shopping yer....barcelona?
sori tak membantu....
midori888 replied at 23-11-2015 08:47 AM
shopping yer....barcelona?
sori tak membantu....
Heheh tak apa... |
tak brapa suka shopping kat paris....customer service diorg mmg out kalu compare dgn barcelona, milan, florence, rome...bila masuk kedai ada ckp welcome, tak beli barang pun ckp thank you....unlike paris....
kat Vienna, tak bole nak comment, sbb tak pnh shopping kat situ...gi jalan2 jer haritu....
Kalau nak compare price Barcelona & Paris mana lagi ok? Barcelona tu kat mana nak pergi..
Bukan apa.. me ni dok pk nak pergi ke tak Paris. Kalau cancel Paris, nak route ke mana plak.
VAT refund kat Barcelona berapa percent..sorry banyak tanya nieh..
taktau brapa....cuba try google...i dont think beza byk sgt from paris....
Salam Midori.
Tgh ber-jaywalking kat sini. Nak usya2 ttg places to go utk hujung Dec ni.
Teringat uncle ada cakap nak bawak auntie seklrga ke Vienna drp Eastern Europe. Bila baca comments drp Midori, mcm teruja pulak....
Worth going ker Midori? Auntie taknak pergi lama2 sgt, just as one of the countries jer...
salam auntie....
Vienna definitely worth going...city dia easy to navigate, efficient public transport, friendly ppl, kalu ke schonbrunn palace, bole jalan2 naik bukit skit, then lepak kat cafe kat atas tu....take tour of vienna state opera, kalu ada masa bole layan opera...hehe...
Thank Midori.
Semlm discussed wz hubby, he's ok wz us going to Vienna. And my doter also supported my suggestion.... Insya Allah, Vienna wld be one of our holiday destinations.
kalu auntie dah ke Vienna, sy recommend singgah ke Salzburg skali....layan classical music kat mirabell palace, or layan free classical music konsert on d way to hohensalzburg castle pun best jugak....
Auntie rasa auntie dah pernah pergi Salzburg ni, during my trip to Switzerland previously. But dah lama dah ler...
Kalau ada masa, I wouldn't mind a revisit.
Tapi tulah, my doter & son might not favour visits to the castle too much... Otak masing2 nak bershopping jer... 
haha...ckp kat diorg, kill 2 birds with one stone is much better kan....
Mudah tak nak jejalan Vienna ni... ingat nak amik HOHO je....  |
no need lah HOHO, use their Metro...print metro map before u go....
Thank you for info  |
Tadi pagi baru gerak dr Vienna ke Budapest. Aku ingat thread ni takde, baru jumpa. Lupa dah mcm mana nak uplodate gambar. haish!!!
Baru nak belajar tempek gambar. Ini gambar Hundertwasser Haus kat Vienna. Tmpt ni kontroversi sikit pd satu masa dulu. Kunshistoriches Museum, terasa mcm dlm movie Night at the Museum pula.hheheheh!!
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Thread Budapest, Bratislava, Bucharest tak jumpa pula. Ko ada buka ke
@midori888 |
hehe...aku mana lah pnh buka thread ko ni pun.....
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