SILENCE ~ Borak2 psl Vic Zhou & Park Eun Hye
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Ape pon ZaiZai tetap encem

credit:vicshi |

Teringat mase dia jd LienSheng dlm cite Dae Jang Geum....;) |
Wokey nak off dolu....
Slamat menonton Silence kul 7 nanti.....

credit:manchie |
Originally posted by <i>airahthislove</i> at 26-1-2007 05:15 PM<br />
<img src="http://tinypic.com/e1ahoh.jpg" border="0" onload="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.style.cursor='hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {window.open('http://tinypic.com/e1ahoh.jpg');}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);" alt="" /><br />
credit:freakazoid<br />
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Teringat mase dia jd LienSheng dlm cite Dae Jang Geum....<img src="images/smilies/wink.gif" smilieid="4" border="0" alt="" /> <br />
yo lah...bru malam td terperasan Shen2 tu ader blakon citer Cang Jin tuh......maser tuhcomei tui die..... |
ape yg aku post nih.....seme!!!!!slamat mnatap Zai2 mlm nih...zai zai wo ai ni!!!!!! |
Reply #1283 moondance's post
wohhh...aku pun nak wat collection.....maklumler.....memula dalam MG dulu cinta kat vic pastu tengok jerry minat kat dia pulak...biler dah ada citer nie minat balik kat vic....so, citer mars aku nak beli ler......hehe.... sebab dah angau ngan muka dia tur....cute nyer.......senyum tur yang wat aku cair.... |
hehehe citer mars aku tgk kat youtube jer.. rambut tuh bukan rambut betul dia kan? rambut sambung |
Reply #1248 isabel's post
gamba tu masa vic dah accident ke blom? sbbnya shikin baca vic mula sedar yg dia sygkan barbie waktu dia accident, sebelum dia shooting silence maknanya dah lepas mars la tu gaknya...:hmm:
press conferences silence : talking bout kissing scene
:dia: tekan saya
[ Last edited by ash_ikin at 26-1-2007 10:02 PM ] |
ada tak sesiapa tahu selain youtube kat mana boleh tengok cerita ni. zety bengang betullah hari ni tengok cerita ni start dari episod 17 asyik ada problem memanjang. sekejap dapat tengok penuh sekejap dapat tengok separuh adakala tu baru je start terus stop. la ni zety tengok episod 19 part 6 dapat sampai minit ke 4 dan episod 19 part 7 dapat tengok tak sampai 3 minit terus stop.  |
saja kira2 :
26/1 - eps5/6
29/1 - eps6/7
30/1 - eps7/8
31/1 - eps8/9
1/2 - eps9/10
2/2 - eps10/11
5/2 - eps11/12
6/2 - eps12/13
7/2 - eps13/14
8/2 - eps14/15
9/2 - eps15/16
12/2 - eps16/17
13/2 - eps17/18
14/2 - eps18/19
15/2 - eps19
so, anggaran cerita ni abis mungkin jatuh pada 14/15 FEB 2007.
@zety : buat masa ni utube je yg provide cite silence. cara lain ialah download.
[ Last edited by ash_ikin at 26-1-2007 11:59 PM ] |
Reply #1294 ash_ikin's post
nak donlot mendolot ni yang tak reti2 lagi ni.  |
once again...
let's sing along with Zaizai...wo men ai ni
By : Zhou Yu Min
Wo Zhong zhi yi ge ren zou
I抦 always walking alone
Xin li Que chong man kong dong
My heart is full of emptiness
Yong tai duo jie kou
I抳e used so many excuses
Lai mi bu ji mo
To hide my loneliness
Que wu fa Zhao hui zi you
But I still can抰 regain my freedom
Ai ceng jing ca shen er guo
Love has passed by me before
Xi huan Zai ji yi li ting liu
Fondness remains in my memory
Xi guan sou xun ni de
I抦 in a habit of searching for you
Zhi yao ni jiu zu gou
I抦 contended to be just with you
Yuan lai wo men yi zhi cuen zai na
It turns out that we always remain in
Zui mei de shi hou
The most beautiful moment
Ni shu xi de wen rou
Your most familiar gentleness
Cong bu ceng li kai wo
Has never left me
Zai wo yan li Kan dao shen me
What I see with my eyes
Quan bu dou shi ni de xiao rong
Are all your smiles
Wo zhong yu ming bai
I finally realise
Ni yi ding hui shi wo xing fu de zhi zhuo
You must be my destiny
Zhe yi ci
This time
Wo bu hui fang shou
I will never let you go
Ai ceng jing ca shen er guo
Love has passed by me before
Xi huan Zai ji yi li ting liu
Fondness remains in my memory
Xi guan sou xun ni de
I抦 in a habit of searching for you
Zhi yao ni jiu zu gou
I抦 contended to be just with you
Yuan lai wo men yi zhi cuen zai na
It turns out that we always remain in
Zui mei de shi hou
The most beautiful moment
NI shu xi de wen rou
Your most familiar gentleness
Cong mei you li kai wo
Has never left me
Zai wo yan li Kan dao shen me
What I see with my eyes
Quan bu dou shi ni de xiao rong
Are all your smiles
Wo zhong yu zhi dao
I finally realise
Ni yi ding jiu shi wo xing fu de zhi zhuo
You must be my destiny
Zhe yi ci
This time
Wo bu hui fang shou
I will never let you go
Gan jue bu ceng bian guo
My feelings for you has never changed
Shi jian bu zai zhuan dong
Time has stopped
Zhi wei lei ni he wo
For you and me
Ni shu xi de wen rou
Your familiar gentleness
Cong bu ceng li kai wo
Has never left me
Zai ni xin li Kan dao yong you
Deep in your heart you still possess me
Ni ye yi zhi zai deng zhi wo
And you抮e still waiting for me
Zai duo de yu yan Ye hen nan qu biao da zhe yi fen cheng nuo
No words can ever express our promise
Wo bu hui fang shou
I抣l not let you go
Wo yao yong gan de
I will with all my heart
Ai zhe ni |
akhirnya habis jugaklah zety tengok cerita ni walaupun banyak adegan yg menarik tak dapat dilihat coz youtube buat hal.  |
Reply #1294 ash_ikin's post
Leh tak wt anggaran bile part kisu2 tue...w/pon kemungkinan kene cantas, tapi ttp x sabo nak tunggu.... |
Reply #1297 ash_ikin's post
suke sgt lagu nih. sedap giler sore zai zai.. |
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