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Author: Presiden_Lanun


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 Author| Post time 24-3-2014 09:16 AM | Show all posts
juliez posted on 24-3-2014 09:12 AM
tak sampai lagi babe? mcm dah berhari2 berangkatnya.. jauh gila

dIk JuLi,aKaK CoTi haRi nI,baGi pErKembaNgan teRbaRu Utk aKaK huPdatekaN.

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Post time 24-3-2014 09:17 AM | Show all posts
tongkatwaran75 posted on 24-3-2014 08:54 AM

desyum... desyumm..

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Post time 24-3-2014 09:17 AM | Show all posts
juliez posted on 24-3-2014 09:04 AM
Kapal tldm dah sampai ker belum? Macam dah lama berangkat tak sampai2..

3 dah otw ke tpt yg nk dituju, 1 lg rasanya br keluar dr pelabuhan kt indon......

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 Author| Post time 24-3-2014 09:18 AM | Show all posts
juliez posted on 24-3-2014 09:12 AM
tak sampai lagi babe? mcm dah berhari2 berangkatnya.. jauh gila

dIk JuLi,aKaK CoTi haRi nI,baGi pErKembaNgan teRbaRu Utk aKaK huPdatekaN.

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Post time 24-3-2014 09:18 AM | Show all posts
Juruterbang P3 Orion tekad beri maklumat untuk keluarga MH370

PERTH: “Kami komited dan yakin akan berjaya menemui sesuatu…satu penemuan…untuk keluarga penumpang di dalam pesawat MH370,” ulas juruterbang Peter Moore yang mengemudi pesawat P3 Orion terakhir di RAAF Base Pearce di Perth malam tadi.

Pengakuan Moore itu diluahkan beliau walaupun tidak menemui apa-apa petunjuk dan menambah  bahawa angin kencang dan awan tebal turut menghalang operasi pencarian pesawat MH370 pada Ahad di selatan Lautan Hindi kira-kira 2,500 kilometer di luar pantai Perth, Australia.

Beliau yang dikerumuni ramai wartawan dari seluruh dunia selepas mendarat pada 10 malam tadi menerangkan apa yang telah dilakukan oleh pasukannya dalam tempoh sepuluh jam terakhir pada hari keempat operasi mencari dan menyelamat di sana.

“Situasi di luar sana agak mencabar. Awan yang rendah pada jarak kira-kira 500 kaki sahaja, kabus laut yang tebal serta hujan,” jelas Moore.

Jarak penglihatan di kawasan itu juga terhad akibat cuaca buruk, terutamanya apabila pasukan mencari bergantung kepada penglihatan, bagi mencari objek di permukaan laut pastinya terjejas. Awan menyekat pandangan mereka walaupun terbang pada jarak yang rendah.

“Jarak penglihatan pada permukaan air juga terhad. Ia berkemungkinan pada kira-kira 200 atau 300 kaki sahaja. Pada keadaan yang baik kita sebenarnya boleh melihat pada jarak yang jauh iaitu kira-kira sebatu,” katanya.  “Walaubagaimanapun permukaan air agak tenang walaupun dengan hanya sedikit berombak.”

Namun, Moore dan pasukannya kekal positif dan bermotivasi tinggi kerana mereka sangat berpengalaman dan telah dilatih untuk melaksanakan operasi mencari dan menyelamat dalam apa jua keadaan termasuk yang mencabar seperti hari ini.

Berbekalkan sedikit bahan api tambahan, beliau dan pasukannya berjaya meneliti semula bahagian-bahagian kawasan carian yang terlepas sebelum ini berikutan keadaan cuaca yang bertambah buruk. Secara keseluruhannya, mereka berjaya meliputi kira-kira 85% kawasan pencarian pada hari tersebut.

Lapan pesawat berlepas dari Perth semalam, empat daripadanya merupakan pesawat P3 Orion yang berlepas dari RAAF Base Pearce dan empat lagi merupakan pesawat awam bagi mencari di kawasan lebih 59,000 kilometer persegi.

Pesawat itu mengambil masa sekurang-kurangnya empat jam untuk sampai ke kawasan pencarian dari Perth. Mereka hanya mempunyai masa dua jam sahaja untuk mencari sebelum perlu terbang empat jam lagi untuk kembali ke Perth.


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Post time 24-3-2014 09:19 AM | Show all posts
maap lah kalau da ada..
ni da kenapa?? lahaiii..

MH370: "Saya ibu kandung Khairul Amri"

BERA: Disebalik kerisauan dan debaran menanti kepulangan insan tersayang, ada pihak didakwa cuba mengambil kesempatan.

Tidak tahan mendengar dakwaan itu, Normah Jaafar tampil membuat penjelasan.

Normah, 56 tahun, merupakan ibu kandung kepada Mohd Khairul Amri Selamat, 29 tahun, salah seorang penumpang MH370 yang masih hilang.

Jelas Guru Tadika Kemas di Bandar Bera ini, penjelasan dibuat kerana tidak mahu keadaan menjadi lebih keruh.

“Saya rasa tidak senang dengan keadaan begini apabila ada orang lain mengaku dia ibu kandung anak saya. Saya tak redha orang buat begini kepada saya. Saya ibu kandung Mohd Khairul Amri, saya boleh tunjuk surat beranak dia. Saya mengandungkan dia, saya yang melahirkan dia dan saya yang membesarkan dia,” kata Normah.

Abang Mohd Khairul Amri, Adib Adli Syam Selamat, 35, mahu pihak terlibat menghentikan sebarang dakwaan yang dibuat.

Adib mendakwa, ada pihak terlibat cuba mengambil kesempatan ketika mereka berdepan situasi mencemaskan ketika ini.

Penjelasan tersebut diharap dapat memperbetulkan semula keadaan.

Pesawat MAS MH 370 yang membawa Mohd Khairul Amri bersama  226 penumpang lain bersama 12 anak kapal ke Beijing, China hilang pada 8 Mac kira-kira sejam setelah berlepas dari Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa KL pada 8 Mac lalu.

Pesawat itu sepatutnya mendarat di Beijing pada pukul 6.30 pagi hari yang sama.

Last edited by tapibukanaku on 24-3-2014 09:24 AM


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Post time 24-3-2014 09:21 AM | Show all posts
MH370: Makan seringgit sekali jika turunkan tanda tangan

JOHOR BAHRU: Pelbagai perkara dilakukan bagi menzahirkan keprihatinan terhadap kehilangan pesawat MH370.

Di Johor Bahru seorang peniaga menawarkan jamuan makan tengahari dengan hanya seringgit.

Syaratnya setiap pelanggan perlu  menurunkan tandatangan di kain rentang bagi menyokong kempen doakan MH370.

Pemilik Restoran R&R Bistro, Mohd Rafi Hussein kempen berkenaan bagi mendoakan keselamatan anak kapal serta penumpang pesawat berkenaan.

Pesawat MAS MH370 yang membawa 227 penumpang dan 12 anak kapal ke Beijing, China hilang pada 8 Mac kira-kira sejam setelah berlepas dari Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa KL pada 8 Mac lalu.

Pesawat itu sepatutnya mendarat di Beijing pada pukul 6.30 pagi hari yang sama


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Post time 24-3-2014 09:22 AM | Show all posts
tapibukanaku posted on 24-3-2014 09:19 AM
ni da kenapa?? lahaiii..
maap lah kalau da ada

agaknya ni baru psal RM16,000 tu... bukan pampasan sebenar lagi

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Post time 24-3-2014 09:22 AM | Show all posts
Kasihannya pd yg masih menaruh harapan.......

Menyampah pulak kt pakcik selamat yg terusan glamer kan diri dr awal isu ni.....mcm anak dia sorang dlm katerbang tu......

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Post time 24-3-2014 09:23 AM | Show all posts
juliez posted on 24-3-2014 09:12 AM
tak sampai lagi babe? mcm dah berhari2 berangkatnya.. jauh gila

dari perth pun da jauh babe..

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Post time 24-3-2014 09:25 AM | Show all posts
tapibukanaku posted on 24-3-2014 09:19 AM
maap lah kalau da ada..
ni da kenapa?? lahaiii..

adoi... ada yang mengaku anak dia ke yg hilang tu...???

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Post time 24-3-2014 09:25 AM | Show all posts

credit to Sinar Harian. Written by Ridhuan Tee Abdullah

Pengajaran daripada MH370

PERJALANAN menaiki pesawat MAS dari Kuantan ke KLIA pada 17 Mac 2014, jam 7.45 malam, begitu menarik. Anak kapal (pilot) membaca doa menaiki kenderaan. Diikuti apabila mendarat disebut Alhamdulillah. Sejuk hati.

Selepas transit sebentar untuk ke Kota Bharu, saya ingatkan anak kapal akan melakukan perkara sama, rupanya tidak. Paling kurang menyebut Bismillah, dan Alhamdulillah.

Sepatutnya semua ini dijadikan prosedur dan panduan, tonjolkan kepada pelancong, inilah Malaysia, yang meletakkan Islam sebagai agama persekutuan.

Hari ini, boleh dikatakan semua penumpang ‘sengsara’ menaiki pesawat. Segala-gala akan diperiksa, luar dan dalam. Barang yang dibawa kena scan dua kali sebelum ‘check in’ dan selepas.

Apa nak buat keselamatan lebih penting dari segalanya.

Apa pun hati berasa lega berada dalam pesawat MAS dapat mendengar kalimah-kalimah yang dikaitkan dengan ALLAH, walaupun tidak semua melakukannya. Pesawat tambang murah lain, sekelumit kalimah ALLAH langsung tidak kedengaran.

Saya bukanlah orang teknikal untuk memberikan komen terhadap kehilangan MH370. Meskipun begitu, beberapa perkara perlu diambil perhatian.

Pertama, lakukan pemeriksaan ketat seperti yang dilakukan kini. Tidak mengapa, saya rela menanggalkan dan membuka apa yang diminta seperti jam tangan, tali pinggang dan apa jua peralatan telekomunikasi. Rabalah sepuas-puasnya demi maruah dan keselamatan tanah air tercinta.

Jika kita berada di luar negara, mereka akan melakukan perkara sama, malah lebih teruk daripada itu sehingga menggunakan anjing.

Kedua, semua anak kapal (Islam), terutama pilot, mesti ditanamkan dengan jiwanya dengan roh Islam. Mengutamakan jati diri agama, bangsa dan negara. Mereka tidak boleh hanyut dengan segala keseronokan dalam kapal.

Ketiga, elakkan menjamu makanan dan perkara haram dalam pesawat. Mereka meminta arak itu, adalah kalangan mereka yang biasa minum arak. Cuba alihkan mereka dengan makan tempatan yang lebih berkhasiat seperti cendol dan sebagainya.

Keempat, biasakan anak-anak kapal mengingati ALLAH (Tuhan kepada bukan Islam). Sebutlah kalimah bismillah, Alhamdulillah, salam dan lain-lain. Perkara ini nampak kecil, tapi impaknya besar.

Kelima, tutuplah aurat pramugari jika mereka berkehendakkan. Lagipun untuk mengelakkan rambut jatuh ke dalam makanan. Tidak salah jika pramugari menutup aurat (Islam) dan pakaian bersopan untuk bukan Islam. Amat menjengkelkan apabila pakaian pramugari singkat dan jarang. Keenam, kita hendaklah jangan terlalu kebaratan ketika berada dalam pesawat.

Amalkan budaya-budaya negara. Utamakan bahasa Melayu. Ucapkan salam dan selamat mengikut cara kita. Belajarlah dengan anak-anak kapal pesawat Thai, Brunei dan sebagainya. Mereka sentiasa mengutamakan jati diri negara.

Ketujuh, jika ditakdirkan berlaku lagi insiden seperti MH370 pada masa depan, jangan memanggil bomoh untuk mencari. Jika Islam itu boleh diubati dengan menggunakan bomoh, sudah tentu umat Islam tidak perlu bersusah payah atau ada yang merempat hari ini. Gunakanlah bomoh untuk mengatasi segala-galanya.

Nabi Muhammad adalah raja segala bomoh dan mempunyai mukjizat. Kenapa dan mengapa Rasulullah tidak menggunakan mukjizat yang ada untuk membomohkan semua bukan Islam supaya tunduk dan menurut kata-kata Baginda? Atau dengan bahasa mudah membomohkan mereka supaya segera memeluk agama Islam dan tidak perlu bersusah diuji dan dicuba?

Jika bomoh kita terlalu mujarab, kita bomohkan air yang disalurkan kepada Singapura.

Apabila diminum, merekapun akan tunduk kepada kita dan menyerah diri untuk bersunat, serta membeli air kita dengan kadar harga semasa, bukan membeli dengan harga 0.03 sen per 1,000 gelen?

Kepada pembuat keputusan dan pembesar negara, gunakan kuasa mencari keredaan ALLAH selagi ada kuasa. Hak ini dijamin perlembagaan. Kita bimbang, apabila tidak ada kuasa nanti, baharu nak menyesal. Jangan leka ketika berkuasa, hanya bertaubat setelah pencen. Buruk rasanya.

Last edited by tapibukanaku on 24-3-2014 11:18 AM


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Post time 24-3-2014 09:27 AM | Show all posts

MH370: Lessons learnt from missing aircraft

KUALA LUMPUR: More than two weeks has passed since Malaysia was gripped by the mysterious disappearance of Malaysia Airlines (MAS) flight MH370.

We have heard the stories highlighted by the media, we have witnessed how our leaders are handling this international crisis, and we have to some degree learnt a lot about theaviation industry.

Malaysia Airline's ground staff park a Boeing 777-200 at Kuala Lumpur International airport after setting a world record for the longest non-stop flight from Seattle to Kuala Lumpur on April 2, 1997. --AFP PHOTO Francis SILVAN

While the search continues for the missing airliner, the search has revealed some surprising facts of the world to us:

"Planes can disappear"

It’s quite a thought to digest —how can a 63.7 meter Boeing 777-200 with a wing span of 60.9 meters suddenly disappear?

With a reported search area of more than approximately 7.68 million sq km (approximately the size of Australia) and 26 countries involved in the search and rescue (SAR) mission, coupled with the slow release of military information, has created a diplomatic nightmare.

As the clock keeps ticking and the search continues, the likelihood of finding the plane and its survivors is slowly dwindling.

As Acting Transport Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein aptly said:  “This is going to be a long haul, we have to trench down on this.”

16 days into the search, searchers have only 14 more days to locate the missing blackbox which must be within a 25km range to find it before it stops transmitting a signal.

Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott on March 20 announced of a ‘new and credible’ information based on the satellite imagery of a 24 meter object that could possibly belong to MH370, in the southern Indian Ocean.

Colorado, US-based DigitalGlobe's Worldview-2 satellite that took images of ‘objects’ 2,500km southwest of Perth, Australia, has ignited a thorough search of the area.

The Chinese satellites on Saturday later detected a new sighting measuring 22 meters long and 13 meters wide off the Southern corridor.

"Gathering of assets"

It’s amazing how a missing plane has brought together all the military know-how and assets from around the world, in particular China.

Thesearch for MH370has revealed that global superpower have deployed 21 of itssatellitesto try and find the aircraft.

China might even have the largest number of satellites in the world after the United States which has approximately 50 percent of the 1071 operational satellites in orbit around the earth.

New satellite image of debris in the southern Indian Ocean captured by China’s Gaofen-1 satellite is from March 18, two days after initial satellite pictures of possible debris captured by Australian satellites, and shows an object 22m by 13m, 120km from the first site.

With the combination of Malaysia’s five MEASAT satellites and Australia’s eight satellites in space, the search continues for the missing aircraft

"Faking passports has never been easier"

Two passengers were discovered to have boarded the MH370 using stolen Austrian and Italian passports

As of March 2014, INTERPOL said that more than 40 million travel documents (passports, visas, identity documents) were reported lost or stolen by 167 countries.

However, INTERPOL Secretary General Ronald K. Noble said that 40% of passports around the world are not checked against the INTERPOL database.

“This is a situation we had hoped never to see. For years INTERPOL has asked why countries should wait for a tragedy to put prudent security measures in place at borders and boarding gates.

“If Malaysia Airlines and all airlines worldwide were able to check the passport details of prospective passengers against INTERPOL’s database, then we would not have to speculate whether stolen passports were used by terrorists to board MH 370,” said the INTERPOL Secretary General Ronald K. Noble, in a statement.

A Malaysian police official displays photographs of the two men who boarded the Malaysia Airlines MH370 flight using stolen European passports to the media at a hotel near Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Sepang on March 11, 2014. --AFP PHOTO/MANAN VATSYAYANA

The question is, are the stolen passports related to the plane’s disappearance? We can only answer this question once the aircrafts black box is found.

"Finding a plane that doesn’t want to be found"

We live in a world where technology can track a person’s whereabouts, what they like, what they eat, and what they buy. It is mind boggling to think that we can’t find a plane!

But in this particular case we know that the flight’s electronic transmitters were disabled and this ceases its communications with the rest of the world.

It definitely makes it difficult to find a flight that does not want to be found.

With radar and satellite technology, aircrafts and ships deployed to the area in the southern Indian Ocean authorities may still need to rely on the human eye to locate the plane.

"Managing a crisis"

Arguably, trying to manage all information from over 20 countries including top secret military information is definitely difficult.

Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Anifah Aman says it is a tremendous effort, but the advantage is that Malaysia has cordial ties with all the countries involved.

Malaysia's acting minister of transport Datuk Seri Hishamuddin Tun Hussein, second from right, speaks during a press conference as director general of the Malaysian Department of Civil Aviation, Datuk Azharuddin Abdul Rahman, second from left, and Malaysia Airlines Group CEO Ahmad Jauhari Yahya, left, and Malaysia Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar, right, looks on at a hotel in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Sunday, March 16, 2014. --AP Photo/Vincent Thian

With these ties it was no obstacle for cooperation to be gained, as stated by the Prime Minister's office.

Former army field commander Lt Jen (Rtd) Datuk Seri Zaini Mohd Said  pointed out that the first three or four days of any crisis “are always spent trying to get a grip on things. If this had happened to any other country, about 80% of them would have had the same problems that we are having.”

Taking the Air France crash in 2009- where an Airbus 330-300 disappeared mid-ocean as an example - it took authorities around six hours to concede its loss -  and another several agonizing days, of tracing a plane which has disappeared. It also took them 2 years to find the black box which unlocked the mystery of their disappearing flight.

The missing MH370- like Air France- is an unprecedented airline crisis that the world has never seen before.

Now that the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) is handling the SAR in the southern Indian Ocean, we have completetransparencyon the SAR operations as provided by on their website.

"Conspiracy theories"

It is only human nature to want to find an explanation for something seemingly unexplainable like the missing MH370 plane.

Due to lack of information, many have come up with theories ranging from the plausible hijack theory to the downright crazy such as aliens.

Here are some of the more extremetheories:

1. Hijack via mobile phone

The claim is that the phone can be used to wireless hack into the plane’s system and "change the plane’s speed, altitude and direction by sending radio signals to its flight management system. It could then be landed or made to crash by remote control."

This is one of the more plausible explanations as MH370 is one of the first iterations of a ‘smart plane’ a fly-by-wire aircraft controlled by electronic signals.

2. Cloaking technology

We have heard reports that MH370 had 20 employees from Texas based technology firm Freescale Semiconductor and the plane was used to test “cloaking technology”.

This caused the plane to disappear from radar and be almost impossible to spot with the naked eye.

Two theories stem from this ‘explanation’: The Chinese got wind of the technology and diverted the plane to get their hands on it, or the US realised the Chinese might get hold of the technology and shot the plane down.

3. Playing Hide and Seek

Another possible theory was hijacked and the plane was landed in a remote airport, hidden from the eyes of the world, awaiting use in a future terrorist attack.

It is hard to rule out anything. No governments are necessarily open to sharing all their information, especially when it comes to their military radar capabilities.

All will be revealed when the blackbox is found.

4.  Another dimension

This is definitely an interesting one. What if a black hole caused the disappearance of missing MH370?
Prior to the discovery of ‘objects’ in the Indian Ocean, as highlighted by CNN anchor, Don Lemon asked his guests if a black hole possibly sucked the plane in and is now in another dimension.

"A small black hole would suck in our entire universe, so we know it’s not that," responded Mary Schiavo, a former Inspector General for the US Department of Transportation.

5. Aliens!

Ancient Aliens is a series of image macros based on History Channel’s TV series with the same name starring alien expert Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, who often tends to explain inexplicable phenomena as the direct result of aliens or extraterrestrials being on Earth.

Mysterious disappearance? No logical explanation? Must be aliens!

Some people have been going as far as to say that a UFO was spotted on radar prior to the plane’s disappearance.

Alexandra Bruce, of Forbidden Knowledge TV, used flight mapping website Flightradar as an example of extra-terrestrial involvement in the disappearance of MH370.

Citing a video by “citizen reporter” Youtube user DAHBOO7, Bruce claims radar readings in the clip “captured signals from what for now, can only be termed a UFO.

These are just some of the lessens we have learnt from the missing Malaysia Airlines (MAS) MH370 plane. What have you learned from the MH370 crisis?


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Post time 24-3-2014 09:27 AM | Show all posts
Malaysian woman claims to have seen missing MH370 in the water near Andaman Islands on day it disappeared

As aircraft and ships continued to search for debris which might be that of the missing flight MH370 on Friday a Malaysian woman on a flight across the Indian Ocean claimed to have seen an aircraft in the water near the Andaman Islands on the day the jet disappeared.
The Kuala Lumpur wife was so convinced about what she saw at 2.30pm on March 8, several hours after MH370 vanished, that she filed an official report with police that very day - a full five days before the search for the plane was expanded to the area around the Andaman Islands.
News of her apparent sighting came as a blank was drawn after two days of searching in the Indian Ocean for two objects deemed by experts as possibly being from the missing plane.

Her account will be seen by many as having credibility as the islands lie within the northern corridor officials speculated that the plane might have travelled along after radar contact was lost.
However, Mrs Dalelah said she had received scorn about her account, including from a pilot who said the aircraft she was on would have been too high for her to have seen anything on the ocean below.
But mother of 10 Mrs Latife Dalelah, 53, insisted she saw a silver object in the shape of an aircraft on the water as she was flying from Jeddah to Kuala Lumpur. It was about an hour after her aircraft had flown past the southern Indian city of Chennai.

  • Many will warn against dismissing Mrs Dalelah's claims too quickly.
  • The islands do lie across a route MH370 could have taken after radar contact was lost and it would easily have been able to reach them before Mrs Dalelah's sighting at 2.30pm.
  • After its transponder was turned off at 1.21am on March 8 the plane, with enough fuel to last 2,500 miles, turned west, following an established route towards India.
  • An ephemeral satellite ping registered at 8.11am suggested the plane was heading in one of two directions - south to where the potential debris was spotted, or north into China and central Asia.
  • The Andaman Islands lie 890 miles to the north-west of Kuala Lumpur, well within range.
  • Officials still haven't ruled out MH370 being found in a northerly location, with aircraft and ships renewing their search in the Andaman Sea between India and Thailand on Friday.

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Last edited by lorelai on 24-3-2014 01:30 AM


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Post time 24-3-2014 09:27 AM | Show all posts
tapibukanaku posted on 24-3-2014 09:19 AM
maap lah kalau da ada..
ni da kenapa?? lahaiii..

i ketinggalan cerita... sapa pulak yg ngaku mak kpd anak makcik ni?

harap misi mencari MH370 berhasil segera ..

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Post time 24-3-2014 09:28 AM | Show all posts
scorpionkiki posted on 24-3-2014 09:22 AM
agaknya ni baru psal RM16,000 tu... bukan pampasan sebenar lagi

waris da dapat 16K ke?

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Post time 24-3-2014 09:28 AM | Show all posts
scorpionkiki posted on 24-3-2014 08:27 AM
Anak dia dah kawin bukan... kalau dah kawin, anak lelaki ada tak... kalau tak ada, kira pak selama ...

x sure cucu pakcik selamat tu lelaki ke perempuan... kalau pakcik selamat bertimbangrasa bolehlar bagi duit pampasan lebih kat menantu & cucu... jgn pakcik selamat teragak nk kawin lagi satu pulak nnt...

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Post time 24-3-2014 09:28 AM | Show all posts
aurora273 posted on 24-3-2014 09:25 AM
adoi... ada yang mengaku anak dia ke yg hilang tu...???

ye lah tu kot. ada yg ngaku.

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Post time 24-3-2014 09:29 AM | Show all posts
Mulan posted on 24-3-2014 09:27 AM
i ketinggalan cerita... sapa pulak yg ngaku mak kpd anak makcik ni?

harap misi mencari MH370 be ...

entah lah uols. iols pun hari ni terbaca dlm internet pasal mak kandung khairul amri ni

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Post time 24-3-2014 09:30 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Simunggu posted on 24-3-2014 08:51 AM
sumpahan AJ....hehehehe

Kesian AJ

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