Post time 8-11-2014 12:49 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
sepitsiput posted on 8-11-2014 12:46 AM
bile? yg episod hari selasa ke?
harap masukkan part tu time konsert
Td pun cikgu fati ade ckp sumthing pasal aman...dia kata sape yg tk kenal aman jgn nk judge aman..abd she very proud of him...masa ckp tu cikgu fati sebak dan terus nangis
ZaraPalarae posted on 7-11-2014 11:48 PM
ehhh tak la, mana ada bias
btol apa tu semuaaa
hehe n inshaallah..
iols baru perasan rambut baru ewal ala2 edward cullen cite twilight...kerlassss tukang gunting
ewal lg comel rambut sebelum ni tp its ok jugak rambut baru ni nampak stailo...iols ok je asalkan jgn rambut kpop tutup muka cam dulu tu udah