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Suami yg menyebabkan isteri bangkrup
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criter mcm ni....
isteri jadi gurantor lekai beli keta... laki x mampo bayar keta... isteri dapt surat dr bank.. kate akan declare bengkrap....boleh ke gurantor bengkrap jugak
apekah tindakan isteri
usteri ni bekerja... kl btol2 bengkrap?.. perluke beritahu HR tempat dia keje?.. akaun bank masuk gaji tuh mcmmane ye
Thank you
Can a guarantor be made a bankrupt???? Why not? If she has been made to sign as guarantor not only as surety but on the principal of total loan extended
To inform the HR of your working place?????a no clear cut compulsion but to be noted that once it's official that you are a bankrupt...all accounts under your name will be frozen and a likely scenario where a new account will be extended to you and managed under the purview of OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE, the department assign by the court to facilitate your affairs with the creditors......till you are discharge from your bankruptcy status......
Think on a positive side......How often you get that "privilege" to have 'secretary' in your life to manage your financial affairs kan??????

Ade byk proses utk bankrupt mkn masa bertahun
Ape2 pun ikhtiar la carik duit utk byr..bincang dgn bank
Baik mati dr hidup dlm kebankrapan  |
19.35 peratus dari golfers kat padang Padang golf semerata malaya adalah dari kalangan undischarge bankrupt.....
35.75 peratus and increasing......golongan bankrupt hari ini adalah dari kalangan SELF MADE bankrupt......
What do the two statisticS suggest?????
You think????

dah berapa lama x bayar?
kereta dah ditarik? |

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Post time 31-10-2015 03:49 PM
From the mobile phone
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Masalahnyer dia x taw pon laki dia x bayar keta... tetiba dpt surat bank... .. notis bengkrap
Tp laki dia relaks je... sebab keje sendiri... yg aku tak paham..akaun laki dia boleh pulak duit kuar masuk bank...
Aku dh check kt insolvensi malaysia..siap kene bayor 2 hengget lagi... mmg kompom laki dia bangkrup.. siap ade no kes mahkamah lagi... |
Siapa kata orang yang bankrupt cannot have or open a bank account??????...kan Manak dah sebut kat atas tuh........once you are made a will be extended to a new account and this account will be monitored by the OFFICIAL can still access to the usual transactions....withdrawal deposits and what have you.....
as long as kawan hang has put herself as a guarantor, she is under that liability for any recovering process of the loans by the loan provider. If there weret to be any kind of repayment defaults........including be put up for bankruptcy petition, just like her husband......Just put it this way...the bank/ creditor cannot be putting up legal application of any sorts if they don't have that legal justification to do so....kan????
In the eyes of the law....ignorance towards the "health" of the repayment obligations towards the loans, cannot be taken as a mitigating factor to put aside any course of further legal action to recover the loans in full, including bankruptcy petition.......
Hang paham tak nih????
As a guarantor liability same like debtor.. so normal klu debtor buat hal, guarantor kena chase.. Tp peliklah. Sebelum acc masuk bad debt bukan bank akan call macam nak rak ke both guarantor and debtor. Tetiba dapat surat saja. Especially kalau car loan. Sebulan due pun dah debt collector kacau guarantor suh bayar.. Then takkanlah kawan you tak terima notice of demand ke, summon ke dari bank? Weird |
The prerogative is on the bank whether to go through all the nitty gritty hassle and time with demand letter, letter of seizure, bla bla bla...Or shoot straight to bankruptcy petition...since the loan amount is surmountable to that stage of legal action( bankruptcy), kan????
Lebih baik mati dari bankrup????? Cuba bawak banyak istighfar.........Hang ingat nak lari dari bankruptcy dunia...dalam kubur hang boleh lari dari bankruptcy??? Hang ingat dalam kubur takda OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE kah??? At least kat dalam dunia hang boleh jugak dok dalam rumah hirup udara Kalau takdok duit...TAPI .Kalau hang dah 'bankrupt' dalam kubur...mana hang nak lari????
At least bank should serves letter of demand before they can pursue any legal action against debtor. Then file writ of summon , for judgement / statutory demand if not mistaken bank can skip further legal process then straight to BP after 21 days SD was issued.
However it still depends on loan amount / certain criteria. Otherwise customer can dispute.. unless central bank of Malaysia gave ' special' rule to all the banks to do as they like. Cause Bank Negara pun agak ridiculous la ni ☺
By the way, i am referring to litigation in other country which i think almost exactly with our Malaysia.. Just ignore if my understanding was wrong.
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Like Manak sebut.....they would not proceed with any legal cause...without undertanding their rights.......and the boundaries and perimeter of the law governing the loans extended by them to their clients......
In short.......The prerogative is theirs( the bank)....DAN kita sebagai orang yang diberi hutang...unlikely to be given the loan without first having made to understand and signed the terms and conditions governing the loan terms.....kan????
when it comes to loan of big amount...there can only be very little tolerance of distinction between compassion and business decision.......

Edited by elia201 at 1-11-2015 12:16 PM
TOMYAMNONA replied at 1-11-2015 11:24 AM
Like Manak sebut.....they would not proceed with any legal cause...without undertanding their righ ...
Haha.. i like this thread.. banyak belajar pasal bank n legal..
Moral of the story, bank just doing buss..Legal 'ahlong'..No matter what bank just want the money back..
Semoga kwn TT menemukan solution terbaik. Amin.
Btw x nmpk post Manak tuh.. |
thanks uols... aku bace semua....
manak.. aku tengah try nak paham
neeway.. this lady bukannyer jenis amik berat surt2 yg dtg ke rumah.... pasal bank ade tepon dia pasal laki dia x bayo..... tuh x sure...
yg buat dia dpt tau dia bengkrat... ade agen mane ntah tetiba dtg opis offer nak tolong orang2 bangkrap... siap tunjuk keratan akhbar yg lawyer iklankan kate bakal isytihar bengkrap...
any steps she shud do?
Kalau dah sampai tahap nama your friend dah appear dalam iklan akhbar with alamat segala...ini tandanya...a date has been set aside untuk dia appear in court to do final settlement as deem fit or agreed by the bank representatives.....if she chooses not to appear in court on that date...then tak menjadi kesalahan undang's just that pihak bank will just proceed with the bankruptcy petition...uncontested...and the court will endorsed......
Tapi Kalau your friend nak attend...then she must be ready to put up an offer of settlement of the loan to the bank on that very date of appearance in court..because lazimnya...Kalau dah sampai tahap application of bankruptcy oleh pihak bank...they will not take anything less than 60-70 percent, or even more, of the total amount of loan given.....
And Because the bank is the principal applicant of the bankruptcy petition....they will have final decision whether to proceed or not with the bankruptcy petition on your friend.....
Please be mindful that jika your friend have other loans with other banks....that she needs to service........then she also has to bear in mind this iklan in the newspaper is also to serve upon the other creditors that she may a noticed That she is on a brink of being made a bankrupt...and as such they( other banks) too need to submit their claims of loans that your friend owed them.......on top of the bank that serves the bankruptcy petition against her
Too complicated to digest????
Takpa for now just tell your friend kalau dia memang ada duit....atau can raised close to the amount owed,......then ask her to try her luck to reach a settlement amount with pihak bank on the court appearance date.....if not...then pasrah jer.....
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thanks tomyam... thanks elia
means... selagi laki dia x bayor abes keta tuh... selagi my fren as a gurantor x bayar utang keta tuh.... selagi tuh la my fren ni akan bengkrap kan?....
anyway... kl bercerai.... ade kah status bengkrap ni akan pengaruhi leputusan mahkamah utk hak penjagaan anak?... tp in this case.. 2-2 pulak bengkrap |
pasal HR...
kwn ko kena check balik offer letter yg dia sign memula dulu..
ada tak klaus yg kata dia kena notify HR/management if declared bankrupt..
certain kompani ada policy mcm nih, perlu notify..worst case is mmg ada kompeni yg ada policy employment will be terminated immediately kalo declared bankrupt..
so sila check offer letter, or if any doubt (xingat dah simpan offer letter kat mana), pergi lah bertanya pada HR manager kompeni masing2... |
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Tak payah la jadi gurantor sesiapa untuk loan ini walau suami/isteri sendiri. Tak payah! |
Laki x guna. Menyusahkan hidup. Enak sja dia. |
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