SILENCE ~ Borak2 psl Vic Zhou & Park Eun Hye
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Reply #1257 azwa85's post
kalo kt utube epi 14....kalo kt tv ko tunggu jer ler....konpem kene cut...  |
Reply #1261 moondance's post
yup memang kena cutnyer. sib baik tgk kat youtube hehehe |
Reply #1261 moondance's post
moon...harap tak masin mulut ko.... harap x kena fotong la part tu..huhuhu.. |
moon pesal ko tak angkat tepon ko. aku tepon tadi... |
youtube ada problem ke sekarang ni. tengah2 excited tiba2 stop. hampeh betul. |
kalo dah sure kena potong... amik je lah caps letak sini
sian kat org2 yang tak leh tengok....
termasuk aku.... |
Reply #1266 lemontea's post
lupa pulak aku nak cari kasut cam gitu tadi...
alih2 tengok kasut kaler itam...
rasanya kat vincci ada kasut cam tu...
memang cantik lah kasut tu
berkenan betul aku...
kena cari niii |
Originally posted by lemontea at 26-1-2007 03:52 PM
moon...harap tak masin mulut ko.... harap x kena fotong la part tu..huhuhu..
aku ni x nyer per... takot ko putus harapan jer....baik aku bgtau awal2...wakkaka..  |
Reply #1268 EXLESSIA's post
Originally posted by lemontea at 26-1-2007 03:52 PM
moon...harap tak masin mulut ko.... harap x kena fotong la part tu..huhuhu..
ala ko ni... mcm xpaham lak... mana leh tunjuk part tu.... nnt dak kecik itut.... |
Originally posted by <i>miss_mulan77</i> at 26-1-2007 03:26 PM<br />
hehee.. ganaz tapi lembut...<img src="images/smilies/titter.gif" smilieid="86" border="0" alt="" /> <br />
kirenyer vic ni dh pande comolotla yer...dulu2 mase citer MG comolot letak bibir je.....alahai......xdpt le aku tgk...8tv kompem potong nyer.... |
Reply #1272 azwa85's post
ellemek... tapi budak besar nak ikut... |

[ Last edited by airahthislove at 26-1-2007 05:02 PM ] |
kenapalah 18 part c dan d dapat tengok utk 1 minit aje. youtube hampeh. |
Reply #1275 moondance's post
:malu: Cite ni kene nonton sorang2 baru leh menghayatinyer....

credit the name on the gif |
:ketuk: page hilanglah pulak |
Originally posted by <i>moondance</i> at 26-1-2007 04:55 PM<br />
ko tgk x mars??...kalo ko penah tgk...rasa nyer xder ler ko heran die reti comolot....die ciom dlm citer mars...ganas gila....cam org bernafsu.....wkakakak...<img src="images/smilies/titter.gif" smilieid="86" border="0" alt="" /> <img src="images/smilies/lol.gif" smilieid="88" border="0" alt="" /> <br />
cam nk di makan Da S tu... ... <br />
x penah tgk citer mars tuh.....melepas la aku....ok ker citer tuh....citer mars ni bbaloi ker bt koleksi....????byk ke saat2 manis die org b2.... |
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