{ALL ABOUT ZUL ARIFFIN} : ZA's current project - Misteri Dilaila, Sangkar &
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brums08 replied at 10-4-2018 04:17 PM
Zul reply to salina saibi juga..zul jwp oit kak long.I duk scroll tapi tak jumpa apa salina saibi ...
Komen gitu jer.. |
oh..obviously there's no cinloklah with hjh...sbb yg cinlok mmg normally diorg xde public conversation. lega i.
brums08 replied at 10-4-2018 04:22 PM
Rasa mcm jari irah...pls.somebody gi cari pic jari irah or kakG.Kita csi sama2.
Jari tu kurus tak? |
hebat kuasa hjh...bole naikkn n jatuhkan hero. what a proud to be the chosen one. popularity naik mendadak tu. now FA pn dah kawin...sure merudumlah. |
mau ZA kna warning dgn kak G nnt. dahlah thn ni byk filem. yg on screen. yg shooting. pls ZA...jgn ada kontroversi lg... |
xde sapa yg smpat snap pic jari with diamond ring tu ke? iols nak sgt tgkkkk |
cheesepastry replied at 10-4-2018 05:08 PM
xde sapa yg smpat snap pic jari with diamond ring tu ke? iols nak sgt tgkkkk
Tu lah.. gigih i cari ari tu, tapi tk jumpe. Now ape2 jer igs ZA, kite screenshot. Boleh jd bahan bukti untuk polis2 benang ni. Hehe |
cheesepastry replied at 10-4-2018 05:07 PM
mau ZA kna warning dgn kak G nnt. dahlah thn ni byk filem. yg on screen. yg shooting. pls ZA...jgn ...
Tu lah.. ZA, pls pandai2 jaga diri.. |
cheesepastry replied at 10-4-2018 05:04 PM
hebat kuasa hjh...bole naikkn n jatuhkan hero. what a proud to be the chosen one. popularity naik ...
Hebat kan.. ada duit semua jalan gitu.. |
cheesepastry replied at 10-4-2018 04:58 PM
oh..obviously there's no cinloklah with hjh...sbb yg cinlok mmg normally diorg xde public conversa ...
Hahaha.. dgn hajah tu, i tk rasa pun ada cinlok. Sekadar ajinomoto nk sedap kn lauk jer. ZA patut stay jer ngan his "Maggi Cukup Rasa".. |
cheesepastry replied at 10-4-2018 04:56 PM
fuhhh...soklan maut...serammm. Laki i till jannah konsepnya...tak sanggup nak meredah kak g ...
Mesti lah best..  |

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Post time 10-4-2018 05:32 PM
From the mobile phone
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Nana_Man replied at 10-4-2018 05:10 PM
Tu lah.. gigih i cari ari tu, tapi tk jumpe. Now ape2 jer igs ZA, kite screenshot. Boleh jd bahan ...
Yes,pls. Screenshot and tepek sini....ramai2 CSI... |
harumanis replied at 10-4-2018 08:43 AM
But whyyyy???? Bab ni.I tak faham....why laa ZA? Gf cantik gilaa kot...tayang je laa....tell the w ...
Tapi mmg kesian ah klu still in relationship tpi diperlakukan begitu..ZA boleh plk bergambar ngn kak G abis event..sadis tgk dia terasing dari fmly ZA pdhal dulu ok je duk komen2 ngn minahyoga kt ig |
brums08 replied at 10-4-2018 04:18 PM
Zul selalu reply kalau kwn artis yg komen or org yg dia kenal.Cuma zm or ayda tak penah komen..kak ...
Uish ngn ayda pernah la dulu2 zmn maid n RA..sama jgk ngn kak G zmn diorng couple..cuma ngn ZM i perasan mcm xde..kalo ZM komen pun ZA xreply |

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Post time 10-4-2018 05:44 PM
From the mobile phone
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Siakapjantan replied at 10-4-2018 05:40 PM
Tapi mmg kesian ah klu still in relationship tpi diperlakukan begitu..ZA boleh plk bergambar ngn k ...
Memang sadis....kalau kaka mmg tak sanggup jd kekasih gelap cenggini.....kaka sejenis nak kena tayang bf serata alam....and kaka nk bf akak pun declare serata alam yg dia kaka punya......his mine nobody can take him from me....gitewwww.... |
harumanis replied at 10-4-2018 05:44 PM
Memang sadis....kalau kaka mmg tak sanggup jd kekasih gelap cenggini.....kaka sejenis nak kena tay ...
Agree tu.. i rasa if only ZA openly declare yg ZM tu memang his gf, still together atau dah putus ke, his life is definitely easier. Even if tak kawin ngan ZM, org pun leh accept yg tu bkn jodoh dia. |
Sis @brums08 , since u're the only witness kat case Jari-jemari Maggi Kasih Sayang, adakah ini jari yg samer? Tolong jawap ngan jujur. Hehehe
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Post time 10-4-2018 06:05 PM
From the mobile phone
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Siakapjantan replied at 10-4-2018 05:43 PM
Uish ngn ayda pernah la dulu2 zmn maid n RA..sama jgk ngn kak G zmn diorng couple..cuma ngn ZM i p ...
Kannn...dg AJ dulu berbalas2 post gambar kat ig...balas2 komen.... |
harumanis replied at 10-4-2018 06:05 PM
Kannn...dg AJ dulu berbalas2 post gambar kat ig...balas2 komen....
Lepas dah tkde ape2, terus delete those posts. Tapi AJ tk delete posts2 tu. |
Nari ZA pakai white T-shirt...  |
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