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Author: erleyna

ibu bekerjaya - cemana korang bahagi masa???

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 Author| Post time 18-4-2008 11:12 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Claudia_Lestat at 18-4-2008 11:09 AM
nak bukak kat mana? hehehehhe....
bagos tu.

nampak?? aku da ada prospek da....jangan jeless aaaaa

haaa claud...
service tu akan cover kat area pucong, putrajaya bangi...
cheh.... aku perasan jer...
soalan aku ialah....berapa bayaran yang ko rasa wajar untuk service penjagaan yang begini?

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Post time 18-4-2008 11:13 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by erleyna at 18-4-2008 11:09 AM
memang iqa masuk masa umor 5 tahun,,
tapi yang aku citer tuh
kat sekolah dia ada class untuk budak 2tahun dan ke atas...
namanya cam konsep kat oversea laaa(mengikut ceri ...

menariks..tu...kalo rajin ko tolong amek nama sekolah tu ..aku carik kat web...

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 Author| Post time 18-4-2008 11:20 AM | Show all posts
skolah anak aku tuh kat bukit damansara..
Villamaria Good Shepherd Kindergarten..
mahal sket laa...kejap

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Post time 18-4-2008 11:20 AM | Show all posts

Reply #581 erleyna's post

haaa...mokata puchong brapa chargenya?
menarik sgtler idea tu.

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Post time 18-4-2008 11:23 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by erleyna at 18-4-2008 11:12 AM

nampak?? aku da ada prospek da....jangan jeless aaaaa

haaa claud...
service tu akan cover kat area pucong, putrajaya bangi...
cheh.... aku perasan jer...
soalan aku ialah....ber ...

oklah aku sokong ko ER...buat permulaan ko kena Free Trial dulu..belakang baru kira..ok?

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 Author| Post time 18-4-2008 11:25 AM | Show all posts

Reply #584 Claudia_Lestat's post

alahai claud...
aku nih plan jer.... aku tak tau ler baper harganya...
yelah mesti la mahai kan kalo nak compare ngan nuseri biasa nih...
kalo aku betoi

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Post time 18-4-2008 11:28 AM | Show all posts

Reply #586 erleyna's post

muekekek..takpa. idea tu mmg menarik.
mana tau kot2 ada rezeki tercapai jugak.
buleh antaq baby kat situ.
bab harga x tau. tp ada org buleh antaq baby kat nursery bayaq 900 sebulan.
kalo aku x mampulah makcik.

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 Author| Post time 18-4-2008 11:39 AM | Show all posts

Reply #587 Claudia_Lestat's post

rasanya baper ratus yang berpatutan??? jawab ler cik claud uiii

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Post time 18-4-2008 11:52 AM | Show all posts

Reply #588 erleyna's post

wakakakakka....aku x tau. aku blom penah antaq anak kat mana2 lagik.
lagipon hang siap nak bagik servis antaq kat umah/opis.
tu yg aku tak reti nak kasik figure.

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 Author| Post time 18-4-2008 11:57 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Claudia_Lestat at 18-4-2008 11:52 AM
wakakakakka....aku x tau. aku blom penah antaq anak kat mana2 lagik.
lagipon hang siap nak bagik servis antaq kat umah/opis.
tu yg aku tak reti nak kasik figure.

eheheheh ni cita2 aku n kawan opis aku ler

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Post time 18-4-2008 12:20 PM | Show all posts
Villamaria Good Shepherd Kindergarten & Nursery
Villamaria Good Shepherd Kindergarten & Nursery

Lorong Setiabistari Dua, Medan Damansara, Kuala Lumpur
50490 Wilayah Persekutuan, Malaysia

    * Tel: 03-2094 8689

aku tepek sini..senang nak refer esok2

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Post time 18-4-2008 12:55 PM | Show all posts

Reply #590 erleyna's post

takpa...mana tau sungguh ada rezeki...

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Post time 18-4-2008 02:49 PM | Show all posts
Mana Plak tuan rumah ni tak balik berjalan lagi ni....

  Er..aku nak update sket kat sini...memandangkan...ko tak de aku ler tuan tanah buat sementara waktu!!

memandangkan aku tgh study pangai laki aku ni..adalah sket info2 yg nak dikongsi bersama kawan..

How to handle the chore wars

Who does the housework in your home? Chances are it's the women because, despite talk of the new age man, statistically women still do twice as many chores around the home than men

A woman's work is never done      

Women's lives are busy but even so, it might come as a surprise to discover  that a staggering 96 per cent of women feel stressed every day.

According to recent research by Rescue Remedy, today's women need a 26-hour day to get their life back in balance. The research also found that women's 'me-time' is so eroded by chores that over a third of women get less than six hours sleep every night. Cary Cooper, Professor of Organisational  Psychology and Health at Lancaster University, says, "We're all familiar with the term 'work/life' balance in the context of 'paid' work or careers.However, this research highlights that this concept needs to evolve because for women, in particular, 'work' refers to a whole host of 'un-paid' chores  and everyday errands."  

Another study found that men would need to increase their housework by  60 per cent to be on a level with women. However, while the idea is delightfully appealing to women (just think of all that extra time!) men, unsurprisingly,  are not so keen. But can we really blame them? Thanks to stereotypes, many men still feel it's not 'macho' to help out with household chores. You've never seen Arnie, for example, clearing up after wrecking a perfectly good home in one of his fight scenes. Psychologist Joshua Coleman, author of The Lazy Husband: How to Get Men to Do More Parenting and Housework,         suggests that men's resistance to housework may even start in childhood  when they spend their time playing with 'macho' toys such as action man.(Harus ku train RYn begini..esok aku beli pinggan mangkuk menan)

Sociologist, Joanne Miller says, "The very assumption that husbands 'help'  their wives with domestic chores demonstrates that these jobs are seen as 'women's work'." Ann Oakley, Professor of Sociology and Social Policy,   agrees. "Housework is unpaid and automatically associated with women,"  she says. "It is perceived to be women's responsibility."

[ Last edited by  zealvia at 18-4-2008 02:56 PM ]

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Post time 18-4-2008 02:59 PM | Show all posts
The lazy man

If you're not married to one, the chances are you know at least one and despite what you may think, the Lazy Man theory isn't the mind child of a woman. It is, in fact, the result of research carried out by Dr Joshua Coleman, a psychologist and marriage expert from San Francisco and a self-confessed former Lazy Husband. However, he has identified not one, but four different breeds skiving spouse.

    * The Boy Husband - he was never taught how to look after himself and is more like one of the kids. He expects his wife to do everything around the house
    * The Perfectionist Husband - old-fashioned, he thinks it's a woman's job to run the home. He has high standards but won't help to maintain them.
    * The Angry Husband - housework is probably the least of your worries here. He bullies his wife into doing things and uses intimidation as a way of getting out of doing housework and parenting duties.
    * The Worried Husband - intimidated by his wife and never relaxed, he is too frightened to take an active role in case he does it wrong.

jadi mana satukah type hubby enkorank

The most recent research from National Statistics shows that men are getting lazier. However, bearing in mind that they spend on average of eight and a half hours asleep each night, three hours watching television or DVDs and just 18 minutes taking part in sport or meaningful exercise, is it any wonder that they can't find time in their busy lives to help with the chores?

Despite this men believe they do their fair share of housework. While researching her book 'Breadwinner Wives and the Men They Marry', author Randi Minetor interviewed 60 couples.

She says, "While 51 percent of the men I interviewed said they were the primary housekeeper, I found that men tend to over-report the amount of housework they actually do."

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Post time 18-4-2008 03:01 PM | Show all posts

Er ini khas utk kooooooooooo!

More chores, better sex (and other advantages)

So are there any advantages to housework? (apart from a clean and tidy home and great Feng Shui). Apparently so.

    * Sex - If you want your man to help more around the house then you can always try tantalising him with this little titbit from noted marital researcher Dr. John Gottman who says that men who do more housework and child care have better sex lives and happier marriages than others.
    * Kids - Not only that, Gottman's further studies found that parents who share chores have happier children who cope better both socially and academically.
    * Weight loss - Housework can also help you lose weight without even thinking about it. According to Professor Harvey Simon who has recently published his book The No Sweat Exercise Plan, the lifestyle which kept housewives trim in the 1950s - involving regular housework and chores - is better for burning calories than a gruelling workout. "Go back to some of the old ways of doing things," he says. "Treat exercise as an opportunity instead of a punishment." "Everything that gets you moving - from gardening to sex - can and will contribute to your health."

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Post time 18-4-2008 03:03 PM | Show all posts
How to get him doing more

If the thought of better sex and a bulging biceps doesn't get him more involved in the housework, then Dr Coleman has three essential tips for making him do more.

    * First, be willing to compromise and negotiate. If you can bear it, try to lower your standards a little bit. Most men will say "You want it done that way? You do it then."
    * Second, approach with affection. Studies show that men do much more housework and child rearing when they feel liked and loved.
    * Third, be assertive. Don't let men take advantage of you at home. Set clear guidelines and if all else fails, play hard-ball. This means you go on strike, start withdrawing benefits and refuse to cook.

Anne Fremion from the Family and Consumer Sciences Department also has advice and says it's most important to remember that change happens slowly. "Be patient and give lots of compliments," she says. "If you keep doing the work, nobody will see the need to share in the tasks. When everyone shares in the work, your house becomes a family home."

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Post time 18-4-2008 03:05 PM | Show all posts
A warning to women匸/color]

According to the British Association of Anger Management (BAAM) 16 per cent of women blame housework as the most common cause of arguments with their partner. Some couples find that they spend so much time arguing about who should do the housework that they decide to pay someone else to do it instead and some marriage counsellors advise couples to employ domestic help rather than squabble about chores.

Author Rosie Cox says, "One owner of a cleaning franchise company said that he gets customers by calling them on a Saturday morning because it's 'the prime time for arguing over the fact the house is a mess'." But Dr Coleman stresses that women aren't totally blameless. "Women often harbour laziness by insisting that their way is better," he says. "Sociologists call this 'gate keeping' - being the only one that can put things away in the right place or iron a shirt properly or bathe a child gives some wives a sense of authority."

This seems particularly true. Along with most of my female friends I'll admit to spending half an hour or so after my husband has 'done the housework' picking up bits he's left behind or re-organising shelves that he's tidied. It seems that we may moan that he's not helping but when he does we undervalue what he's done by going over it so it's to our standards.

Dr Coleman says, "Women need to take charge in a way that gets men to change and not just shut down.

"It isn't fair, but men have never had it so good, so why would they want the situation to change?"

匒nd to men!

Relationship experts, A Positive Way, say men should do more housework to improve their health.

"Resolving this major marital issue means there is less conflict at home, so the man experiences less stress over the years," they suggest.

"It is time to ask your wives if there is a problem in your role as a helper and mate. If there is ask her what you can do to make it more of a partnership and then do it. "You will 'light both fires' and rekindle the romance and love in your relationship."

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 Author| Post time 18-4-2008 03:16 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by zealvia at 18-4-2008 12:20 PM
Villamaria Good Shepherd Kindergarten & Nursery
Villamaria Good Shepherd Kindergarten & Nursery

Lorong Setiabistari Dua, Medan Damansara, Kuala Lumpur
50490 Wilayah Persekutuan, Malaysia


aku tambah sikit...
principle dia name Mrs. George
baik, informative n strict

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Post time 18-4-2008 03:21 PM | Show all posts
Nine ways to get your partner to do his fair share

Talk to him.
While you may find it hard to believe that he can't see anything's amiss with the layer of dust covering your furniture or the mildew growing on the shower curtain, the truth is if your husband's not complaining, he's probably fine living that way. "The average guy feels like if it ain't broke, don't fix it," says psychologist Coleman, a self-described lazy husband in recovery. Take the time to let him know what you mean by a "clean" house.

Instead of quietly stewing with resentment or complaining to your girlfriends, tell your spouse you need more help keeping your place (relatively) clean. Be firm, but resist nagging. "Nagging isn't very assertive

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Post time 18-4-2008 03:54 PM | Show all posts
ER....aku 2-3 ari ni bahagi tugas ngan laki sket2 lah aku bagi dia kije kang aku bagi list...mau di kung fu nyer aku..ekekke

aku soh dia...1. buang sampah kat dlm bilik air kitaorg..dlm tu ada pampers ryn je 2. siapkan Ryn setiap pagi.3. kemas katil..ekekek..itu jer...

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