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Author: satusembilan


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Post time 27-1-2012 12:05 PM | Show all posts
takotnyer nk jumpe team jore 19 kali nie
RosesAre_Red Post at 27-1-2012 11:25

aku rasa dorg bagi kita FA ni,dorg x main cup2 kecik2 ni..

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 Author| Post time 27-1-2012 12:52 PM | Show all posts
bagi kebanyakakan orang kalau team menang harus bersorak bagai nak rak,klau ka ...
zaujahzauji Post at 27-1-2012 11:44

lalang monyet utd nak kritik macam mana...{:4_241:}
dorang bukan tahu pasal bola sepak pun...{:4_241:}{:4_241:}
player sendiri pun tak kenal...{:4_241:}{:4_241:}{:4_241:}
yg dorang tahu sokong bila menang...{:4_241:}{:4_241:}{:4_241:}



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 Author| Post time 27-1-2012 12:53 PM | Show all posts
sokong bila menang...{:4_241:}{:4_241:}{:4_241:}

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 Author| Post time 27-1-2012 12:55 PM | Show all posts
Edinson Cavani


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 Author| Post time 27-1-2012 12:57 PM | Show all posts
Pablo Hernandez


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Post time 27-1-2012 02:39 PM | Show all posts
Reply  RosesAre_Red
bagi kebanyakakan orang kalau team menang harus bersorak bagai nak rak,klau ka ...
zaujahzauji Post at 27-1-2012 11:44

takpe la yg penting kita sokong the reds sbb kita sokong daripada  asal usul dia, kalo kita sokong sbb semata2 kelab tu gah @ glamer toksah laa... bertabahlah penyokong liverpool, andai kata kita jatuh terduduk tergolek sampai no 10 pun takpe... yg penting sokongan sentiasa ada.. ingat pegangan kelab kita "you'll never walk alone"... pedulikan la kalo ada yg ckp "you'll never win again @ anything", tu saja nk bakor tu.. yg main tu org lain, yg gadoh bagai nak rak pun orang lain, takde faedahnyer.. ibarat bola itu sendiri yg bulat, adakala kita di atas, adakala kita di bawah...biarlah dorang nak cakap ape pun, lagi dilayan lagi menjadi, biarkan saja.. kalo takde respon dari kita agak2nye dorg pun penat kot.. biarlah kita kt sini borak mengenai team kesayangan kita ni je, kekecewaan dan kegembiraan dikongsi bersama di samping saling berkongsi ilmu.

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Post time 27-1-2012 02:44 PM | Show all posts
aku rasa dorg bagi kita FA ni,dorg x main cup2 kecik2 ni..
sudugaru Post at 27-1-2012 12:05

tak kisah la piala kecik ke besar yg penting ada piala utk dijulang yer.. itupun kalo rezeki berpihak kepada kita, seandainya mereka yg berada di tempat liverpool pun sudah pasti mereka tidak akan memperlekehkan piala tersebut, tp kalo betul2 dorg nk sedekah kt kita takpe gak, amat dialu2 kan

love the football beyond the club itself, takmo gadoh2 haa ...
walk on through the wind, walk on through the rain

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Post time 27-1-2012 02:45 PM | Show all posts
mungkinkah sejarah ni akan berulang lagi atau terus tinggal sejarah je


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Post time 27-1-2012 02:46 PM | Show all posts
tak kisah la piala kecik ke besar yg penting ada piala utk dijulang yer.. itupun kalo rezeki b ...
RosesAre_Red Post at 27-1-2012 14:44

hehehehhehe...ari ni ko jadi baik...wah,ni mesti dapat angpaw banyak..
cak!nak angpaw jugak...

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Post time 27-1-2012 02:48 PM | Show all posts
session depan punya jersey..heheheh
sudugaru Post at 27-1-2012 11:43

i loike it so muchhh....
walaupun adidas dah blah

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Post time 27-1-2012 02:50 PM | Show all posts
hehehehhehe...ari ni ko jadi baik...wah,ni mesti dapat angpaw banyak..
cak!nak angpaw jugak.. ...
sudugaru Post at 27-1-2012 14:46

wawah terlebih sudah.. takde la, penat la gadoh2 gan depa ni, last2 nnt ace hand dtg terjah x ke naya, klong klong katanyer

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Post time 27-1-2012 02:53 PM | Show all posts
wawah terlebih sudah.. takde la, penat la gadoh2 gan depa ni, last2 nnt ace hand dtg terjah x  ...
RosesAre_Red Post at 27-1-2012 14:50

   blh nak gadoh2...tapi kena jaga siap maki hamun,x boleh...
   gadoh2 kawan2,jiran2..mmg la camni..

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Post time 27-1-2012 02:53 PM | Show all posts
i loike it so muchhh....  
walaupun adidas dah blah
RosesAre_Red Post at 27-1-2012 14:48

   kena beli jersi baru la jawabnya...

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Post time 27-1-2012 02:57 PM | Show all posts
blh nak gadoh2...tapi kena jaga siap maki hamun,x boleh...
   gadoh2 kawan2,ji ...
sudugaru Post at 27-1-2012 14:53

haha... kalo dh sampai teremosi tu mne de gadoh manja, agak2nyer dlm ht siap nk bagi senapang gajah kot, mcm ni ha


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Post time 27-1-2012 02:57 PM | Show all posts
kena beli jersi baru la jawabnya...
sudugaru Post at 27-1-2012 14:53

  yes.. indeed.

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Post time 27-1-2012 03:07 PM | Show all posts
Their rich history reveals how United and Liverpool became best of enemies

Frank O’Farrell has good reason to remember Friday, August 20, 1971.

It was his first ‘home’ game as manager of Manchester United and it was at Anfield. O’Farrell led his players, George Best, Bobby Charlton, Brian Kidd and the rest, into the home dressing room at Liverpool’s ground, where United got changed into their red home kits and were sent out by O’Farrell with the words: ‘Obviously it looks different, but it’s a home game and it’s our fans out there. The enemy are down the other end: Arsenal.’

So much is made of the antipathy between Liverpool and Manchester United — Sir Alex Ferguson has written to each of the 5,319 travelling United fans, asking them to be on their best behaviour at Anfield on Saturday— that ties that bind can be overlooked.

Helping hand: Brian Kidd scores Manchester United's third goal against Arsenal in 1971  

August 1971 is one. United were given a two-game ban from Old Trafford due to hooliganism and had to find other ‘home’ venues. Liverpool and Stoke City offered first.

It is the sort of detail smothered by a banner such as that seen at Anfield on Wednesday night during the League Cup semi-final against Manchester City: ‘We’re not racists, we only hate mancs.’
It would be obtuse to deny that tension between Liverpool and United carries threat, and has done for some time.

Nobby Stiles wrote cryptically in his autobiography about being hit on the arm by a dart at an unnamed club during his playing days.

‘I went to the touchline and had it removed and at half-time I was given an injection,’ said Stiles. In the book’s index, under Liverpool it says: ‘dart thrown at NS’.  

Matt Busby was United’s  manager. A former Liverpool player, Busby made no formal complaint.
That was four decades ago. In 2012 the Liverpool-United rivalry is heightened by the Luis Suarez-Patrice Evra confrontation last October and its long, anxious fall-out. Anfield will be taut.

The banner-word ‘hate’ is part of everyday football now and football is so important in North West daily life that the broader culture can be infected. The banner at Anfield was a tangible sign of edge but there is the intangible ‘atmosphere’ too, a wariness that many feel exists beyond football, though some don’t.

Legend: Liverpool manager Bill Shankly stands in front of the Kop

There is a view that Suarez-Evra is the latest instalment of a much older civic feud, one that entails not just football but an inter-city enmity.

The day before October’s game at Anfield, Ferguson spoke of the intensity of Liverpool-United and touched on the construction of the Manchester Ship Canal in the 1880s as a source of civic discontent, the canal becoming an industrial competitor to the Port of Liverpool.

There is something to this. Liverpool felt bypassed commercially; it is mentioned still on the Mersey Ferry tour.

A man of shipbuilding heritage, Ferguson would have increased awareness of this. But his Ship Canal reference in October came only after he mentioned football and ‘the two most successful clubs in England, historically’.

It may be disconcerting for the advocates of the broadside, but there is a case for saying that the rivalry between Liverpool and  Manchester was born in football, lives in football and is fuelled by modern success, first Liverpool’s, then United’s.

It is tense, indisputably: it is striking that Phil Chisnall, who left Old Trafford for Anfield in 1964, remains the last player to be transferred directly between the clubs.

Admirer: Shankly was interested in signing Bobby Charlton for Liverpool

There has been ugly hooliganism, and the chasing of the ambulance taking Alan Smith from Anfield six years ago remains a shocking echo of Nobby Stiles’s dart.

But there has also been  co-operation; there is also August 20, 1971.

Football hooliganism had swept England in the late 1960s and in season 1970-71 a knife had been thrown on to the Old Trafford pitch. United’s two-game punishment meant that O’Farrell, who already had the forbidding task of succession after Busby’s second period in charge, now faced his first four United games being away from home.

‘At that time there was a lot of goodwill shown to United,’ O’Farrell, now 84, recalled from his Devon home this week. ‘There was only willingness to help. It was spontaneous. Most clubs had that attitude to United.

‘I had people really wanting to help and Bill Shankly and Liverpool were really helpful. They didn’t hum and haw, or say, ‘‘Can we ring you back?’’ I’d like to stress that — they said, ‘‘We’d like you to play the Arsenal game at Anfield’’.

‘Everton did have a query about how much their gate would be affected. That’s probably why we played it on a Friday night.’

O’Farrell had been lured from Leicester City and said he was ‘not really aware’ of any loathing between Liverpool and Manchester as cities, nor did  anyone at United make him aware.

‘Being at Anfield wasn’t a big issue for the players, they knew they were playing in a great  stadium,’ he added. ‘We wore our home kit. Arsenal were attractive opposition.

‘We won, of course. George (Best) was playing out of his skin. We were top of the league at Christmas.

By George: O'Farrell (left), whose first United game was at Anfield, with Best

While O’Farrell remembers Anfield for Manchester United 3 Arsenal 1, it cannot be ignored that there was crowd trouble at a game attended by almost 28,000. Jeff Powell’s match report for Sportsmail said: ‘Thousands stormed the pitch and ran between the players warming up for the match.’

Gavin Mellor of the Manchester-based company Substance, which has done sport and society work for both the Football and Premier Leagues, has studied North West football history.

‘It is noticeable that up until the mid-1960s you could be a football supporter without hating anyone else,’ Mellor said. ‘In Manchester, fans would regularly go to see City one week, United the next. There was a collegiate sense across the North West.

‘That changes in the mid-60s, when a hardened parochialism sets in. It becomes as much about who you are not, as who you are.

‘There was a change in popular culture, a desire to mark difference. As a club Liverpool had that  football/music crossover, a unique image.

‘Yet, even in the late 60s the  Liverpool Echo wrote glowingly about the ‘‘south Lancashire soccer axis’’, about how wonderful it was that this 30-mile stretch was the centre of world football. There was a Lancastrian consciousness then that there is not now.’

United front: Sir Alex Ferguson and Martin Edwards made a secret donation after Hillsborough

In 1968, the Liverpool Echo’s  reaction to United winning the European Cup at Wembley was this: ‘British football can be proud of the United team who gave their all to give Matt Busby the Cup he  cherishes above all else. It’s been a long, long drive for United to reach the top in Europe — no one will begrudge them being the first  English club to make it.’

Peter Robinson, who joined the board at Anfield in 1965 and left in 2000, was at Wembley that night in 1968 —  as a guest of United.

‘It wasn’t the rivalry it is today,’ Robinson said. ‘Up until the 1980s Liverpool’s match of the season was Everton.’ And the civic, city rivalry? ‘People said it existed.’

What Robinson recollects are strong club relationships — and United’s and Ferguson’s reaction to the Hillsborough disaster.

‘(Then United chairman)Martin Edwards called and said he and Alex would like to come over and see the flowers on the pitch  privately,’ Robinson said. ‘John Smith, who was chairman, and I walked the pitch with Alex and Martin. We were alone. They did not want any publicity.

‘As they left Anfield they wrote a substantial cheque for the Hillsborough Appeal. Again, they didn’t do it for publicity. That’s never come out.’

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Post time 27-1-2012 03:08 PM | Show all posts

Stirring it up: Wednesday's Anfield banner harked back to the Evra-Suarez spat

It is a revelation to make banner-wavers think. Liverpool-United might be more complicated than they want to know.

Yet, there remains what could be described as the Chisnall limit — 48 years without a direct transfer.
‘I think it was more or less accepted that you didn’t sign a United player,’ Robinson said. ‘I am sure there were United players we’d like to have signed. I don’t remember any conversations with United on it — but we’d have loved Bobby Charlton, Bill (Shankly) was particularly keen on Bobby.’

Robinson was present at Anfield in August 1971: ‘We offered. They said they would cheerfully have done the same for us had the roles been reversed. United were going to have the bigger following than Arsenal so it was decided to give them the Kop.’

In 2005, when the Manchester Evening News reported Liverpool’s Champions League triumph in Istanbul with the ambiguous but potentially flattering headline ‘Beyond Belief’, the paper was inundated with Mancunian complaints. The mood had changed.

Why? Because of football, because United had displaced Liverpool and red Manchester did not much like the idea of vice-versa. But what else had changed?

‘It’s very difficult to draw a straight line between historical incidents and modern football rivalry,’ Mellor said.

‘It’s used to bolster the myth. There is a desire for depth, to find historic justification for a modern football rivalry. It’s what’s called ‘‘invented traditions’’.

‘Pronounced inter-club rivalries such as Liverpool-United or Blackburn-Burnley are modern, without historic validity. References to historical stuff, that’s what people want to be the truth.’

Frank O’Farrell’s autobiography, All Change at Old Trafford, is published by Backpass.

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Post time 27-1-2012 03:09 PM | Show all posts

adoiiilaaa... tak boleh blah der

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Post time 27-1-2012 03:42 PM | Show all posts
adoiiilaaa... tak boleh blah der
RosesAre_Red Post at 27-1-2012 15:09

   terbaik tuk org tu...

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Post time 27-1-2012 04:08 PM | Show all posts
terbaik tuk org tu...
sudugaru Post at 27-1-2012 15:42

aku nampak mcm ko ade kt situ je, gigih pegang sepanduk tu

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