errk.. aper ek jadi lepas RZ tarik WA taim CY papah mak RZ mabuk tu ?
This part when jealousy striked ....
Injae was about to lead Mirae (WA) away from the party - just to sort things out between them privately .. Nara held onto InJae's arm (she tries to stop Injae from leaving with Mi Rae)....
But Injae ignored Nara and walked away with Mi Rae
Mi Rae argues with InJae
Nara (feeling so left out all of a sudden) watches helplessly from a distance - while IJ & MR/WA argues ...
Then Seung Woo (CW) came in to the scene.
He boldly walked up to them & Mi Rae left with Seung Woo/CW.
( So sad to see Nara who's fallen in love with this dumb-dumb InJae, Eeeek *%!# ! ... somebody pls give me a stone so I can knock InJae silly !! )

credit : owner of pix.
[ Last edited by mypuppyiz at 17-1-2007 02:34 PM ] |