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Author: jpl_fan

Real Madrid 0 vs 2 barcelona-viva ramos.....

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 Author| Post time 14-8-2008 03:52 AM | Show all posts
posting ko kat thread siapakah pemain terbaik dunie...

well....walaupun dengan segala kekecohan, ronaldo was by far the bestperformer of last season...not to say that he was the best, but nobodyplayed better than him last season. ronaldinho hancus trus, kakaxperform, messi injured, henry was played out of position, tottiinjured, ibrahimovic didnt really perform, no one in real madriddeserved a mention. the only ones dat came close to challenging ronaldois cesc fabregas n fernando torres coz they performed in the league nalso internationally. lain tarak...

then aku reply

ker casillas..undeniable performance kat la liga...and euro...pilihan aku mng ballon d'or

cik carrie..ramos tak leh masuk dlm list...dia laa plg bnyk yg dpt cardkat real...kat real season lps performance pepe lg bagus dr ramos

sneijder..performance dia kat la liga..jap on jap off

then ko reply posting aku....

casillas....cane leh akulupe pasal die ni....die pun leh menang gak...actually, i think he wasthe one who won the league for real madrid...last season madrid xdeexceptional outfield performer... sneijder, raul n robinho was good,but not brilliant like casillas..n with the euro success (captain lagigitew), he cud well beat ronaldo..

aku tak phm skrg...ko ngaku ko tgk game real and also game getafe pun ko ko leh plak lupa pasal casillas...

tp aku respect woo ngan ko...aku pun tak layan semua game ko layan gak club rekreasi ko layan tak

[ Last edited by  jpl_fan at 14-8-2008 03:53 AM ]

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Post time 14-8-2008 03:54 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by jpl_fan at 14-8-2008 03:52 AM
posting ko kat thread siapakah pemain terbaik dunie...

well....walaupun dengan segala kekecohan, ronaldo was by far the bestperformer of last season...not to say that he was the best, but no ...

recreativo helluva second fevret tim in la liga

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 Author| Post time 14-8-2008 03:57 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1162 carrie_connie's post

wei..sevilla aper citer

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Post time 14-8-2008 05:12 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1161 jpl_fan's post

hey, nobody's perfect....manusia mudah lupa...aku mudah lupa...

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Post time 14-8-2008 05:44 AM | Show all posts
[quote]Originally posted by jpl_fan at 14-8-2008 03:15
ko nie kan lawak...cara ko ckp tuu mcm perez nak kat baptista sebab wenger nak
aku tak denied yg arsenal ader offer dia pernah decide taknak join arsenal and keep on main kat sevilla kan? and the next seasonbaru real and arsenal and real sama2 offer...and it is not real faultkalo player tuu nak join real

nie bukti dia....

His form attracted the attention of several big name clubs but despiteinterest from English giants Arsenal, Baptista remained at Sevilla forthe following season in which he once more showed his worth registered25 goals in all competitions.[2].

then pasal robinho tuu...ko bace nie....

His form had brought him to the attention of many European clubs in thesummer of 2004, but Robinho remained with Santos after the Brazilianclub rejected all offers.Finally in July 2005 Spanish giants RealMadrid signed Robinho by agreeing to pay 60 percent of the buyoutclause in his contract belonging to Santos (

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Post time 14-8-2008 05:59 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by jpl_fan at 14-8-2008 03:35

wakakakakaka...tlg ler wei...alasan ko pakai why carlos tak sign contract sebab kena boo
kena boo tuu biasa wei....even raul pun pernah kena boo
i follow real for 10 years and i know character carlos camner....kotanyer laa peminat real maner2 pun...mesti diorang gelakkan alasan kotuu....dia tak nak sambung sebab kena boo....

aku dah bg alasan naper carlos resign...kalo ko nak bukti...aku leh carikan...

pasal zidane tuu..pesal ader question mark
adakah dia hancur kat position tuu
the whole world tau baper bnyk award dia pernah mng ngan real and baperkali dia mng best world player by playing in that role...and who canforget his volley yg org assume the best goal until now

a real madrid fan might laugh about his reason. but others who understands football will agree with me. a true player plays becoz its their dream to become a footballer, to win things, to be loved by fans especially. but when d fans hate u, what do u do? u try n perform better. but if they still disregard u, what happiness can u get? how do u feel if somebody booed at u for all ur hard work? only idiots disgrace other people.

im not saying zidane hancus bile main kat citu...a great player can influence d game from anywhere...what im saying is, he's a playmaker,a midfielder. meaning dat his best position is in d middle of d park..there he can truly show his full playing somebody out of position, u hinder a part of his play. dats why henry didnt perform last season for barca, coz he was deployed on d left..pastu leh lak orang xpuas ati die xscore...sian...about zidane, im just giving an obvious example, jangan la amik bulat2... u really like to take things materially i see...just understand d gist of what im saying ok? orait...

p/s: datang la thread arsenal...di sana kami komplen pasal team sniri n menerima kritikan pasukan lain, esp shadow_chaser...ngahahaha....

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Post time 14-8-2008 08:17 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by moist at 14-8-2008 02:42 AM

aku tengok game real..bukan real je, getafe vs osasuna pun aku nengok...

about ur 2nd paragraph, dis clearly shows dat u are only thinking inside real madrid only... u dun see d progress o ...


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Post time 14-8-2008 10:21 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by moist at 14-8-2008 05:44 AM

thanks...i try to be funny, coz girls like funny guys....hehehehe...

but first of all, dun take what u read from wikipedia as a whole...wikipedia's article are made by many people, dah cam ...

anyway, big clubs neh xde la yg baik sgt bile nk beli players.mesti ade yg canang2. tok alek did that with his long ungodly flirtation eith owen hargreaves. so does hargreaves who just cant seem to shut his mouth back then.

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Post time 14-8-2008 10:30 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by moist at 14-8-2008 05:59 AM

a real madrid fan might laugh about his reason. but others who understands football will agree with me. a true player plays becoz its their dream to become a footballer, to win things, to be  ...

paragraph 1st tue ko ckp in general or refer to real madrid's fans ONLY??kalo camtue, i guess quarter half of stretford ends are bunch of gimps who are "idiots" sbb waktu MKK balik WC, derang boo dier x hengat.
& imo,footballers,someone of that credibility like roberto carlos, someone whom have had that amount of success (3CL), sometimes its just their time to leave. aku x rasa fans's boos & jeers has anything to do with that. sure it affects him, but we're talking about a world class player, probably one of the best in his position, an absolute professional.

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Post time 14-8-2008 10:33 AM | Show all posts
gila ah benang nih...dah buat study case...siap dah jd mcm kajian ilmiah la pulak...huhu...

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 Author| Post time 14-8-2008 11:02 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1164 moist's post

ko layan game real..and ko leh lupa...impossible kalo ko ckp ko lupa

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 Author| Post time 14-8-2008 11:20 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1165 moist's post

wei...sblm nasri join arsenal ..mmg org dah kecoh yg arsenal buat offer kat dont tell me that arsenal never publicized their it a problem kalo club tuu kecoh nak certain player..even manyoo pun kecoh diorang nak barbatov...barca nak silva and so on....pasal media tuuu..without this media kter takkan tau satu biter at the some point we have to believe with this media...and a lot of news yg dibawa media was true...aku tak tau pendapat ko...but aku always refer to wikipedia for everything ...tak kisah laa for asgmnt or any other thing..and sampai skrg leh dipakai......

ko nak tau pasal fees walcott sila rajin2 browse...aku ader jumpa...anyway pun some sort of media...and pasal r.carlos tuu ader interview dia kat real and even kat website dia sendiri...he's professional player...i strongly disagree yg ko ckp dia tak nak sambung contract sebab kena boo...ko gi group real madrid kat friendster...or any other website..ko tanyer laa maner2 peminat real..even cik carrie pun leh tau

raul...guti is not more a key player...anyway ko tgk tak game real vs frankfurt...baper kalii dia ckp guti is a key player....kalo ko tgk statistic game real..ko leh nampak almost game2 yg real mng biler guti perform....and dia laa most assist player kat la liga last season...and now ko ckp guti is not more key player.....

anyway ko tak pernah pasan ker yg aku pun pernah kutuk team sendiri...kutuk player sendiri..kutuk coach...kutuk dont assume yg aku tak pernah komplen team sendiri.....aku kutuk biler perlu and kalo ader benda btl...even aku ader bg review aku sendiri game real vs frankfurt tuuu..aku kutuk forward..

p/s: from d way u write/answer, im starting to believe ur a girl...ur a girl right?<----what are u trying to say..can u explain to me...

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Post time 14-8-2008 11:26 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1163 jpl_fan's post

moist = gurl ??  i dunt think so ..

"thanks...i try to be funny, coz girls like funny guys...."

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 Author| Post time 14-8-2008 11:37 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1173 katana83's post

ko nie kan...aku quote ayat dia laa tu...

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Post time 14-8-2008 11:51 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1174 jpl_fan's post

tak abih lagi ke???

carik pasal ngan moist pulak ke

kamon la ecah, give it a rest before things end up like you and "you know who"

for once please accept other people's point of view

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Post time 14-8-2008 11:59 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1169 carrie_connie's post

im talking in general....good point there..

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 Author| Post time 14-8-2008 12:00 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1175 ShadowChaser's post

ler aku plak yg cari pasal ker

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Post time 14-8-2008 12:01 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1166 ShadowChaser's post

its okay shadow... aku pun terhibur dgn posting berilmiah cm ni...
as far i can see.. posting moist mmg superb.. no wonder aku pernah compare dia ngan shebby singh..

ecah pula.. knowledge dia (about real) mmg tgi.. almaklumlah dh 10 tahun follow(sejak 15?) .. ye tak??

bak kata rais yatim.. its win-win situation ..



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Post time 14-8-2008 12:14 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ShadowChaser at 14-8-2008 11:51 AM
tak abih lagi ke???

carik pasal ngan moist pulak ke

kamon la ecah, give it a rest before things end up like you and "you know who"

for once please accept other people's point of view

tukar2 pendapat pon leh kire cr pasal ke?

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 Author| Post time 14-8-2008 12:21 PM | Show all posts
oittttt kameng

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