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Author: ipes2

PCOS - POLYCYSTIC OVARIAN SYNDROME: saya akan cuba bagi jawapan yang ringkas je

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 Author| Post time 12-6-2015 07:27 PM | Show all posts
zuliana29 replied at 12-6-2015 12:00 PM
wat kt Hospital gomen ke?

Saya wat kt Hospital gomen, kalau xde apoiment mmg xdan la nk jumpe d ...

sesetengah illness sy recommend buat privately sbb nak dptkan quality dan shorter waiting time eg coronary heart diseases, cancers..
tetapi yg lain lain mostly can wait dan being seen privately tak lah mengubah the natural history of the illness

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Post time 13-6-2015 07:01 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Lama que dia bygkan sy pernsh jimpa dia pukul 2 pagi turn staff dia akan call bila nak turn kita tu.dia terlalu ramai patient sampai tak tau dia tido kul berapa.

Awk adviselah sy dari segi kawan..bukan pro do tak so xdelah salah dari segi etika.

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 Author| Post time 13-6-2015 07:30 PM | Show all posts
izzah_mia replied at 13-6-2015 07:01 PM
Lama que dia bygkan sy pernsh jimpa dia pukul 2 pagi turn staff dia akan call bila nak turn ki ...

eh dari segi member pon agak bahaya jugak tau.
anyway, if i lah kan, make sure dulu u pregnant ke tak; so buat UPT.
if tak, you bleh je amik duphaston utk induce periods balik.
apa apa pun sbb u pcos, firts thing first, utk increase chance for Ovulatory Cycle, mmg kene reduce weight.
then amik metformin; i bab bab hormone meds eg dupshaton ni, sbb i keje dgn endocrinology, i slow la sikit nak recommend sebab i tau effects and side effects dia dan i paham pergerakkan penyakit pcos ni

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Post time 13-6-2015 07:40 PM | Show all posts
Oh..salah jugak ek. Apa pun tq atas semua info...tunggu 30 hari baru sy buat upt

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 Author| Post time 13-6-2015 07:57 PM | Show all posts
izzah_mia replied at 13-6-2015 07:40 PM
Oh..salah jugak ek. Apa pun tq atas semua info...tunggu 30 hari baru sy buat upt

eh tak la salah, cuma kesan nyer agak besar.
alah mcm kawan u kata beli la rumah ni, rm750000 ok je, sebab nnt naik jadi rm1juta. tapi bila u beli tgk tgk harga turun jadi rm500000 sbb area tu tak naik, sakit jugak ooo.. ilang rm250000 gegitu aje; all hanya sebab kawan cakap .

apa apa pon buat lah upt dulu

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Post time 15-6-2015 01:03 PM | Show all posts
ipes2 replied at 12-6-2015 07:19 PM
ha ha bleh je dtg bertandang.
oh dok sini mmg dah lama sgt dah.
keje punye pasal

Oh...thank you doc.How I wish...nanti kan kedatangan kami ek.Kumpul duit bebanyak ni...nak gi shopping kat London.Hahahah
By the way...I dah gi jumpa gynae last week. Alhamdulillah, everything looks ok and I opt for natural conceive.Tak nak makan clomid lagi, coz takut over stimullate the ovary can cause cancer. As my gynae told me
Doakan I k?


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 Author| Post time 16-6-2015 12:28 AM | Show all posts
fiezachommel replied at 15-6-2015 01:03 PM
Oh...thank you doc.How I wish...nanti kan kedatangan kami ek.Kumpul duit bebanyak ni...nak gi shop ...

Ameen ya Rabb.. semoga dapat baby naturally and semoga dapat dtg London lagi.
..dan if kena amik clomiphene pon (clomid), harapnya berjaya dan takde la dapat OHSS.

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Post time 16-6-2015 11:31 AM | Show all posts
fiezachommel replied at 15-6-2015 01:03 PM
Oh...thank you doc.How I wish...nanti kan kedatangan kami ek.Kumpul duit bebanyak ni...nak gi shop ...

huhuuu OHSS boleh menyebabkan kanser ke huhu..
Sy 2x kene OHSS, tapi gap between 2 treatment tu almost a year. Is it ok dr. @ipes2 ?
Huhuuu risau pulak


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 Author| Post time 16-6-2015 08:38 PM | Show all posts
zuliana29 replied at 16-6-2015 11:31 AM
huhuuu OHSS boleh menyebabkan kanser ke huhu..
Sy 2x kene OHSS, tapi gap between 2 treatment tu a ...

oh tak lah; OHSS tak lah cause cancer.
tapi kami tak guna clomiphene more than 3 kali sebab risk utk develop tumor kat ovary is greater.
OHSS tu u tau lah apa dia, ie ovarian hyperstimulation... sakit, pendarahan, bengkak etc.


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Post time 19-6-2015 08:48 AM | Show all posts
ipes2 replied at 16-6-2015 12:28 AM
Ameen ya Rabb.. semoga dapat baby naturally and semoga dapat dtg London lagi.
..dan if kena amik  ...

Doc, nak tanya sikit.
Lately ni I perasan, ramai yang mengalami PCOS ni.Apa punca nya ek?Gaya hidup, pemakanan?


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Post time 19-6-2015 10:47 AM | Show all posts
I found this kat one of the forum...while googling "cure PCOS naturally"

i dunno lah ni betul2 cure atau betul2 helpful atau cerita ni cerita betul...but if anyone wants to give it a try...why not....


Hi everyone,

My name is Melissa and I'm 23 yrs old. I was diagnosed with PCOS 2 years ago in 2004. I was 21 yrs old. I probably had it for 3 years because the doctor's couldn't find what was wrong with me until I was diagnosed in 2004. I had gained 60lbs in 6 months, I had cystic acne, chest hair, and I was skipping my period every 3-4 months. Having fertility problems at 21 yrs old is scary. I though I'd never be able to have a baby. The doctor's prescribed me with many medications including birth control. Unfortunately, after never taking any pills in my life, I was allergic to all the medications my doctor tried to prescribe me. I thought there was no hope. Being told this disease was incurable, I became very depressed with no hope. Then, hope came to me. My fiance had told me that his father that lives in South America has cured many people from deadly incurable diseases such as cancer and diabetes. Having no other option, I contacted him. He told me that he can guarantee that he could cure me but it wouldn't be easy. He had told me that everything we put in our bodies effects whatever we get out such as diseases. Toxins that are put in food cause diseases. He told me I would have to detox my body from all the toxins. He put me on a strict organic way of life. I say was of life because it's not a diet, it's the way we should eat. He bought me a juicer and told me that I would have to juice fresh fruits and vegetable that were organic (no toxins or pesticides). The detox juice was this: 5 large carrots, 1 beet, 1 cucumber, 2 stalks of celery, and 1 apple for taste. I had to drink this juice every 3 hours for 3 weeks. NO FOOD! It was the hardest thing I ever had to do but if it had chances of curing me, I didn't even complain. The juice provided my body with all the nutrients it needed while it gave my digestive system a break after working so hard all these years. It allowed my body to detox from all toxins and help nurture my cells. The first 3 days were the hardest because my body was going through withdrawals from all the junk food I was eating. After that, it wasn't so bad, I was used to it. The worst part about this whole process was cleaning the juicer after every juice. Now remember, I had only 10 minutes to drink the juice after making it because after that, it starts losing nutrients. Just like when you cut an apple and it starts turning brown because it's losing nutrients.
After the 3 weeks, I continued doing the same juices but mixing different fruits and vegetables. I would make a nice fruit juice in the morning and vegetable juices for the rest of the day. The only thing I would eat is a salad filled with organic vegetables for lunch. On the 5th week of juicing, I got my menstrual cycle. After that, I was getting it every 28 days, and all my other symptoms disappeared. I also lost 23 lbs and I'm still on my way to losing more weight as long as I exercise more. I feel great.

When I went back to the doctor for an ultrasound, she said my ovaries are perfectly normal and she couldn't find any signs of PCOS. She was amazed and didn't know what to say. She had no explanation for how this could have happened but I did. There are so many great books out there that can help. Books by Norman W. Walker are the best. His best book is "Vegetarian Guide to Diet and Salad".

I hope that whoever reads this will try this is you're tired of doctors and taking medication. Just think, you have nothing to lose (except weight and your symptoms) and it's completely safe because you're getting all the nutrients your body needs.

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 Author| Post time 19-6-2015 04:08 PM | Show all posts
fiezachommel replied at 19-6-2015 08:48 AM
Doc, nak tanya sikit.
Lately ni I perasan, ramai yang mengalami PCOS ni.Apa punca nya ek?Gaya hid ...

Rasanya scientific community tak lah rasa incidence PCOS ni makin bertambah (eh, nanti i check balik kot kot i silap).
Tetapi recognition of the disease tu makin bertambah; sebelum ni pesakit dan doctors biar je tak investigate pon.
Salah satu sebab ialah kita dah mula sedar hakikat penyakit ni.
Bila doctors mula put two to two together, then they realize it is PCOS.
Maka mulalah ia mendapat perhatian.
One of the most important impact of PCOS yg made doctors really look for this disease is because it can lead to Diabetes is tak di urus elok elok.
Satu lagi is because of Obesity yg can raise the risks for hypertension, cardiovascular disease etc.

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 Author| Post time 19-6-2015 04:20 PM | Show all posts
Syazzy replied at 19-6-2015 10:47 AM
I found this kat one of the forum...while googling "cure PCOS naturally"

i dunno lah ni betul2 cu ...

Betul ke cerita 'Melissa' ni. Di internet ni memang banyak laporan laporan stating that this method or that method or that person can sure cancer etc. The reality is however bukan gini, kan? We all pon tahu. Kenapa ayah dia tak jadi kaya and tak gi all over the world and cure cancers and diabetes. Tak pulak Steve Jobs tu ditolong oleh dia. Claims sebegini tidak membantu pesakit, sebenarnya. Jika lah ada method sebegini, maka tidak lah perlu negara kita atau negara maju berbelanja berbillion setiap tahun utk healthcare negara depa.

Apa apa pun, method Melissa ini hanya lah vegetarian dieting je. Tak perlu masuk blender or juicer pon celery or carrots or apples tu; kunyah pon ada byk kebaikan nya. Dgn diet sebegini maka tentulah akan hilang berat badan.. perkara yg paling number stau dalam PCOS management ni.

Tapi dia kena jugak makan daging for her protein needs. Sesapa yg boleh jadi vegetarian macam Melissa tadi boleh je try; u will lose weight and periods will be better and this will improve fertility, tapi it will not cure PCOS, cancers or diabetes. Also, Ultrasound does no prove and disprove PCOS (ada dalam previous answer i sebut this).

Bleh je try jadi vegetarian.


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Post time 19-6-2015 09:16 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
No harm in trying kan... and we all knw, organic products are better than any medications in the world....
If we jaga ourself by taking in Organic fruits organic vegetable.. organic chicken mean in which ayam kita pelihara sendiri...bagi makanan yang tak berprocess... sembelih sendiri... masak dgn all organic products yang di tanam sendiri... kambing yang di jaga sendiri dan makan rumput2 yang tak di racuni.... minum susu kambing yang tak di process.. fresh...

All that i believe will keep us away from Clomids, metformins etc mcm zaman dulu kala yang tak ada clomids and stuff like that...and people boleh beranak sampai 15org anak..

Kan? If this can help, why not... kan? So if anyone wanta to try... try it. Insyaa Allah dgn doa pada Allah, ia mungkin akan jadi penawar yang lebih better than all those medications doctors are giving. Doctors pun bukan Tuhan.. right? I have taken too many clomids... duphostan.. metformins.. for the past 3 years...  nothing happened... so now, maybe ada cara yang lebih baik.

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 Author| Post time 20-6-2015 01:55 AM | Show all posts
Edited by ipes2 at 20-6-2015 01:57 AM
Syazzy replied at 19-6-2015 09:16 PM
No harm in trying kan... and we all knw, organic products are better than any medications in the wor ...

Betul apa you cakap S, tetapi ada sesetengah penyakit yang memang sah dah mekanisma dia.
Memang zaman dulu kurang PCOS sebab depa tak tahu apa penyebabnya, dan mereka yg dapat PCOS takde zuriat jadi turutan geneticnya terputus.
Zaman sekarang dengan better pemahaman, maka byk la PCOS yg geneticnya survive.

Saya memang galakkan sesapa yg boleh makan yang lebih sihat.
Kita terlampau teruk sugar-load nya. Cuba bayangkan orang macam I yg makan 3 kali nasi sehari... sugar-load every meals!
If sesapa boleh eat more vegetables, dan ini adalh jauh lebih baik.. tetapi kena cari jalan utk dapatkan protein nye eg bykkan nuts ie kacang2 sbb byk protein dalam tu.

Apa apa pun, yg paling utama dalam PCOS ialah pemakanan yg boleh kurang kan berat.


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Post time 23-6-2015 12:55 PM | Show all posts
ipes...waktu terbaik buat upt ni bila yer coz ada yg kata waktu bangun tido..ada yg kata tengok suhu badan

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Post time 23-6-2015 08:28 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ipes2 replied at 16-6-2015 08:38 PM
oh tak lah; OHSS tak lah cause cancer.
tapi kami tak guna clomiphene more than 3 kali sebab risk  ...

dear dr. less in a month, saya didatangi spot lagi ptg ni. perlukan sy berasa risau? huhu baru je berhajat nk puasa penuh thn ni mcm thn2 sebelum ni. tapi sy agak itu bkn spot darah period.

perlukah sy berjumpa dgn gynea?

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 Author| Post time 24-6-2015 12:39 AM | Show all posts
izzah_mia replied at 23-6-2015 12:55 PM
ipes...waktu terbaik buat upt ni bila yer coz ada yg kata waktu bangun tido..ada yg kata tengok suhu ...

hmmm... kami selalu cakap buat pagi; eh rasa sy dah ada citer psl takde sebut eh timing dia.
rasa bila bila pon ok tapi kami selalu cakap pagi.
yg suhu badan sy tak sure lah.. yg i tahu pasal suhu badan and reproduction is when people are trying to time their ovulation

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 Author| Post time 24-6-2015 12:42 AM | Show all posts
zuliana29 replied at 23-6-2015 08:28 PM
dear dr. less in a month, saya didatangi spot lagi ptg ni. perlukan sy berasa risau? huhu baru je  ...

if frequent spotting ni saya syorkan that u see your gynaecologist.
just to be sure whats casuing those spotting.
i am not sure if its periods.. mcm darah penyakit je.. bukan darah periods. if u tahu, at least u can puasa this ramadhan.. puasa is always at its best beramai ramai, kan?
rasa nya tak membuang masa u or your gynae if you go and see him / her.

then tell me apa dia kata.
list kan things yg u nak tanya dia so that all questions are asked.

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Post time 24-6-2015 09:13 AM | Show all posts
Syazzy replied at 19-6-2015 09:16 PM
No harm in trying kan... and we all knw, organic products are better than any medications in the wor ...

Yup, ideal way is like that. No pesticide, hormone in our food. Tapi , mana nak dapat sekarang.
Somehow, I beleive kenapa orang dulu-dulu tak de masalah macam kita..coz they eat natural food. Ayam kampung, sembelih sendiri, makan sayur tanam belakang rumah, baja guna taik ayam or kambing...
Now our food semua dah contaminated with the chemical.And nak berbalik pada oraganic food...semuanya mahal pulak...huhu
But, I try jugak.Consume organic food as much as I can..and avoid process food


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