Hi uols, any recommendation for tadika yang uols dah survey? Nak riki riki for my 5 y/o doter next year. Mind if sharing reg fees & monthly fees?
My doter now hantar dekat Nimblebee Shah Alam, dulu reg fees dalam RM1.5k kot, monthly RM650. But next year iols ingat nak tukar school dia. Ni antara tadika yang iols dah survey:
1. LC:
Registration: RM1.6k
Monthly: RM450
I tengah ada second thoughts on this kindy sebenarnya sebab dah 2x I cakap interested nak register but then principal dia cakap "ok kejap ye puan". Kejap dia dah berbulan2 Tu yang buat I nak survey kindy lain sebenarnya.
2. Smart Reader:
Registration: RM2.4k
Monthly: RM660
3. Tadika Seri Cahaya (English Montessori)
Monthly RM680. Yang kindy ni dia ada bagi choices of 2 payment scheme:
- Scheme A, 1st sem before January bayar RM1020 (reg fee + school uniform, sports attire, insurance + school fees), bulan January bayar RM1290 (miscellaneous 1st sem + snack + childcare + toiletries), 2nd sem on June bayar RM1850 (miscellaneous 2nd sem + snack + concert fee + school fees + childcare + toiletries)
- Scheme B, 1st sem January bayar RM1380 (reg fee + school uniform, sports attire, insurance + school fees + childcare + toiletries), bulan February bayar RM1610 (miscellaneous 1st sem + snack + school fees + childcare), 2nd sem payment bayar on June & July. June bayar RM1170 (snack + concert fee + school fee + childcare fee + toiletries), July bayar RM1360 (miscellaneous 2nd sem + school fee + childcare)
I suka this kindy cos dieorang guna oxford english punya syllabus for their English class. Next year dieorang introduce basic robotic programming class seiring dengan era kini katanya. Cumanya fees dia menakutkan. Almost 5k jugak annually, tak termasuk monthly payment RM680.
Fyi, harga yang i survey adalah harga full day ye. Pagi - petang. Yang half day tak sure berapa exact fees & registration fees.
Jom share harga kindergarten yang anak uols hantar sekarang or yang nak hantar nanti 2020 
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Memang mahal ke fee untuk tadika di kl/sel?
Tempat iols kerja dulu, reg fee rm350, monthly rm100 pun parents dah rasa mahal. 2nd sem bayar rm100.
Ada parents yg keje gomen gaji ribu raban pakat berentikan anak, hantar anak tadika mawip,/ pra sekolah/Tadika kemas bila dapat panggilan. |
I hantar masuk gomen jer... |
i mampu PASTI jer la.. . so far what i like about PASTI is, anak dah pandai hafal surah basic and basic solat.. so i am ok with that.. membaca dan menulis tak mahir lagi, tp i tak kisah pun, for me for age 5-6, biarlah depa main and explore creativity dulu.. but it is up to parents, if you can afford it, go for it.. cuma nak habaq, jgn terpedaya ngan dakyah robotic/iot tu semua, with basic kit and apps, you can teach your own kids.. dpt spend time lagi.. ni pendapat 2 kupang .. hehehe |
haa..betul..yg last tu mcm over nau plak, unless u plan nak antar anak sambung international school, then proceed terus study oversea bila dah abih spm.
if not,LC tu pun dah ok. children happy, takde homework pe benda..ni pengalaman meols 3 thn dulu.
My lil boy sent to Qudess
Januari pay 2.5k
Jun pay 1.8k
monthly 580 pagi smpai ptg 
Edited by noreen80 at 8-10-2019 12:04 PM
hi..i pun baru survey2 tadika for my 5 yrs old next year..tp i cari area bangi. I dah register anak i kat Naluri Kreatif Bangi 2. I love the environment and their method, blh check their FB page or website. Blh register to attend their open day and feel the environment yourself. Fees I paid for bangi branch - Annual fee: RM 1969.30. Monthly : RM 570 (full day). Dia ada 3 package, u can choose to pay lumpsum, pay by semester of pay monthly. setiap package tu ada discount/keistimewaan dia. i think their fee are reasonable compared to other kindy yg i dah survey so far.
Betul jugak. I masuk Nimblebee full day cos I tertarik teacher dia cakap ada archery program. Tapi dah masuk bulan 10, takda lagi pun dieorang introduce archery tu.
Qdees ke u? Area mana tu? Sebab RM580 is quite affordable dah tu.
selatan tanah air 
I pun survey tadika area shah alam now. Anak i next year 4yo. Interested dgn tadika sri cahaya ni tapi tula too expensive for me. Huhu
I dah tgk smart reader, genius aulad, dzul iman n few more. Tapi still cant decide which 1 to choose.
NiMblebee tu okay tak? I google haritu mcm ada bad review. So tak jadi nak survey dah. |
hi u..
tadika sri cahaya best tapi dia punya enrolment fees tu out of my budget. tapi worth it kepada parents yang memang nak splurge on education anak.
anak i 4yo sekolah nimblebee. for me, i tak berapa nampak improvement on my daughter. maybe dieorang terlalu emphasize kan on the islamic parts such as memorize surah, solat semua rather than basic enrichment macam menulis, membaca, etc. dan satu kelas for 4yo adalah +/- 35 students ya. kalau u cakap dgn teacher school mana2 pun dieorang terkejut. sebab itu baru je untuk students 4yo. belum masuk 5&6 yo and also fun house students. tapi after all this is just my opinion jek. their school management bercelaru juga sebab kerap tukar teacher. tapi teacher dia so far semua friendly, i suka 
u dah jumpa ke tadika? i masih survey lagi
CatMiow replied at 7-10-2019 06:19 PM
Memang mahal ke fee untuk tadika di kl/sel?
Tempat iols kerja dulu, reg fee rm350, monthly rm10 ...
Tgk kawasan sis..tadika kemas,tadika kerajaan ni kalo penuh bukan semua bole masuk..dia bg yg ibubapa pendapatan rendah je..yg parent gaji pendapatan tinggi disuruh apply tadika swasta...kalo sume bole masuk tadika kemas..semua da berebut masukkan..parent bole jimat 500-1000++ sbln kan.. |
poison_paradise replied at 24-12-2019 10:41 PM
Tgk kawasan sis..tadika kemas,tadika kerajaan ni kalo penuh bukan semua bole masuk..dia bg yg ibub ...
Masalahnya, yg masuk kemas, mawip, pra sekolah atau perpaduan ada mak ayah gaji tinggi juga, yg masuk swasta kadang2 gaji biasa2, yg rendah pun ada.
Bukan apa, kadang2 tengok mak ayah yg gaji biasa ni malas nak berurusan dan, kedua ada yg ada kabel.
Buka sekolah ni, ada ibu tunggal hantar anak jagaan dia p pra sekolah. Ibu tunggal bukan calang2 chuols.. Kerja oil and gas. Dah la anaknya pun tunggal.
so far i memang suka little caliph.. after 5 year mmg dah reti baca bm,bi, jawi... affordable fee too |
PASTI....yuran 1100, bulan2 full day 350......huhuhuhuhu, tu paling murahlah kalau area rumah sendiri |
noreen80 replied at 8-10-2019 12:01 PM
hi..i pun baru survey2 tadika for my 5 yrs old next year..tp i cari area bangi. I dah register anak ...
So far ok tak anak u kat Naluri Kreatif? Tgh nk survey utk my daughter next year la |
anak2 sy 2 org attended REAL kids and and 1 org Kinderland masa depa kecik/ Both are OK my daughters boleh speaking within 2 months attending ms umur 5 tahun...
OK sangat
Masa umur 4 tahun hantar dzuliman utk belajar islamic sikit pastu bila 5 and 6 tahun attend tadika england tu hihi |
ngeri baca hahahha
syukur sini kat canada hanya 47 dollars sehari sebab private tapi tiada yuran
pendaftaran , ialah playschool aje, so main makan...
tahun depan 5 tahun masuk tadika, sini tadika under kerajaan,
so free and ianya kat bangunan sekolah.
6 tahun masuk darjah satu. |
REAL kids brp ye fees? i ingat nak hantar half day next year.
| |