Tempah Accomodation: Agoda, Booking.com etc
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kalau tak de cc, payah sikit sebab kena masuk kan no cc juga kalau book dgn booking.com, dan kalu ...
bayumentari Post at 27-3-2012 21:50 
bayumentari...........lama tak nampak? apa khabar?kdg2 suka booking dgn agoda sbb kita tak payah bayar apa2 bila sampai hotel nnt. semuanya dh bayar thru cc.
booking.com pulak CC just for guarentee. sampai hotel baru bayar. klu dlm Malaysia tak pe....duit kita. tp klu luar negara, ikut matawang negara yg kita pegi. klu masa tukar kita dpt rate cantik, sampai sana rate tinggi sikit dr kita.........kira masih untung sbb sbb kita dh dpt xtra masa tukar di Malaysia ni. yang tak bestnya...........kacau budget shopping |
Reply 100# bayumentari
bayar terus tu mcm mana?by online banking ke?minta maaf la yer, sy ni br tau ada bnda2 gini |
Reply bayumentari
bayar terus tu mcm mana?by online banking ke?minta maaf la yer, sy ni br tau ...
mssuci Post at 27-3-2012 22:02 
cuba baca post Dee kat atas tu..., itu lah maksudnya..., kalau guna internet, memang semua kena guna cc..., apply lah, penting utk online transaction.... |
bayumentari...........lama tak nampak? apa khabar?kdg2 suka booking dgn agoda sbb kita tak payah ...
dee556 Post at 27-3-2012 22:01 
Hai Dee..., sihat... Dee apa kabar ? selalu nampak Dee kat thread AA..., tp sy byk silent reader je...  |
hurm....first time book kat agoda, ingat kan dia charge cc masa check in....rupa nye automatik terus charge....bila baca kat sini baru lah tau psl agoda ni cam ner
ari tu sesaje book tanpa membaca details kat forum nih adoi bertambah lg lah outstading cc nampak nye huhuhuhu |
kalau saya.... sy prefer dengan booking.com berbanding agoda.com... sepanjang pengalaman saya..booking.com tak ada kenakan extra charge... agoda.com wlaupun dalam negara dia kenakan 10% service charge... kalau tak nak guna CC kat sana... boleh ajer bayar cash .. tapi kena spare extra cash dari malaysia ler.... tapi kadang2 terpulang pada hotel tu sendiri.. ada yg once confirm booking terus tolak jer kita punya CC...tapi ada juga hotel yg nak kita bayar bila check-in. Last month saya buat booking online guna easytobook.com utk 2 hotel kat London... 1 hotel cuma mintak butir2 CC jer utk verification & bayar masa check in & 1 lagi pulak once confirm jer terus dah caj CC saya....  |
Reply bayumentari
bayar terus tu mcm mana?by online banking ke?minta maaf la yer, sy ni br tau ...
mssuci Post at 27-3-2012 22:02 
awak kena bagi butir2 Credit Card... dia akan caj terus Credit Card awak... |
if xde credit card or debit card?
mcm mana? |
Hai Dee..., sihat... Dee apa kabar ? selalu nampak Dee kat thread AA..., tp sy byk silent ...
bayumentari Post at 27-3-2012 22:08 
heh hehe heheee............ silet reader pun lebih 1600 jugak posting awak....  |
if xde credit card or debit card?
mcm mana?
nuhanis Post at 3-4-2012 11:14 
kebanyakan ATM card skang adalah debit card.... macam maybank...... kalau nak senang, apply BIG card (www.tune2big.com.my)..... top up2 je duit kat dalam.... at least ada satu utk kegunaan tempah hotel online dsb.......... |
Reply 107# twins
saya guna debit card..alhamdulilah bole |
skrg klu atm card baru kan ade no kad yg panjang cam kedit card kan..pas tuh ade CCV noi kat belakang...expired date pon ade..so boleh la digunakan untuk booking di internet ngan ATM kad ) |
ooooh..tq2 kat yg menjawab soklan saya... |
Salam, nk tanya if cancel booking hotel guna qgoda ni, refund dia x dpt full? Brp byk dia potong? Sy byr guna paypal hr tu |
Salam, nk tanya if cancel booking hotel guna qgoda ni, refund dia x dpt full? Brp byk dia potong? Sy ...
marufie Post at 5-4-2012 08:43 
Salam. Kena tgk balik kat invoice tu. Masa book, Agoda ada mention, either hotel tu kalau kita cancel boleh 100% refund atau tak. Tak semua hotel boleh refund. Sy tak pernah cancel, cuma amend date tu ada. So far, experience dgn Agoda takde problem. Diorang cepat jugak response. |
Reply 114# azlita77
hmmm dh dpt jwpn pun dr agoda
With reference to your booking ID 16366136 as detailed below:Hotel: KK Stays @ Marina Court Resort Condominium
Room Type: 3 Bedroom City View
City/Country: Kota Kinabalu/Malaysia
Arrival: November 24, 2012
Departure: November 27, 2012
Thisbooking is Non-Refundable and cannot be amended or modified. Failure toarrive at your hotel will be treated as a No-Show and no refund will begiven (Hotel policy)
Please note that the booking is notable to be cancelled or amended as per hotel's policy or there will bea full period penalty charge. Please note that we keep the booking asoriginal.
I hope my service towards you issue was satisfactory.Regards,
Agoda Customer Support Specialist
so moral of the story sblm book kena tgk betui2 policy nye hihihi....(nasihat utk diri sendiri kikiki) |
aku nak tnye..selain dari hostelbooker, kat mana lagi yg tawarkan just perlu byr duit deposit jer??  |
Salam. Kena tgk balik kat invoice tu. Masa book, Agoda ada mention, either hotel tu kalau kita ...
sahmura7 Post at 5-4-2012 08:59 
Dia reply refund in 19 days aft deducting processing fee. How much itu ya. |
Dia reply refund in 19 days aft deducting processing fee. How much itu ya.
marufie Post at 5-4-2012 11:00 
Bulan lepas saya buat booking pakai Agoda.com. Setelah confirm semua x sampai 10 minit, Agoda kirim invoice.
Baru perasan takde breakfast... Terus click Cancel button. Dapat confirmation dari Agoda.com kalau booking kita dah dibatalkan...
Kenyataannya, saya tetap kena charge untuk booking tersebut. Dalam statement CC saya, diorang caj CC saya 2 hari setelah saya buat booking tuh.
Saya call office diorang @ London setelah dapat CC statement. Diorang kata x leh nak cancel sbb syaratnya memang Non-Refundable... Segala non lah semuanya...
Mau x mau, kena bayar juga le...
Sebaiknya kalau mau cancel, telefon issuing bank kita. That's the best and safest! |
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