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Author: andria

Ada tak sesiapa yg merasakan perasaan ini? {Part 2}

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Post time 10-8-2012 06:11 PM | Show all posts
adlythegreat posted on 10-8-2012 03:34 AM
aq ni kan bla bca balik komen2 ko sblom ni, mmg ko ni ad btolny gk wlaupon ad gk la xtrem cket. :l ...

xtream penama
aku dok jalan aku leeeeee
lagipun thread ni memang ada sikitttt mental
bagi terguris di hati.........pas tu leh la mengayat
lebih kurang ciri2 mengasuh/menghasut kpd jalan yg diingini tt

cuba hang belek kes2 murtad di dlm negara
mereka tu......hebat2 tauuuuuu
cair hati dibuatnya

apa pun teruskan dgn ilmu sendiri yg dianugerahkan

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Post time 10-8-2012 07:03 PM | Show all posts
adlythegreat posted on 10-8-2012 04:54 PM
a'a False Messiah.
ikot pe aq bca plak Dajjal ni cm gna teknologi utk bwat klon lh, trunkn hujanl ...

kalau boleh,tlg jgn guna bahasa SMS kat porem ni..bukan semua orang paham........

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Post time 10-8-2012 10:31 PM | Show all posts
razhar posted on 10-8-2012 07:03 PM
kalau boleh,tlg jgn guna bahasa SMS kat porem ni..bukan semua orang paham........

Oh maaf.
Ya, 'False Messiah'.
Mengikut apa yang telah saya baca, Dajjal menggunakan teknologi bagi menghasilkan klon (clone) dan juga menghasilkan hujan. Seingat saya, saya mendapat maklumat ini berdasarkan pembacaan saya melalui buku yang berjudul 'Armagedon 2012' ataupun bahan bacaan yang lain. Wallahualam.
Saya harap anda faham dengan penulisan saya.

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Post time 10-8-2012 10:51 PM | Show all posts
adlythegreat posted on 10-8-2012 10:31 PM
Oh maaf.
Ya, 'False Messiah'.
Mengikut apa yang telah saya baca, Dajjal menggunak ...

baru 'aq'..ntah menatang apa 'aq' tu..ramai set2 yang berumur kat sini..depa2 ni payah nak mengdigest bahasa2 SMS... one more.. tak payah nak short cut perkataan tu...guna 'x' tu ok lagi.....

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Post time 10-8-2012 11:42 PM | Show all posts
razhar posted on 10-8-2012 10:51 PM
baru 'aq'..ntah menatang apa 'aq' tu..ramai set2 yang berumur kat sini..depa2 ni payah n ...

sorila. nak buat camne, dah nama pun Gen Y tu yg terbiasa ngan short form ni.  

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 Author| Post time 11-8-2012 11:42 AM | Show all posts
dina_alea posted on 10-8-2012 02:41 PM
rasa pernah terbaca pasal fitnah dajjal nanti salah satunya ialah dia mengaku sebagai nabi kan...ram ...

Sebab itulah Rasulullah s.a.w menyuruh kita menghafal Surah Al-Khafi dan membacanya setiap hari... supaya menyingkap rahsia Dajjal yg kita tak nampak dengan mata kasar... dan sebenarnya skg ini pun kehidupan kita ini banyak dipengaruhi oleh sistem yg Dajjal ciptakan khas utk kita... duit kertas yg kita gunakan skg ini pun, mengandungi unsur2 riba.. pinjaman di bank yg kita gunakan pun, ada unsur2 riba.. banyak cabutan bertuah yg dilakukan di pasaraya2.. games seperti 'saya putar, Halim'...  itu semua ada unsur2 gharar dan maisir.. tapi kita seronok ikut games mcm ni.. sebab dpt brg free.. insurans konvensional yg berlambak di pasaran pun jelas haram... padahal semua ini jelas dilarang di dlm Islam..

"Wahai orang yang beriman! Bahawa sesungguhnya arak dan judi dan pemujaan berhala dan mengundi nasib dengan batang-batang anak panah, adalah (semuanya) kotor (keji) dari perbuatan syaitan. Oleh itu, hendaklah kamu menjauhinya supaya kamu berjaya." (Surah Al-Maidah:90)

Cuba lihat dunia kita hari ini... mana satu sistem yg tidak melalaikan? Kita lahir saja ke dunia, telinga kita terus menangkap bunyi-bunyian seperti muzik2.. artis2 wanita yg betudung berlumba2 memperdengarkan suara mereka dan gembira menyanyi serta letakkan video di Youtube.. dan kita pun menjadi peminat mereka dan mengidolakan mereka... tanpa menyedari bahawa kita sdg menyokong perbuatan yg sesungguhnya dilarang...

Pada akhir zaman akan terjadi tanah runtuh, rusuhan dan perubahan muka. Ada yang bertanya kepada Rasulullah; "Wahai Rasulullah, bila hal ini terjadi?" Baginda menjawab; "Apabila telah bermaharajalela bunyi-bunyian (muzik) dan penyanyi-penyanyi wanita" - Ibnu Majah

Sesungguhnya kita benar2 sedang menikmati kesemua sistem yg Dajjal sediakan utk kita ini... sehingga kita cinta kpd dunia dan takut mati... sehingga kita gilakan material dan sanggup berhutang dengan cara riba semata2 utk memiliki sesuatu..  sehingga kita sanggup memberi rasuah/melobi semata2 utk dapat projek dan tender.. halalkah? Tidakkah ini back-door rasuah, sepertimana kita ada back-door riba? Banyak yg perlu kita teliti semula dlm kehidupan kita... semua sistem yg kita gunapakai skg ini... adakah benar2 berlandaskan syarak? Bersihkah kehidupan kita? Jika kehidupan kita tak bersihkan, bayangkan... kehidupan tak bersih inilah yg kita wariskan kpd anak dan cucu cicit, generasi akan datang..

Sebab itu Syeikh Imran Hossein pernah mencadangkan agar diwujudkan perkampungan Muslim, jauh dari sistem kehidupan yg ada kini.. dan sesungguhnya saya sendiri mencari2 penempatan sebegini... jauh dari keributan orang ramai..  jauh dari kehidupan yg membingitkan... agaknya sampai bila kita akan terus berkeadaan begini.. sehingga kita akhirnya menjadi tua renta dan mati begitu saja? Apa usaha kita? Paling tidak bagaimana dan apakah NIAT kita? Atau kita mahu mengadap Tuhan seperti keadaan kita skg ini? Sekadar melontarkan pertanyaan utk sama2 kita fikirkan...


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 Author| Post time 11-8-2012 11:50 AM | Show all posts
Earthquake in Alaska

Type: Earthquake
8 hours ago
Magnitude: 6.3
DateTime: Friday August 10 2012, 18:37:46 UTC
Region: Fox Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska
Depth: 31 km
Source: USGS Feed

Buat pengetahuan anda, gegaran ini adalah berhampiran 3 gunung berapi...    Last edited by andria on 11-8-2012 11:51 AM


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 Author| Post time 11-8-2012 12:05 PM | Show all posts
Kemuncak Juraian Tahi Bintang Perseid Dapat Disaksikan 13 Ogos
08 Ogos, 2012 20:49 PM

KUALA LUMPUR, 8 Ogos (Bernama) -- Masyarakat Malaysia berpeluang untuk menyaksikan kemuncak juraian hujan tahi bintang Perseid bermula Isnin ini.

Menurut kenyatan Agensi Angkasa Negara (Angkasa) sebanyak 60 juraian tahi bintang akan dapat dilihat pada masa kemuncaknya iaitu bermula dari awal pagi Isnin hinga keesokan harinya.

Tambah kenyataan itu, titik tahi bintang Perseid ini adalah daripada buruj Perseus yang berada di langit Malaysia sejak Julai lepas hingga Mac tahun hadapan.

Bagaimanapun, hujan meteor ini hanya boleh dilihat di kawasan-kawasan yang kurang mengalami pencemaran cahaya dan bergantung kepada keadaan cuaca langit malam tersebut.

Menurut kenyataan itu lagi bagi menyaksikan sendiri hujan meteor ini, hendaklah pandang ke arah timur laut selepas waktu tengah malam.

Untuk maklumat lanjut boleh didapati dengan menghubungi Planetarium Negara di talian 03-2273 4303/4301.


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 Author| Post time 11-8-2012 12:10 PM | Show all posts
Sinkhole: Now 372 feet diameter, Only 1500 feet from butane-filled cavern
# August 7, 2012
# By: Deborah Dupre

The initially estimated 200 by 200 feet sinkhole that developed late last week, swallowing ancient cypress trees 100 feet tall near Bayou Corne and Grand Bayou communities in south Louisiana, is now reported to be 380 feet deep with a diameter of 372 feet, filled mainly with salt water with traces of diesel fuel, and only 1,500 feet from a cavern filled with butane, according Tuesday morning news. Analysts' reports further hint that Texas Brine Company's cavern failed, but the butane cavern failing is today's worst-case scenario.

If a nearby butane-filled cavern fails, as it appears the brine cavern did, "it could cause an explosion felt up to two miles away," Fox News 8 reported Tuesday morning. "That's the worst-case scenario."


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 Author| Post time 11-8-2012 12:32 PM | Show all posts
Asteroid or glitch? Google Sky user spots strange, undiscovered glowing rock in our solar system
By Eddie Wrenn
PUBLISHED: 09:11, 5 June 2012 | UPDATED: 10:53, 5 June 2012

The asteroid - the co-ordinates of which are available below - was spotted by user planetkrejci in a video posted three days ago

Close-up: The object certainly looks like an asteroid - which seems to be spotted with green flecks

In context: The apparent clarity of the 'asteroid' implies it is close, certainly within our solar system

A user has found a 'huge asteroid' while scanning the virtual heavens using Googly Sky.

Youtube user planetkrejci, who has investigated other anomalies on NASA pictures, claims the object - found using the Google website which transports the heavens to desktop computers and smartphones - is an asteroid which is heading towards Earth.

He says the asteroid - which, if real, has not been spotted by other scientists or astronomers - has only appeared recently on Google Sky, which receives updated images every few months.

Aa sesiapa nak ke Antartika? Khabarnya ada satu objek misterius yg boleh dilihat di langit jika anda melihatnya dari Antartika... wallahua'lam...

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Post time 11-8-2012 12:39 PM | Show all posts
adlythegreat posted on 10-8-2012 10:31 PM
Oh maaf.
Ya, 'False Messiah'.
Mengikut apa yang telah saya baca, Dajjal menggunak ...

hhehehe paham paham..adly ni mesti muda lagi ni...tak sama generasi ni...kitorang tak pandai shortform sampai tahap itu...hehehee

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 Author| Post time 11-8-2012 12:47 PM | Show all posts
Huge Solar Filament Stretches Across the Sun
by Nancy Atkinson on August 6, 2012

Caption: High resolution full disc hydrogen alpha composite of the Sun on August 5, 2012, comprising of 6 images for the disc and 5 images for the prominences.Credit: Paul Andrew on Flickr.

Caption: Credit: 11 images combined to create this view of a large filament on the Sun. Credit: Leonard Mercer.

The Sun wanted to let us know there was action going on in other places in the Solar System besides Mars. A huge, dark-colored filament stretched across nearly half the solar face on August 5th. Estimates are this filament was about 800,000 km in length! Wow! Paul Andrew took six images to create a composite, full image of the Sun, and below is an 11-panel mosaic by Leonard Mercer from Malta to show the surrounding region with the main sunspots 1535, 1538, 1540 present.


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 Author| Post time 11-8-2012 01:01 PM | Show all posts
Variant H3N2 cases surge in Indiana, Ohio
Robert Roos and Lisa Schnirring

Aug 8, 2012 (CIDRAP News) – The count of swine-origin variant H3N2 influenza (H3N2v) cases in Indiana soared to 113 today, a jump of about 100, while Ohio reported a total of 30 cases, double the previous number. But the states said they have not found any person-to-person transmission of the virus.

In a news release, the Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) said the 113 cases are scattered among 18 counties and predicted that more cases would be confirmed this week. Most of the previous cases have been in children who had contact with pigs at county fairs, but today's announcement gave no details about the patients' age range, swine exposure, or severity of illness.

The Ohio announcement states, "There are currently 30 cases of H3N2v statewide; all individuals had direct contact with swine at fairs and no human-to-human passage of the virus has been confirmed." The counties and their case numbers are Butler, 16; Clark, 3; Gallia, 4; Greene, 4; and Hamilton, 3.

The Ohio patients range from 6 months to 36 years old, the statement said. It said one patient was hospitalized as a precaution but has since been released.

One other H3N2v case was reported recently in Hawaii. With the new Indiana and Ohio cases, the apparent total for the past few weeks has now reached 144.

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 Author| Post time 11-8-2012 01:08 PM | Show all posts
Belgium-sized mass of volcanic rocks floating off coast of New Zealand
Associated Press | Aug 10, 2012 1:42 PM ET | Last Updated: Aug 10, 2012 4:01 PM ET

New Zealand Defence Force / Nicole Munro / The Associated Press
Pumice rocks collected from an area of floating pumice off the coast of New Zealand.

A mass of floating pumice nearly the size of Belgium area is spotted southwest of Raoul island, off the coast of New Zealand. Scientists said the rocks likely spewed up in an eruption by an underwater volcano.

WELLINGTON, New Zealand — A mass of small volcanic rocks nearly the size of Belgium has been discovered floating off the coast of New Zealand.

The stretch of golf-ball-size pumice rocks was first spotted this week by a New Zealand air force plane about 1,000 kilometers (620 miles) northeast of Auckland. The rocks stretch for about 26,000 square kilometers (10,000 square miles).

A navy ship took scientists to the rocks Thursday night. Naval Lt. Tim Oscar says the rocks appeared a brilliant white under a spotlight, like a giant ice shelf.

He says it’s the “weirdest thing” he’s seen in 18 years at sea.

Strange things are happening more and more each day..

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Post time 11-8-2012 01:17 PM | Show all posts
andria posted on 11-8-2012 11:42 AM
Sebab itu Syeikh Imran Hossein pernah mencadangkan agar diwujudkan perkampungan Muslim, jauh dari sistem kehidupan yg ada kini.. dan sesungguhnya saya sendiri mencari2 penempatan sebegini... jauh dari keributan orang ramai..  jauh dari kehidupan yg membingitkan...

Saya & anak2 suka tgk citer "Pesan Atok" oleh Ustaz Harun Din Al-Hafiz.. dan pernah beliau berbicara tentang tanda2 kiamat.. antara 16 tanda2 kecil kiamat (yg semuanya sudah berlaku) ialah org2 alim lari ke hutan/ bukit
Kalau kita tgk skrg ni pon, pusat2 tahfiz byk yg telah dibina dikawasan2 pedalaman, di kaki2 bukit.. jauh dari kesibukan kota


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Post time 11-8-2012 01:19 PM | Show all posts
adlythegreat posted on 10-8-2012 10:31 PM
Oh maaf.
Ya, 'False Messiah'.
Mengikut apa yang telah saya baca, Dajjal menggunak ...

Ini yg terbaik.. lebih difahami oleh semua pihak & mencerminkan bahasa budaya bangsa

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 Author| Post time 11-8-2012 01:23 PM | Show all posts
BREAKING NEWS: The Great Wall of China collapses after heavy rains
Published: 10 August, 2012, 17:16

The Great Wall of China collapses after heavy rains (Image courtesy:

The Great Wall of China collapses after heavy rains (Image courtesy:

The Great Wall of China collapses after heavy rains (Image courtesy:

The Great Wall of China collapses after heavy rains

Days of heavy rain have badly damaged a section of the Great Wall of China. Local authorities are now trying to repair the collapsed area.

The rain in the Hebei Province in Northern China caused massive flooding, and tons of water swept down from the mountains and swept away a section of the wall at Dajingmen, a local official reported.

The 36 meter long section is now being repaired. Workers are also reinforcing other sections of the Wall damaged by the water. Reports from experts say other fragments of the Wall, which has stood for centuries, are also in danger due to erosion and cracking.

"Before the conflict the great wall will fall, The great one to death, death too sudden and lamented, Born imperfect: the greater part will swim: Near the river the land stained with blood." - Nostradamus, number 57.

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 Author| Post time 11-8-2012 01:58 PM | Show all posts
Planet misteri kelihatan di Stesen Neumeyer, Antartika
11th August 2012


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 Author| Post time 11-8-2012 02:07 PM | Show all posts
Super Mega Tsunami

The entire Ancient Canal Builder civilization, documented on, was destroyed, along with other Atlantic rim colonies, by a Super Mega Disaster, 7,100 years ago. That Super Disaster was caused by the Second Storegga Methane Gas eruption, and a subsurface landslide in an area of more than 600 miles in length and 40 miles wide. Located between Denmark and Iceland, the landslide created a Mega Super Tsunami. This information is well documented on the website.

The methane gas explosion and landslide was on such a gigantic scale, that other land masses near other close subduction areas could have been affected. That land mass may have subsided or was inundated to a depth of hundreds to thousands of feet as a contiguous part of the initial landslide.

The Mega Super Tsunami caused a global disaster, destroying almost all evidence of previous civilizations around the Atlantic rim, including the Ancient Canal Builders on the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of America. The survivors, some retaining memories and artifacts of their lost culture, began to build 'remnant' or 'derivative' civilizations, the first of which we call the 'Early Period Mound Builders', starting around 5,500 years ago. This group may have migrated to the Yucatan Peninsula as the Zoque, to become the predecessors of the Mayan culture. The Mayan calendar has a 'Creation Date' of 5,124 years before present.

Last edited by andria on 11-8-2012 02:10 PM


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Post time 11-8-2012 04:20 PM | Show all posts
dina_alea posted on 11-8-2012 12:39 PM
hhehehe paham paham..adly ni mesti muda lagi ni...tak sama generasi ni...kitorang tak pandai short ...

ya, muda lagi.
tahap hingusan & setahun jagung lg pengalaman hidup.
dada pon belum terisi dgn ilmu yg cukup.

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