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Author: jAck666

Manchester United : Terduduk Diatas Pulak...

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Post time 10-5-2011 09:19 AM | Show all posts
Papers: England's finest
09/05/2011 09:30

Players celebrate against Chelsea

United are high 'n mighty
Sir Alex Ferguson hailed his side as the best England has ever seen as they virtually wrapped up a record 19th title. Goals from Javier Hernandez and Nemanja Vidic saw Manchester United power six points clear of Chelsea at the top with two games to go. And boss Fergie said: "It's fantastic to be the most successful team ever in the country. The minute we won that first title in my time here in 1992 the door opened - and we've been involved in the first two practically throughout that period. It's a fantastic achievement." United now need just a point to seal the Premier League crown and move clear of Liverpool as the most prolific championship winners of all time. Fergie added: "For the last 17 or 18 years it has been Arsenal and Chelsea as our nearest challengers and the last few years it has been Chelsea. Arsenal made a great attempt this year but them losing today and this win for us has finalised it. We deserve the title and, hopefully, we'll get that point at Blackburn in our next game on Saturday. But we'll give them 100 per cent respect because they are a good side battling for Premier League survival."
David Facey, The Sun

Meanwhile, Sky pundit Jamie Redknapp hailed the performance of Michael Carrick after Sunday's win over Chelsea in his Daily Mail column: "He has been in excellent form recently and has looked at home in that central midfield role.
It hasn't always been the case, but he is growing into the job."

In other news, the Mail claim Sir Alex will land his top summer target, Inter Milan’s £30million Dutch midfielder Wesley Sneijder, if the Glazer family, agree to bankroll the deal. "It’s up to the owners now," said an Old Trafford insider. "Sir Alex wants the player — it’s just a matter of agreeing to the wage demands."

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Post time 10-5-2011 12:07 PM | Show all posts
Icon gambaran Chelsea dilanyak oleh MU hari tu ...


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Post time 10-5-2011 01:53 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 10-5-2011 03:01 PM | Show all posts


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Post time 10-5-2011 05:09 PM | Show all posts
mau kena tukar sudah ni....."................ come back when you've won 20"   

devilito Post at 10-5-2011 09:03

    kesimpulannyer i hate fool ppppppppprrrrrtttfhhhhhhhhhhhhh poyo la tu mentang2 last2 season baru nak power ingat united gentar ker.......

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 Author| Post time 10-5-2011 06:26 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 10-5-2011 06:29 PM | Show all posts
jAck666 Post at 10-5-2011 18:26

    plain jersey ke baju bese

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Post time 10-5-2011 09:10 PM | Show all posts
mcm lebih kurang jerk jesi united nie

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Post time 11-5-2011 08:37 AM | Show all posts
kesimpulannyer i hate fool ppppppppprrrrrtttfhhhhhhhhhhhhh poyo la tu mentang2 last2 seaso ...
apis^08 Post at 10-5-2011 17:09

tak guna juga noks....... 2 season berturut2 tak masuk UCL.....

eropah league pun tak kompom lagi.....   

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Post time 11-5-2011 08:47 AM | Show all posts
Ikat trio Barca: Fergie

DARI kiri, Messi, Iniesta dan Xavi.

LONDON: "Kami akan serang sama se­perti mereka dan menang Liga Juara-Juara nanti," kata Sir Alex Ferguson yang sudah mula menghangatkan bahang saingan final menentang Barcelona pada 28 Mei ini.

Pengurus Manchester United mendedahkan strategi pasukan adalah cuma satu - ‘menyerang dan terus menye­rang’ di Stadium Wembley untuk melesetkan ramalan majoriti pengkritik bola sepak betapa Barca adalah kelab terbaik dunia ketika ini.

“Kami memiliki pemain yang boleh mencemaskan mana-mana lawan. Harap barisan penyerang kami akan memberi masalah kepada Barcelona dan bukan seperti tanggapan orang ramai bagaimana mereka akan memberi masalah kepada kami,” kata pe­ngendali berbangsa Scotland itu.

“Setiap orang mengiktiraf betapa hebat Barcelona tetapi Manchester United sudah layak ke final. Prestasi kami di gelanggang sendiri adalah hebat. kami belum ditewaskan di Eropah.”

Tidak dinafikan Ferguson ghairah untuk membalas dendam kekalahan 0-2 kepada gergasi Sepanyol itu pada 2009. Dia sedar anak didiknya harus merantai kelincahan Xavi, Andres Iniesta dan Lionel Messi pada 28 Mei ini. - Agensi

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Post time 11-5-2011 08:53 AM | Show all posts
Pele: Hernandez can be next Messi

Brazil legend Pele has been impressed by the impact made by Manchester United's Javier Hernandez this season and thinks the Mexican can be 'the next Lionel Messi'.

Pele has watched on as the 22-year-old has taken the Premier League by storm with 13 goals in 26 Premier League appearances for the club since his arrival in the summer. And the Brazilian has heaped praise onto the striker.

"There is no doubt that Hernandez is a promising player. He is excellent, I have seen some games of his on television and he is a fantastic footballer," Pele told a press conference. ''He could be the next Messi because he has great talent; he is a big surprise just as Hugo Sanchez was because he is another that scores a lot of goals.

"We should wait a little, because we still don't know how he will play in the Mexican team... but without doubt, he has huge potential."

However, Pele spoke in less glowing terms of the World Player of the Year, claiming that he has yet to replicate his club form for his country.

"There is a big difference between Barcelona's Messi and Argentina's Messi. When Messi plays in the Seleccion he is not the same player," he concluded.

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Post time 11-5-2011 08:55 AM | Show all posts
pemandangan sekitar trafford tua sewaktu menewaskan singa biru...

"bagus anak-anak buahku telah menujukkan prestasi yang bagus pada musim ini"

"sembah patik menjunjung titah...saya persembahkan piala liga musim ini.."

"patik pun tunduk hormat.. mafkan patik tak dapat skor game ni walaupun peluang ternganga banyak kali.."

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Post time 11-5-2011 08:57 AM | Show all posts
Ferguson sudah ada strategi

FERGUSON (depan) bertekad untuk membalas dendam di atas kekalahan United kepada Barcelona pada final Liga Juara-Juara 2009.

MANCHESTER - Alex Ferguson tampak seperti sudah mempunyai strategi bagi menyekat kemaraan Barcelona pada final Liga Juara-Juara di Stadium Wembley pada 28 Mei ini.

Menurut pengurus Manchester United itu, beliau akan menggunakan corak permainan menyerang habis-habisan bagi memastikan misi tersebut tercapai.

"Kami memiliki para pemain yang mampu menyebabkan corak permainan lawan terganggu. Diharapkan jentera serangan kami dapat menghadirkan masalah kepada Barcelona.

"Semua menganggap Barcelona sebagai pasukan yang hebat tetapi United sudah berjaya memasuki pentas final.

"Ramai juga berkata yang United bukan sebuah pasukan yang kuat musim ini tetapi persembahan kami di laman sendiri masih hebat dan kami juga belum tewas di pentas Eropah," kata Ferguson.

United pasti mahu membalas dendam di atas kekalahan kepada Barcelona pada final 2009 dan Ferguson mahu anak-anak buahnya merantai pergerakan Xavi, Andres Iniesta dan Lionel Messi sebaik mungkin kali ini.

"Pada final 2009 itu, kami bermula dengan baik tetapi memberikan gol mudah kepada Barce- lona. Jadi kami perlu cari penyele- saian untuk menghentikan ancaman daripada Xavi, Messi dan Iniesta.

"Semua orang mencari cara untuk menyekat pemain-pemain itu kerana mereka merupakan pemain yang cukup hebat. Tetapi kami juga memiliki kemampuan untuk melakukan perkara yang sama," jelas Ferguson.

Sementara itu, Ferguson tidak bersetuju jika pengurus Chelsea, Carlo Ancelotti dipecat setelah gagal memenangi sebarang piala musim ini.

"Ia mungkin mengejutkan saya tetapi ia bukanlah satu kejutan. Industri bola sepak sering membuatkan saya berasa bingung.

"Ancelotti merupakan individu yang telah dua kali menjulang trofi Liga Juara-Juara. Musim lalu beliau menghadiahkan kejuaraan berganda buat Chelsea. Jadi apa lagi perlu dipersoalkan tentang kemampuannya?" soal Ferguson. - Agensi

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 Author| Post time 11-5-2011 03:19 PM | Show all posts
ade live tak game testimonials pakcik G.Nel 24hb ni?..

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Post time 11-5-2011 04:22 PM | Show all posts
"class of 92"...akan beraksi kembali. sempena testimonial gary neville..

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Post time 11-5-2011 04:52 PM | Show all posts
aku dah agak dah man utd menang season ni..

man utd suka lambai-lambai. agak dah tinggal chelsea arsenal liverpool man city 2 ke 3 tiang...lambai balik bawak datang.

dah dekat je team-team minta subsidi utd tekan balik minyak. kan dah kena chelsea 2-1. nasib je tu...kalau tak penalti, makan telur ler

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Post time 11-5-2011 05:37 PM | Show all posts
muke burokk..
kodomok Post at 9-5-2011 22:52

terpijak kulit pisang arr neh..

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Post time 11-5-2011 07:35 PM | Show all posts
all the bes yer united GGMU

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Post time 12-5-2011 03:36 PM | Show all posts
korang agak2 siapa main bek kanan lawan Barca nanti?
1. Rafael - Memang posisi dia. laju & agresif
2. Fabio - Main dgn baik masa lawan chelsea, boleh main bek kiri juga (ada potensi score)
3. O'Shea - Versatile, pun boleh swap ke kiri

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Post time 12-5-2011 04:05 PM | Show all posts
bayern dah amik neuer de gea pon ok tapi muda lagi


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