atr semua member jiwon gak ler member yg paling bernasib baik .. mgkn sbb dia kaya .. tp sung hoon pun kaya gak tp tetap ada banyak hutang .. so, maksudnyer mmg jiwon ni dr kalangan org kaya yg berdisiplin gak ler ..choding tetap choding tp dalaman matang gak kan ?
dlm hati nak jer suruh jiwon selamatkan dongsaeng yg sorang ni .. tp apakan daya, sifat semulajadi jiwon dr kecik tak nak bother apa2 sgt di sekeliling dia (a little bit selfish ler kut)
Sechskies’ Lee Jae Jin’s license revoked & is issued fine for DUI
by carolicity , 09/11/2011
Earlier this month, allkpop reported that Lee Jae Jin, a member of the popular ’90s group Sechskies, had been indicted without detention for a DUI after crashing into another car, and was facing suspension of his license.
It was just announced on November 9th that Jae Jin’s license has been revoked, and has also been issued a fine.
Kangnam Police Department revealed, “The investigation of Lee Jae Jin’s DUI car accident came to a close on November 8th… With the victim submitting a medical report that calls for 3 weeks of recovery, we have revoked Jae Jin’s license and issued him a fine. This will now be handed over to the Public Prosecutor’s Office.”
Eun Ji Won talks about Kang Ho Dong, “I want to see him and I miss him”By JJ– November 8, 2011
Posted in: Web Buzz
Singer Eun Ji Won talks about his friend and former castmate of ’1 Night 2 Days’, Kang Ho Dong.
Eun Ji Won tweeted on the 8th about his friend and it grabbed the attention of the netizens. Kang Ho Dong hasn’t been seen by anyone ever since his retirement announcement in September.
Eun Ji Won wrote, “The source of enormous strength for me, my big hyung. I always respect you and love you. I want to see you. I miss you” and he attached the photo above.
The photo was taken not long before Kang Ho Dong’s retirement and it would bring back bittersweet memories of the MC for the fans of ’1 Night 2 Days’. The big smile of Kang Ho Dong has also affected the netizens and many are expressing their longing for the MC.
The netizens commented, “It’s a topic that even Eun Ji Won gets serious for”, “When would Kang Ho Dong come back?”, “What Eun Ji Won feels I feel it too”, “Without Kang Ho Dong I felt a big emptiness”, “Do you think Eun Ji Won and Kang Ho Dong continued to keep in touch?”, “I miss Kang Ho Dong”, “They spent so many years together, it’s only natural that he misses him”, “You could tell Kang Ho Dong really liked Eun Ji Won. Even outside of the show I heard Eun Ji Won really respected Kang Ho Dong… I miss Kang Ho Dong too and I understand Eun Ji Won”, and hundreds of others expressed similar emotions.
Spt yg im janjikan dulu .. ni dia first album Clover - Classic Over yg im minta cousin belikan masa dia gi Korea bulan lepas .. harga KRW 8300 - kira duit RM30 lebih kkurang ler
..sedeynyer kalo baca pasal jae jin nih.. Maybe dier tekanan perasaan sbb:- First dh x glamer mcm masa muda.. Pastu lak mak & ayah meninggal secara mengejut... Kena plak masuk army yg mmg menakutkan... Lagik la dier stress...huhuhuhu... Mungkin lgik satu,diorg x der x der sapa diorg nk buat merujuk masalah diorg nih kan.. tu la yg cube bunuh diri tu... ..
Jiwon mmg anak org kaya tp mungkin sbb background family + background education dier buat dier jadi berdikari kot... Ye lah..dok kat hawaii sana ngan sang hoon jer.. kena la berdikari sendiri kn...(tapi sang hoon tetap bermasaalah jugak...huhuhuhu).. Tu yg buat dier jadi lebih matang walaupon kekadang choding dier tetap ada... .. Lg satu fiza rasa jiwon mmg suke sgt ngan dunia music.. tu pasal dier tetap buat lagu or album walaupon awal2 tu album dier asyik gagal jer... Mmg dier keje keras utk memperkenalkan music dier yg best itu...
dlm hati nak jer suruh jiwon selamatkan dongsaeng yg sorang ni .. tp apakan daya, ...
im_comey Post at 8-11-2011 20:04
Fiza rasa bukan jiwon bersikap selfish cume mungkin dier tolong dongseng dier nih tp dier x besarkan isu yg dier tolong dongseng2 dier nih kt news2 kot... tu yg kite x tau..... Oppa kite kan low profile.... .. Dulu yg dier tlg ahjumam yg sakit kanser tu pn guna nama fan club dier kan.. so maybe dier tolong dongseng2 dier secara dia2 kot...
erk fiza, bukan sang hoon .. tp sung hoon .. kang sung hoon @ sunghoonie
tahniah, dpt gak cd clover .. nampaknyer semua minik jiwon mmg ada cd tu ler kan . keke demi oppa
tentang samada jiwon ada tolong dongsaeng dia scr diam2 tuh, no komen .. sbb itu mgkn harapan kita jer tp sbnrnyer tak de .. mmg tak leh nak salahkan oppa gak .. dia kena jaga karier dia, kang tak pasal2 libatkan diri, ngan dia skali netizen kutuk sampai kena tarik diri dr dunia hiburan korea .. bukan leh percaya netizen kat sana tuh
ehehehehehehe... emosi sgt time menulis...hehehehehe.. Oppa pn mesti nak jaga karier dier kan.. lama dier nk tunggu naik mcm skrg.. So kalo dier melibatkan diri secara terangan kompom netizen kt sana bg kaw2 punya.. Tah2 ni pon diorg tunggu masa jer carik kesalahan oppa....