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Author: cak!

MANCHESTER UNITED~kaloh pon dok atas lagi ke..huhuhu

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Post time 28-1-2010 06:59 PM | Show all posts
kaming soon
cak! Post at 28-1-2010 13:24

28 feb kan final carling??? Go Go MU!!!! :pompom:

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Post time 28-1-2010 07:08 PM | Show all posts
Muahhhh Carrick....:pompom:
Muahhhh Scholes...:pompom:
Muahhhh Ronney...:pompom:

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 Author| Post time 29-1-2010 11:55 AM | Show all posts
Fergie hilang kata-kata sanjung kelibat Rooney

CARRICK (tengah) mendukung Rooney meraikan jaringannya bersama rakan sepasukan pada saingan separuh akhir kedua Piala Liga di Old Trafford, kelmarin.

MANCHESTER: Sir Alex Ferguson menghambur penghargaan kepada persembahan 'kelas bertaraf dunia' daripada Wayne Rooney selepas penyerang England itu menjaringkan gol kemenangan masa kecederaan yang membawa Manchester United layak final Piala Liga menentang Aston Villa.

Tandukan Rooney memberi kemenangan 3-1 ke atas Manchester City di Old Trafford dan agregat 4-3 kejayaan separuh akhir untuk United yang kini mara ke final pertandingan itu dengan rekod tujuh kali di bawah pengurus berbangsa Scotland itu.

Perlawanan itu sama sengit seperti perlawanan pertama, di antara beberapa isu yang masih berlarutan, United tampak berdepan siasatan oleh Persatuan Bola Sepak (FA) selepas penyerang City, Craig Bellamy terkena objek yang dilempar penonton tatkala dia bersedia mengambil sepakan percuma.

Tetapi, tatkala Rooney membawa jumlah jaringannya kepada 21 gol - meneruskan daripada empat gol yang dijaringkan dalam kemenangan Liga Perdana minggu lalu ke atas Hull - Ferguson kehilangan kata-kata untuk memberi pujian kepada pemain terbaik kelab itu.

“Saya berpendapat Wayne lebih baik hari ini (kelmarin) berbanding daripada Sabtu lalu dan dia menjaringkan empat gol menentang Hull,” kata Ferguson.

“Kawalannya, dominasinya di depan, kebolehannya menembusi pertahanan lawan begitu menakjubkan malam ini. Ia persembahan mengagumkan dan memang aksi bertaraf dunia.”
Sir Alex Ferguson

Pada petang bermakna di Old Trafford, dibangkitkan oleh suasana luar biasa, hasil daripada pertembungan sengit perlawanan pertama, gol daripada Paul Scholes dan Michael Carrick meletakkan United dalam penguasaannya sehingga Carlos Tevez menyamakan agregat pada minit ke-75.

Bagaimanapun, kelibat Rooney pada lewat perlawanan, meneruskan rekod menakjubkan Ferguson dalam pertandingan itu. - AFP

hebakk runi..mkk who?

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Post time 29-1-2010 12:43 PM | Show all posts
Whoa..Cam ada harapan jek MU nak dapat carling cup!! :pompom:

Aston villa xde arr kuat mana pun rasanya kan? Tapi dia ada kat mana2..FA cup dia dah nak msk round 5, Barclays dia tangga ke-7..Carlin ...
WawaHarajuku Post at 28-1-2010 18:54

aston villa lembik..menang dengan man utd kat old trepot ja..

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Post time 29-1-2010 03:04 PM | Show all posts
783# cak!

dak gemok rooney makin superb...

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Post time 29-1-2010 04:53 PM | Show all posts
thn nie kalo rooney mng world kup dgn ungland ade peluang bdk gemuk rooney mng Player of The Year...

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Post time 29-1-2010 04:54 PM | Show all posts
eerr...ape cite ape cite?..aku gi medan xde asterok papaer indon pun mcm hampeh xdok plak sport internation...

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Post time 29-1-2010 04:55 PM | Show all posts
784# semutkurus

ala rilek jer Man Utd nnt... bg ler peluang dak2 muda main final dgn diketuai oleh Rooney nnt..

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Post time 29-1-2010 04:57 PM | Show all posts
eerr...ape cite ape cite?..aku gi medan xde asterok papaer indon pun mcm hampeh xdok plak sport internation...
jAck666 Post at 29-1-2010 16:54

oit.. g medan selera mana beb?Man Utd g final setelah mengalahkan tebes n citeh 3-1 kat OT.. then weekend nie lwn arsengal kat emirates...

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Post time 29-1-2010 05:02 PM | Show all posts
medan sumatera la dol....
wa hingat nak cari awek misi kat sane..sampai ke danau toba..sekali org batak daa...

supersunday....boleh tgk ni...isnin coti..

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Post time 29-1-2010 05:02 PM | Show all posts
kalu runi keep scoring in the CL & WC, ada harapan dia dpt fifa werl player of the year, pastu dia akan jadi rebutan real & barca

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Post time 29-1-2010 05:13 PM | Show all posts
790# jAck666

org batak xde yg cun ke jackie?? ko g sana atas misi pengaman ke?? Hahaha...

jom ajak wawa tgk sama kat luar nak?? leh setting tempat yg best nak tgk..

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 Author| Post time 29-1-2010 05:19 PM | Show all posts
790# jAck666  

org batak xde yg cun ke jackie?? ko g sana atas misi pengaman ke?? Hahaha...

jom ajak wawa tgk sama kat luar nak?? leh setting tempat yg best nak tgk..
aimanutd Post at 29-1-2010 17:13

haku nak joinnnn..nk jumpa wawa

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 Author| Post time 29-1-2010 05:20 PM | Show all posts
medan sumatera la dol....
wa hingat nak cari awek misi kat sane..sampai ke danau toba..sekali org batak daa...

supersunday....boleh tgk ni...isnin coti..
jAck666 Post at 29-1-2010 17:02

nk cr awek lg..nnt awek misi ko tu pas kat haku lak

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Post time 29-1-2010 06:09 PM | Show all posts
790# jAck666  

org batak xde yg cun ke jackie?? ko g sana atas misi pengaman ke?? Hahaha...

jom ajak wawa tgk sama kat luar nak?? leh setting tempat yg best nak tgk..
aimanutd Post at 29-1-2010 17:13

wa pergi jln2 laaa....ada awek mane tah bg wa full package...

jom..WAWA!!!! WAWWW!!! free x?..i nak ajak u dating kat tasik putrajaya naik boat cruss...
EHH silap...silap!!!

wawa jom tgk supersunday...aiman...Hajris Bistro Cheras Ok gak..ramai fans MU sane...
tp nnti sape nak hantar wawa balik?..lewat tuhh..bung cak nak contribute???


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Post time 29-1-2010 07:25 PM | Show all posts
795# jAck666

game start kul berape nie?kalo ramai nak kena booking tmpt.. wawa setuju tak? cak ape cite? tmpt lain aku propose tmpt aku NZ wangsa maju.. second option..

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Post time 30-1-2010 09:34 PM | Show all posts
Wayne Rooney: Don't look on Manchester United as a one-man team

Roo reckons Red Devils would survive without him...

Wayne Rooney has brushed aside claims that Manchester United are a 'one-man team' who would struggle without their star striker.

The Liverpudlian forward has been in stellar form this term, his 21 goals in all competitions making the Old Trafford faithful forget all about Cristiano Ronaldo.

Sol Campbell has dubbed his fellow countryman as United's 'talisman', while Chelsea boss Carlo Ancelotti went a step further by declaring that the Red Devils would be no threat without the 24-year-old.

But Rooney said in The Sun: "Don't look on us as a one-man team or see it as a great burden on me, it's nonsense.

"If I don't get the service, I can't score. If I don't, I expect others to and we've done that well.

"We've shared the goals out well and it's certainly not just about me. We expect to win as a team, not as individuals."

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Post time 31-1-2010 12:57 AM | Show all posts
Financier Harris reveals moves to take over Man United

Sat, 30 Jan 14:44:00 2010

Football finance expert Keith Harris said on Saturday he had been approached by wealthy and disgruntled Manchester United fans to try to broker a takeover of the club.

He said Manchester United's Supporters Trust had held meetings with influential supporters who were interested in investigating a change of ownership and ending the huge debt strategy employed by the current American owners, the Glazer family.

Harris, the head of merchant bank Seymour Pierce, is a lifelong United fan and has been involved in four Premier League club takeovers.

He has been a staunch critic of United's debt which last week was revealed to be 716 million pounds.

Harris told the BBC's Football Focus programme on Saturday: "You sense that the momentum is gathering and this time these fans truly mean it. I think they are saying that enough is enough, there is too much gearing on this football club and it is unhealthy.

"We have been approached. We can lend our weight to doing something for the good of United and for the good of football -- none of the takeovers that I have been involved in have involved any debt.

"They've been takeovers by people who've wanted to be involved for reasons other than money."

Harris would only identify those involved as 'The Red Knights', adding: "A number of people have been to see me and I've had long chats with them. There are one or two people in senior positions in the financial services that have access to capital.

"We don't know if the Glazers can be made to listen, but there is serious intent on the part of people who have support in their hearts. The time feels right."

Earlier this month United's owners issued 500 million pounds' worth of bonds in a re-financing effort.

He added: "(The Glazers) are playing with an icon of football, one of the most respected brands in the world, and it is in danger," he said.

"Seventy-five pence of every pound fans are spending is now going to the Glazers either for themselves or to pay debts."

United issued a statement denying there were problems, saying: the club was the "most profitable football club in the world."

(Editing by Clare Fallon)

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Post time 31-1-2010 11:52 AM | Show all posts
Glazers!! :@

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Post time 31-1-2010 02:50 PM | Show all posts
Obertan will not be sent out on loan by Manchester United

The agent of Gabriel Obertan has dismissed rumours that the Manchester United winger will be heading out of Old Trafford on a loan deal before the end of the January transfer window.

Karim Djaziri is widely quoted in the French press this morning saying: "he will remain at Manchester United ."

Obertan has struggled for playing time under Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson who has not picked the former Bordeaux winger since the shock FA Cup defeat at home to Leeds earlier this month.

Reports in Turkey in recent days claimed that Fenerbahce were interested in taking Obertan on loan for the rest of the season.

The 20-year-old French forward has played eight games for Manchester United in the Premier League and Champions League this season, providing two assists.

Obertan’s last Premier League appearance for Manchester United came as a substitute in the 3-1 win at Hull in December.

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