis entah kemana... diberi transit kehidupan baru taken for granted...

11. Maka apa daya lagi yang boleh dibantu kaum sebegini?...

12. Jika bangladesh hantar tentera bantu sedara depa kat rakhine tu awal2... mungkin rejim burma akan bertolak ansur pada ronghingya ni... ada beratus juta penduduk tapi pengecut dan miskin melarat pun tak guna jugak... nak jihad ke palestin konon... pergi jihad bantu keturunan sendiri di burma tu dulu...

13. Fyi...80an dan 90an pihak OIC dan berikan bantuan senjata dan latihan pd militia ronghingyabangla ni... masa tu acheh pattani dan tausug pilipin pun diberi bantuan yg serupa.. Tgk la kesan?... aceh da merdeka... tausug da dpt full autoriti di mindanao... pattani ditakuti regim siam... Yg masalah kat rakhine ni... tak faham mana hilangnya bantuan dan militia yg dibantu oic tersebut...

14. Komunis Karen + militia Kachin dan militia Shan yg jumlah tak sampai 300ribu org mampu beri tentangan hebat kat regim Burma selama ni... kenapa 3 juta ronghingyabanglas ni jadi ayam kena buru pulak?...

15. Isu bab tak melawan satu hal... kalau betul la TANAH TUMPAH DARAHKU... ronghingyabanglas ni takkan lari semudah itu tapi melawan sampai mati... seperti acheh pattanin dan tausug...

Korang nampak ke tak ni?...

Sia sia je bantu bangsa pengecut takde jatidirini...

16. Mungkin... orang Melayu perlu sedekahkan sedikit sifat sanubari sehati leluhur Melayu bergelar AMUK kepada warga ronghingyabanglas ni... mcm itu baru mampu dapatkan kembali tanahair dan hak mereka... rasa2 la...

17. Akhir kata, Suarakan hak anda sebagai Rakyat PERIBUMI Malaysia ni... jangan terpengaruh dakyah luar untuk melacurkan bumi Malaysia dengan lambakan pendatang asing kualiti rendah dan sangat berliabiliti... Kita tidak perlukan lambakan pendatang asing sampah walaupun seagama tetapi tiada kualiti tak perlulah diterima buta2... Dunia Islam tu luas... Arab Saudi keluasan pun berkali ganda dari Malaysia mampu nak tampung seluruh 3 juta pelarian ronghingyabangla ni pun jika perlu...

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Post time 25-5-2015 01:58 PM | Show all posts

Melayu ni kebanyakan hatinya dihadapan akalnya... apa yang nampak terus rasa simpati... angkat si Turki tu berlebihan... walhal Turki itulah pelakon Retorikal kelas A...

Baru2 ni kepoh laman media negara kononnya Turki nak bantu pindahkan pelarian Ronghingyabanglas ke negara depa... tapi berapa kerat yg depa bawak balik kesana sebenarnya?...

Realitinya berbeza... Turki hanya menghantar kapal korvet kecil saja... bukan kapal bekalan ataupun LPD Landing Platform Dock...

Jika benar Turki jujur nak bawak balik pelarian Ronghingya ni... bukan kapal tempur yg dihantar tapi sedozen LPD Landing Platform Dock atau kapal bekalan yg dihantar untuk sumbat puluhan ribu pelarian bawak balik ke Turki... ni org melayu tak nampak permainan retorik kelas A dari Turki...

Isunya sebenarnya Turki hanya ingin memaksa kerajaan Indonesia dan Malaysia menerima buta buta semua pelarian ni... masalahnya yang datang bukan seluruhnya warga ronghingyabanglas tetapi influx pelarian yang datang beramai ramai ni dipenuhi oleh lelaki muda dari BANGLADESH sendiri...

Itu yg kerajaan ostolia tolak awal2... dan kini kerajaan My dan Indon jugak menolak menerima mereka...

Pemuda2 pelarian itu bukanlah pelarian ronghingyas sebenar melainkan lipas lipas pendatang haram Bangladesh yang menyamar dan mengambil kesempatan...

Ini yg perlu rakyat Malaysia sedar diri ni...

Jgn bila berlaku lambakan pendatang asing takde kualiti dari bangladesh ni baru mahu rasa menyesal berikan bantuan dan simpati secara melulu dan gopoh...

So dah dua minggu isu ni... berapa trip kapal pengangkut tentera Turki dan tiba di Malaysia nak angkut pelarian Ronghingyabanglas ni?...


Zero... yileek... takde pun...

Wabak TB batuk kering yg da pupus sejak 20tahun lepas dah mula menular semula merebak di Malaysia...

mana mari?...

Fikir semula...

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Post time 25-5-2015 02:04 PM | Show all posts

Kapal Turki yang dicanang selamatkan pelarian Ronghingyabangla adalah dipercayai jenis Frigrate TCG Deniz... kemampuan sangat terhad untuk muatan penumpang...

Turki hanya cakap SEBIJIK kapal perang berhampiran saje yang dikerahkan membantu pelarian ronghingyabangla ni...

Manakala LST terbesar Navy Turki adalah TCG OsmanGazi yang merupakan Kapal Pengangkut Tentera dan bekalan. Kemampuan minima 1000 orang tentera lengkap bersenjata. Paling tinggi pun nak bawak pelarian sejumlah 2000 cramp side by side... Ade puluhan kapal LST milik navy Turki yang lain tapi semua tu kapasiti kecil je...

Itu pun kalau Turki tidak berertorik lagi la... Itupun kalau Turki seriyus nak hantar kapal tentera sumbat pelarian semua tu kembali ke Turki la kan...

Bukan apelah...

Ye lah... terpikir je...

2 Juta pelarian Syria, dan puluhan ribu Kurdish serta ratusan ribu Palestin yang berkem di Turki tu mcm mana?...

Rakyat Turki pun sedang pening kepala nak handel mereka, apatah lagi kemasukan ratusan ribu warga Ronghingyabangla yang takde disiplin dan kuat sikap pengotor ni...

Soalan lain... Nak ke penduduk Turki menerima pelarian Ronghingyabangla ni... Tu pun kalau tak tersangkut lipas lipas bangladesh la dalam grup pelarian yang dihantar ke Turki nanti...

Gambar first Frigate tu... seken LST...

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Post time 28-5-2015 01:48 AM | Show all posts
sesuwai lah... RohingLa dan Turki sama2 berlakon

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Post time 28-5-2015 08:02 AM | Show all posts
sorry, aku mmg tak pernah simpati dgn dorang ni..tak tahu kenapa hati aku kering

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 Author| Post time 28-5-2015 08:09 AM | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 28-5-2015 01:48 AM
sesuwai lah... RohingLa dan Turki sama2 berlakon

umat malaya lak diperbodohkan

Use magic Report

Post time 28-5-2015 04:08 PM | Show all posts
omg!! it was all a lie!! aku tertipuuuu!! tolong la halau semua pendatang kat msia ni..semakkk!!

Use magic Report

Post time 28-5-2015 07:25 PM | Show all posts
Acong replied at 28-5-2015 08:09 AM
umat malaya lak diperbodohkan

penangan mulut manis bangla... siapa tak tertifu

Use magic Report

Post time 29-5-2015 04:35 PM | Show all posts
ooo..pttlah..terfikir jugak asal rohingya nie gelap..kisahnya

Use magic Report

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