Hang jangan samakan diri hang dgn orang lain odah...hang spesis limited edition(ayat guna guna) ....UTK berkongsi katil, kongsi blanket, kongsi pad..... .kongsi lidah....kongsi bantal...pinjam tempat peranakan...tuk manufacture serta process baby boleh...dgn laki....no problemo....Tapi.nak suruh jadi guarantor.....dream on...kan odah????
pssstttt...bila barbeque lagi???? Lama tak bertarik tarik tali ngan hang.......

Yup... ada sebabnya.
Dalam kes TT, kedua-duanya bangkrup. Jadi apa nasib anak-anaknya? Bangkrup ni terhad, tak seperti orang yang bebas. If you know what I mean la, Manak.
kesian laa dengan nasib diri dia dan anak-anak dia.. |
Kebajikan anak anak tak pernah akan dipandang enteng oleh department of insolvency....THE OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE.....when they take over your financial affairs.....sebab itu when you are made a bankrupt...you are needed to submit your current state of affairs statement...ie..tanggungang hang. In short your other financial obligations....before they decide the sum you need to service into your bankruptcy coffers every month...until a time decided by them...to dicharge you from your bankruptcy status......
are you aware that mengikut data bank Manak ...there are people who even service their bankruptcy coffers....setaka RM 50 every month...coz that is all they can afford.......
The positive thing about being made a bankrupt nih...you can be assured of a peace of mind...at least dari sudut...tak kena "harass" with all sorts of letters bertubi tubi dari pihak creditors...even to the extend they coming to your office......to serve you the letters.....
But of course no one in a right frame of mind would want to be made a bankrupt.....especially when it comes to travelling abroad...but even that.....tak jadi masalah sangat..terutama kalau you have been servicing your bkt account secara consistent....
you may have that miscontrued idea about bankruptcy......but be rest assured....a bankrupt is not a criminal...and just for your info...it is more difficult to made one a bankrupt today...than it was 5-10 years ago.....
Paham nih????
Bak anak buah Manak. yang 4 tahun tuh sebut.......biar bankrupt sebab takdok duit nak bayar duit pada perkara dunia...jangan bankrupt hati DAN jiwa bila ngadap PENCIPTA.....
Budak 4 tahun tuh odah..........hang tak teperanjat berak kah?????
Okay, thanks for the info Manak.
bagi tepek sapa nama laki n address itu kami pukul ramai2 |
Why just pukul the hubby???? Isteri yang sama harbam, kerna signed on the dotted line as a guarantor????
Anyway.....if it is a family car...why merungut??? Since sama sama telah dapat sedap memakai keta tersebut???
Ini mesti kes laki bini tak pernah hayati lagu RAIHAN?....ingat 5 sebelum 5 kot???

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 haha funny lak statement ni |
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