Six Dragons 1. Yi Seong-Gye : Joseon’s founder
2. Jung Do-Jeon : Joseon’s architect
3. Yi Bang-Won : King Taejong the Great, the 3rd king of Joseon
4. Tang-Sae / Yi Bang-Ji : The best swordsman of three Hans (Korea)
5. Boon-Yi : Yi Bang-Won’s beloved
6. Moo-Hyul : (?)
Joseon Revolutionists
Constitutional monarchists (led by Jung Do-Jeon)
1. Yeon-Hee:Jung Do-Jeon’s lover, Tang-Sae’s ex-lover
2. Heo Gang / Yi Sin-Jeok : Yi Bang-Won’s senior at SungKyunKwan
3. Lady Gang / Queen Shindeok : Yi Seong-Gye’s second wife
4. Yi Ji-Ran : Yi Seong-Gye’s sworn brother
5. Cho-Young : The leader of Hwasadan
6. Gap-Boon : Tang-Sae’s sidekick Absolute monarchists (led by Yi Bang-Won)
1. Lady Min Da-Gyeong / Queen Wongyeong : Yi Bang-Won’s wife
2. Jo Joon : An expert in land policy issue
3. Jo Young-Gyu : Yi Bang-Won’s bodyguard
4. Yi Bang-Gwa / King Jeongjong : Yi Bang-Won’s second brother
5. Min Je : Lady Min’s father. Yi Bang-Won’s father-in-law
6. Master Yook-San : Jo Joon’s uncle
7. Hong Dae-Hong : Moo-Hyul’s martial arts master
Goryeo Conservative1. Yi In-Gyeom : One of Dodang triumvirates
2. Gil Tae-Mi : One of Dodang triumvirates
3. Hong In-Bang:One of Dodang triumvirates
4. Monk Jeok-Ryong : The leader of Biguksa temple
5. Baek Yoon : One of Dodang triumvirates (killed by Tang-Sae)
6. Gil Yoo : Gil Tae-Mi’s son. The bully at SungKyunKwan
7. Dae-Geun : Hong In-Bang’s manservant. Yeon-Hee’s rapist
8. General Choi Young
9. Jo Min-Soo
10. Jung Mong-Joo : The leader of Sadaebu scholars. Jung Do-Jeon’s friend
11. Yi Bang-Woo : Yi Bang-Won’s eldest brother
12. U Hak-Ju : One of Sadaebu scholars
13. Han Gu-Young : One of Sadaebu scholars
Others1. Jang Sam-Bong : Tang-Sae’s martial arts Grandmaster
2. Gan-Nan : the mother of Tang-Sae and Boon-Yi
3. Myo-Sang : Moo-Hyul’s grandmother
4. Gil Seon-Mi : Gil Tae-Mi’s twin brother
5. The Nameless : Goryeo‘s secret organization by rumor