Roti Baghdad [RHB]
1 kg tepong gandum
2 butir telor ayam
1 sudu tea baking powder
1 sudu tea garam
1 cawan susu
secukup air sejuk utk masak tepung
minyak sapi untuk menggoreng
Cara Menyediakan
Ambil satu bahagian tepong dan adunkan bersama susu, telur, garam, baking power dan air secukupnya. Masukkan adunan tepung itu ke dalam sebuah peruk dan masak dengan menggunakan api yang sederhana. Kacau adunan rata-rata sehingga ia pekat. Setelah itu masukkan tepung yang satu bahagian lagi dan uli semasa masih panas lagi. Canai bulat-bulat atau tipis-tipis dan gorenglah dengan minyak sapi sehingga ia kuning. Roti itu sedap dimakan dengan apa saja jenis kuah.
masa sekolah dulu duk di rumah sewa,makcik tuan rumah selalu buatkan roti ni.rasanya mmg sedap,ala2 roti nan jugak tapi lebih lemak.cecah dgn kari ayam ke,kuah dhal ke...sampai menjilat jari.saiznya kecik2,mcm roti bom.tapi sekali rasa,mesti nak 2-3 biji. |
Burger or Hot Dog Buns[allrecipes.com[maisya]
Submitted by: Sally
"This recipe can be used to make either hamburger buns or hot dog buns. My husband says they are 'top of the line.' Nice and soft." Original recipe yield: 1 dozen.
1 cup(235ml) milk
1/2 cup(120ml) water
1/4 cup(55g) butter
4 1/2 cups(560g) all-purpose flour
7g instant yeast
2 tablespoons(25g) white sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons(10g) salt
1 egg
1.In a small saucepan, heat milk, water and butter until very warm, 120 degrees F (50 degrees C).
2.In a large bowl, mix together 1 3/4 cup flour, yeast, sugar and salt. Mix milk mixture into flour mixture, and then mix in egg. Stir in the remaining flour, 1/2 cup at a time, beating well after each addition. When the dough has pulled together, turn it out onto a lightly floured surface, and knead until smooth and elastic, about 8 minutes.
3.Divide dough into 12 equal pieces. Shape into smooth balls, and place on a greased baking sheet. Flatten slightly. Cover, and let rise for 30 to 35 minutes.
4.Bake at 400 degrees F (200 degrees C) for 10 to 12 minutes, or until golden brown.
5.For Hot Dog Buns: Shape each piece into a 6x4 inch rectangle. Starting with the longer side, roll up tightly, and pinch edges and ends to seal. Let rise about 20 to 25 minutes. Bake as above. These buns are pretty big. I usually make 16 instead of 12.
ROTI BURGER [maisya]
2 cawan tepung gandum
2 camca besar susu tepung
1 camca teh yis kering
1/4 cawan gula
1 camca besar marjerin/butter
1/2 cawan air suam
1 biji telur
1.Campurkan tepung, susu tepung dan yis. Gaul rata.
2.Larutkan gula dlm air suam.
3.Campurkan telur dan air gula kepada campuran tepung tadi. Gaul rata hingga dapat dikepal jadi doh. Air yg diperlukan mungkin lebih atau kurang dari sukatan...bergantung pada saiz telur yg digunakan.
4.Campurkan marjerin/butter kepada adunan. Uli rata hingga lembut dan elastik lebih kurang 15 - 20 minit.
5.Rehatkan doh 15 minit.
6.Buangkan angin dan uli sebentar doh. Bahagikan kepada beberapa bahagian kecil(maisya bahagikan kepada 6).
7.Rehatkan doh 10 minit.
8.Bentukkan doh bulat-bulat dan leperkan sikit supaya cantik rupa roti burger tu nanti( dia tak membukit). Susun dalam loyang.
9.Rehatkan doh 30 minit atau hingga naik 2 kali ganda.
10.Sapukan kuning telur yang dah dicampur sedikit susu atau air pada permukaan roti. Taburkan juga bijan.
11.Bakar dalam oven yg dah dipanaskan ( suhu dan masa membakar bergantung pada oven masing-masing ).
ROTI HOTDOG [maisya]
Source : yani myresipi.com
Bahan-bahan ( 6 biji )
160ml air
250g tepung roti
14g(1 1/2 sudu besar) gula
4g(1 sudu kecil) garam
8g(1 sudu besar) lemak sayur
2.4g(3/4 sudu kecil) dry yeast
16g(3 sudu besar) susu tepung
Masukkkan semua bahan-bahan ke dalam breadmaker. On kan. tunggu siap
Bila dah siap, keluarkan angin. Kemudian bahagikan kepada 6 bahagian. Buat bentuk bulat. Rehatkan selama 15 minit.
Buatlah bentuk panjang seperti gambar lebih kurang 13 cm
Biarkan naik dua kali ganda atau 30C selama 50minit
Bakar pada suhu 180C selama 10-12 minit. Biarkan di dalam oven selama 5-10 minit kalau mahukan roti kelihatan lebih perang
[ Last edited by nhuda at 5-9-2007 12:26 PM ] |
ROTI BENGGALI [niceghost2005 ]
1. Sekilo Tepung gandum
2. 500ml air ais or sejuk(taruh dlm peti ais) or air sulin
3. 11 g yeast kering Mauripan
4. shortening 3 sudu besor
5. garam secubit
6. gula 50-220gm (1/4 to 1 cawan)
Lepaih tu.....berRAMAS MESRA ler
Bior 30 minit or sehingga ia NAIK sampai double the size.
Tumbuk dier sampai kempis.
Dah bley di canaikan mengikut sesuker ati.
Bior sebentar dan masukkan ke dlm oven. |
FRUITED BRIOCHE BUNS [NoorMasri] (menghasilkan 12 ketul bun)
Bahan-bahan doh:
225 g tepung high protein (strong white flour)
sedia dimakan..
WHOLEMEAL SOSEJ ROLLS [NoorMasri]menghasilkan 12 ketul - roti ni mempunyai texture yg lembut/spongy
Bahan-bahan doh:
200 g strong white bread flour
200 g strong wholemeal bread flour
7 g ( 2 sudu kecil ) yis kering
1 sudu kecil garam (paras rata)
4 sudu besar minyak sayuran
2 sudu besar gula perang
1 biji telur
100 ml susu segar suam
110 ml air suam
Bahan tambahan:
2-3 sudu besar susu segar } utk sapuan atas roti sebelum bakar
1 sudu kecil mentega cair} utk sapuan atas roti selepas bakar
12 ketul sosej yg telah direbus
Cara membuat doh:
Campurkan kedua-dua tepung, yis, garam, dan gula kedlm mangkuk besar.
Buat lubang di tengah2nya, tuangkan minyak, susu, air dan telur.
Gaul tepung tadi sehingga menjadi doh yg lembut (doh ni agak lembik dan melekit2 pd mulanya JGN tambah sebarang tepung)
Uli selama 30 minit atau sehingga doh menjadi licin (tidak melekat di jari) dan elastic.
Bulatkan doh kemudian letakkan kedlm mangkuk yg telah dilenser dgn sedikit minyak dan tutup dgn cling film.
Letak ditempat yg suam selama 1 |
BUN PANDAN [NoorMasri]
Bahan-bahan doh:
400 g tepung roti (strong white bread flour)
2 1/2 sudu kecil yis kering
1 sudu kecil garam (paras rata)
50 g mentega }dicairkan
70g - 80 g gula
1 biji telur
100 ml susu segar suam
110 ml air pandan - suam
sket susu segar (1 sudu besar)- utk sapuan atas roti
1 sudu kecil mentega cair} utk sapuan atas roti
Cara membuat doh:
Campurkan tepung, yis, garam, dan gula kedlm mangkuk besar.
Buat lubang di tengah2nya, tuangkan mentega, susu, air pandan dan telur.
Gaul tepung tadi sehingga menjadi doh yg lembut
Uli selama 15 minit sehingga doh menjadi licin (tidak melekat di jari) dan elastic (walaupun doh ni agak melekit pd mulanya JGN tambah sebarang tepung)
Bulatkan doh kemudian letakkan kedlm mangkuk yg telah dilenser dgn sedikit minyak dan tutup dgn cling film.
Letak ditempat yg suam selama 1 |
Pelbagai SWEET BUN [Penyulawa]
ni la projek roti yang kita dah buat... tu yang sekarang ni cam biskut tenggelam timbul kat FnR... resipi sumbangan dari kawan yang menghadiri kelas dari chef roti.
900gm Tepung Roti
100gm Tepung Kek/Superfine
430gm air (+/-)
20gm Instant Yis
12gm garam
180gm gula
40gm butter
60gm majerin
150gm telur (+/- 2 biji gred B)
10gm bread improver
5gm bread softener
30gm susu tepung
10gm vanilla essen
Kalu guna BM tu, campak semua bahan kedalam BM mengikut turutan (cecair masuk dulu diikuti bahan kering & last sekali yis). Setkan ke program menguli selama 30 minit. Keluarkan dan biar naik 2x ganda. Tumbuk2 dan uli sikit lagi boleh terus bentuk. Perap 1 jam lagi, baru sapu telur dan bakar. Suhu 160 darjah C dalam masa 18-20 minit.
Sweet bun dgn inti marmalade
Sweet bun dgn inti butter & kastad dipaip keliling bun
Crusty bread - guna resepi sweet bun, cuma kaedah pembakaran lain.
Sweet Buns [kero-kero]
500 gm Tepung High protein
1 1/4 cawan air
1 paket instant dry yeast / 1 sudu besar fresh yeast
60 gm butter
1 sudu kecil garam
50 gm gula
1 sudu teh bread improver
1 sudu teh bread softener
Cara membuatnya:
1. Satukan tepung, garam, bread improver, bread softener & butter.
2. Larutkan gula dlm air suam & masukkan yeast.
3. Campuran cecair dgn adunan tepung tadi & uli hingga sebati. Tutup doh dgn plastik & biar hingga doh mengembang dua kali ganda.
4. Selepas itu, uli semula doh & bahagikan mengikut berat sama 60 gm. Bentukkan doh ikut suka.
5. Susun roti diatas dulang & biarkan mengembang dua kali ganda sebelum dibakar.
Bakar pada suhu 200 darjah C selama 10 - 15 minit.
Crusty bread
* Crusty bread dibuat mengikut resepi yg sama. Tp proses pembakaran adalah berlainan.
1. Doh yg dibentuk & sudah mengembang disapu dgn air. Potong permukaan doh secara menyerong.
2. Kemudian bakar doh dlm oven dgn air stim (isi air dlm dulang lain & letakkan pd para bwh oven, utk menghasilkan stim)
3. Oven dipanaskan pd suhu 200 darjah C. & Bakar bun selama 30 - 40 minit.
4. Bun yg dihasilkan adalah sama spt French loaf & sesuai dimakan dgn sup cendawan.
ROTI MANIS [mushimushimushi]
2.5 tsp instant yeast
3-5 tbsp lukewarm water
375g bread flour
105g sugar
1 egg, room temp
1 egg yolk, room temp
3 tbps butter, melted
1/2 cup milk, room temp.
egg wash: 1 egg, lightly beaten
syrup (optional : to brush on the bread right after baked, but I haven't tried this)
By mixer/hand
1. Dissolve dry yeast in lukewarm water, wait 5 - 10 mins.
2. Mix the yeast liquid with the rest of the ingredients except egg wash and syrup
3. Knead until smooth and elastic - dough supposes to be wet but not sticky.
4. Let the dough sit in a geased large bowl and cover with plastic wrap proving it for about 45 mins
5.Punch the dough to release some air, knead a few times, put back in thebowl, covered and leave it to proof again for 45 mins or double thevolume
6. Divide dough into sizes that you like and let it rest for 20mins
7. Shape the dough and put it in a greased tray
8. Cover dough and let it proof till double in size
9. Preheat the oven to 180C, brush the egg wash on top, bake for 20 - 25 mins.
10. Brush syrup when it just comes right out from the oven.
[ Last edited by nhuda at 5-9-2007 12:47 PM ] |
Sumber: Roshayati Johari (Resipi.Net)
360g tepung roti
90g tepung halus
1 camt garam halus
1 camb gula
1 camt improver
1 camt softener
3 camt yis
Gaul bahan di atas hingga sebati
250g air
10g shortening
1) Bahan yang dah digaul diuli dengan air hingga
menjadi doh licin.
2) Masukkan shortening dan uli lagi hingga doh betul2
licin dan tak melekat di tangan.
3) Bahagikan doh kepada 3 bahagian 240g each.
4) Bulatkan doh dan biarkan seketika 10 minit.
5) Canai doh kepada segiempat dan gulung doh. Biarkan
rehat 45 minit.
6) Beruskan air 2 kali pada permukaan doh. Kelar
sedikit doh dipermukaan.
7) Masukkan loyang berisi air pada bahagian bawah dan
loyang berisi doh di bahagian atas (steam bake).
8) Bakar roti selama 12 minit pada suhu 190. Keluarkan
loyang air. Terus membakar selama 10 minit lagi. |
Seeded Bread [fairyjasmine]
yeast 1-1/4 tsp (satu satu per empat)
Strong white flour 600g
sugar 1-1/2 tbsp
butter 25g (saya ganti dgn olive oil 2tbsp)
Milk powder 2 tbsp (x pakai pun xpa, kurang lemak sket, atau ganti dgn susu cair, x payah pakai susu tepung)
salt 1- 1/2 tsp
Water 400ml (saya buat, 200ml air biasa, 200ml susu)
Caraway seeds 1 -1/2 tsp
Sesame seeds 2 -1/2 tbsp
pumpkin seeds 1 -1/2 tbsp
poppy seeds 1 -1/2 tbsp
sunflower seeds 1-1/2 tbsp (kuaci bunga)
kalau x der benda2 seeds yg di atas tu, guna je apa yg ada, saya buat pun, x complete gak..all those seeds, boleh letak sekali waktu letak tepung ataupun, macam BM saya, dia akan bunyi, kita tambah halfway waktu dia tgh menguli.. |
Snail shaped rolls [Tillingtan]
utuk sarapan pagi, popular among Spanish.
Makes 16 rolls
bahan bahan
225 g white bread flour
1/2 sdu teh garam
50g gula castor
15g yeast segar
75 ml lukewarm milk
1 egg
2 tbs sunflower oil( corn oil)
50g butter, melted.
Icing sugar for dusting, if you like, serbuk kayu manis pun boleh di tambah.
1. Grease baking sheets. Sift tepung dan garam ke dalam bowl. Stir in sugar and make a well in the centre.
2. cream yeast with milk, tuangkan kecentre tepung, sprinkle a little flour over the top of the cecair. Biarkan selama 15 minit atau nampak
3. In a small bowl, beat the egg with oil. add to the flour mixture abd mix to a smooth dough.
4. Turn out on to a floured surface abd kneed selama 8 hingga 10 minit sehingga licin dan elastic. Masukkan dough ke dalam bowl yg
telah di sapu minyak dan tutup bowl dgn cling film dan biaran naik, di tempat yg ?warm? selama 1 jam atau sehingga size bertambah 2
kali ganda.
5. Turn doh on to a lightly floured surface . Knock back and divide the doh into 16 equal parts. Shape each piece into a thin rope by rolling it under your two palm until it becomes thin and longabout 38cm long. Pour melted butter in a plate and deep the ropes in to coat.
6. On the baking sheet, curl each rope into a loose spiral( macam ubat nyamuk) tuck the ends under to seal. Cover with a cling film and
leave to raise in a warm place for 45 minuted or until 2x ganda in size.
7. Preheat oven to 190 deg. C.Brush rolls with water and dust with icing sugar. Bake for 10 minuted or until golden brown. Cool on wire
rack . DUst again with icing sugar and serve warm.
ROLL BUN [maisya]
recipe by yani from myresipi.com
non butter non oil recipe. Sesuai untuk diet
Bahan-bahan ( 8 biji )
- Bahan A -
125g tepung roti -maisya guna tpg gndum biasa
2 sudu kecil dry yeast
2 1/2 sudu besar gula
50g telur - lebih kurang sebiji telur size sederhana
100ml air (40C) - yg ni maisya guna fresh milk
- Bahan B -
125g tepung roti - maisya guna tepung biasa
1/2 sudu kecil garam
telur untuk sapu - maisya guna kuning telur campur dengan susu sikit
Cara-cara ( maisya tak ikut cara-cara ni , maisya buat macam cara buat roti yg biasa je...tak perlu asing bahan A dan B )
masukkan semua bahan-bahan A ke dalam mangkuk. Kacau.
Kemudian masukkan pula bahan B. Uli sampai licin selama 10-15 minit . Kemudian rehatkan. Biarkan naik 2 kali ganda.
Tumbuk-tumbuk untuk keluarkan angin dan bahagikan kepada 8 bahagian. Buat bentuk bulat. Rehatkan selama 10 minit.
Kemudian buat jadi bentuk kon. Canaikan sepanjang lebih kurang 30-35cm dan gulung.
Bakar dalam suhu 180C selama 8 minit
No need to knead! This magical recipe gives you piping-hot yeast rolls without the work (or mess) of having to knead the dough.
Prep Time:10 min
Start to Finish:1 hr 30 min
Makes:1 dozen rolls
2 1/4 cups all-purpose or unbleached flour
2 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon salt
7g( 2 |
Ni resepi yang mak shida pi belajar
BUN KISMIS [shidaaziz]
1/2 sudu teh garam
350gm tepung roti
25gm susu tepung
1 sudu teah bread improver
80gm castor sugar
1 cawan air suam
6gm yis kering
sedikit esen pandan
20gm serbuk santan
150gm kismis
30gm butter
1. Larutkan yis dengan 1 cwn air suam & 1 sudu gula castor & serbuk santan. Biarkan hingga berbuih.
2. Masukkan adunan yis ke dalam tepung. Uli hingga menjadi lembut.
3. Masukkan butter. Uli lagi hingga sebati.
4. Akhir sekali masukkan kismis
5. Perap hingga naik 2 kali ganda.
6. Pas tu terpulang le nak buat mini bun ke atau letak dalam loaf pan ke.
7. Kendian perap lagi dalam 1/2 jam.
8. Bakar hingga masak.
* Nak taruk telur tu terpulang style masing-masing.
14g instant dry yeast
300ml warm fresh milk
600g (4 cups) bread/high protein flour - plain flour pun ok
2 tsp bread improver
1 tsp ground cinnamon
90g butter, chopped
1 cup raisin
60g caster sugar
1 egg
1/2 cup water
1/4 cup sugar
1 tsp mixed spice
Sprinkle yeast over milk. Allow to stand for 5 minutes.
Sift flour, bread improver and cinnamon together into mixing bowl. Using fingertips, rub in butter until mixture resembles breadcrumbs. Stir in raisin and sugar.
Whisk egg into milk mixture. Pour over flour mixture. Mix with wooden spoon to form soft dough. Turn onto a lightly floured board. Knead for 10 minutes or until smooth and elastic.
Place in a lightly greased bowl. Cover with cling wrap, then a tea towel. Allow to rise in a warm place until doubled in size, about 2 hours.
Preheat oven to 200C. Grease baking tray/pan.
Punch dough down to release gas. Knead for 5 minutes. Divide into 16 pieces. Knead pieces until smooth. Shape into rounds. Place together on tray/pan and cover with a tea towel. Allow to rise again in a warm place until doubled in size.
Bake for 20 minutes.
Glaze: Meanwhile, combine water, sugar and spice in a saucepan. Bring to boil on high, stirring, until sugar dissolves. Reduce heat to low. Simmer for 2 minutes, without stirring. Brush over hot buns. Let buns cool on wire rack.
[ Last edited by nhuda at 3-6-2008 07:46 AM ] |
Bahan A/
bawang besar 1/2 je
serbuk lada sulah
serbuk kari Ayam Baba's
serbuk lada Baba's
Bahan B/
telur 3-4 biji
roti la ...
sardin kecik setin
daging cincang 1/2 kilo
daun salad (optional)
Bahan C/
Kuali leper
minyak masak
1. bawang besar digilis/cincang halus dan dicampur bahan A hingga sebati..
2. pukul telur dan campurkan ke dlm bahan A tadi.
3. bukak tin sardin...keluarkan setengah aje dari tin ke dalam bekas.
4. campurkan dengan bahan A dan telur.ramuan ini hendaklah dipukul hancur.Pastikan ikan sardin tu hancur.Masukkan garam secukup rasa.Masukkan daging cincang.Kacau ramuan ini hingga sebati.
5. Panaskan minyak di dalam kuali leper.Belah roti menjadi 2,sapukan marjerin/mentega.
6. bila minyak dah cukup panas,tuangkan ramuan berempah ke dalam kuali..tungu 7-10 saat dan tekapkan roti ke atas ramuan ini.Masak hingga garing.
7. Then sapukan mayonis dan sos cili.Letakkan potongan timun/daun salad.Sayur lain2 pon boleh..Then hidang lah... |
Jam french toast triangle [RasaCinta]
1/4 cup jam,any flavor
6 keping roti sandwich
4 biji telur,pukul rata (wa pakai 2 biji jek..then substitute skimmed milk)
2 tbsp margarine
1/4 ts serbuk kayu manis
1. Sapu jam pada 3 keping roti;top with remaining bread slices,(cam buat sandwich.. )
2. Potong setengah diagonally.ambil mangkuk,masukkan telur dgn serbuk kayu manis..
3. Celup sandwich,pastikan coat betul2.sebelum tu panaskan margarine.masak sampai golden brown on both sides.. wallaa!! |
Roti Pita ala McDonald [Baiduri Othman]
Senang je. Mula2 saya campur tepung dgn sedikit garam, susu masam & air. Lepas tu gaul hingga jadi dough. Biarkan seketika. Ni roti pita saya lah. Kalau roti pita betul guna yeast. Nanti saya resipi kat sini.
Utk intinya pulak
Lettuce dihiris
Tomato dihiris
Cheese & sos cili
Kebab buatan sendiri (Daging cincang campur dgn bawang besar+halia+bawang putih+pepper+garam+telur. Lepas tu bulat2kan atas non-stick pan yg dah disapu dgn sedikit minyak)
Adunan roti pulak dicanai ikut saiz yg kita suka. Saya memang canai nipis2. Lepas tu baru masak dlm non-stick pan ttp tak guna minyak. Balik2kan. Buatlah hingga beberapa keping ikut berapa org kita nak jamu.
Bila dah masak sapu roti pita dgn mayonaise. Then simpan lettuce, hirisan tomato, kebab & cheese. Last sekali baru bubuh sos cili or sos tomato. Lepas tu lipat dua mcm yg dlm iklan tu. Memang yummy yummy yummy....... Lagi yummy kalau ada Coke campur dgn ice-cream vanilla. |
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Source :http:// allrecipes.com/
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup shortening
1/2 cup water
In a large bowl, combine flour and salt. Cut in shortening until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Stir in water until mixture forms a ball. Divide dough in half, and shape into balls. Wrap in plastic, and refrigerate for 4 hours or overnight.
Roll out dough on a floured counter. Don't over work it. Use as directed in pie recipe.
Banana Pie -buat a few days ago...
1 cup double cream/whipping cream
1/2 cup caster sugar
2 ripe banana
belgian cooking chocolate - agak2 ler, 3/4 bar tu ke..
2 tbs butter
Prepare the pie crust. Bake for 8-10 minutes.Let cool.
Melt cooking chocolate and butter in a microwave for 90 seconds (stir every 30 seconds)
Pour chocolate into pie crust.
Potong banana into small slices and letak atas chocolate tadi.
Beat whipping cream and sugar.
Pour cream atas potongan pisang tadi.
Letak dlm fridge for at least 1 hour. |
Versi 1 [terrortension]
tepung gandum
susu kotak (fresh milk/low fat milk..semua pun boleh)
esen vanilla
soda bikarbonat
garam sikit
cara-cara dia:
1.cairkan butter
2.pukul butter dan telur sampai sebati....dlm 2-3 minit...
3.masukkan tepung gandum, esen vanilla, soda dan garam
4.masukkan susu
5.kacau sampai sebati. pastu pukul sikit sampai nampak gelombang gelombang udara kat adunan tu..
6.make sure tak terlalu pekat dan tak terlalu cair
7.adunan pekat akan dpt waffle yg tebal dan kurang rangup. terpulang pd selera masing-masing.
8.letak atas waffle maker.biasanya satu senduk dah memadai, depends pd saiz maker tu.
Selamat mencuba ye...
p/s: sukatan agak2 la, kalau ramai tukang makan....bertambah la segala bahan-bahan..saya takde sukatan yg tetap.tp butter tu selalu saya guna 1/4 dr size sebuku butter tu..telur 2 biji..yg lain2 tu adjust2 la...
Versi 2 [masarju]
3 biji telur
3 cwan tepung(ayak)
11/2 cawan gula
11/4 butter/majerin
21/2 cawan susu
1-2camt baking powder
sedikit garam
Campurkan semua bahan dlm blender.
Panaskan waffle maker & sendukkan adunan tadi.
Serve with syrup or ice cream
Versi 3 [millya_z]
125gm butter (cairkan)
1.5 cawan tepung naik sendiri
0.5 cawan tepung gandum
0.25 cawan gula
1.25 cawan susu
2 biji telur saiz sederhana (asingkan kuning)
Esen vanila (optional)
secubit garam
1. Ayak tepung dan garam
2. Pukul telur putih dengan separuh dari gula
3. Bekas lain, pukul telur kuning dengan separuh lagi gula
4. Masukkan sedkit demi sedikit adunan tepung ke adunan kuning telur tadi, diselang seli dengan susu. Kemudian masukkan butter.
5. Campurkan adunan tadi dengan telur putih tadi.
6. Masukkan esen vanilla.
7. Campurkan sampai sebati (guna mixer)
8. Panaskan waffle maker. Masukkan satu senduk... tutup... bila dah kuning emas... boleh la keluarkan dan makan dengan maple syrup atau aiskrim.
Versi 4 [chempaka_ku]
Source : http://www.recipetrove.com/
2 Eggs
2 Tablespoons Sugar
1 Teaspoon Salt
1/2 Cup Oil
1 Package Active Dry Yeast
1/2 Cup Warm Water
2 Cups Milk
3 Cups Flour
Dissolve yeast in 1/2 cup warm water....chemp gunakan air biasa
Scald milk and cool.
In a large mixing bowl, beat eggs well, then add other ingredients.
Stirring until mixture is blended. Then beat until the batter is smooth.
The batter may be stored in a large fruit juice container so that it does
not rise over the top.
This will keep in refrigerator for a long time.
Versi 5 [chempaka_ku]
Source : http://www.bedandbreakfast.com/
ROTI BERLAUK (Murtabak) NENEK [HangLyPoh]
Bahan-bahan : anggaran 4 keping
3 cawan Tepung gandum
Air suam + garam
1 cawan Minyak masak (letakkan dalam bekas)
Cara :-
Uli tepung dgn masukkan air suam sedikit demi sedikit macam nak buat roti canai tu..
Bila dah sebati, buat bulat2 dan masukkan tepung tu dalam bekas minyak dan biarkan sekejap..( minyak untuk elakkan tepung bulat-buat tu melekat)
Bahan inti:-
100 gram udang kering (rendam dan tumbuk halus)
2 sb miyak masak
3 sb jintan manis } (buh air suam sikit jadikan pes)
1 sudu kecil lada sulah }
2 labu bawang besar di potong dadu
1 labu bawang besar potong bulat ( optional)
5 biji telur ( pukul cam nak wat telur dadar tu)
Panaskan minyak, masukkan udang kering dan biarkan garing
masukkan pes dan kacau sampai garing
masukkan bawang besar dadu
last sekali masukkan telur dan masak sikit sampai kering..
Cara nak buh inti kat tepung tadi:-
canaikan tepung di atas dulang dan tarik-tarik sikit tepung tu dan masukkan inti kat tengah-tengahnya dan tabur bawang besar yg dimayang tadi.Lipatkan dan bentuk cam murtabak sebelum di goreng ngan api yang kecil.(Jangan lupa panaskan ngan minyak sapi sikit kuali tu ye..)
Kuah dia plak
3 sudu air asam jawa
2 st gula
2 sb cili pes @ cili kering yg diblender tu
masak sume diatas sampai gula tu hancur..dan sedia utk dimakan ngan roti berlauk diatas. |
Source : Resepidotnet
anggantan untuk 6 keping
Bahan-bahannya :
10 biji telur ayam
6 senduk daging hancur yang digoreng tanpa minyak
6 senduk bawang besar yang dipotong dadu dan digoreng dengan magjerin, serbuk kunyit, bunga cengkih, bunga lawang ditumbuk halus
1 senduk daun bawang, daun sadri dan cili
4 sudu gula
10 renjisan kicap
Sedikit serbuk perasa
Rempah ratus (campuran daripada 14 jenis ramuan spt jintan manis, jintan putih, bunga lawang, biji pelaga dan lain-lain |
Basic Bread Recipe [celebrity]
Sumber : Jamie Oliver
30g/1oz fresh yeast or 3 x 7g sachets dried yeast
30g/1oz honey (or sugar)
625ml/just over 1 pint tepid water
1kg/just over 2lb strong bread flour
30g/1oz salt
Some extra flour for dusting
Who can resist the taste and smell of freshly cooked bread?!
Stage 1
Dissolve the yeast and honey (or sugar) in half the tepid water.
Stage 2
On a clean surface or in a large bowl, make a pile of the flour and salt. Make a well in the centre and pour in all the dissolved yeast mixture. With 4 fingers of one hand, make circular movements from the centre moving outwards, slowly bringing in more and more of the flour until all the yeast mixture is soaked up. Then pour the other half of the tepid water into the centre and gradually incorporate all the flour to make a moist dough. (Certain flours may need a little more water, so don't be afraid to adjust the quantities.)
Stage 3
Kneading! This is the best bit, just rolling, pushing and folding the dough over and over for 5 minutes. This develops the gluten and the structure of the dough. If any of the dough sticks to your hands, just rub them together with a little extra flour.
Stage 4
Flour both your hands well, and lightly flour the top of the dough. Make it into a roundish shape and place on a baking tray. Deeply score the dough with a knife - allowing it to relax and prove with ease. Leave it to prove until it's doubled in size. Ideally you want a warm, moist, draught-free place for the quickest prove, for example near a warm cooker, in the airing cupboard or just in a warmish room, and you can even cover it with clingfilm if you want to speed things up. This proving process improves the flavour and texture of the dough and should take around 40 minutes, depending on the conditions.
Stage 5
When the dough has doubled in size you need to knock the air out of it by bashing it around for a minute. Now you can shape it into whatever shape is required - round, flat, filled, trayed up, tinned up or whatever - and leave it to prove for a second time until it doubles in size again. The important thing is not to lose your confidence now. Don't feel a need to rush through this, because the second proving time will give you the lovely, delicate soft texture that we all love in fresh bread.
Stage 6
Now it's time to cook your loaf. After all your hard work, don't spoil your efforts. You want to keep all the air inside the loaf, so dont knock it. Gently place it in the preheated oven, don't slam the door. Bake according to the time and temperature given in the recipe variations which follow. You can tell if your bread is cooked by tapping its bottom (if it's in a tin you'll have to take it out). If it sounds hollow it's cooked, if it doesn't then pop it back in for a little longer. Place it on a rack to cool. You're going to love this bread!
Banana and Honey Bread [celebrity]
Sumber : Jamie Oliver
1 x basic bread recipe
6 bananas
8 tablespoons good, runny honey
optional: 1 handful of almonds, cracked or chopped
This is sticky, gooey and gorgeous - all at the same time!
First of all, peel your bananas then puree them in a liquidizer or food processor. The mix will be surprisingly wet. Pour it into a measuring jug, then top up with water until you have 625ml or just over 1 pint. At Stage 1 of the basic bread recipe, use this banana liquid instead of the water to flavour your bread and make it nice and chewy. Also add half the honey with the nuts to the dough at this point. Then continue through the basic recipe as normal.
At Stage 5 divide the dough into 10 balls. Then pack these next to each other in a flour-dusted baking tin where they will prove together. Before putting in the oven drizzle generously with the rest of the honey so that the top of the bread will caramelize, going nice and golden. Bake in your preheated oven at 190?/ 375?/gas 5 for 20 minutes. Allow to cool for a little while, but it's best served still warm with lots of butter and a glass of milk for breakfast while you read the paper. Also fantastic used in bread and butter pudding or simply heated up with a bit of ice cream.
Banana And Blueberry French Toast [celebrity]
Sumber : Jamie Oliver
Serves 1
Feel free to vary the fruit that you use. My missus likes strawberries and bananas, while my daughter Poppy likes banana with blackberries and blueberries.
This is the kind of sandwich that can be eaten for breakfast or even for dessert.
All you do is get two slices of nice medium-cut white bread and butter them thinly on both sides. Toss your fruit combination in a little honey or sugar just to sweeten it a bit. A little mashed banana holds it all together quite nicely. Beat a couple of eggs up in a bowl with a couple of tablespoons of caster sugar, then dip both slices of bread in the sweet egg mixture so it is egged on both sides. Let the excess drip off then smear the fruit mixture on one slice, leaving a slight space around the edges of the bread. Put the other slice on top and press down. The egg will help the fruit to stick.
Fry in a little butter in a medium hot pan on both sides, pushing down so that the fruit is pressed into the bread. Once the bread is golden and slightly crisp, dust with icing sugar and serve with a dollop of creme fraiche and any remaining fruit mixture spooned over. |
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Category: Makanan & Resipi